

2x2x2方塊    秘魯    所有    單次
800Dilan Christopher Hancco Challco秘魯4.96Cusco Speedcubing 20232023-11-10
Manuel Aurelio Quispe Sánchez秘魯4.96FIGHT Peru 20182018-04-21
803Axel Stev Quispe Pastrana秘魯4.97TCG Space Santa Anita 20232023-10-21
Miguel Angel Condemayta Cutipa秘魯4.97Glorioso San Carlos 20192019-02-16
805Angelo Taranco秘魯4.98Aventura Cúbica VI 20182018-10-20
Sergio Michelle Yzasiga Unzueta秘魯4.98Lima Rubik 20162016-08-27
807Giampier Abanto秘魯4.99Aventura Cubica 20162016-01-23
Hannover Salazar秘魯4.99TCG & Friends 20152015-07-11
Jhon Jeanpiere Sucapuca Gonza秘魯4.99Speedcubing Ilo 20182018-06-09
Rafael Vicente Quispe Rios秘魯4.99Crazy Cubes Open 20172017-07-09
811Percy Daniel Infante Mechato秘魯5.01Torneo de Speedcubers 20162016-10-29
Rodrigo Alonso Medina Roca秘魯5.01FIGHT Peru 20182018-04-21
813Mateo Giuliano Núñez Melgar Rivas秘魯5.02Peru Nationals 20192019-08-16
Samantha Fuentes Garrido秘魯5.02CCS 20182018-03-02
815Giuseppe Vargas Mares秘魯5.03TCG Arequipa 20142014-08-30
Reny Serna秘魯5.03TCG Selva Cubica 20232023-12-10
817Jesús Augusto Gonzales Zamudio秘魯5.04Peru Nationals 20182018-06-29
818Carlos Rafael Mundo Lévano秘魯5.05Lima Rubik 20162016-08-27
Edison Huanca Chipana秘魯5.05UNSA Speedcubing Otoño 20242024-04-27
Santiago Pari Quispe秘魯5.05TCG Deluxe 20192019-01-12
821Hyunjun Lee秘魯5.06TCG Space II Santa Anita 20232023-11-25
822Frank Martin Lujan Meza秘魯5.07Aventura Cúbica V 20182018-01-27
Marcelo Jose Inocente Cornejo秘魯5.07Lima Rubik 20162016-08-27
824Alonso Sanchez Elias秘魯5.08TCG & Friends 20152015-07-11
Jason Gabriel Rutty Navarro秘魯5.08Aventura Cúbica VII 20192019-02-16
Jhair Anthony Ccora Mamani秘魯5.08LatAm Tour - Arequipa 20172017-06-22
Luis Adrian Grados Pezzini秘魯5.08Peru Nationals 20182018-06-29
828Christian Garcia Sanchez秘魯5.09Lima Open 20112011-11-05
Jose Fernando Romero秘魯5.09Lima Cuberano 20202020-01-18
Leonardo André Velásquez Aroquipa秘魯5.09TCG Fall 20192019-06-01
Luis Angel Bujaico De La Cruz秘魯5.09Speedsolving Junín 20182018-08-18
Luis Gutierrez Reyes秘魯5.09Peru Nationals 20182018-06-29
Tomás Velasco秘魯5.09Open PUCP 20242024-03-16
834Favio César Suárez Rique秘魯5.10School Winter Lima 20222022-07-02
Jerson David Asención Anchiraico秘魯5.10Huancayo Summer 20232023-03-18
Paolo Fabrizio Mogollón Bolivia秘魯5.10Crazy Cubes Christmas 20172017-12-16
837Anette Wendy Quipo Kancha秘魯5.11Cusco Speedcubing II 20192019-06-29
Sebastian Carlos Trebejo秘魯5.11UNSA Speedcubing Otoño 20232023-04-15
839Jimy Oscar Choquehuanca Roque秘魯5.12Glorioso San Carlos 20192019-02-16
840Giordan Herry Puerta Cueva秘魯5.13Lima Cubinvierno 20232023-07-22
Martin Palomino Muñoz秘魯5.13Trujillo Open 20112011-08-27
842Brigham Cáceres Gutierrez秘魯5.14Cultural Open 20142014-02-07
Javier Govea Ortiz秘魯5.14Back to the Palace 20142014-03-08
Juan Diego Aron Vargas Delgado秘魯5.14TCG Spring 20192019-12-14
Luis Alberto Pasco Hurtado秘魯5.14Lima Cubinvierno 20232023-07-22
846Joaquín Fabio Lama Garcia秘魯5.15TCG Power Up 20222022-12-03
Renzo Carbajal秘魯5.15Glorioso San Carlos 20202020-02-15
848Angel Ramos秘魯5.16A Romper Tu PB Lima 20202020-02-29
849Carlos Benjamín Pérez Loayza秘魯5.17Real Cube 20222022-08-06
Eduardo Samanez Paz秘魯5.17Andina Speedcubing 20242024-03-15
Gustavo André Diaz Saldaña秘魯5.17Real Geekcuber Pucallpa 20232023-11-04
852Manuel Narrea Azaña秘魯5.18Lima Cuberano 20222022-03-12
Nick Jara Tapia秘魯5.18Chiclayanos Independientes 20232023-07-08
854Diego Simeone Cotera Espinoza秘魯5.19Palacio del Cubo 20192019-11-16
Novak Lionel Salazar Florida秘魯5.19San Juan Cubing 20232023-06-17
Renzo Cacñahuaray Salas秘魯5.19Nacional Perubik 20132013-04-05
857Dargi Hinojosa Saavedra秘魯5.20TCG Arequipa 20142014-08-30
Russel Edson Vilca Davila秘魯5.20Open Plaza Huancayo 20232023-09-23
Victor Arturo Cerna Cárdenas秘魯5.20Pucallpa Open 20182018-03-10
860Alex Mauricio Trinidad秘魯5.21Speedsolving Huancayo 20172017-03-05
Gonzalo Mateo Huerta Valle秘魯5.21Real Cube 20222022-08-06
Lizandro Noel Ramirez Soza秘魯5.21Jaén Mountain Cubes 20182018-10-13
Marcelo Aguilar Arriaga秘魯5.21Aventura Cubica 20162016-01-23
864Gustavo Huanca秘魯5.22UNSA Speedcubing Otoño 20242024-04-27
Helbert Cabana Cáceres秘魯5.22Rubik Pro 20172017-05-21
Nicolas Alarcon秘魯5.22Aventura Cúbica VII 20192019-02-16
Ricardo Vílchez Rodríguez秘魯5.22Lima Rubik 20162016-08-27
868Carlos Gabriel Anicama Duran秘魯5.23Plaza Center Cube Lima IV 20242024-03-02
Jhostin Dayron Barrenechea Narciso秘魯5.23Peru Nationals 20192019-08-16
870Gema Shaden Rios Neyra秘魯5.24Speedcubers Elite Lima 20212021-10-30
Kenay Hancco Quispe秘魯5.24Plaza Norte Rubik 20162016-04-23
872Rodrigo Alonso Mozo Cuba秘魯5.25Plaza Norte Rubik 20162016-04-23
873Heber Lizaraso秘魯5.26Cusco Speedcubing III 20192019-11-30
874Gabriel Alonso Alva Mesa秘魯5.27Speedcubers Elite Lima 20212021-10-30
José M. Vila Torres秘魯5.27Open Plaza Huancayo 20232023-09-23
Marcelo Quispe Cantorin秘魯5.27Speedcubers Elite Lima 20212021-10-30
Maurizio Jair Zavaleta Martinez秘魯5.27UNSA Speedcubing Otoño 20242024-04-27
878Eleazar Rojas秘魯5.28Comercio Rubik 20162016-12-10
Fabian Alessandro Lara Torres秘魯5.28Los Reyes del Cubo Chiclayo 20242024-04-28
880Abigail Esther Shapiama Velasquez秘魯5.29SAM Center Open 20242024-02-18
Adersson Monrroy秘魯5.29TCG Fall Arequipa 20222022-06-11
Isai Saul Lonasco Peñaloza秘魯5.29Lima Rubik 20162016-08-27
Jhan Pool Ricra Castillo秘魯5.29Speedsolving Huancayo 20192019-03-24
Nicolas Lozano秘魯5.29La Tienda Cubera Christmas 20192019-12-21
Yenaro Noah Camino秘魯5.29Pre-Nacionales Arequipa 20192019-08-10
886Gerardo Marcelo Yamauchi秘魯5.30Trujillo Open 20182018-10-20
Nicolás Emiliano Cabrera Valentin秘魯5.30TCG Space II Santa Anita 20232023-11-25
Santiago Fabricio Vilca Chambi秘魯5.30UNSA Speedcubing Otoño 20242024-04-27
889Airtong Alexander Bellido Nevado秘魯5.31Nacional Perubik 20162016-07-16
Armando Malafaya Acosta秘魯5.31RubIquitos 20172017-11-12
Jose Alfredo Gonzales Mamani秘魯5.31TCG Fall 20192019-06-01
Luis Carhuancho Gutierrez秘魯5.31Speedsolving Huancayo 20172017-03-05
Mijhael Oscar Flores Pari秘魯5.31LTC Cube Fest 20172017-07-22
Saúl Quispe Ramos秘魯5.31Peru Nationals 20222022-08-19
895Ayrton Max Ceron Ventura秘魯5.32Back to the Palace 20142014-03-08
Gustavo Quispe Inocente秘魯5.32INABIF Open 20152015-12-05
Heber Alessandro Torres Santos秘魯5.32LatAm Tour - Lima 20172017-06-24
Seojun Lee秘魯5.32TCG Space II Santa Anita 20232023-11-25
899Axel Zahir Alvino Flores秘魯5.33Lima Cubinvierno 20232023-07-22
Leonardo Arturo Valencias Quispe秘魯5.33Cusco Speedcubing II 20192019-06-29