Personal Page

Raffaele Amato

Name: Raffaele Amato
Region: Italy
Competitions: 4
WCA ID: Raffaele Amato2024AMAT01
Gender: Male
Career: 2024.01.27 - 2025.01.26
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube786152746185015.5618.95629921549878735/35
2x2x2 Cube3667418234813.104.9824745740236929/30
4x4x4 Cube51510025355811:13.471:28.193543299794916/7
5x5x5 Cube3807627245882:42.564/4

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Sicily Winter 2025Second round25 15.56 18.95
19.24     20.59     17.03     21.71     15.56
First round30 17.81 21.93
26.55     17.81     21.63     20.10     24.07
Roma ar Cubbo 2024Second round64 17.34 21.51
19.14     22.08     23.30     25.87     17.34
First round60 17.23 19.81
20.18     26.72     17.23     19.33     19.92
Sicily Summer: Arancina 2024Second round27 28.21 29.00
28.21     28.58     29.98     33.31     28.44
First round26 18.07 25.52
18.07     28.40     27.19     20.98     40.29
Paternò: Back To Sicily 2024First round41 26.27 34.81
39.81     28.53     36.10     45.28     26.27
2x2x2 Cube
Sicily Winter 2025Final10 3.10 4.98
5.19      3.10      4.93      4.82      DNF
First round18 3.97 6.15
7.64      6.50      3.97      4.93      7.01
Sicily Summer: Arancina 2024Final18 3.27 8.43
3.27      9.21      5.50      10.67     10.57
Second round14 4.04 6.09
7.06      6.56      4.04      4.64      7.68
First round14 5.12 5.98
8.84      5.95      5.63      5.12      6.36
Paternò: Back To Sicily 2024First round18 4.92 7.14
9.51      6.38      5.86      4.92      9.17
4x4x4 Cube
Sicily Winter 2025First round24 1:13.47 1:28.19
1:33.24   1:13.47   1:37.50   1:23.54   1:27.78
Roma ar Cubbo 2024Final45 1:19.58
1:19.58   DNF
5x5x5 Cube
Sicily Winter 2025First round20 2:48.66
2:48.66   3:34.19
Roma ar Cubbo 2024Final28 2:42.56
3:03.37   2:42.56
Sicily Winter 2025Final10 5.72 8.30
8.48      9.67      6.74      11.09     5.72
Roma ar Cubbo 2024Final26 3.42 9.78
12.10     8.22      3.42      11.73     9.38
First round29 8.47 10.75
8.47      13.08     10.41     8.75      15.78
Sicily Summer: Arancina 2024Final13 7.77 12.42
7.77      11.78     14.39     DNF       11.10
First round18 10.93 13.88
11.47     15.10     15.06     10.93     19.05
Paternò: Back To Sicily 2024First round22 8.89 15.27
16.32     12.74     8.89      16.76     18.89
Sicily Winter 2025Final12 8.78 13.71
12.32     8.78      14.48     16.41     14.32
Roma ar Cubbo 2024First round52 9.10 DNF
DNF       11.35     9.98      9.10      DNF
Sicily Summer: Arancina 2024Final12 7.27 17.17
24.60     DNF       12.24     7.27      14.67
First round11 9.74 14.12
9.74      16.34     12.13     15.75     14.47
Sicily Winter 2025
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 15.56 18.95
19.24     20.59     17.03     21.71     15.56
First round30 17.81 21.93
26.55     17.81     21.63     20.10     24.07
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 3.10 4.98
5.19      3.10      4.93      4.82      DNF
First round18 3.97 6.15
7.64      6.50      3.97      4.93      7.01
4x4x4 CubeFirst round24 1:13.47 1:28.19
1:33.24   1:13.47   1:37.50   1:23.54   1:27.78
5x5x5 CubeFirst round20 2:48.66
2:48.66   3:34.19
PyraminxFinal10 5.72 8.30
8.48      9.67      6.74      11.09     5.72
SkewbFinal12 8.78 13.71
12.32     8.78      14.48     16.41     14.32
Roma ar Cubbo 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round64 17.34 21.51
19.14     22.08     23.30     25.87     17.34
First round60 17.23 19.81
20.18     26.72     17.23     19.33     19.92
4x4x4 CubeFinal45 1:19.58
1:19.58   DNF
5x5x5 CubeFinal28 2:42.56
3:03.37   2:42.56
PyraminxFinal26 3.42 9.78
12.10     8.22      3.42      11.73     9.38
First round29 8.47 10.75
8.47      13.08     10.41     8.75      15.78
SkewbFirst round52 9.10 DNF
DNF       11.35     9.98      9.10      DNF
Sicily Summer: Arancina 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round27 28.21 29.00
28.21     28.58     29.98     33.31     28.44
First round26 18.07 25.52
18.07     28.40     27.19     20.98     40.29
2x2x2 CubeFinal18 3.27 8.43
3.27      9.21      5.50      10.67     10.57
Second round14 4.04 6.09
7.06      6.56      4.04      4.64      7.68
First round14 5.12 5.98
8.84      5.95      5.63      5.12      6.36
PyraminxFinal13 7.77 12.42
7.77      11.78     14.39     DNF       11.10
First round18 10.93 13.88
11.47     15.10     15.06     10.93     19.05
SkewbFinal12 7.27 17.17
24.60     DNF       12.24     7.27      14.67
First round11 9.74 14.12
9.74      16.34     12.13     15.75     14.47
Paternò: Back To Sicily 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round41 26.27 34.81
39.81     28.53     36.10     45.28     26.27
2x2x2 CubeFirst round18 4.92 7.14
9.51      6.38      5.86      4.92      9.17
PyraminxFirst round22 8.89 15.27
16.32     12.74     8.89      16.76     18.89
42025-01-25~26Sicily Winter 2025ItalyPaternò, Catania
32024-09-14~15Roma ar Cubbo 2024ItalyRoma
22024-07-06~07Sicily Summer: Arancina 2024ItalySan Giuseppe Jato, Palermo
12024-01-27~28Paternò: Back To Sicily 2024ItalyPaternò, Catania