2020-01-21 15:28 Ming Zheng

Zibo Xu (徐子博) won the Jieyang Winter 2020 with an average of 7.01 seconds. Zijian Cai (蔡子健) finished second (7.40 seconds) and Yuxuan Guo (郭雨轩) finished third (8.28 seconds).
Full results are on the Cubing China page.
China records: Zibo Xu (徐子博) 3x3x3 One-Handed 11.31 seconds (average).
Hong Kong records: Antonio Kam Ho Tung (甘浩東) 3x3x3 One-Handed 11.53 seconds (average), Antonio Kam Ho Tung (甘浩東) 3x3x3 One-Handed 9.91 seconds (single).

2020-01-18 19:04 Tianyu Zhao

The WCA Results Team (WRT) is looking for new devoted and trustworthy team members!

Do you like numbers? Are you the type of person quickly spotting typos or inconsistencies in restaurant menus that others miss? Does it drive you crazy when people lack precision with data? If yes, then you might be a very good fit for the WRT!

The qualities that you should bring to become a WRT member include:
- You must be very responsive and be willing to work on WRT tasks regularly.
- You should have a good sense of detail and you must be able to handle data precisely and consciously.
- Since the WRT operates on the WCA results database, you have to be a very trustworthy and reliable member of the WCA community. Ideally, you are already a WCA staff member or you have a recommendation from one.
- You should have a basic understanding of what a (relational) database is.
- Existing experience with SQL (MySQL) and programming are beneficial, but not strictly mandatory.

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2020-01-01 23:57 Tianyu Zhao

The Board of Directors would like to receive applications for WCA World Championship 2021.

Please discuss with the Delegates in your country whether this is something you are willing and able to pursue. Bear in mind that organizing a competition of this size takes a significant amount of time and effort before and during the competition.

If you are interested, send your application documents privately to board@worldcubeassociation.org between 00:00 UTC of January 1st, 2020 and 23:59 UTC of June 30th, 2020. Documents must be sent in PDF format in two versions: one full version with all the details for the application, and another version with sensitive details - if any - removed to make public.

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2020-01-01 14:17 Tianyu Zhao

Dear WCA Community,

We had another successful year of cubing and developing the WCA as an organization in 2019! We would like to take this moment to share the highlights of what we have accomplished this year with all of your help.

WCA competitions were introduced to eight new countries and there were over 27,750 new people who competed officially for the first time. This year, our competitors broke barriers and achieved 61 world records, 205 continental records, and 3,760 national records.

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