

三阶    秘鲁    所有    单次
2800Rodrigo Maximo Rojas Tumi秘鲁37.55Cusco Speedcubing 20222022-12-10
2802Rodrigo Fabian Trebejo Ancajima秘鲁37.56Peru Nationals 20192019-08-16
Sebastian Andre Quispe Quincho秘鲁37.56Peru Nationals 20232023-08-04
Darko Escarza秘鲁37.56UNSA Speedcubing Verano 20242024-02-17
2805Imanol Fabián Sandoval Paz秘鲁37.57UNSA Speedcubing Primavera 20232023-10-07
Jonathan Kaled Condori Escalante秘鲁37.57UNSA Speedcubing Otoño 20242024-04-27
2807Fabian Imanol Sayhua Tuero秘鲁37.60Cusco Speedcubing 20232023-11-10
2808Joaquín André Gutiérrez Neves秘鲁37.66La Tienda Cubera Fest 20232023-08-19
2809Adriano Caballero Herrera秘鲁37.68School Winter Lima 20222022-07-02
2810Fernanda Valdez Loo秘鲁37.70Speedcuber Perú Otoño 20192019-04-20
Eidan Giankarlo Ajahuana Quiroz秘鲁37.70Glorioso San Carlos 20202020-02-15
2812Liam Andres Peña Zhang秘鲁37.71La Tienda Cubera Fest 20232023-08-19
2813Gael Pizarro Valenzuela秘鲁37.74In Memoriam José Noles 20242024-02-03
2814Alonso Condori秘鲁37.77Arequipa Summer 20132013-03-16
2815Karina Luz Quispe Cayllahua秘鲁37.78Peru Nationals 20232023-08-04
2816Kiyoshi Yamacawa秘鲁37.79Nacional Perubik 20132013-04-05
Eduardo Paolo Yupanqui Sánchez秘鲁37.79Crazy Cubes Summer 20162016-03-20
2818Andy Oliver Arqque Ollachica秘鲁37.80TCG Summer Arequipa 20232023-02-11
2819Victor Manuel Garrido秘鲁37.88LatAm Tour - Lima 20172017-06-24
Iván Sebastián Arias Loarte秘鲁37.88Speedsolving Huancayo 20222022-08-13
2821Frank Huisa Mamani秘鲁37.91Cusco Speedcubing 20182018-01-06
2822Neymar Cahui秘鲁37.95UNSA Speedcubing Otoño 20242024-04-27
Octavio Dahua Gutiérrez秘鲁37.95Real Cube II Lima 20232023-11-11
2824Valentino Cervantes Quillatupa秘鲁37.97Breaking Records Huancayo 20192019-08-03
Fernanda Sarmiento秘鲁37.97TCG Summer Arequipa 20222022-02-26
2826Valeska Jimena Ordoñez Jiménez秘鲁38.02Open PUCP Cubing Community 20242024-07-19
2827Andres Mendez Vera秘鲁38.03Crazy Cubes Open 20152015-12-20
2828Rodrigo Sebastian Sejje Flores秘鲁38.04Newton Speedcubing 20192019-02-24
Alejandro Briceño秘鲁38.04Jaén Mountain Cubes 20182018-10-13
Leonardo Paypay秘鲁38.04La Tienda Cubera Christmas 20192019-12-21
2831Maycol Flores Izquierdo秘鲁38.05Comercio Rubik 20162016-12-10
2832Gaby Mamani Soto秘鲁38.08Cusco Speedcubing II 20192019-06-29
Dante Victor Aldayr Colan Suárez秘鲁38.08Speedcuber Peru II Lima 20232023-12-16
2834César Rodrigo Astoquilca Menacho秘鲁38.11TCG Power Up 20222022-12-03
2835Raul Angelo Solozarno Benancino秘鲁38.21Speedsolving Pucallpa 20172017-02-18
2836Priscila Cordova Amasifen秘鲁38.23La Tienda Cubera Christmas 20192019-12-21
2837David Eddy Vablos Salvatierra秘鲁38.24UNI-Rubik 20142014-06-20
Raymi Prince Cencia Cárdenas秘鲁38.24Open Plaza Huancayo 20232023-09-23
2839Lorenzo Blanco秘鲁38.25TCG & Friends 20152015-07-11
2840Fernando Pasquel Tang秘鲁38.27Comercio Rubik 20162016-12-10
2841Juan Humberto Huanqque Ccapa秘鲁38.28CuboVia Melgar 20132013-11-24
Victor Andres Janampa Santos秘鲁38.28UNI-Rubik 20142014-06-20
2843Fernando Junior Argüelles Quispe秘鲁38.30Arequipa Open 20112011-07-17
Alejandro David Zevallos Pizarro秘鲁38.30FIGHT Peru 20172017-09-30
2845Angie Dayana秘鲁38.32Blenkir Wanka Cube 20242024-06-08
2846Jean Pierre Rabelo秘鲁38.35Comas Speedsolving 20192019-09-28
2847Joan Lopez Cruz秘鲁38.37II Open Arguedas 20142014-10-24
Josset Marcañau Mejia秘鲁38.37Comas Speedsolving 20192019-09-28
2849Benjamín James Flores Avalos秘鲁38.38In Memoriam José Noles 20242024-02-03
2850Bruno Villavicencio秘鲁38.42Back To Cubing Arequipa 20212021-12-11
2851Orfa Roque Quispe秘鲁38.4340th Anniversary 20142014-11-08
Leonel Pallo Quispe秘鲁38.43UNSA SC Primavera II 20232023-12-02
2853Juan Joseph Avalos Torrealva秘鲁38.47UNI-Rubik 20142014-06-20
2854Angel Gabriel Surichaqui Pérez秘鲁38.54Huancayo Summer 20232023-03-18
2855Piero Giusseppe Gutierrez Guzmán秘鲁38.55Back to the Palace 20142014-03-08
Luis Eduardo Carlos Lluen秘鲁38.55ChimboteRubik 20172017-08-19
2857Angel Gianfranco Cueva Maldonado秘鲁38.56UNSA Speedcubing Primavera 20232023-10-07
2858Mauricio Salazar Salas秘鲁38.60FIGHT Peru 20172017-09-30
2859Eduardo Mollinedo Chavez秘鲁38.61TCG Welcome 20162016-03-19
2860Facundo Miguel Alfaro Benitez秘鲁38.65Back To Cubing Trujillo 20242024-07-14
2861Leonardo Santa Cruz Mendoza秘鲁38.66Open PUCP Cubing Community 20242024-07-19
2862Leonardo Jesús Espinoza Zúñiga秘鲁38.68Plaza Center Cube Lima II 20232023-09-30
2863Martin Cardenas Gil秘鲁38.71Speedcuber Peru II Lima 20232023-12-16
2864Luis Cristian Yana Vargas秘鲁38.72UNSA Speedcubing Pre-Nats 20232023-06-24
2865Fernando Chavez秘鲁38.77Aniversario Open 20122012-06-02
Alexander Joaquin Becerra Diaz秘鲁38.77Trujillo Open 20182018-10-20
2867Kevin Mori Blas秘鲁38.78II Open Arguedas 20142014-10-24
2868Sara Bjørk秘鲁38.83America's School II Huaraz 20242024-07-13
2869Santino Meier Aldao秘鲁38.84Speedcuber Peru II Lima 20232023-12-16
2870Marcelo Carpio秘鲁38.89Tecsup Open 20152015-11-28
2871Antony Brayan Puma Guzman秘鲁38.91UNSA Speedcubing Pre-Nats 20232023-06-24
2872Erick Sanchez秘鲁38.92TCG Lima 20142014-09-06
2873Fabiano Santiago Urbano Patricio秘鲁38.95TCG Space II Santa Anita 20232023-11-25
2874Franco Mateo Pacheco Vasquez秘鲁38.98Huancayo Summer 20232023-03-18
Abigail Alisson Alvarez Rojas秘鲁38.98Blenkir Wanka Cube 20242024-06-08
2876Arnaldo Yucra Chipana秘鲁39.03A Romper Tu PB Lima 20202020-02-29
2877Alejandro Nicolas Perez Escalante秘鲁39.04Speedcuber Perú Otoño 20192019-04-20
2878Angel Eduardo Hincho Jove秘鲁39.05Salesianos Open 20182018-09-29
2879Sebastian Galdos Frisancho秘鲁39.09UNSA Speedcubing 20162016-10-29
Arjhen Didier秘鲁39.09PUCP Cubing Festival I 20242024-06-22
2881Mathias Gabriel Salas Montoya秘鲁39.10Peru Nationals 20222022-08-19
2882Oscar Condori Ancco秘鲁39.17UCSM Supérate Open 20162016-06-11
2883Sergio Daniel Ruíz Tuesta秘鲁39.18RubIquitos 20162016-10-22
Rodrigo José Quispe Acero秘鲁39.18Speedcubing Ilo 20182018-06-09
2885Freddy Arias Uribe秘鲁39.19Speedsolving Huancayo 20222022-08-13
2886Abdiel Dylan Carlos Zevallos秘鲁39.20Open Plaza Huancayo 20232023-09-23
2887Luis Andre Arthur Montoya Ilizarbe秘鲁39.23Breaking Records Huancayo 20192019-08-03
2888Ricardo Rodrigo Viviano Rios Ramos秘鲁39.31Rubik Junin 20172017-08-20
2889George Rudas Ramos秘鲁39.33Rubik Junin 20172017-08-20
2890Astrid Ayala Asmad秘鲁39.37New Avge Open 20152015-01-31
2891Matias Josue Alvarez Mamani秘鲁39.41UNSA Speedcubing 20162016-10-29
2892Mario Eduardo Toribio de la Cruz秘鲁39.42Arguedas 20132013-11-09
2893Yuri Jesus Coasaca Surco秘鲁39.49TCG Welcome 20162016-03-19
2894Juan De Dios Garay秘鲁39.50Lima Summer 20232023-02-04
2895Denilson Luis Quispe Oxa秘鲁39.51Newton Speedcubing 20192019-02-24
2896Junior Roberto Baldeón Rodriguez秘鲁39.52Speedsolving Sakura 20172017-12-17
2897Luciano Gabriel Gordon Villanueva秘鲁39.62GeekStore Speedsolving 20192019-12-28
Sebastián Gael Campos Meza秘鲁39.62Huancayo Summer 20232023-03-18
Adriano Suyo秘鲁39.62UNSA Speedcubing Primavera 20232023-10-07
2900Milka Maribel Santiago Murayari秘鲁39.66Comercio Rubik 20162016-12-10