Personal Page

Mohammad Arya Bima

Name: Mohammad Arya Bima
Region: Indonesia
Competitions: 5
WCA ID: Mohammad Arya Bima2012BIMA01
Gender: Male
Career: 2012.02.25 - 2013.06.30
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube45898012694211.4114.232985211168477144/45
2x2x2 Cube78413509469214.286.87570781727798220/20
4x4x4 Cube23347981363746.6553.34135244818231122/22
5x5x5 Cube2074186130281:45.061:53.1612115389719312/12
7x7x7 Cube96222678456:07.106:33.4968891993903/3
3x3x3 One-Handed686111973104431.2855.544253814500106814/15
Master Magic9655310604.215.3811475761035/5

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Kediri Open 2013Second round11 13.94 16.53
17.31     13.94     17.00     18.50     15.27
First round11 12.47 17.12
18.31     18.58     14.47     12.47     19.83
Pasuruan 2013Final3 12.96 15.18
16.56     12.96     15.09     16.44     14.02
Second round3 14.61 14.98
15.34     14.63     14.97     14.61     DNF
First round4 11.41 14.23
14.53     20.75     11.41     14.01     14.16
Surabaya Cube 2012First round18 20.00 23.84
20.00     21.36     26.71     24.81     25.36
Malang Cube 2012Second round11 19.25 20.66
20.86     20.66     19.25     25.19     20.46
First round14 18.33 24.00
26.53     21.44     18.33     24.91     25.65
Surabaya Open 2012First round28 23.88 27.57
28.43     25.71     30.40     28.56     23.88
2x2x2 Cube
Kediri Open 2013First round15 4.28 7.50
8.31      10.44     5.78      8.41      4.28
Pasuruan 2013First round9 5.47 6.87
5.47      8.52      11.13     5.94      6.16
Surabaya Cube 2012First round16 7.58 9.11
8.97      9.81      9.05      7.58      9.31
Malang Cube 2012First round15 6.88 9.38
7.71      10.31     10.34     6.88      10.11
4x4x4 Cube
Kediri Open 2013Final7 50.81 58.55
50.81     1:02.08   1:01.46   1:00.09   54.11
First round7 46.65 53.34
57.66     52.02     51.15     46.65     56.84
Pasuruan 2013Final3 53.68 1:00.33
1:02.41   53.68     1:03.52   1:06.96   55.05
Surabaya Cube 2012First round16 1:22.27 1:40.19
1:22.27   1:52.08   1:31.94   1:52.88   1:36.56
Malang Cube 2012Final10 1:38.30
2:10.56   1:38.30
5x5x5 Cube
Kediri Open 2013First round9 1:45.06 1:53.16
1:53.15   1:53.38   1:45.06   2:14.81   1:52.94
Surabaya Cube 2012Final11 2:36.53 2:51.43
2:41.34   2:36.53   2:56.55   2:56.40   2:59.50
Malang Cube 2012Final7 3:01.36
3:01.36   3:18.08
6x6x6 Cube
Kediri Open 2013Final9 DNF
7x7x7 Cube
Kediri Open 2013Final5 6:07.10 6:33.49
6:07.10   6:33.52   6:59.86
3x3x3 One-Handed
Kediri Open 2013Final19 31.28 55.54
1:05.19   31.28     45.96     DNF       55.46
Surabaya Cube 2012Final16 50.13 59.52
51.46     56.02     50.13     1:26.27   1:11.09
Malang Cube 2012Final14 54.33 1:07.68
1:05.34   54.33     1:18.30   1:29.09   59.40
Kediri Open 2013Final11 20.83 26.21
DNF       22.65     29.56     26.43     20.83
Pasuruan 2013Final16 21.88 DNF
26.59     21.88     23.78     DNF       DNF
Malang Cube 2012Final7 31.96 DNF
43.61     1:02.81   DNF       31.96     DNF
Kediri Open 2013Final3 1:26.11 1:35.81
1:26.11   1:46.55   1:32.52   1:30.25   1:44.65
Kediri Open 2013First round11 10.25 12.63
12.93     12.50     12.46     10.25     25.97
Pasuruan 2013Final13 11.21 14.57
11.21     12.11     15.86     15.75     25.33
Malang Cube 2012Final17 8.22 27.48
58.15     14.38     13.09     54.97     8.22
Malang Cube 2012Final5 1.63 1.86
1.63      2.13      1.65      4.25      1.81
Master Magic
Malang Cube 2012Final8 4.21 5.38
6.09      5.40      4.21      8.30      4.66
Kediri Open 2013
3x3x3 CubeSecond round11 13.94 16.53
17.31     13.94     17.00     18.50     15.27
First round11 12.47 17.12
18.31     18.58     14.47     12.47     19.83
2x2x2 CubeFirst round15 4.28 7.50
8.31      10.44     5.78      8.41      4.28
4x4x4 CubeFinal7 50.81 58.55
50.81     1:02.08   1:01.46   1:00.09   54.11
First round7 46.65 53.34
57.66     52.02     51.15     46.65     56.84
5x5x5 CubeFirst round9 1:45.06 1:53.16
1:53.15   1:53.38   1:45.06   2:14.81   1:52.94
6x6x6 CubeFinal9 DNF
7x7x7 CubeFinal5 6:07.10 6:33.49
6:07.10   6:33.52   6:59.86
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal19 31.28 55.54
1:05.19   31.28     45.96     DNF       55.46
ClockFinal11 20.83 26.21
DNF       22.65     29.56     26.43     20.83
MegaminxFinal3 1:26.11 1:35.81
1:26.11   1:46.55   1:32.52   1:30.25   1:44.65
PyraminxFirst round11 10.25 12.63
12.93     12.50     12.46     10.25     25.97
Pasuruan 2013
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 12.96 15.18
16.56     12.96     15.09     16.44     14.02
Second round3 14.61 14.98
15.34     14.63     14.97     14.61     DNF
First round4 11.41 14.23
14.53     20.75     11.41     14.01     14.16
2x2x2 CubeFirst round9 5.47 6.87
5.47      8.52      11.13     5.94      6.16
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 53.68 1:00.33
1:02.41   53.68     1:03.52   1:06.96   55.05
ClockFinal16 21.88 DNF
26.59     21.88     23.78     DNF       DNF
PyraminxFinal13 11.21 14.57
11.21     12.11     15.86     15.75     25.33
Surabaya Cube 2012
3x3x3 CubeFirst round18 20.00 23.84
20.00     21.36     26.71     24.81     25.36
2x2x2 CubeFirst round16 7.58 9.11
8.97      9.81      9.05      7.58      9.31
4x4x4 CubeFirst round16 1:22.27 1:40.19
1:22.27   1:52.08   1:31.94   1:52.88   1:36.56
5x5x5 CubeFinal11 2:36.53 2:51.43
2:41.34   2:36.53   2:56.55   2:56.40   2:59.50
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal16 50.13 59.52
51.46     56.02     50.13     1:26.27   1:11.09
Malang Cube 2012
3x3x3 CubeSecond round11 19.25 20.66
20.86     20.66     19.25     25.19     20.46
First round14 18.33 24.00
26.53     21.44     18.33     24.91     25.65
2x2x2 CubeFirst round15 6.88 9.38
7.71      10.31     10.34     6.88      10.11
4x4x4 CubeFinal10 1:38.30
2:10.56   1:38.30
5x5x5 CubeFinal7 3:01.36
3:01.36   3:18.08
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal14 54.33 1:07.68
1:05.34   54.33     1:18.30   1:29.09   59.40
ClockFinal7 31.96 DNF
43.61     1:02.81   DNF       31.96     DNF
PyraminxFinal17 8.22 27.48
58.15     14.38     13.09     54.97     8.22
MagicFinal5 1.63 1.86
1.63      2.13      1.65      4.25      1.81
Master MagicFinal8 4.21 5.38
6.09      5.40      4.21      8.30      4.66
Surabaya Open 2012
3x3x3 CubeFirst round28 23.88 27.57
28.43     25.71     30.40     28.56     23.88
52013-06-29~30Kediri Open 2013IndonesiaKediri, East Java
42013-05-11~12Pasuruan 2013IndonesiaPasuruan
32012-06-24Surabaya Cube 2012IndonesiaSurabaya, East Java
22012-06-16~17Malang Cube 2012IndonesiaKaranglo-Malang, East Java
12012-02-25~26Surabaya Open 2012IndonesiaSurabaya, East Java