

三阶    加拿大    所有    平均
4199Pierre-Louis Lenoir加拿大29.78National Capital Region A 20232023-05-06
30.43     32.66     33.04     26.24     25.26
4202James Parish加拿大29.79SOS Oshawa 20232023-06-24
33.35     34.46     21.27     26.26     29.77
Ron Dwyane Magnaye加拿大29.79Calgary Spring 20162016-05-28
29.98     31.84     32.93     27.54     24.15
4204Gabriel Rafai Far加拿大29.80Open de Montréal 20232023-06-10
26.85     26.94     33.62     41.50     28.83
Ron Tsyrlin加拿大29.80Battle of Waterloo 20142014-05-31
28.94     29.15     31.71     23.07     31.32
4206Gareth Leung加拿大29.81Toronto Open Fall 20152015-11-28
36.43     28.01     31.01     30.42     24.90
4207Bader Omar Khalaf加拿大29.82Q8speedcubing in K.S.E 20232023-03-10
29.20     29.33     28.49     34.68     30.92
Jasper Noah Baumgartner加拿大29.82Sunway Velocity Mall Open 20242024-05-25
31.55     32.01     21.18     29.63     28.29
4209Lansen Cammer加拿大29.84BC Spring Solving B 20232023-05-22
DNF       25.36     22.46     27.03     37.12
4210Henry Le加拿大29.85Toronto Open Fall 20152015-11-28
30.43     21.57     31.07     35.23     28.06
Xavier Maurice加拿大29.85Open de Montréal 20232023-06-10
31.06     29.14     31.20     29.36     28.10
4212Arnaud Fortier加拿大29.86Open de Montréal 20232023-06-10
29.36     DNF       26.32     30.46     29.77
Darius Deng加拿大29.86Calgary Summer Classic 20232023-08-12
33.81     25.32     28.68     28.79     32.12
Ivan Ebos加拿大29.86Toronto Open Fall 20152015-11-28
23.74     33.48     28.78     33.43     27.37
James Brunet加拿大29.86Battle of Waterloo 20172017-09-23
28.73     32.64     27.75     28.25     32.59
Lukas Vukovics加拿大29.86Appleby Summer A 20232023-08-12
30.06     31.69     29.21     30.30     28.81
Moses Wiebe加拿大29.86Fraser Valley Spring 20182018-04-07
30.27     22.57     31.35     29.08     30.22
4218Aaron Milbury加拿大29.88Atlantic Open Special 20172017-07-07
27.82     33.62     28.20     33.75     27.48
Denton Liu加拿大29.88Toronto Winter 20102010-01-30
31.52     27.61     30.52     32.19     26.18
Jared Klassen加拿大29.88Nanaimo Swing into Spring 20232023-03-25
30.20     26.83     31.03     28.42     34.71
4221Adrian Stan加拿大29.89National Capital Region 20172017-05-21
32.53     28.48     33.21     28.67     28.05
Braeden Robb加拿大29.89Vancouver Island 20192019-03-02
30.03     35.38     27.96     31.68     27.88
4223McCallum Strong加拿大29.90Canadian Open 20172017-07-15
34.83     27.91     28.22     33.56     26.43
4224Samuel James Tinnion加拿大29.91Calgary Limited Fall 20162016-11-26
32.67     22.46     31.03     DNF       26.04
4225Colin Hooke加拿大29.92Newmarket Open 20162016-06-18
33.35     30.56     30.69     27.06     28.50
Olivia Park加拿大29.92Battle of Waterloo 20242024-06-08
31.75     42.05     25.88     32.13     25.45
Scott Zhongning Yu加拿大29.92St. John's Spring Open 20182018-06-23
37.51     28.45     27.76     24.95     33.55
4228Cayden Du加拿大29.93Vancouver's on Tracks 20242024-06-08
28.12     29.58     29.67     30.78     30.55
4229Adam Lachermaier加拿大29.94Appleby Winter B 20232023-01-08
26.48     31.45     30.36     32.49     28.01
Mason Bowman加拿大29.94Fraser Valley Spring 20182018-04-07
26.44     31.84     28.51     29.48     37.37
Sequin Martel加拿大29.94canadianCubing Classic 20082008-04-19
28.03     41.31     31.09     29.11     29.61
4232Cebrial Laya Lemon加拿大29.95Oakville Fall A 20222022-11-26
28.04     31.26     24.98     34.11     30.56
Dean McIntyre加拿大29.95Toronto Open Fall 20152015-11-28
35.22     24.58     23.84     30.05     35.64
4234Kyle Choi加拿大29.96Cubing on Par A 20232023-04-22
32.98     22.46     34.58     30.60     26.30
4235Michael Paul Spafford加拿大29.97Oakville Limited Fall 20172017-11-11
33.27     35.66     29.69     23.38     26.95
Simon Santos加拿大29.97Markham 3x3x3 Afternoon 20232023-04-29
37.35     27.20     25.78     29.05     33.67
4237Henry Cole McLellan加拿大29.99Too Mutch Cubing 20172017-01-07
28.07     26.21     39.52     32.29     29.61
Joseph Chun加拿大29.99Vancouver Winter 20142014-03-01
27.06     25.41     34.63     28.28     DNF
Liam Chapman加拿大29.99Pickering Spring 20182018-03-24
31.35     DNF       29.60     29.01     26.72
Tighe Mcasey加拿大29.99Calgary Spring 20162016-05-28
39.80     30.90     29.24     29.84     24.74
4241Ashleigh Hamilton加拿大30.00Newmarket Open 20172017-06-17
30.04     26.81     30.19     DNF       29.77
Bobby Sisourath加拿大30.00Toronto Summer 20122012-08-18
40.69     27.33     35.15     27.53     26.11
4243Christian Grecu加拿大30.01Pitt Meadows Spring Open 20242024-05-26
24.45     29.14     37.62     35.47     25.41
Dixun Cui加拿大30.01Battle of Waterloo 20142014-05-31
30.47     29.14     DNF       30.43     26.30
4245Brady Ma加拿大30.02Cubing on Par A 20232023-04-22
31.17     30.97     26.81     27.92     33.07
4246Gabriel Dufour Dorval加拿大30.03Québec City 20192019-02-16
27.00     34.85     34.39     28.70     26.22
4247Dane Hugh Samuel Longman加拿大30.05Waterloo Favourites A 20232023-02-18
30.90     27.48     30.06     29.20     33.26
Xander Fair加拿大30.05Canadian Open 20172017-07-15
23.51     29.69     37.92     28.81     31.64
4249Brandon Lin加拿大30.06Oakville Fall A 20222022-11-26
31.50     30.82     27.85     24.36     DNF
Jad Malhem加拿大30.06Greater Toronto 20242024-02-18
37.87     31.62     27.58     30.97     22.98
Marc Santos加拿大30.06Winnipeg Open 20222022-06-18
24.06     26.04     33.16     36.98     30.98
Nicholas Adams加拿大30.06Downtown Vancouver Summer 20192019-06-29
31.16     27.35     31.68     27.25     35.70
4253David Garcia Fonseca加拿大30.07NCR Favourites 20232023-09-17
27.46     32.46     30.30     25.47     DNF
Markus Russell加拿大30.07Winterpeg 20242024-02-17
30.94     40.63     30.18     24.63     29.08
4255Erik Enecio Jr.加拿大30.08Pickering Favourites Autumn 20232023-12-16
27.22     27.36     35.19     27.69     44.10
Jalen Bhardwaj加拿大30.08Cubing Under the Stars 20182018-01-20
28.02     43.39     29.67     32.54     27.87
4257Nico Riscaldino加拿大30.09Welcome Back Calgary 20232023-01-07
32.36     29.94     32.93     24.97     27.97
Ryan Peterson加拿大30.09SOS Waterloo 20232023-06-24
27.84     30.08     30.82     40.69     29.36
4259Aarush Ankathatti加拿大30.10Pickering B 20232023-03-19
30.64     38.01     28.68     30.73     28.94
4260Jasper Lindsay加拿大30.11Cubing Above the Dinosaurs 20242024-01-27
24.42     29.29     33.50     29.00     32.05
Timothé Massicotte加拿大30.11Open de Gatineau A 20232023-03-25
26.50     32.84     40.15     27.62     29.86
4262Jeremy Li加拿大30.12SOS Oshawa 20232023-06-24
30.80     26.36     30.51     DNF       29.05
4263Aidan Arron McRobb加拿大30.13Oakville Limited Winter 20182018-01-27
25.94     30.19     36.91     34.26     23.08
Noah Arnold加拿大30.13Edmonton Summer 20162016-08-13
30.55     32.04     26.24     27.80     DNF
4265Jack Drisdelle加拿大30.14Peach State 20192019-05-25
33.09     37.02     30.00     25.82     27.33
Sam Taplin加拿大30.14Whistler 20172017-11-04
27.89     27.88     34.20     DNF       28.34
4267Adam Foster加拿大30.15Ottawa Spring 20242024-05-04
33.62     31.61     25.21     43.22     24.27
4268Matthan Law加拿大30.17Markham 3x3x3 Afternoon 20232023-04-29
31.79     38.63     31.53     26.77     27.19
Miller Keays加拿大30.17NAC 20222022-07-07
27.35     31.64     31.53     26.53     34.25
Sam Weston加拿大30.17Canadian Championship 20232023-07-13
36.51     27.46     27.23     30.26     32.78
William Pender加拿大30.17National Capital Region 20162016-05-21
35.76     24.94     32.27     33.27     24.96
4272Izaac Eric Lindgren加拿大30.18Cubing Above the Dinosaurs 20232023-01-28
29.97     28.40     32.18     36.49     22.28
4273Declan Mindorff加拿大30.19Oakville Fall A 20222022-11-26
32.26     29.55     30.36     28.44     30.66
Luca Debusschère加拿大30.19Montreal Limited Winter 20192019-04-06
29.18     33.39     27.99     33.76     26.65
4275Colton Girolami加拿大30.20Battle Foothills 20182018-05-26
29.79     33.61     37.27     27.20     22.85
Dustin Yarc加拿大30.20Canadian Open 20152015-06-06
24.68     30.49     28.89     43.51     31.22
Nicholas Zacharias加拿大30.20Too Mutch Cubing 20172017-01-07
28.03     32.39     30.17     35.05     25.72
Samer Mokhtar加拿大30.20Toronto Open Fall 20152015-11-28
42.31     31.09     22.68     30.77     28.74
4279Justin Kelly加拿大30.21Ottawa Spring 20242024-05-04
33.06     32.33     35.81     23.40     25.25
4280Aaron Kuan加拿大30.22Ajax 3x3x3 Morning 20232023-08-26
27.60     32.15     25.86     30.90     34.29
Cole Sheeran加拿大30.22Battle of Waterloo 20222022-08-20
30.27     29.28     31.39     31.11     23.99
Jeremy Liu加拿大30.22National Capital Region B 20232023-05-07
29.42     29.24     48.50     26.26     32.01
4283Dante Daly加拿大30.24Toronto Open Fall 20152015-11-28
33.26     31.36     27.37     31.67     27.68
Gabriel Yu加拿大30.24Appleby Winter B 20232023-01-08
30.64     28.42     24.41     31.67     34.28
Sebastian Serafino加拿大30.24Appleby Winter A 20232023-01-07
27.27     34.07     34.78     21.81     29.37
4286Koby Khoo加拿大30.26Music City 20152015-09-12
29.41     30.35     35.19     28.45     31.02
Sean Steckley加拿大30.26Battle of Waterloo 20142014-05-31
29.64     38.60     33.74     27.40     26.76
4288Alina Jiang (姜子欣)加拿大30.27Newmarket Open 20192019-06-22
29.77     30.06     30.05     37.42     30.69
Edward Xing加拿大30.27Vancouver Spring 20152015-05-02
24.52     36.66     34.36     31.93     23.34
Ethan Vann-Keo加拿大30.27Markham 3x3x3 Afternoon 20232023-04-29
30.76     27.80     28.90     31.16     35.55
Thomas van Leeuwen加拿大30.27Battle of Waterloo 20192019-09-14
30.91     25.28     29.53     36.37     30.36
4292Alex Ryu加拿大30.28Swiss Science Open 20152015-09-26
27.69     32.04     30.84     37.25     27.97
Luke Fang加拿大30.28Arizona Speedcubing Summer 20232023-07-15
34.55     DNF       27.39     27.75     28.54
Serge Penner加拿大30.28Winterpeg 20242024-02-17
29.92     37.92     19.94     28.83     32.10
Tarek El Abasiry加拿大30.28Alberta 5th Anniversary 20202020-01-18
32.85     32.59     18.88     25.40     33.71
4296Adrian McEntyre加拿大30.29Oakville Limited Fall 20182018-09-29
DNF       33.51     26.18     29.01     28.36
Alvin Wolf加拿大30.29Sherwood Park Summer 20192019-07-27
26.47     31.49     31.09     DNF       28.29
Ranveer Lahiry加拿大30.29Oakville Fall A 20222022-11-26
29.47     28.63     32.77     33.05     27.46
4299Bryan In加拿大30.30Solved Central Alberta 20192019-09-28
29.98     31.59     31.61     26.61     29.33
Qingbo Tong加拿大30.30Battle Foothills 20182018-05-26
27.23     32.66     39.16     31.01     20.63