Personal Page

Gabriel Cerdas Zúñiga

Name: Gabriel Cerdas Zúñiga
Region: Costa Rica
Competitions: 5
WCA ID: Gabriel Cerdas Zúñiga2023ZUNI03
Gender: Male
Career: 2023.07.08 - 2024.04.06
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube3448691869910.4911.641274933002645/45
2x2x2 Cube729252330523.694.27134253800265/5
4x4x4 Cube4847041877853.3956.351512437423912/12
3x3x3 One-Handed111283523515.7417.4230567538135/35

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Newcomers Costa Rica 2024Final7 11.39 11.75
13.79     11.77     11.39     11.60     11.87
Second round5 11.06 11.64
11.81     11.26     11.85     12.99     11.06
First round7 11.22 13.80
13.89     14.65     13.75     11.22     13.77
Cubing Revival Terramall SD 2024Second round14 11.56 12.59
12.07     11.56     13.39     13.94     12.31
First round11 10.49 11.87
11.63     11.65     10.49     12.32     13.33
Costa Rican Championship 2023Second round16 11.57 13.14
13.94     12.58     11.57     12.90     14.20
First round21 10.65 13.79
18.97     12.53     14.10     10.65     14.75
Grace Cubing Cedros 2023First round15 10.68 14.17
15.79     16.57     12.93     10.68     13.78
Cube Factory Masters DS 2023First round14 11.67 13.27
13.01     16.45     11.67     14.38     12.41
2x2x2 Cube
Newcomers Costa Rica 2024Final6 3.69 4.27
4.99      4.08      3.69      5.06      3.75
4x4x4 Cube
Cubing Revival Terramall SD 2024First round16 53.39 56.35
53.39     1:09.08   56.66     56.82     55.57
Costa Rican Championship 2023First round23 59.48 1:04.60
1:09.55   1:02.50   1:06.85   1:04.45   59.48
Cube Factory Masters DS 2023Final17 1:12.22
1:15.88   1:12.22
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Costa Rican Championship 2023Final4 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Newcomers Costa Rica 2024Final2 15.74 17.42
15.74     20.32     17.38     17.44     17.45
Cubing Revival Terramall SD 2024Final6 17.94 20.75
17.94     27.37     23.02     19.86     19.37
First round5 17.40 19.54
17.40     18.09     30.88     18.35     22.17
Costa Rican Championship 2023Final4 18.53 19.91
20.82     25.83     19.47     18.53     19.43
First round7 18.24 20.47
37.18     21.07     18.24     21.59     18.74
Grace Cubing Cedros 2023Final10 22.18 25.23
29.31     27.35     22.18     23.37     24.96
Cube Factory Masters DS 2023Final13 26.11 32.54
41.08     28.45     26.11     28.08     44.46
Cubing Revival Terramall SD 2024Final9 1:23.73 1:30.59
1:36.95   1:27.52   1:27.30   1:47.19   1:23.73
First round9 1:16.09 1:29.93
1:16.09   1:29.42   1:28.33   1:33.88   1:32.05
Costa Rican Championship 2023First round15 1:44.88 2:04.67
1:47.07   2:25.21   2:08.91   2:18.04   1:44.88
Grace Cubing Cedros 2023Final13 1:43.77 1:51.71
1:43.77   1:51.39   1:56.02   2:31.88   1:47.71
Newcomers Costa Rica 2024Final16 8.33 13.47
16.88     8.40      DNF       15.13     8.33
Cubing Revival Terramall SD 2024Final9 8.97 13.12
14.90     17.84     8.97      12.32     12.13
First round10 7.33 9.85
10.37     9.53      9.66      12.61     7.33
Costa Rican Championship 2023First round23 6.56 15.86
16.67     17.16     20.23     6.56      13.75
Grace Cubing Cedros 2023Final24 13.33 16.47
16.10     19.51     13.81     22.33     13.33
Newcomers Costa Rica 2024Final5 7.20 7.93
7.52      7.20      8.72      8.97      7.55
Cubing Revival Terramall SD 2024Final7 5.16 8.16
22.33     9.90      7.14      5.16      7.45
First round8 7.27 9.40
9.44      8.25      10.52     7.27      23.89
Costa Rican Championship 2023Final10 5.18 6.90
5.18      7.66      9.50      7.72      5.32
First round10 6.90 8.95
7.60      9.87      6.90      9.38      14.30
Grace Cubing Cedros 2023Final9 5.87 10.05
41.18     12.51     5.87      8.86      8.77
Newcomers Costa Rica 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 11.39 11.75
13.79     11.77     11.39     11.60     11.87
Second round5 11.06 11.64
11.81     11.26     11.85     12.99     11.06
First round7 11.22 13.80
13.89     14.65     13.75     11.22     13.77
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 3.69 4.27
4.99      4.08      3.69      5.06      3.75
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 15.74 17.42
15.74     20.32     17.38     17.44     17.45
PyraminxFinal16 8.33 13.47
16.88     8.40      DNF       15.13     8.33
SkewbFinal5 7.20 7.93
7.52      7.20      8.72      8.97      7.55
Cubing Revival Terramall SD 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round14 11.56 12.59
12.07     11.56     13.39     13.94     12.31
First round11 10.49 11.87
11.63     11.65     10.49     12.32     13.33
4x4x4 CubeFirst round16 53.39 56.35
53.39     1:09.08   56.66     56.82     55.57
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 17.94 20.75
17.94     27.37     23.02     19.86     19.37
First round5 17.40 19.54
17.40     18.09     30.88     18.35     22.17
MegaminxFinal9 1:23.73 1:30.59
1:36.95   1:27.52   1:27.30   1:47.19   1:23.73
First round9 1:16.09 1:29.93
1:16.09   1:29.42   1:28.33   1:33.88   1:32.05
PyraminxFinal9 8.97 13.12
14.90     17.84     8.97      12.32     12.13
First round10 7.33 9.85
10.37     9.53      9.66      12.61     7.33
SkewbFinal7 5.16 8.16
22.33     9.90      7.14      5.16      7.45
First round8 7.27 9.40
9.44      8.25      10.52     7.27      23.89
Costa Rican Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round16 11.57 13.14
13.94     12.58     11.57     12.90     14.20
First round21 10.65 13.79
18.97     12.53     14.10     10.65     14.75
4x4x4 CubeFirst round23 59.48 1:04.60
1:09.55   1:02.50   1:06.85   1:04.45   59.48
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 18.53 19.91
20.82     25.83     19.47     18.53     19.43
First round7 18.24 20.47
37.18     21.07     18.24     21.59     18.74
MegaminxFirst round15 1:44.88 2:04.67
1:47.07   2:25.21   2:08.91   2:18.04   1:44.88
PyraminxFirst round23 6.56 15.86
16.67     17.16     20.23     6.56      13.75
SkewbFinal10 5.18 6.90
5.18      7.66      9.50      7.72      5.32
First round10 6.90 8.95
7.60      9.87      6.90      9.38      14.30
Grace Cubing Cedros 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round15 10.68 14.17
15.79     16.57     12.93     10.68     13.78
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal10 22.18 25.23
29.31     27.35     22.18     23.37     24.96
MegaminxFinal13 1:43.77 1:51.71
1:43.77   1:51.39   1:56.02   2:31.88   1:47.71
PyraminxFinal24 13.33 16.47
16.10     19.51     13.81     22.33     13.33
SkewbFinal9 5.87 10.05
41.18     12.51     5.87      8.86      8.77
Cube Factory Masters DS 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round14 11.67 13.27
13.01     16.45     11.67     14.38     12.41
4x4x4 CubeFinal17 1:12.22
1:15.88   1:12.22
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal13 26.11 32.54
41.08     28.45     26.11     28.08     44.46
52024-04-06Newcomers Costa Rica 2024Costa RicaCartago
42024-01-20~21Cubing Revival Terramall SD 2024Costa RicaSan Diego, Cartago
32023-12-01~03Costa Rican Championship 2023Costa RicaSan José
22023-09-23Grace Cubing Cedros 2023Costa RicaCedros de Montes de Oca
12023-07-08Cube Factory Masters DS 2023Costa RicaDesamparados, San José