Personal Page

Elijah Dunn

Name: Elijah Dunn
Region: Australia
Competitions: 3
WCA ID: Elijah Dunn2024DUNN08
Gender: Male
Career: 2024.06.28 - 2024.09.22
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube300136348496319.0721.99788453288270523/25
2x2x2 Cube12891606310353.586.67514052681217825/25
4x4x4 Cube18632339519441:48.122/4

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
MarsdeNxN 2024Second round88 19.13 27.29
19.13     30.89     DNF       22.28     28.71
First round75 19.07 21.99
19.73     19.07     21.14     33.67     25.11
Chilling in Toowoomba 2024First round53 25.49 28.06
32.35     31.39     25.49     26.39     26.39
Queensland Open 2024Second round145 22.87 30.66
30.72     30.74     30.52     22.87     DNF
First round144 20.17 25.96
30.87     20.17     24.17     31.86     22.85
2x2x2 Cube
MarsdeNxN 2024Second round66 6.36 6.87
6.36      7.18      6.92      7.28      6.51
First round67 3.58 6.67
5.98      3.58      7.92      11.67     6.12
Chilling in Toowoomba 2024First round41 3.72 6.91
3.72      9.93      5.03      6.27      9.43
Queensland Open 2024Second round105 4.76 6.89
5.26      7.63      12.43     4.76      7.78
First round130 4.45 7.65
9.70      8.58      7.30      4.45      7.07
4x4x4 Cube
MarsdeNxN 2024First round65 1:48.12
1:48.12   DNF
Chilling in Toowoomba 2024First round50 2:14.28
2:14.28   DNF
Queensland Open 2024First round75 DNF
DNF       DNF
Chilling in Toowoomba 2024First round53 10.17 17.41
15.75     10.17     13.64     22.83     23.64
Queensland Open 2024First round185 14.98 DNF
30.23     14.98     31.18     DNF       DNF
Queensland Open 2024First round102 14.30 20.72
21.27     14.30     17.48     23.40     27.39
MarsdeNxN 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round88 19.13 27.29
19.13     30.89     DNF       22.28     28.71
First round75 19.07 21.99
19.73     19.07     21.14     33.67     25.11
2x2x2 CubeSecond round66 6.36 6.87
6.36      7.18      6.92      7.28      6.51
First round67 3.58 6.67
5.98      3.58      7.92      11.67     6.12
4x4x4 CubeFirst round65 1:48.12
1:48.12   DNF
Chilling in Toowoomba 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round53 25.49 28.06
32.35     31.39     25.49     26.39     26.39
2x2x2 CubeFirst round41 3.72 6.91
3.72      9.93      5.03      6.27      9.43
4x4x4 CubeFirst round50 2:14.28
2:14.28   DNF
PyraminxFirst round53 10.17 17.41
15.75     10.17     13.64     22.83     23.64
Queensland Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round145 22.87 30.66
30.72     30.74     30.52     22.87     DNF
First round144 20.17 25.96
30.87     20.17     24.17     31.86     22.85
2x2x2 CubeSecond round105 4.76 6.89
5.26      7.63      12.43     4.76      7.78
First round130 4.45 7.65
9.70      8.58      7.30      4.45      7.07
MegaminxFirst round75 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round185 14.98 DNF
30.23     14.98     31.18     DNF       DNF
SkewbFirst round102 14.30 20.72
21.27     14.30     17.48     23.40     27.39
32024-09-21~22MarsdeNxN 2024AustraliaBrisbane, Queensland
22024-08-24~25Chilling in Toowoomba 2024AustraliaToowoomba, Queensland
12024-06-28~30Queensland Open 2024AustraliaBrisbane, Queensland