Personal Page

Atharva Mileend Khandale

Name: Atharva Mileend Khandale
Region: India
Competitions: 3
WCA ID: Atharva Mileend Khandale2024KHAN25
Gender: Male
Career: 2024.05.18 - 2024.08.11
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1406116833197712.2713.4122682843694920/20
2x2x2 Cube6153515137462.613.5362131595252125/25
4x4x4 Cube119310080303201:08.531:14.6727300900510695/5
5x5x5 Cube6916488222662:35.742/2
3x3x3 Blindfolded123108632132:02.333/9

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Puzzling at JHS Aug 2024Final19 13.77 15.60
18.86     14.18     13.77     16.27     16.36
Bangalore Cube Fest B 2024Final4 12.27 13.41
13.72     13.35     12.27     13.16     17.20
CubeX Summer Open Bangalore 2024Second round31 13.97 15.78
15.01     18.30     16.72     15.61     13.97
First round27 14.00 16.03
14.00     20.23     16.64     15.53     15.91
2x2x2 Cube
Puzzling at JHS Aug 2024Final22 2.95 5.93
5.82      2.95      5.27      6.69      6.74
Bangalore Cube Fest B 2024Final1 2.81 3.53
2.81      3.89      2.94      3.76      6.96
CubeX Summer Open Bangalore 2024Final17 2.61 5.18
3.74      2.61      5.43      6.37      7.54
Second round27 5.32 5.90
6.32      5.73      5.64      6.34      5.32
First round34 4.72 6.06
5.71      4.72      6.44      6.03      6.65
4x4x4 Cube
Puzzling at JHS Aug 2024First round22 1:08.53 1:14.67
1:11.48   1:18.11   1:16.72   1:08.53   1:15.81
5x5x5 Cube
Puzzling at JHS Aug 2024Final14 2:35.74
2:55.24   2:35.74
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Puzzling at JHS Aug 2024Final4 2:09.35 DNF
2:09.35   DNF       DNF
First round7 2:02.33 DNF
2:24.88   2:02.33   DNF
CubeX Summer Open Bangalore 2024First round12 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Puzzling at JHS Aug 2024Final19 6.11 10.57
15.29     8.34      DNF       6.11      8.09
Bangalore Cube Fest B 2024Final7 7.20 10.71
13.05     7.20      11.69     8.64      11.81
Bangalore Cube Fest B 2024Final10 7.52 16.17
21.56     11.47     15.49     7.52      29.26
First round10 11.47 16.68
DNF       18.33     11.47     16.80     14.91
3x3x3 Multi-Blind
Puzzling at JHS Aug 2024Final5 DNF
Puzzling at JHS Aug 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal19 13.77 15.60
18.86     14.18     13.77     16.27     16.36
2x2x2 CubeFinal22 2.95 5.93
5.82      2.95      5.27      6.69      6.74
4x4x4 CubeFirst round22 1:08.53 1:14.67
1:11.48   1:18.11   1:16.72   1:08.53   1:15.81
5x5x5 CubeFinal14 2:35.74
2:55.24   2:35.74
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 2:09.35 DNF
2:09.35   DNF       DNF
First round7 2:02.33 DNF
2:24.88   2:02.33   DNF
PyraminxFinal19 6.11 10.57
15.29     8.34      DNF       6.11      8.09
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal5 DNF
Bangalore Cube Fest B 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 12.27 13.41
13.72     13.35     12.27     13.16     17.20
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 2.81 3.53
2.81      3.89      2.94      3.76      6.96
PyraminxFinal7 7.20 10.71
13.05     7.20      11.69     8.64      11.81
SkewbFinal10 7.52 16.17
21.56     11.47     15.49     7.52      29.26
First round10 11.47 16.68
DNF       18.33     11.47     16.80     14.91
CubeX Summer Open Bangalore 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round31 13.97 15.78
15.01     18.30     16.72     15.61     13.97
First round27 14.00 16.03
14.00     20.23     16.64     15.53     15.91
2x2x2 CubeFinal17 2.61 5.18
3.74      2.61      5.43      6.37      7.54
Second round27 5.32 5.90
6.32      5.73      5.64      6.34      5.32
First round34 4.72 6.06
5.71      4.72      6.44      6.03      6.65
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round12 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
32024-08-10~11Puzzling at JHS Aug 2024IndiaBangalore, Karnataka
22024-06-29Bangalore Cube Fest B 2024IndiaBangalore, Karnataka
12024-05-18~19CubeX Summer Open Bangalore 2024IndiaBangalore, Karnataka