Personal Page

Artur Miranda Freire

Name: Artur Miranda Freire
Region: Brazil
Competitions: 7
WCA ID: Artur Miranda Freire2024FREI01
Gender: Male
Career: 2024.01.20 - 2024.07.28
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube46920182699311.6416.1541082318774554/55
2x2x2 Cube192805111502.434.8320891142832464/65
4x4x4 Cube5932879371021:18.841:28.0333594263154417/17
3x3x3 One-Handed34113991789623.7329.0517583137233550/50

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Xerém Open 2024First round13 11.64 16.27
18.88     18.75     15.56     11.64     14.50
Paraíso ao Cubo DC 2024Second round13 13.08 16.15
13.08     16.63     17.68     15.60     16.21
First round13 14.88 19.36
20.54     17.81     19.72     22.02     14.88
Rio Cubolympics 2024Second round25 14.88 18.54
15.86     18.66     22.38     21.11     14.88
First round25 14.68 17.77
19.35     20.49     14.68     16.85     17.11
Soares Herdy Open 2024First round16 14.42 17.17
17.24     18.40     14.42     19.92     15.88
Opentrópolis CEFET 2024Second round18 16.21 19.52
16.21     DNF       18.11     19.44     21.02
First round20 16.72 20.19
23.26     20.14     17.16     16.72     29.70
Bora Bora Barra Summer 2024Second round28 18.87 26.37
27.65     26.57     25.55     18.87     27.00
First round23 16.70 20.12
34.45     16.70     21.90     21.16     17.29
Partage Summer 2024First round21 21.53 27.44
26.04     31.86     21.53     32.97     24.41
2x2x2 Cube
Xerém Open 2024First round13 4.67 6.00
4.67      6.37      6.33      7.21      5.31
Paraíso ao Cubo DC 2024Second round12 4.81 6.12
5.94      6.63      8.20      4.81      5.78
First round12 4.37 6.22
6.55      7.00      5.11      DNF       4.37
Rio Cubolympics 2024Second round20 2.43 4.91
5.72      4.32      2.43      6.98      4.68
First round22 2.92 5.32
7.27      5.17      2.92      5.62      5.17
Soares Herdy Open 2024Second round14 4.36 5.99
6.14      4.36      7.84      7.02      4.82
First round12 4.31 5.53
9.29      5.49      5.66      4.31      5.45
Opentrópolis CEFET 2024Second round19 5.32 7.17
8.28      10.26     6.41      5.32      6.81
First round11 3.85 4.83
4.60      7.08      4.16      5.74      3.85
Bora Bora Barra Summer 2024Final11 5.14 5.41
5.26      5.23      5.14      7.46      5.74
Second round12 4.80 5.03
4.80      5.24      5.27      4.86      4.99
First round19 4.40 5.69
5.51      4.40      5.01      6.54      7.51
Partage Summer 2024First round19 5.37 6.88
7.73      5.91      7.80      7.00      5.37
4x4x4 Cube
Paraíso ao Cubo DC 2024Final13 1:23.70 1:33.88
1:31.21   1:41.19   1:45.44   1:29.24   1:23.70
Soares Herdy Open 2024Final13 1:18.84 1:28.03
1:36.84   1:18.84   1:38.90   1:19.87   1:27.39
Opentrópolis CEFET 2024First round16 1:26.56 1:33.60
1:33.68   1:37.37   1:29.75   1:38.73   1:26.56
Partage Summer 2024First round18 1:46.77
1:46.77   1:57.13
3x3x3 One-Handed
Xerém Open 2024Second round9 24.37 30.56
24.37     33.20     27.00     33.63     31.47
First round9 26.03 29.79
31.07     26.45     31.85     26.03     33.47
Paraíso ao Cubo DC 2024Final8 23.85 29.05
32.72     23.85     25.83     32.16     29.17
Rio Cubolympics 2024Second round18 25.99 30.36
30.16     25.99     37.47     32.77     28.15
First round18 25.57 30.20
37.66     25.57     29.43     31.27     29.90
Soares Herdy Open 2024Final13 29.60 33.95
29.60     40.76     32.50     38.53     30.81
Opentrópolis CEFET 2024Second round15 23.73 35.48
36.76     23.73     54.29     45.19     24.50
First round15 31.17 33.44
36.44     39.24     31.47     32.41     31.17
Bora Bora Barra Summer 2024First round23 44.76 53.17
54.64     44.76     52.72     52.14     1:04.73
Partage Summer 2024First round17 47.98 54.75
47.98     53.12     48.82     1:02.32   1:06.46
Xerém Open 2024Final3 6.60 7.44
6.88      7.91      7.53      11.36     6.60
Paraíso ao Cubo DC 2024Final3 6.86 9.27
10.52     6.86      8.54      9.40      9.86
First round5 8.19 10.05
11.57     11.86     8.53      8.19      10.06
Rio Cubolympics 2024Final5 7.78 8.76
7.90      DNF       7.78      8.65      9.72
Second round4 8.31 8.84
8.49      9.49      8.55      8.31      DNF
First round5 6.14 8.42
7.69      6.14      8.56      9.02      11.44
Soares Herdy Open 2024Final7 8.89 DNF
DNF       14.57     DNF       10.28     8.89
Xerém Open 2024Final8 1:35.28 1:47.18
1:49.61   1:35.28   1:39.90   1:52.03   1:59.33
Soares Herdy Open 2024Final12 3:20.47 3:36.55
3:23.67   3:48.59   3:20.47   3:37.40   3:50.10
Xerém Open 2024Final3 3.95 6.38
10.00     3.95      6.48      5.74      6.92
Paraíso ao Cubo DC 2024Final3 6.06 7.01
6.65      7.27      6.06      7.18      7.21
First round5 5.50 7.23
7.16      8.72      12.55     5.50      5.82
Rio Cubolympics 2024Final4 5.29 5.95
5.39      6.97      6.88      5.58      5.29
Second round6 5.11 6.63
5.11      5.16      7.20      7.54      9.42
First round7 5.46 6.34
9.29      6.13      6.68      6.20      5.46
Soares Herdy Open 2024Final9 6.07 10.02
7.17      9.38      13.52     6.07      14.66
Opentrópolis CEFET 2024Final6 5.17 7.87
9.89      8.34      5.17      8.67      6.61
First round4 5.30 6.95
5.30      9.06      7.59      6.36      6.90
Bora Bora Barra Summer 2024Final10 6.14 9.00
6.68      9.47      10.85     6.14      DNF
Second round7 6.08 7.25
8.88      6.08      6.11      10.01     6.77
First round8 6.21 8.07
6.21      10.97     7.60      9.49      7.12
Partage Summer 2024First round11 7.41 11.11
14.63     10.63     17.82     7.41      8.06
Xerém Open 2024Final9 5.11 7.70
5.11      7.36      7.34      8.75      8.40
Paraíso ao Cubo DC 2024Final9 5.14 8.83
8.64      12.48     5.93      11.91     5.14
Rio Cubolympics 2024Second round20 9.65 11.92
11.79     13.50     9.65      12.21     11.76
First round20 9.29 12.03
14.18     9.29      10.53     25.12     11.38
Soares Herdy Open 2024Final11 6.01 11.29
11.95     12.60     12.27     9.66      6.01
Opentrópolis CEFET 2024First round14 5.15 10.73
5.15      12.59     12.20     10.27     9.72
Bora Bora Barra Summer 2024Second round14 7.12 10.90
10.07     18.24     7.12      10.77     11.87
First round15 10.56 13.84
14.20     13.17     14.14     10.56     14.21
Partage Summer 2024First round17 7.70 14.05
7.70      24.32     15.79     12.22     14.13
Xerém Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round13 11.64 16.27
18.88     18.75     15.56     11.64     14.50
2x2x2 CubeFirst round13 4.67 6.00
4.67      6.37      6.33      7.21      5.31
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round9 24.37 30.56
24.37     33.20     27.00     33.63     31.47
First round9 26.03 29.79
31.07     26.45     31.85     26.03     33.47
ClockFinal3 6.60 7.44
6.88      7.91      7.53      11.36     6.60
MegaminxFinal8 1:35.28 1:47.18
1:49.61   1:35.28   1:39.90   1:52.03   1:59.33
PyraminxFinal3 3.95 6.38
10.00     3.95      6.48      5.74      6.92
SkewbFinal9 5.11 7.70
5.11      7.36      7.34      8.75      8.40
Paraíso ao Cubo DC 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round13 13.08 16.15
13.08     16.63     17.68     15.60     16.21
First round13 14.88 19.36
20.54     17.81     19.72     22.02     14.88
2x2x2 CubeSecond round12 4.81 6.12
5.94      6.63      8.20      4.81      5.78
First round12 4.37 6.22
6.55      7.00      5.11      DNF       4.37
4x4x4 CubeFinal13 1:23.70 1:33.88
1:31.21   1:41.19   1:45.44   1:29.24   1:23.70
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal8 23.85 29.05
32.72     23.85     25.83     32.16     29.17
ClockFinal3 6.86 9.27
10.52     6.86      8.54      9.40      9.86
First round5 8.19 10.05
11.57     11.86     8.53      8.19      10.06
PyraminxFinal3 6.06 7.01
6.65      7.27      6.06      7.18      7.21
First round5 5.50 7.23
7.16      8.72      12.55     5.50      5.82
SkewbFinal9 5.14 8.83
8.64      12.48     5.93      11.91     5.14
Rio Cubolympics 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 14.88 18.54
15.86     18.66     22.38     21.11     14.88
First round25 14.68 17.77
19.35     20.49     14.68     16.85     17.11
2x2x2 CubeSecond round20 2.43 4.91
5.72      4.32      2.43      6.98      4.68
First round22 2.92 5.32
7.27      5.17      2.92      5.62      5.17
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round18 25.99 30.36
30.16     25.99     37.47     32.77     28.15
First round18 25.57 30.20
37.66     25.57     29.43     31.27     29.90
ClockFinal5 7.78 8.76
7.90      DNF       7.78      8.65      9.72
Second round4 8.31 8.84
8.49      9.49      8.55      8.31      DNF
First round5 6.14 8.42
7.69      6.14      8.56      9.02      11.44
PyraminxFinal4 5.29 5.95
5.39      6.97      6.88      5.58      5.29
Second round6 5.11 6.63
5.11      5.16      7.20      7.54      9.42
First round7 5.46 6.34
9.29      6.13      6.68      6.20      5.46
SkewbSecond round20 9.65 11.92
11.79     13.50     9.65      12.21     11.76
First round20 9.29 12.03
14.18     9.29      10.53     25.12     11.38
Soares Herdy Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round16 14.42 17.17
17.24     18.40     14.42     19.92     15.88
2x2x2 CubeSecond round14 4.36 5.99
6.14      4.36      7.84      7.02      4.82
First round12 4.31 5.53
9.29      5.49      5.66      4.31      5.45
4x4x4 CubeFinal13 1:18.84 1:28.03
1:36.84   1:18.84   1:38.90   1:19.87   1:27.39
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal13 29.60 33.95
29.60     40.76     32.50     38.53     30.81
ClockFinal7 8.89 DNF
DNF       14.57     DNF       10.28     8.89
MegaminxFinal12 3:20.47 3:36.55
3:23.67   3:48.59   3:20.47   3:37.40   3:50.10
PyraminxFinal9 6.07 10.02
7.17      9.38      13.52     6.07      14.66
SkewbFinal11 6.01 11.29
11.95     12.60     12.27     9.66      6.01
Opentrópolis CEFET 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 16.21 19.52
16.21     DNF       18.11     19.44     21.02
First round20 16.72 20.19
23.26     20.14     17.16     16.72     29.70
2x2x2 CubeSecond round19 5.32 7.17
8.28      10.26     6.41      5.32      6.81
First round11 3.85 4.83
4.60      7.08      4.16      5.74      3.85
4x4x4 CubeFirst round16 1:26.56 1:33.60
1:33.68   1:37.37   1:29.75   1:38.73   1:26.56
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round15 23.73 35.48
36.76     23.73     54.29     45.19     24.50
First round15 31.17 33.44
36.44     39.24     31.47     32.41     31.17
PyraminxFinal6 5.17 7.87
9.89      8.34      5.17      8.67      6.61
First round4 5.30 6.95
5.30      9.06      7.59      6.36      6.90
SkewbFirst round14 5.15 10.73
5.15      12.59     12.20     10.27     9.72
Bora Bora Barra Summer 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 18.87 26.37
27.65     26.57     25.55     18.87     27.00
First round23 16.70 20.12
34.45     16.70     21.90     21.16     17.29
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 5.14 5.41
5.26      5.23      5.14      7.46      5.74
Second round12 4.80 5.03
4.80      5.24      5.27      4.86      4.99
First round19 4.40 5.69
5.51      4.40      5.01      6.54      7.51
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round23 44.76 53.17
54.64     44.76     52.72     52.14     1:04.73
PyraminxFinal10 6.14 9.00
6.68      9.47      10.85     6.14      DNF
Second round7 6.08 7.25
8.88      6.08      6.11      10.01     6.77
First round8 6.21 8.07
6.21      10.97     7.60      9.49      7.12
SkewbSecond round14 7.12 10.90
10.07     18.24     7.12      10.77     11.87
First round15 10.56 13.84
14.20     13.17     14.14     10.56     14.21
Partage Summer 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round21 21.53 27.44
26.04     31.86     21.53     32.97     24.41
2x2x2 CubeFirst round19 5.37 6.88
7.73      5.91      7.80      7.00      5.37
4x4x4 CubeFirst round18 1:46.77
1:46.77   1:57.13
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round17 47.98 54.75
47.98     53.12     48.82     1:02.32   1:06.46
PyraminxFirst round11 7.41 11.11
14.63     10.63     17.82     7.41      8.06
SkewbFirst round17 7.70 14.05
7.70      24.32     15.79     12.22     14.13
72024-07-27~28Xerém Open 2024BrazilDuque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro
62024-06-08Paraíso ao Cubo DC 2024BrazilDuque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro
52024-05-30~06-02Rio Cubolympics 2024BrazilRio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
42024-04-27Soares Herdy Open 2024BrazilSão Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro
32024-03-16~17Opentrópolis CEFET 2024BrazilPetrópolis, Rio de Janeiro
22024-02-24~25Bora Bora Barra Summer 2024BrazilRio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
12024-01-20~21Partage Summer 2024BrazilSão Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro