Personal Page

Ronald Vargas

Name: Ronald Vargas
Region: Argentina
Competitions: 8
WCA ID: Ronald Vargas2024VARG03
Gender: Male
Career: 2024.01.20 - 2024.11.03
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube51472488551318.6325.0099872848660045/45
2x2x2 Cube2002708351063.707.0059231435833530/30
4x4x4 Cube4024464576191:57.377/10
3x3x3 One-Handed36640464807749.161:04.724517138433559/13

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Lomas de Zamora 2024First round47 20.51 26.00
27.72     21.58     29.57     20.51     28.70
Abierto del Mirador 2024Second round36 22.36 25.00
22.36     25.74     24.65     31.53     24.62
First round38 18.63 25.06
25.18     30.90     23.19     26.81     18.63
SAC 2024First round225 21.89 28.48
26.33     1:00.65   34.27     21.89     24.85
Calentando Motores UTDT D. 2024Second round32 26.04 29.66
36.68     28.56     31.73     26.04     28.68
First round31 22.64 25.16
26.75     23.52     22.64     31.19     25.22
Terrazas de Mayo Cubero 2024First round45 24.26 26.62
33.69     27.25     24.26     25.95     26.66
Abierto de La Matanza 2024First round53 23.43 30.27
31.39     23.43     27.31     33.90     32.10
Bolivia Cubing Tour - LPZ 2024First round87 27.20 46.43
55.81     53.99     46.77     38.54     27.20
2x2x2 Cube
Lomas de Zamora 2024First round39 3.70 8.44
6.37      9.99      8.96      11.20     3.70
SAC 2024Second round151 6.32 7.00
7.69      6.32      6.53      6.79      10.81
First round170 6.04 7.32
6.04      6.09      11.69     8.86      7.02
Calentando Motores UTDT D. 2024First round29 3.72 8.26
8.33      3.72      7.76      18.84     8.68
Di Tella Inspira 2024First round40 7.78 9.13
7.78      8.22      9.99      12.13     9.19
Bolivia Cubing Tour - LPZ 2024First round66 8.07 15.32
24.31     12.24     8.07      15.38     18.33
4x4x4 Cube
Abierto del Mirador 2024First round37 1:57.37
1:57.37   DNF
SAC 2024First round189 2:24.48
DNF       2:24.48
Terrazas de Mayo Cubero 2024First round36 2:07.40
2:36.85   2:07.40
Abierto de La Matanza 2024Final39 2:27.34
2:27.34   2:40.08
Bolivia Cubing Tour - LPZ 2024First round35 2:23.93
DNF       2:23.93
3x3x3 One-Handed
Lomas de Zamora 2024First round36 49.16
49.16     1:28.10
Abierto del Mirador 2024First round34 52.16 1:04.72
1:00.77   1:20.10   53.30     52.16     DNF
SAC 2024First round156 55.53
DNF       55.53
Terrazas de Mayo Cubero 2024First round39 1:22.19
1:22.19   DNF
Abierto de La Matanza 2024Final39 1:36.90
DNF       1:36.90
Abierto del Mirador 2024First round24 3:10.45
DNF       3:10.45
Abierto del Mirador 2024First round17 5.70 10.37
9.97      10.60     12.53     10.53     5.70
SAC 2024Second round97 8.27 10.14
10.36     8.27      11.31     9.89      10.16
First round96 7.13 10.06
10.46     7.13      9.02      10.71     11.57
Calentando Motores UTDT D. 2024Final14 8.41 10.22
8.41      11.21     11.59     10.56     8.90
Di Tella Inspira 2024Final19 9.30 10.32
9.30      9.30      9.52      13.53     12.13
Abierto de La Matanza 2024Final18 6.52 9.48
6.52      8.93      11.91     7.59      18.86
Bolivia Cubing Tour - LPZ 2024First round21 10.63 12.52
16.52     10.63     12.56     13.84     11.17
Abierto del Mirador 2024First round21 6.27 11.19
18.72     6.27      9.93      13.94     9.69
SAC 2024Second round84 6.77 9.74
6.77      9.55      9.50      10.17     49.90
First round98 9.49 12.89
15.82     9.97      12.88     9.49      18.99
Calentando Motores UTDT D. 2024Final12 8.30 11.23
11.05     10.32     16.41     12.33     8.30
First round13 8.97 14.05
10.71     DNF       8.97      18.44     13.00
Terrazas de Mayo Cubero 2024First round19 9.06 10.56
9.06      12.03     9.42      17.10     10.24
Abierto de La Matanza 2024Final22 8.01 11.28
8.01      8.45      17.78     11.63     13.75
Bolivia Cubing Tour - LPZ 2024First round19 11.28 17.64
DNF       21.93     16.84     11.28     14.16
Lomas de Zamora 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round47 20.51 26.00
27.72     21.58     29.57     20.51     28.70
2x2x2 CubeFirst round39 3.70 8.44
6.37      9.99      8.96      11.20     3.70
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round36 49.16
49.16     1:28.10
Abierto del Mirador 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round36 22.36 25.00
22.36     25.74     24.65     31.53     24.62
First round38 18.63 25.06
25.18     30.90     23.19     26.81     18.63
4x4x4 CubeFirst round37 1:57.37
1:57.37   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round34 52.16 1:04.72
1:00.77   1:20.10   53.30     52.16     DNF
MegaminxFirst round24 3:10.45
DNF       3:10.45
PyraminxFirst round17 5.70 10.37
9.97      10.60     12.53     10.53     5.70
SkewbFirst round21 6.27 11.19
18.72     6.27      9.93      13.94     9.69
SAC 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round225 21.89 28.48
26.33     1:00.65   34.27     21.89     24.85
2x2x2 CubeSecond round151 6.32 7.00
7.69      6.32      6.53      6.79      10.81
First round170 6.04 7.32
6.04      6.09      11.69     8.86      7.02
4x4x4 CubeFirst round189 2:24.48
DNF       2:24.48
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round156 55.53
DNF       55.53
PyraminxSecond round97 8.27 10.14
10.36     8.27      11.31     9.89      10.16
First round96 7.13 10.06
10.46     7.13      9.02      10.71     11.57
SkewbSecond round84 6.77 9.74
6.77      9.55      9.50      10.17     49.90
First round98 9.49 12.89
15.82     9.97      12.88     9.49      18.99
Calentando Motores UTDT D. 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round32 26.04 29.66
36.68     28.56     31.73     26.04     28.68
First round31 22.64 25.16
26.75     23.52     22.64     31.19     25.22
2x2x2 CubeFirst round29 3.72 8.26
8.33      3.72      7.76      18.84     8.68
PyraminxFinal14 8.41 10.22
8.41      11.21     11.59     10.56     8.90
SkewbFinal12 8.30 11.23
11.05     10.32     16.41     12.33     8.30
First round13 8.97 14.05
10.71     DNF       8.97      18.44     13.00
Terrazas de Mayo Cubero 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round45 24.26 26.62
33.69     27.25     24.26     25.95     26.66
4x4x4 CubeFirst round36 2:07.40
2:36.85   2:07.40
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round39 1:22.19
1:22.19   DNF
SkewbFirst round19 9.06 10.56
9.06      12.03     9.42      17.10     10.24
Di Tella Inspira 2024
2x2x2 CubeFirst round40 7.78 9.13
7.78      8.22      9.99      12.13     9.19
PyraminxFinal19 9.30 10.32
9.30      9.30      9.52      13.53     12.13
Abierto de La Matanza 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round53 23.43 30.27
31.39     23.43     27.31     33.90     32.10
4x4x4 CubeFinal39 2:27.34
2:27.34   2:40.08
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal39 1:36.90
DNF       1:36.90
PyraminxFinal18 6.52 9.48
6.52      8.93      11.91     7.59      18.86
SkewbFinal22 8.01 11.28
8.01      8.45      17.78     11.63     13.75
Bolivia Cubing Tour - LPZ 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round87 27.20 46.43
55.81     53.99     46.77     38.54     27.20
2x2x2 CubeFirst round66 8.07 15.32
24.31     12.24     8.07      15.38     18.33
4x4x4 CubeFirst round35 2:23.93
DNF       2:23.93
PyraminxFirst round21 10.63 12.52
16.52     10.63     12.56     13.84     11.17
SkewbFirst round19 11.28 17.64
DNF       21.93     16.84     11.28     14.16
82024-11-03Lomas de Zamora 2024ArgentinaLomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires
72024-09-28~29Abierto del Mirador 2024ArgentinaLomas del Mirador, Buenos Aires
62024-07-22~25SAC 2024ArgentinaBuenos Aires, Buenos Aires
52024-06-30Calentando Motores UTDT D. 2024ArgentinaBuenos Aires, Buenos Aires
42024-05-26Terrazas de Mayo Cubero 2024ArgentinaBuenos Aires, Buenos Aires
32024-04-13Di Tella Inspira 2024ArgentinaBuenos Aires, Buenos Aires
22024-02-24Abierto de La Matanza 2024ArgentinaLomas del Mirador, Buenos Aires
12024-01-20~21Bolivia Cubing Tour - LPZ 2024BoliviaLa Paz