Kitchener Mini Afternoon 2024

Date: 2024-10-19
Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Links: Kitchener Mini Afternoon 2024
Winners Top 3 All Results By Person Scrambles
Aaravv Chopra    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFirst round74 36.28 40.12
44.01     38.67     37.67     36.28     49.97
Aaron Elliott Kriss    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round44 14.92 16.02
14.92     17.41     15.62     15.03     17.45
First round43 12.29 15.77
14.47     17.82     18.54     15.01     12.29
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round51 53.47 1:14.85
1:20.16   1:13.05   1:11.34   53.47     1:25.08
Aaryan Chopra    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFirst round91 1:02.22 1:19.82
1:18.85   1:02.22   1:21.65   1:18.97   1:30.95
Abdullah Gulab    Pakistan
3x3x3 CubeSecond round31 12.56 13.35
13.87     12.56     13.48     12.71     17.13
First round46 12.88 16.83
12.88     20.64     16.35     16.55     17.58
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal17 21.06 22.95
21.86     21.06     24.38     22.60     25.72
First round18 22.07 24.11
30.32     22.56     26.11     22.07     23.66
Abishua James Thomas    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal14 9.53 10.00
10.00     9.99      10.34     9.53      10.01
Second round13 7.76 10.16
11.60     7.76      8.77      10.28     11.42
First round14 7.66 9.68
9.21      10.02     9.88      7.66      9.95
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal12 15.38 18.00
19.60     16.60     17.80     20.83     15.38
First round13 16.91 18.15
18.41     24.67     17.32     18.71     16.91
Adeel Haris    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round39 11.94 14.46
11.94     16.91     13.43     16.88     13.07
First round29 11.30 13.13
13.24     11.30     14.22     13.44     12.71
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal21 25.57 30.53
49.99     26.56     37.05     25.57     27.98
First round22 22.99 28.36
39.96     30.08     30.81     24.20     22.99
Aidan Jardine    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round56 17.12 19.82
23.79     17.12     20.45     18.88     20.14
First round55 17.47 19.34
21.94     18.21     17.47     24.38     17.88
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round49 1:08.05 1:12.96
1:17.40   1:54.50   1:08.05   1:09.19   1:12.28
Alan Jia    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 6.79 8.57
8.89      6.79      8.38      9.98      8.44
Second round8 7.55 8.24
10.73     8.44      8.39      7.90      7.55
First round9 7.91 8.72
9.96      8.38      7.91      9.08      8.70
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal5 11.53 13.62
13.60     14.16     11.53     13.15     14.12
First round2 11.09 11.98
15.53     11.09     12.24     11.63     12.08
Alex Yunhu Jo    Republic of Korea
3x3x3 CubeSecond round38 11.66 14.10
13.80     14.49     15.24     11.66     14.01
First round33 10.56 14.18
11.36     10.56     17.41     16.56     14.62
Allen Chiang    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round51 15.18 18.72
15.18     18.14     22.29     15.73     25.19
First round44 15.94 16.12
16.01     18.50     16.25     16.11     15.94
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round31 30.01 34.52
30.01     41.28     33.98     33.41     36.18
Amelia Ting    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round45 14.08 16.29
19.35     14.08     17.66     15.71     15.51
First round50 14.18 17.94
17.90     20.35     14.18     20.48     15.56
Andreas Nikolaou    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round54 17.12 19.24
17.46     20.80     17.12     21.22     19.47
First round54 16.61 19.03
18.78     19.28     16.61     20.44     19.02
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round27 29.89 32.03
30.16     46.79     30.24     35.69     29.89
Andy Chiang    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 10.93 12.75
14.35     11.69     13.23     13.33     10.93
First round21 9.92 12.14
22.99     10.37     9.92      11.68     14.36
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal14 15.43 20.85
21.09     22.79     15.43     18.68     25.71
First round12 12.52 18.03
19.53     19.41     DNF       12.52     15.14
Arin Bhardwaj    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round59 17.25 20.53
21.85     19.00     20.75     17.25     22.09
First round56 16.56 20.24
16.56     19.92     23.86     20.76     20.04
Augustine H. Wong    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round48 15.49 18.01
19.63     18.38     15.49     16.03     20.86
First round47 13.72 16.87
13.72     17.72     18.41     14.47     DNF
Brennen Lin    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 5.72 7.57
6.96      8.74      7.14      5.72      8.60
Second round6 5.95 7.64
5.95      7.15      9.63      6.13      DNF
First round1 4.75 6.19
6.90      5.87      4.75      5.80      8.23
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal7 11.55 13.75
17.12     11.55     14.41     13.19     13.64
First round6 11.58 13.24
12.83     14.68     15.77     12.21     11.58
Bryan Deng    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round43 12.32 15.74
DNF       17.92     12.32     14.16     15.13
First round37 11.76 14.97
DNF       14.39     16.41     11.76     14.11
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round34 28.38 36.22
35.09     28.38     41.40     35.07     38.50
Cameron MacGillivary    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal22 11.63 12.03
13.57     12.31     11.89     11.63     11.88
Second round18 10.72 11.54
11.94     10.72     15.82     11.68     11.01
First round19 10.36 11.64
10.59     13.06     13.47     11.26     10.36
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal20 26.48 30.31
28.80     32.73     51.40     29.40     26.48
First round23 25.49 28.45
27.96     27.08     47.26     30.30     25.49
Cemil Yilmaz    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFirst round81 44.43 45.57
44.60     44.43     59.66     45.04     47.08
Charlie Zhao    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal15 8.27 10.04
8.27      11.66     8.56      13.34     9.89
Second round15 8.32 10.71
11.09     11.62     8.32      10.75     10.28
First round15 8.67 9.94
10.46     8.67      11.45     10.69     8.67
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal16 15.43 22.21
40.34     20.38     23.01     15.43     23.24
First round17 17.38 23.86
22.97     17.38     26.88     25.28     23.34
Connor Warzin    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round34 10.09 13.60
10.09     19.63     10.98     10.79     19.02
First round22 10.96 12.28
11.94     12.39     10.96     12.52     13.85
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round26 25.16 31.12
33.10     35.38     29.61     25.16     30.64
Dallas Hunter    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFirst round82 42.50 48.39
47.07     42.50     49.96     48.13     51.88
Daniel Choi    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round61 22.38 23.58
23.57     26.32     23.99     23.17     22.38
First round61 21.57 22.42
23.23     21.78     22.26     21.57     23.98
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round47 49.66 56.29
1:24.93   1:01.53   49.66     51.26     56.07
David-Nuo Cheng    China
3x3x3 CubeSecond round36 12.52 13.95
15.39     15.24     13.80     12.52     12.81
First round26 11.33 12.85
11.33     16.95     15.77     11.41     11.37
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round48 48.94 1:01.12
59.22     50.45     48.94     1:13.70   1:47.78
Divit Darsh    India
3x3x3 CubeFirst round90 57.51 1:07.42
1:20.52   1:12.15   57.51     1:04.05   1:06.07
Eden McNeely    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round47 11.48 18.01
17.41     11.48     DNF       20.22     16.40
First round48 13.65 17.07
13.65     20.28     15.10     20.74     15.82
Elle Wong    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFirst round89 46.26 1:02.80
46.26     53.34     1:19.09   55.98     1:35.17
Ellis Korda    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFirst round87 46.93 56.60
57.58     46.93     59.17     58.10     54.12
Felix Kopyto    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round42 11.81 15.46
11.81     15.40     14.43     16.55     17.15
First round41 12.24 15.19
12.24     17.87     15.01     15.72     14.84
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal23 29.00 31.71
DNF       32.17     31.65     29.00     31.30
First round21 25.66 27.29
26.66     29.68     26.50     28.71     25.66
Fox Haas    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal13 7.67 9.98
10.75     9.86      7.67      9.44      10.64
Second round14 8.46 10.16
14.42     11.07     8.46      9.56      9.85
First round10 7.86 8.77
9.66      9.80      7.99      8.65      7.86
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round28 26.03 32.79
26.03     30.75     49.37     34.43     33.20
Gabriel Tekie    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round57 16.00 19.88
18.65     20.41     27.15     16.00     20.57
First round58 18.63 21.21
28.86     18.63     19.25     20.90     23.47
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round46 49.89 55.59
57.46     51.31     49.89     58.01     1:01.01
Gavin Chen    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round35 11.45 13.79
13.96     13.89     11.45     15.99     13.53
First round27 11.57 13.10
11.57     13.03     13.54     12.72     14.79
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round33 28.06 35.60
28.95     42.61     35.24     28.06     DNF
Guransh Singh    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round53 17.26 18.83
19.75     21.20     17.68     19.05     17.26
First round57 17.61 20.47
18.99     21.13     23.52     21.28     17.61
Gurman Virdi    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal23 10.93 12.89
15.42     12.35     10.93     12.14     14.18
Second round21 10.66 11.76
14.06     13.11     10.92     11.24     10.66
First round24 10.90 12.53
13.27     10.90     12.84     11.49     14.42
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round29 29.14 32.83
29.14     38.21     37.30     31.78     29.41
Harman Virdi    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round66 23.20 28.04
31.03     32.59     23.20     23.99     29.10
First round63 19.37 24.00
27.08     20.89     24.04     19.37     29.63
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round41 33.89 51.29
1:11.77   52.34     49.38     52.14     33.89
Harry Ma    Hong Kong, China
3x3x3 CubeSecond round46 14.08 16.45
14.70     18.64     14.08     17.59     17.05
First round45 14.69 16.74
15.69     15.89     18.64     14.69     20.12
Harvey Sun    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFirst round73 26.84 38.31
38.69     41.21     DNF       26.84     35.04
Hayden Ma    Hong Kong, China
3x3x3 CubeFinal21 11.05 11.99
11.31     12.06     11.05     14.17     12.61
Second round19 9.57 11.57
11.22     12.49     14.41     11.00     9.57
First round18 10.81 11.50
10.81     13.13     11.05     11.81     11.63
Ishaan Mistry    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFirst round79 40.35 44.58
43.70     47.50     45.81     44.24     40.35
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round54 1:50.53 2:28.96
3:03.02   1:50.53   2:05.86   DNF       2:18.00
Jack Williams    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round30 9.73 13.06
12.72     16.93     12.14     14.33     9.73
First round28 10.87 13.11
10.87     12.25     18.76     14.02     13.07
Jacob Koudys    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round41 13.27 14.97
14.72     13.27     15.84     16.59     14.36
First round36 13.65 14.95
13.65     14.90     15.15     14.97     14.98
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round36 32.53 44.52
47.08     48.62     32.53     42.06     44.42
Jane Matthewman    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round33 11.97 13.59
13.71     18.36     13.65     11.97     13.40
First round42 13.65 15.28
16.17     13.65     16.14     13.89     15.80
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round38 42.06 45.88
50.97     43.61     49.16     44.87     42.06
Jason Wang    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round37 12.59 14.07
15.72     13.83     19.08     12.66     12.59
First round32 12.53 13.90
12.53     16.07     14.25     13.11     14.34
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round30 27.75 34.31
34.83     39.84     27.75     34.35     33.75
Jayden Ng    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFirst round86 51.76 54.99
51.76     58.45     1:09.16   52.29     54.23
Jeremy Jang    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFirst round78 37.06 43.74
47.08     48.08     43.23     40.92     37.06
Jeriel James Thomas    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 7.56 8.04
8.13      7.56      7.91      8.08      8.35
Second round5 6.84 7.58
7.00      8.39      6.84      7.34      8.85
First round7 5.63 7.64
10.39     8.05      7.83      5.63      7.05
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 8.92 13.07
11.37     8.92      15.67     15.67     12.16
First round9 9.24 13.58
14.91     12.99     16.87     12.85     9.24
Jibrail Jason Lee Ka Ming (李嘉銘)    Hong Kong, China
3x3x3 CubeFinal17 9.40 11.18
13.70     11.32     10.72     11.51     9.40
Second round23 8.40 11.91
12.92     8.40      13.63     11.24     11.56
First round20 9.95 11.98
12.10     9.95      13.31     11.62     12.23
Joel Wong    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFirst round83 36.89 48.85
1:09.54   38.92     44.15     1:03.48   36.89
Junhyeok Woo    Republic of Korea
3x3x3 CubeFirst round84 46.18 50.74
56.00     49.07     54.18     48.96     46.18
Justin Delahunty    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal20 9.89 11.96
9.89      12.01     10.70     15.66     13.18
Second round22 11.07 11.76
11.94     11.07     11.89     12.91     11.46
First round25 10.92 12.62
13.31     12.06     13.94     10.92     12.49
Justin Staples    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal24 12.40 14.25
14.30     14.50     14.32     12.40     14.13
Second round24 11.16 12.12
11.95     11.72     14.03     12.69     11.16
First round38 12.76 15.00
17.71     15.03     16.38     12.76     13.58
Kai Wen Yang    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal19 10.12 11.92
12.36     10.28     10.12     13.11     13.15
Second round16 10.01 10.80
10.87     10.10     10.01     13.58     11.44
First round17 9.21 10.52
9.56      10.48     9.21      11.66     11.53
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal18 16.07 23.22
DNF       32.17     18.78     16.07     18.71
First round11 16.14 17.14
16.16     31.56     17.90     16.14     17.35
Kaushal Murugan    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round69 21.24 31.72
27.85     37.78     21.24     DNF       29.54
First round68 26.01 27.63
27.66     26.01     27.31     27.92     37.08
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round43 40.55 52.65
1:17.67   42.06     40.55     57.21     58.67
Krish Rian    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 10.91 12.95
13.34     13.50     12.01     13.53     10.91
First round30 11.39 13.23
11.39     14.27     15.15     13.24     12.18
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round39 38.06 47.90
44.97     44.72     38.06     1:13.28   54.00
Liam Orovec    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 10.52 12.15
13.80     10.52     12.74     12.77     10.94
First round31 12.06 13.77
12.06     15.15     13.06     14.85     13.39
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round24 21.04 30.44
37.46     24.72     21.04     36.32     30.28
Logan Ge    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal16 7.51 10.18
DNF       10.75     7.51      10.23     9.56
Second round12 8.50 9.89
8.50      11.16     12.71     9.06      9.45
First round11 8.39 8.90
8.77      8.48      9.45      10.35     8.39
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal9 12.42 14.09
12.42     14.11     14.65     13.52     19.20
First round5 12.38 13.22
12.94     16.20     12.38     13.38     13.35
Lucas Nieuwland    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 8.82 9.24
8.82      8.82      9.34      9.55      12.00
Second round10 8.18 9.35
10.25     8.67      9.12      8.18      12.55
First round13 8.00 9.40
10.77     10.82     8.10      8.00      9.33
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal13 18.56 20.68
20.08     18.56     20.87     57.00     21.10
First round14 16.60 18.17
18.65     20.20     18.76     17.11     16.60
Marcus Khuu    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFirst round72 26.43 32.54
34.29     35.32     26.43     28.79     34.53
Mason Greb    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFirst round92 1:25.56 1:41.73
1:49.48   1:49.78   1:49.18   1:26.52   1:25.56
Matthew Lee    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 5.99 7.07
7.20      8.98      6.79      5.99      7.23
Second round2 6.40 6.52
7.79      6.64      6.40      6.43      6.50
First round4 5.98 7.22
7.49      5.98      7.22      6.95      9.55
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 10.33 12.01
10.33     13.09     12.45     12.16     11.43
First round1 8.93 11.31
8.93      12.34     10.61     12.69     10.99
Max Jin    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round32 11.22 13.38
13.36     14.42     11.22     13.17     13.61
First round40 13.96 15.05
14.46     13.96     16.27     17.39     14.43
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal22 26.84 31.13
26.84     31.32     30.16     31.92     39.73
First round25 26.20 30.66
31.62     27.22     33.15     26.20     37.66
Max Xiong (熊锐明)    China
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 7.54 8.61
7.54      8.15      8.32      10.60     9.35
Second round7 7.92 8.11
8.18      8.02      8.25      8.14      7.92
First round6 6.30 7.61
8.49      8.18      8.08      6.56      6.30
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal8 12.99 13.84
12.99     13.83     24.42     13.36     14.34
First round7 12.81 13.37
13.25     12.81     12.98     13.88     14.05
Max Yang    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round26 10.04 12.44
10.04     DNF       10.15     14.99     12.17
First round35 12.18 14.80
12.18     12.24     18.22     16.06     16.10
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round35 38.06 42.19
38.48     47.59     38.06     40.51     1:08.03
Mayank Vivek    India
3x3x3 CubeSecond round65 18.35 25.98
24.33     31.09     27.98     18.35     25.63
First round60 19.89 22.42
20.56     19.89     23.09     23.61     29.11
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round42 40.34 52.60
49.17     55.57     53.06     59.52     40.34
Micah Arsenault    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFirst round70 25.46 30.66
28.02     25.46     33.58     35.98     30.37
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round50 1:06.14 1:14.42
1:12.39   1:25.31   1:06.14   1:16.46   1:14.42
Michael Bennink    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFirst round80 40.04 45.29
43.92     40.04     42.78     49.16     54.46
Michael Huang    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round52 15.99 18.74
15.99     18.68     16.19     21.34     21.95
First round51 15.35 18.32
15.35     17.74     17.17     28.47     20.06
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round52 56.38 1:21.37
1:43.65   1:10.19   56.38     1:10.26   DNF
Michael Yuan    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal18 10.50 11.53
13.68     10.76     10.50     11.09     12.75
Second round20 9.92 11.68
9.92      12.31     12.44     11.09     11.63
First round23 10.56 12.47
14.14     13.50     13.28     10.62     10.56
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal15 18.86 20.99
21.71     18.86     20.38     24.61     20.89
First round19 22.44 24.42
24.31     23.22     26.29     25.73     22.44
Minjoon Jang    Republic of Korea
3x3x3 CubeFirst round77 38.24 43.21
38.24     52.59     45.16     42.92     41.54
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round53 1:34.22 1:52.26
1:59.58   1:57.56   1:56.21   1:43.02   1:34.22
Morgan Yeh    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 5.95 6.42
5.95      6.83      6.04      7.05      6.40
Second round3 5.04 6.53
6.42      6.62      7.54      5.04      6.56
First round2 5.95 6.83
8.16      8.82      6.28      6.06      5.95
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal10 14.28 16.77
15.78     30.46     14.28     17.39     17.14
First round10 15.26 16.42
15.31     16.71     18.33     15.26     17.25
Nathan Chiem    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 7.61 8.72
10.08     8.44      8.07      7.61      9.65
Second round9 7.46 8.71
9.63      8.58      7.91      7.46      9.74
First round8 6.18 8.03
6.18      8.45      8.12      7.53      8.49
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal11 15.36 16.90
16.17     16.18     15.36     18.52     18.35
First round15 17.89 18.67
17.89     18.52     18.92     18.57     20.07
Nicholas Bennink    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round63 19.49 25.41
23.09     25.18     19.49     27.97     28.72
First round66 24.29 27.38
25.28     27.47     29.38     24.29     30.65
Nicholas McKee    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round27 11.45 12.69
12.37     11.45     11.74     16.82     13.97
First round34 12.93 14.78
12.93     16.10     14.55     13.70     20.34
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal24 24.63 32.53
24.63     38.10     31.80     27.69     40.34
First round16 19.30 22.64
29.59     22.36     19.30     21.72     23.83
Owen Lowicki    United States
3x3x3 CubeSecond round50 15.81 18.38
DNF       18.89     19.93     15.81     16.32
First round52 16.74 18.34
17.23     20.83     20.63     17.15     16.74
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round32 29.86 34.93
44.91     36.94     37.48     29.86     30.38
Patrick He    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round49 17.55 18.07
19.02     17.55     18.98     17.64     17.59
First round49 16.28 17.49
17.53     17.12     19.56     16.28     17.82
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round45 49.19 54.93
59.93     49.19     52.24     52.62     1:08.83
Rayan Beig    Pakistan
3x3x3 CubeSecond round62 23.30 25.23
23.30     34.30     26.59     23.78     25.32
First round62 16.27 23.42
22.37     16.27     20.85     27.03     29.22
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round37 36.77 44.56
47.30     53.85     37.91     48.48     36.77
Remy Avalos    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round67 26.02 28.75
DNF       27.92     26.55     31.78     26.02
First round65 25.43 26.86
26.95     DNF       26.84     25.43     26.80
Roan Paone    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 7.29 8.95
8.64      11.52     7.29      10.11     8.09
Second round11 8.59 9.56
9.81      8.59      9.35      9.52      11.61
First round12 8.31 8.94
8.31      8.62      10.91     9.74      8.47
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 11.25 13.30
13.71     16.66     11.25     12.33     13.86
First round8 11.67 13.41
14.91     11.67     12.60     16.57     12.71
Rohin Thekkoot    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round60 20.57 22.85
20.57     22.88     23.61     24.09     22.06
First round67 18.82 27.45
26.13     18.82     26.74     29.83     29.49
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round44 44.71 53.73
50.92     56.97     53.31     57.48     44.71
Ryan Wu    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 5.66 8.60
5.66      8.35      10.23     7.21      12.74
Second round1 6.02 6.46
6.86      6.02      6.35      6.28      6.74
First round3 6.11 7.11
6.11      6.35      8.21      6.76      9.48
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 10.56 13.63
10.56     11.48     DNF       15.86     13.55
First round4 10.58 12.40
12.99     14.67     12.82     11.38     10.58
Samir Merchant    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round68 26.25 29.22
30.67     26.83     36.55     30.17     26.25
First round69 21.17 28.03
21.17     29.39     30.67     24.03     32.33
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round55 1:59.79 DNF
DNF       1:59.79   2:14.36   DNF       4:47.82
Siddharth Kanwar    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 8.79 9.36
8.79      9.39      9.24      9.44      12.62
Second round17 9.43 10.87
9.62      12.15     12.67     10.84     9.43
First round16 9.34 10.36
9.34      11.97     10.54     10.84     9.71
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal19 17.81 23.43
27.74     22.40     17.81     23.72     24.18
First round20 22.03 25.15
27.40     26.80     22.24     22.03     26.41
Spencer Cohen    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFirst round71 28.00 31.61
31.32     31.37     28.00     32.39     32.13
Stanley Wang    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 6.06 7.72
8.21      8.44      6.06      6.81      8.15
Second round4 6.01 7.57
7.92      7.80      6.01      7.81      7.09
First round5 6.11 7.23
6.89      7.36      7.45      6.11      8.15
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 9.90 12.19
9.90      13.04     12.66     10.87     13.09
First round3 10.57 12.15
11.79     10.57     15.32     12.62     12.04
Steve Huang    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFirst round75 35.29 40.50
37.97     38.45     45.08     35.29     47.15
Theo Brock    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round40 12.26 14.78
21.15     16.47     12.26     14.01     13.87
First round39 13.41 15.02
14.21     13.41     21.56     16.42     14.44
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round40 36.41 49.31
DNF       57.89     36.41     43.96     46.08
Theodore Akimov    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFirst round76 25.56 42.80
44.50     25.56     43.03     41.31     44.07
Udit Neelakantam    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round58 17.91 20.50
20.36     26.25     21.19     17.91     19.94
First round53 14.52 18.94
14.52     20.34     16.52     19.96     23.21
William Ip    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round55 16.28 19.67
22.91     18.34     20.66     16.28     20.02
First round59 17.01 21.36
25.42     18.29     24.41     21.39     17.01
Xavier He    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFirst round85 42.24 51.12
1:02.51   46.83     56.75     42.24     49.78
Zane Koutsogiannis    Canada
3x3x3 CubeSecond round64 20.84 25.52
22.91     26.64     20.84     27.00     30.86
First round64 17.97 25.83
24.57     26.99     25.94     28.54     17.97
Zev Maman    Canada
3x3x3 CubeFirst round88 37.02 59.56
37.02     42.73     45.22     DNF       1:30.73