Weixing Zhang (张炜星) wins Shanghai Love In ECNU 2017

2017-05-22 21:09 Baiqiang Dong

Weixing Zhang (张炜星) won the Shanghai Love In ECNU 2017 with an average of 8.73 seconds. Yinghao Wang (王鹰豪) finished second (9.00 seconds) and Kailong Li (李开隆) finished third (9.30 seconds).
Full results are on the Cubing China page.
China records: Yulun Wu (吴宇伦) Pyraminx 1.46 seconds (single), Huan Luo (罗桓) Skewb 1.93 seconds (single), Yi Wang (王旖) Pyraminx 2.91 seconds (average).