Hari-Hari Horas 1 2024

Date: 2024-06-26
Location: Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Links: Hari-Hari Horas 1 2024
Winners Top 3 All Results By Person Scrambles
3x3x3 Cube    First round    Average of 5    
1Ng Jia Quan (黄佳铨) 7.70 8.26Malaysia
8.45      8.37      7.70      8.01      8.40
2Firstian Fushada (符逢城) 6.98 8.50Indonesia
7.56      6.98      12.39     8.86      9.07
3Wilson Alvis (陈智胜) 7.33 8.69Indonesia
8.02      7.33      10.52     7.53      11.12
4Wong Chong Wen (黄崇文) 8.48 8.96Singapore
8.98      9.08      10.91     8.48      8.82
5Michael Tjandra (锺梓翔) 7.77 9.04Indonesia
9.18      8.85      9.10      7.77      11.86
6Farrel Enzo Tanaputra 8.32 9.13Indonesia
12.04     9.94      8.32      8.65      8.81
7Lim Chun Yik (林峻毅) 8.14 9.78Malaysia
9.97      9.16      11.43     10.22     8.14
8Justin Lawrence 9.22 9.79Indonesia
9.22      9.32      10.79     9.26      11.81
9Yucheng Chen (陈裕铖) 10.69 12.03China
10.69     13.64     15.97     10.89     11.56
10Eng Dickson (黄迪胜) 11.05 12.16Malaysia
11.62     11.70     13.17     11.05     13.59
11Cindy Amelia Haloho 18.62 22.02Indonesia
23.28     20.96     25.36     18.62     21.83
12Rei Al Ariq 28.65 37.21Indonesia
31.60     40.78     45.03     39.26     28.65
3x3x3 Cube    Final    Average of 5    
1Firstian Fushada (符逢城) 6.08 8.49Indonesia
8.19      8.81      8.54      6.08      8.73
2Ng Jia Quan (黄佳铨) 7.61 8.95Malaysia
7.61      8.41      9.85      9.21      9.22
3Wilson Alvis (陈智胜) 8.35 9.04Indonesia
9.05      9.59      8.35      8.48      10.38
4Michael Tjandra (锺梓翔) 7.23 9.27Indonesia
7.23      10.59     DNF       8.21      9.00
5Farrel Enzo Tanaputra 8.28 9.76Indonesia
10.67     8.33      8.28      10.29     14.73
6Wong Chong Wen (黄崇文) 8.05 9.95Singapore
8.05      10.43     8.55      10.88     11.12
2x2x2 Cube    Final    Average of 5    
1Firstian Fushada (符逢城) 1.61 1.88Indonesia
1.76      2.59      2.09      1.61      1.80
2Ng Jia Quan (黄佳铨) 1.37 2.22Malaysia
1.97      2.52      1.37      3.74      2.18
3Farrel Enzo Tanaputra 1.68 2.43Indonesia
5.30      2.25      1.68      1.68      3.35
4Michael Tjandra (锺梓翔) 3.18 3.34Indonesia
3.45      3.18      3.23      3.75      3.34
5Wong Chong Wen (黄崇文) 2.40 3.35Singapore
3.60      3.38      3.06      5.64      2.40
6Justin Lawrence 2.18 3.72Indonesia
4.01      3.36      3.78      2.18      4.50
7Yucheng Chen (陈裕铖) 3.43 4.03China
4.92      4.11      4.19      3.43      3.79
8Eng Dickson (黄迪胜) 3.47 4.27Malaysia
6.11      3.55      3.47      3.89      5.36
9Lim Chun Yik (林峻毅) 3.36 4.51Malaysia
4.71      3.36      DNF       3.39      5.44
10Wilson Alvis (陈智胜) 3.19 4.66Indonesia
3.19      5.76      4.00      4.44      5.55
11Rei Al Ariq 8.25 13.71Indonesia
8.25      13.60     11.83     15.69     21.12
3x3x3 Blindfolded    Final    Best of 3    
1Yucheng Chen (陈裕铖) 23.69 DNFChina
23.69     29.31     DNF
2Firstian Fushada (符逢城) 29.63 DNFIndonesia
29.63     30.19     DNF
3Ng Jia Quan (黄佳铨) 31.78 37.62Malaysia
31.78     43.75     37.33
4Lim Chun Yik (林峻毅) 1:41.85 DNFMalaysia
DNF       1:41.85   DNF
5Wilson Alvis (陈智胜) 2:40.64 DNFIndonesia
DNF       2:40.64   DNF
6Eng Dickson (黄迪胜) DNF DNFMalaysia
DNF       DNF       DNF
6Wong Chong Wen (黄崇文) DNF DNFSingapore
DNF       DNF       DNF