Personal Page

Dennis Eijkel

Name: Dennis Eijkel
Region: Netherlands
Competitions: 23
WCA ID: Dennis Eijkel2012EIJK01
Gender: Male
Career: 2012.03.03 - 2020.09.20
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1614256160939.9312.43181774669176207/210
2x2x2 Cube77209757371.894.20135264241167179/180
4x4x4 Cube12430931080943.5848.4895602686103166/167
5x5x5 Cube94224675601:25.841:29.54607117667464/65
3x3x3 Fewest Moves8821075291413/7
3x3x3 One-Handed582097772917.2020.65688518325694/95

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Veenendaal Open 2020Second round25 9.93 13.11
12.49     15.94     9.93      16.81     10.91
First round33 13.26 13.94
DNF       14.19     13.26     13.87     13.76
Star Cubing Nijmegen 2020Second round20 11.65 12.82
17.53     11.65     12.00     13.01     13.46
First round29 10.87 13.94
12.28     14.81     14.96     14.73     10.87
Dutch Masters 2020Second round23 10.78 12.50
10.78     14.42     12.46     12.59     12.44
First round41 11.85 15.21
11.85     15.67     16.75     17.72     13.22
Happy New Year Cubing Hoorn 2020Second round17 10.70 12.98
14.83     13.81     13.43     10.70     11.70
First round23 13.03 13.64
13.50     14.93     14.05     13.36     13.03
Dutch Nationals 2019Second round51 10.39 14.36
15.86     10.39     14.08     14.88     14.12
First round38 12.43 13.12
12.66     13.78     12.91     12.43     DNF
Hoogland Open 2019Second round24 12.09 13.25
17.31     13.09     12.09     13.89     12.76
First round18 10.74 12.58
11.99     12.87     10.74     12.87     14.20
Star Cubing Nijmegen 2019Second round15 11.32 12.43
14.63     12.79     11.32     12.34     12.16
First round20 11.36 13.24
14.16     11.36     11.99     13.57     14.63
Breda Open 2019Second round30 12.97 13.77
13.31     15.00     12.97     13.01     16.93
First round42 13.03 15.25
13.03     18.02     15.84     14.96     14.95
Dutch Masters 2019Second round18 12.02 13.74
14.95     13.93     12.02     14.17     13.13
First round20 13.62 13.81
13.62     14.81     13.72     14.04     13.67
HNY Cubing Niijmegen 2019Second round41 14.67 16.26
16.18     14.67     14.94     19.01     17.67
First round24 10.77 12.68
12.17     10.77     18.34     13.07     12.81
Rijswijk Open 2018Second round35 13.43 16.08
15.76     21.69     18.42     13.43     14.06
First round27 11.99 14.55
13.65     15.49     11.99     15.17     14.83
Meppel Open 2018Second round29 11.68 15.13
14.99     14.43     11.68     20.26     15.98
First round31 12.81 15.28
15.77     21.95     15.64     12.81     14.44
Dutch Nationals 2018Second round21 12.09 12.59
12.61     12.09     12.45     12.70     15.11
First round30 11.68 14.24
16.54     16.04     13.08     11.68     13.60
Zwolle Open 2018Second round17 12.32 14.55
15.10     15.88     12.32     12.66     16.80
First round19 12.91 15.44
15.87     13.86     12.91     17.22     16.58
Veenendaal Open 2018Second round31 12.97 16.07
16.43     12.97     15.37     17.43     16.42
First round32 13.02 16.46
19.86     15.27     14.24     13.02     20.68
Breda Open 2018Second round30 11.82 15.63
17.64     15.90     11.82     14.36     16.64
First round34 14.17 14.97
15.76     22.97     14.17     14.32     14.83
Assen Open 2018Second round23 14.88 15.59
14.88     16.58     15.01     15.64     16.12
First round31 14.68 16.58
16.56     18.73     14.68     16.19     16.99
HNY Cubing Dordrecht 2018Second round62 14.31 20.93
21.83     22.15     14.31     18.80     28.43
First round47 15.07 17.56
45.72     20.48     17.01     15.20     15.07
Amstelveen Open 2012Second round19 18.83 22.81
24.88     18.83     23.66     21.58     23.19
First round23 20.18 26.49
22.77     27.69     DNF       20.18     29.02
Eindhoven Open 2012Second round19 20.10 21.86
22.77     20.10     23.19     22.19     20.61
First round22 20.21 23.58
20.21     22.62     24.91     25.93     23.21
Twente Open 2012Second round43 32.09 36.16
35.68     37.15     32.09     40.59     35.65
First round44 25.43 33.80
30.71     37.09     25.43     43.93     33.61
2x2x2 Cube
Veenendaal Open 2020First round42 4.53 5.71
6.85      4.74      11.36     4.53      5.54
Star Cubing Nijmegen 2020Final35 4.56 5.16
12.51     4.98      5.78      4.72      4.56
First round45 4.03 5.82
6.34      5.65      5.46      16.96     4.03
Dutch Masters 2020Final47 3.92 6.12
6.76      5.86      5.74      6.92      3.92
First round37 4.94 5.63
7.09      5.80      6.09      4.94      5.00
Happy New Year Cubing Hoorn 2020Final41 4.54 5.89
5.21      4.54      7.58      7.63      4.89
First round52 5.37 6.55
5.37      6.47      7.72      6.45      6.74
Dutch Nationals 2019Final26 3.54 4.20
7.60      4.18      4.03      4.40      3.54
First round68 3.02 5.63
5.39      6.12      15.98     3.02      5.38
Hoogland Open 2019Second round36 1.89 4.99
4.85      5.53      4.58      7.63      1.89
First round44 4.22 5.75
4.22      6.08      6.19      5.16      6.00
Star Cubing Nijmegen 2019Final29 3.34 4.70
4.37      4.95      5.86      3.34      4.78
First round39 4.63 5.37
5.31      4.63      7.94      6.07      4.73
Breda Open 2019Final55 4.83 7.44
7.96      4.83      8.53      8.06      6.29
First round38 5.10 5.41
5.31      5.10      5.49      5.84      5.43
Dutch Masters 2019Final39 4.61 5.97
7.14      4.93      6.49      6.49      4.61
First round34 4.43 5.96
6.55      6.88      6.32      4.43      5.01
HNY Cubing Niijmegen 2019Final38 4.16 5.45
4.16      6.04      7.30      4.59      5.71
Rijswijk Open 2018Second round31 4.84 5.49
6.02      5.40      5.68      5.38      4.84
First round27 3.41 5.10
6.03      5.70      3.41      3.57      6.23
Meppel Open 2018Final30 4.75 5.26
5.89      4.92      5.58      4.75      5.29
Dutch Nationals 2018Final28 4.46 5.04
4.71      5.70      4.46      DNF       4.72
First round42 4.32 5.70
6.04      4.85      4.32      6.21      7.05
Zwolle Open 2018Final17 4.00 4.81
4.53      5.35      5.25      4.00      4.64
First round18 4.34 5.18
4.97      5.79      4.34      6.49      4.79
Veenendaal Open 2018Final34 5.72 6.60
6.50      7.06      6.23      5.72      9.01
First round18 4.81 5.11
4.92      6.88      4.81      5.35      5.07
Breda Open 2018Final28 4.82 5.46
5.54      5.00      7.75      5.84      4.82
First round52 6.94 8.46
7.59      9.17      13.86     8.63      6.94
Assen Open 2018Final27 3.85 5.82
4.17      7.44      5.88      3.85      7.41
First round32 4.62 6.42
7.20      6.30      4.62      5.75      13.32
HNY Cubing Dordrecht 2018Final39 4.69 5.95
5.69      7.44      5.05      4.69      7.11
First round44 4.95 6.29
5.70      6.57      4.95      6.61      8.23
Amstelveen Open 2012First round16 4.47 8.68
13.69     4.47      7.27      7.19      11.58
Eindhoven Open 2012Final19 8.59 11.00
11.93     11.55     8.59      11.97     9.53
First round16 8.72 8.89
9.03      8.86      10.03     8.72      8.77
4x4x4 Cube
Veenendaal Open 2020Final22 47.71 54.52
52.33     1:02.25   51.45     47.71     59.77
First round19 49.42 52.46
49.42     52.78     53.96     54.83     50.65
Star Cubing Nijmegen 2020Final28 43.58 54.29
1:03.13   55.31     43.58     55.68     51.87
First round23 43.76 53.02
55.05     43.76     55.30     52.61     51.41
Dutch Masters 2020Final22 45.82 50.40
48.12     54.87     45.82     53.81     49.28
First round27 51.19 55.88
54.15     51.19     1:00.72   58.27     55.22
Happy New Year Cubing Hoorn 2020Final16 43.59 48.48
52.27     52.66     46.15     43.59     47.03
First round16 48.54 51.25
53.70     51.24     56.31     48.54     48.82
Dutch Nationals 2019Final26 47.85 51.65
50.90     47.85     59.55     51.40     52.66
First round37 46.56 54.92
55.31     53.04     59.57     56.40     46.56
Hoogland Open 2019Final21 43.62 50.41
1:01.74   43.62     45.08     55.91     50.24
First round17 43.79 50.31
51.96     46.53     52.44     43.79     53.82
Star Cubing Nijmegen 2019Final19 45.69 54.81
57.41     51.54     56.02     56.86     45.69
Breda Open 2019Final23 48.48 54.13
48.48     50.39     58.84     1:02.27   53.16
First round28 47.24 58.20
1:00.02   59.43     47.24     56.71     58.46
Dutch Masters 2019Final12 47.02 48.55
48.51     47.64     1:02.54   47.02     49.49
First round19 52.10 59.25
59.58     52.10     58.98     DNF       59.18
HNY Cubing Niijmegen 2019Final20 45.93 53.88
45.93     53.73     1:02.64   57.48     50.42
Rijswijk Open 2018Second round24 51.09 58.23
1:02.53   51.09     58.10     1:00.41   56.17
First round22 45.77 56.82
45.77     58.83     56.85     54.78     1:04.23
Meppel Open 2018Final22 47.87 54.80
51.83     53.46     59.12     1:13.52   47.87
Dutch Nationals 2018Final28 48.61 56.47
48.61     1:02.67   53.51     58.50     57.39
First round28 49.78 57.19
57.87     49.78     55.57     58.13     59.43
Zwolle Open 2018Final13 48.73 54.25
49.76     48.73     56.72     57.52     56.27
Veenendaal Open 2018Final24 55.86 59.05
1:03.57   57.94     56.79     1:02.43   55.86
First round20 50.94 56.69
50.94     57.03     1:01.49   51.56     1:03.30
Breda Open 2018Final27 55.28 1:00.25
1:04.38   1:02.70   57.99     1:00.07   55.28
First round33 55.72 1:06.59
55.72     1:10.01   1:02.63   1:10.53   1:07.12
Assen Open 2018Final25 57.55 1:06.06
1:21.51   1:01.48   1:03.94   57.55     1:12.76
HNY Cubing Dordrecht 2018Final47 1:16.61
1:28.00   1:16.61
First round47 1:08.52 1:21.73
1:08.52   1:29.15   1:16.01   2:20.91   1:20.02
Amstelveen Open 2012First round14 1:16.61 1:29.74
1:39.44   1:27.43   1:16.61   1:37.25   1:24.55
Eindhoven Open 2012Second round14 1:18.36 1:28.54
1:18.36   1:26.81   1:45.00   1:28.28   1:30.52
First round14 1:23.30 1:29.31
1:27.66   1:30.28   1:30.00   1:46.93   1:23.30
5x5x5 Cube
Veenendaal Open 2020Final16 1:32.34 1:41.87
1:40.20   1:48.50   1:50.13   1:32.34   1:36.90
First round15 1:25.84 1:33.69
1:30.92   1:32.16   1:37.99   DNF       1:25.84
Star Cubing Nijmegen 2020Final15 1:31.33 1:34.18
1:34.21   1:32.09   1:40.76   1:31.33   1:36.24
First round17 1:30.51 1:33.52
1:37.37   1:30.51   1:30.59   1:34.30   1:35.68
Dutch Masters 2020Final20 1:26.14 1:34.25
1:36.75   1:26.14   1:33.46   1:33.88   1:35.42
First round19 1:27.33 1:29.54
1:30.12   1:30.46   1:27.33   1:28.03   1:45.46
Happy New Year Cubing Hoorn 2020Final21 1:32.42 1:33.63
1:34.64   1:33.21   1:32.42   1:37.68   1:33.05
Dutch Nationals 2019Final23 1:29.85 1:34.81
1:36.64   1:38.58   1:29.85   1:32.94   1:34.85
First round32 1:38.04 1:40.48
1:38.04   1:42.61   1:40.70   1:38.14   2:02.67
Hoogland Open 2019Final24 1:35.33 1:46.07
1:50.06   1:49.71   1:35.33   1:41.61   1:46.89
First round18 1:29.54 1:34.47
1:29.54   1:40.34   2:10.13   1:29.75   1:33.31
Breda Open 2019Final26 1:28.55 1:52.80
2:05.95   1:28.55   1:46.75   2:49.72   1:45.71
Rijswijk Open 2018Final24 1:36.82 1:51.10
1:43.38   1:58.54   1:54.82   1:55.11   1:36.82
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
FMC 2019Final286 41 DNF
DNF       DNF       41
FMC Europe 2019Final206 44 DNF
50        44        DNF
Veenendaal Open 2018Final18 DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Star Cubing Nijmegen 2020Final11 20.03 23.00
21.79     20.03     26.47     21.92     25.28
Dutch Masters 2020Final23 19.38 29.12
25.66     39.10     33.01     19.38     28.69
Dutch Nationals 2019Final15 19.31 22.75
19.31     26.06     31.96     20.66     21.53
First round22 19.35 22.94
21.87     24.01     24.73     19.35     22.94
Hoogland Open 2019Final12 17.20 21.16
23.22     23.76     17.20     18.71     21.56
First round13 19.10 20.65
22.55     20.33     19.71     19.10     21.90
Breda Open 2019Final22 20.51 26.35
23.49     26.32     29.24     20.51     31.06
First round13 19.01 21.14
19.69     19.57     19.01     24.16     29.41
Dutch Masters 2019Final14 21.84 25.63
25.06     26.63     32.13     25.21     21.84
HNY Cubing Niijmegen 2019Final23 25.13 27.57
32.16     25.13     25.86     27.06     29.78
Rijswijk Open 2018First round15 20.58 24.14
26.57     25.37     24.29     20.58     22.76
Meppel Open 2018Final17 21.81 26.75
24.85     29.43     21.81     25.98     29.94
Dutch Nationals 2018Final19 22.69 25.08
34.74     23.27     22.69     24.93     27.04
First round22 21.96 26.72
48.44     29.98     25.44     21.96     24.73
Zwolle Open 2018Final9 22.73 28.87
25.71     32.49     36.17     22.73     28.41
Veenendaal Open 2018Final26 29.82 31.98
32.36     30.67     29.82     32.90     47.67
First round27 32.06 37.71
38.70     32.06     36.74     58.89     37.70
Breda Open 2018Final36 24.14 44.94
59.34     DNF       24.14     34.62     40.86
First round35 39.46 44.18
40.12     43.93     39.46     1:10.84   48.49
Veenendaal Open 2020First round45 9.99 12.86
11.39     19.48     14.96     12.22     9.99
Star Cubing Nijmegen 2020Final40 5.83 11.26
10.79     13.29     5.83      10.42     12.58
First round58 11.37 12.99
14.57     16.58     11.85     12.55     11.37
Dutch Masters 2020Final38 8.84 10.12
9.74      8.84      9.56      21.71     11.05
First round55 6.67 12.01
6.67      12.72     12.12     11.50     12.42
Happy New Year Cubing Hoorn 2020Final52 6.87 13.99
6.87      14.78     12.59     14.59     23.69
First round45 8.51 11.20
13.83     10.95     9.93      8.51      12.71
Dutch Nationals 2019Final44 8.26 9.66
8.76      16.39     9.57      8.26      10.66
First round97 9.93 13.52
9.93      14.40     16.82     14.11     12.06
Hoogland Open 2019First round57 8.08 13.82
9.67      17.02     8.08      20.01     14.77
Breda Open 2019Final52 7.60 13.58
14.39     13.21     7.60      20.73     13.13
First round50 10.92 12.80
17.38     13.26     10.92     10.94     14.19
Dutch Masters 2019Final64 11.41 17.85
18.99     23.07     DNF       11.48     11.41
First round61 10.02 13.22
16.70     15.10     10.02     11.98     12.57
HNY Cubing Niijmegen 2019Final40 5.90 11.09
5.90      11.42     18.84     11.02     10.82
First round47 7.97 11.52
11.02     10.54     13.18     13.01     7.97
Rijswijk Open 2018Final42 8.92 12.52
14.86     14.74     8.92      13.39     9.44
Meppel Open 2018Final25 7.29 9.84
8.37      8.22      18.34     7.29      12.92
First round17 8.44 8.89
9.64      10.39     8.53      8.44      8.51
Dutch Nationals 2018Final39 6.91 9.40
10.89     6.91      7.24      DNF       10.06
First round39 9.66 10.67
11.82     9.66      12.89     10.14     10.04
Zwolle Open 2018Final27 9.12 11.30
11.34     9.12      10.87     15.58     11.68
First round22 8.78 10.73
11.13     8.78      10.22     10.85     16.27
Veenendaal Open 2018Final37 8.26 11.99
16.71     11.09     13.60     8.26      11.28
First round35 9.77 11.79
12.96     10.13     12.96     9.77      12.27
Assen Open 2018Final32 8.10 12.46
8.10      9.67      12.52     15.19     16.55
HNY Cubing Dordrecht 2018Final54 9.91 16.18
10.38     23.55     9.91      20.56     17.59
First round55 7.58 13.67
13.39     16.15     11.46     17.96     7.58
Amstelveen Open 2012Final7 8.36 11.46
8.36      9.27      15.40     12.34     12.77
Eindhoven Open 2012Final12 6.02 12.88
11.96     14.47     6.02      12.21     15.00
First round7 7.33 12.04
12.02     7.33      16.02     10.34     13.75
Twente Open 2012Second round23 11.40 14.66
19.72     12.53     17.41     14.03     11.40
First round25 8.50 14.17
15.31     8.50      14.61     13.63     14.27
Veenendaal Open 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 9.93 13.11
12.49     15.94     9.93      16.81     10.91
First round33 13.26 13.94
DNF       14.19     13.26     13.87     13.76
2x2x2 CubeFirst round42 4.53 5.71
6.85      4.74      11.36     4.53      5.54
4x4x4 CubeFinal22 47.71 54.52
52.33     1:02.25   51.45     47.71     59.77
First round19 49.42 52.46
49.42     52.78     53.96     54.83     50.65
5x5x5 CubeFinal16 1:32.34 1:41.87
1:40.20   1:48.50   1:50.13   1:32.34   1:36.90
First round15 1:25.84 1:33.69
1:30.92   1:32.16   1:37.99   DNF       1:25.84
PyraminxFirst round45 9.99 12.86
11.39     19.48     14.96     12.22     9.99
Star Cubing Nijmegen 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round20 11.65 12.82
17.53     11.65     12.00     13.01     13.46
First round29 10.87 13.94
12.28     14.81     14.96     14.73     10.87
2x2x2 CubeFinal35 4.56 5.16
12.51     4.98      5.78      4.72      4.56
First round45 4.03 5.82
6.34      5.65      5.46      16.96     4.03
4x4x4 CubeFinal28 43.58 54.29
1:03.13   55.31     43.58     55.68     51.87
First round23 43.76 53.02
55.05     43.76     55.30     52.61     51.41
5x5x5 CubeFinal15 1:31.33 1:34.18
1:34.21   1:32.09   1:40.76   1:31.33   1:36.24
First round17 1:30.51 1:33.52
1:37.37   1:30.51   1:30.59   1:34.30   1:35.68
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal11 20.03 23.00
21.79     20.03     26.47     21.92     25.28
PyraminxFinal40 5.83 11.26
10.79     13.29     5.83      10.42     12.58
First round58 11.37 12.99
14.57     16.58     11.85     12.55     11.37
Dutch Masters 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 10.78 12.50
10.78     14.42     12.46     12.59     12.44
First round41 11.85 15.21
11.85     15.67     16.75     17.72     13.22
2x2x2 CubeFinal47 3.92 6.12
6.76      5.86      5.74      6.92      3.92
First round37 4.94 5.63
7.09      5.80      6.09      4.94      5.00
4x4x4 CubeFinal22 45.82 50.40
48.12     54.87     45.82     53.81     49.28
First round27 51.19 55.88
54.15     51.19     1:00.72   58.27     55.22
5x5x5 CubeFinal20 1:26.14 1:34.25
1:36.75   1:26.14   1:33.46   1:33.88   1:35.42
First round19 1:27.33 1:29.54
1:30.12   1:30.46   1:27.33   1:28.03   1:45.46
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal23 19.38 29.12
25.66     39.10     33.01     19.38     28.69
PyraminxFinal38 8.84 10.12
9.74      8.84      9.56      21.71     11.05
First round55 6.67 12.01
6.67      12.72     12.12     11.50     12.42
Happy New Year Cubing Hoorn 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 10.70 12.98
14.83     13.81     13.43     10.70     11.70
First round23 13.03 13.64
13.50     14.93     14.05     13.36     13.03
2x2x2 CubeFinal41 4.54 5.89
5.21      4.54      7.58      7.63      4.89
First round52 5.37 6.55
5.37      6.47      7.72      6.45      6.74
4x4x4 CubeFinal16 43.59 48.48
52.27     52.66     46.15     43.59     47.03
First round16 48.54 51.25
53.70     51.24     56.31     48.54     48.82
5x5x5 CubeFinal21 1:32.42 1:33.63
1:34.64   1:33.21   1:32.42   1:37.68   1:33.05
PyraminxFinal52 6.87 13.99
6.87      14.78     12.59     14.59     23.69
First round45 8.51 11.20
13.83     10.95     9.93      8.51      12.71
Dutch Nationals 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round51 10.39 14.36
15.86     10.39     14.08     14.88     14.12
First round38 12.43 13.12
12.66     13.78     12.91     12.43     DNF
2x2x2 CubeFinal26 3.54 4.20
7.60      4.18      4.03      4.40      3.54
First round68 3.02 5.63
5.39      6.12      15.98     3.02      5.38
4x4x4 CubeFinal26 47.85 51.65
50.90     47.85     59.55     51.40     52.66
First round37 46.56 54.92
55.31     53.04     59.57     56.40     46.56
5x5x5 CubeFinal23 1:29.85 1:34.81
1:36.64   1:38.58   1:29.85   1:32.94   1:34.85
First round32 1:38.04 1:40.48
1:38.04   1:42.61   1:40.70   1:38.14   2:02.67
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal15 19.31 22.75
19.31     26.06     31.96     20.66     21.53
First round22 19.35 22.94
21.87     24.01     24.73     19.35     22.94
PyraminxFinal44 8.26 9.66
8.76      16.39     9.57      8.26      10.66
First round97 9.93 13.52
9.93      14.40     16.82     14.11     12.06
Hoogland Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 12.09 13.25
17.31     13.09     12.09     13.89     12.76
First round18 10.74 12.58
11.99     12.87     10.74     12.87     14.20
2x2x2 CubeSecond round36 1.89 4.99
4.85      5.53      4.58      7.63      1.89
First round44 4.22 5.75
4.22      6.08      6.19      5.16      6.00
4x4x4 CubeFinal21 43.62 50.41
1:01.74   43.62     45.08     55.91     50.24
First round17 43.79 50.31
51.96     46.53     52.44     43.79     53.82
5x5x5 CubeFinal24 1:35.33 1:46.07
1:50.06   1:49.71   1:35.33   1:41.61   1:46.89
First round18 1:29.54 1:34.47
1:29.54   1:40.34   2:10.13   1:29.75   1:33.31
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal12 17.20 21.16
23.22     23.76     17.20     18.71     21.56
First round13 19.10 20.65
22.55     20.33     19.71     19.10     21.90
PyraminxFirst round57 8.08 13.82
9.67      17.02     8.08      20.01     14.77
Star Cubing Nijmegen 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round15 11.32 12.43
14.63     12.79     11.32     12.34     12.16
First round20 11.36 13.24
14.16     11.36     11.99     13.57     14.63
2x2x2 CubeFinal29 3.34 4.70
4.37      4.95      5.86      3.34      4.78
First round39 4.63 5.37
5.31      4.63      7.94      6.07      4.73
4x4x4 CubeFinal19 45.69 54.81
57.41     51.54     56.02     56.86     45.69
FMC 2019
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal286 41 DNF
DNF       DNF       41
Breda Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round30 12.97 13.77
13.31     15.00     12.97     13.01     16.93
First round42 13.03 15.25
13.03     18.02     15.84     14.96     14.95
2x2x2 CubeFinal55 4.83 7.44
7.96      4.83      8.53      8.06      6.29
First round38 5.10 5.41
5.31      5.10      5.49      5.84      5.43
4x4x4 CubeFinal23 48.48 54.13
48.48     50.39     58.84     1:02.27   53.16
First round28 47.24 58.20
1:00.02   59.43     47.24     56.71     58.46
5x5x5 CubeFinal26 1:28.55 1:52.80
2:05.95   1:28.55   1:46.75   2:49.72   1:45.71
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal22 20.51 26.35
23.49     26.32     29.24     20.51     31.06
First round13 19.01 21.14
19.69     19.57     19.01     24.16     29.41
PyraminxFinal52 7.60 13.58
14.39     13.21     7.60      20.73     13.13
First round50 10.92 12.80
17.38     13.26     10.92     10.94     14.19
Dutch Masters 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 12.02 13.74
14.95     13.93     12.02     14.17     13.13
First round20 13.62 13.81
13.62     14.81     13.72     14.04     13.67
2x2x2 CubeFinal39 4.61 5.97
7.14      4.93      6.49      6.49      4.61
First round34 4.43 5.96
6.55      6.88      6.32      4.43      5.01
4x4x4 CubeFinal12 47.02 48.55
48.51     47.64     1:02.54   47.02     49.49
First round19 52.10 59.25
59.58     52.10     58.98     DNF       59.18
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal14 21.84 25.63
25.06     26.63     32.13     25.21     21.84
PyraminxFinal64 11.41 17.85
18.99     23.07     DNF       11.48     11.41
First round61 10.02 13.22
16.70     15.10     10.02     11.98     12.57
FMC Europe 2019
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal206 44 DNF
50        44        DNF
HNY Cubing Niijmegen 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round41 14.67 16.26
16.18     14.67     14.94     19.01     17.67
First round24 10.77 12.68
12.17     10.77     18.34     13.07     12.81
2x2x2 CubeFinal38 4.16 5.45
4.16      6.04      7.30      4.59      5.71
4x4x4 CubeFinal20 45.93 53.88
45.93     53.73     1:02.64   57.48     50.42
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal23 25.13 27.57
32.16     25.13     25.86     27.06     29.78
PyraminxFinal40 5.90 11.09
5.90      11.42     18.84     11.02     10.82
First round47 7.97 11.52
11.02     10.54     13.18     13.01     7.97
Rijswijk Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round35 13.43 16.08
15.76     21.69     18.42     13.43     14.06
First round27 11.99 14.55
13.65     15.49     11.99     15.17     14.83
2x2x2 CubeSecond round31 4.84 5.49
6.02      5.40      5.68      5.38      4.84
First round27 3.41 5.10
6.03      5.70      3.41      3.57      6.23
4x4x4 CubeSecond round24 51.09 58.23
1:02.53   51.09     58.10     1:00.41   56.17
First round22 45.77 56.82
45.77     58.83     56.85     54.78     1:04.23
5x5x5 CubeFinal24 1:36.82 1:51.10
1:43.38   1:58.54   1:54.82   1:55.11   1:36.82
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round15 20.58 24.14
26.57     25.37     24.29     20.58     22.76
PyraminxFinal42 8.92 12.52
14.86     14.74     8.92      13.39     9.44
Meppel Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 11.68 15.13
14.99     14.43     11.68     20.26     15.98
First round31 12.81 15.28
15.77     21.95     15.64     12.81     14.44
2x2x2 CubeFinal30 4.75 5.26
5.89      4.92      5.58      4.75      5.29
4x4x4 CubeFinal22 47.87 54.80
51.83     53.46     59.12     1:13.52   47.87
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal17 21.81 26.75
24.85     29.43     21.81     25.98     29.94
PyraminxFinal25 7.29 9.84
8.37      8.22      18.34     7.29      12.92
First round17 8.44 8.89
9.64      10.39     8.53      8.44      8.51
Dutch Nationals 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 12.09 12.59
12.61     12.09     12.45     12.70     15.11
First round30 11.68 14.24
16.54     16.04     13.08     11.68     13.60
2x2x2 CubeFinal28 4.46 5.04
4.71      5.70      4.46      DNF       4.72
First round42 4.32 5.70
6.04      4.85      4.32      6.21      7.05
4x4x4 CubeFinal28 48.61 56.47
48.61     1:02.67   53.51     58.50     57.39
First round28 49.78 57.19
57.87     49.78     55.57     58.13     59.43
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal19 22.69 25.08
34.74     23.27     22.69     24.93     27.04
First round22 21.96 26.72
48.44     29.98     25.44     21.96     24.73
PyraminxFinal39 6.91 9.40
10.89     6.91      7.24      DNF       10.06
First round39 9.66 10.67
11.82     9.66      12.89     10.14     10.04
Zwolle Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 12.32 14.55
15.10     15.88     12.32     12.66     16.80
First round19 12.91 15.44
15.87     13.86     12.91     17.22     16.58
2x2x2 CubeFinal17 4.00 4.81
4.53      5.35      5.25      4.00      4.64
First round18 4.34 5.18
4.97      5.79      4.34      6.49      4.79
4x4x4 CubeFinal13 48.73 54.25
49.76     48.73     56.72     57.52     56.27
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal9 22.73 28.87
25.71     32.49     36.17     22.73     28.41
PyraminxFinal27 9.12 11.30
11.34     9.12      10.87     15.58     11.68
First round22 8.78 10.73
11.13     8.78      10.22     10.85     16.27
Veenendaal Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round31 12.97 16.07
16.43     12.97     15.37     17.43     16.42
First round32 13.02 16.46
19.86     15.27     14.24     13.02     20.68
2x2x2 CubeFinal34 5.72 6.60
6.50      7.06      6.23      5.72      9.01
First round18 4.81 5.11
4.92      6.88      4.81      5.35      5.07
4x4x4 CubeFinal24 55.86 59.05
1:03.57   57.94     56.79     1:02.43   55.86
First round20 50.94 56.69
50.94     57.03     1:01.49   51.56     1:03.30
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal18 DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal26 29.82 31.98
32.36     30.67     29.82     32.90     47.67
First round27 32.06 37.71
38.70     32.06     36.74     58.89     37.70
PyraminxFinal37 8.26 11.99
16.71     11.09     13.60     8.26      11.28
First round35 9.77 11.79
12.96     10.13     12.96     9.77      12.27
Breda Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round30 11.82 15.63
17.64     15.90     11.82     14.36     16.64
First round34 14.17 14.97
15.76     22.97     14.17     14.32     14.83
2x2x2 CubeFinal28 4.82 5.46
5.54      5.00      7.75      5.84      4.82
First round52 6.94 8.46
7.59      9.17      13.86     8.63      6.94
4x4x4 CubeFinal27 55.28 1:00.25
1:04.38   1:02.70   57.99     1:00.07   55.28
First round33 55.72 1:06.59
55.72     1:10.01   1:02.63   1:10.53   1:07.12
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal36 24.14 44.94
59.34     DNF       24.14     34.62     40.86
First round35 39.46 44.18
40.12     43.93     39.46     1:10.84   48.49
Assen Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 14.88 15.59
14.88     16.58     15.01     15.64     16.12
First round31 14.68 16.58
16.56     18.73     14.68     16.19     16.99
2x2x2 CubeFinal27 3.85 5.82
4.17      7.44      5.88      3.85      7.41
First round32 4.62 6.42
7.20      6.30      4.62      5.75      13.32
4x4x4 CubeFinal25 57.55 1:06.06
1:21.51   1:01.48   1:03.94   57.55     1:12.76
PyraminxFinal32 8.10 12.46
8.10      9.67      12.52     15.19     16.55
HNY Cubing Dordrecht 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round62 14.31 20.93
21.83     22.15     14.31     18.80     28.43
First round47 15.07 17.56
45.72     20.48     17.01     15.20     15.07
2x2x2 CubeFinal39 4.69 5.95
5.69      7.44      5.05      4.69      7.11
First round44 4.95 6.29
5.70      6.57      4.95      6.61      8.23
4x4x4 CubeFinal47 1:16.61
1:28.00   1:16.61
First round47 1:08.52 1:21.73
1:08.52   1:29.15   1:16.01   2:20.91   1:20.02
PyraminxFinal54 9.91 16.18
10.38     23.55     9.91      20.56     17.59
First round55 7.58 13.67
13.39     16.15     11.46     17.96     7.58
Amstelveen Open 2012
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 18.83 22.81
24.88     18.83     23.66     21.58     23.19
First round23 20.18 26.49
22.77     27.69     DNF       20.18     29.02
2x2x2 CubeFirst round16 4.47 8.68
13.69     4.47      7.27      7.19      11.58
4x4x4 CubeFirst round14 1:16.61 1:29.74
1:39.44   1:27.43   1:16.61   1:37.25   1:24.55
PyraminxFinal7 8.36 11.46
8.36      9.27      15.40     12.34     12.77
Eindhoven Open 2012
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 20.10 21.86
22.77     20.10     23.19     22.19     20.61
First round22 20.21 23.58
20.21     22.62     24.91     25.93     23.21
2x2x2 CubeFinal19 8.59 11.00
11.93     11.55     8.59      11.97     9.53
First round16 8.72 8.89
9.03      8.86      10.03     8.72      8.77
4x4x4 CubeSecond round14 1:18.36 1:28.54
1:18.36   1:26.81   1:45.00   1:28.28   1:30.52
First round14 1:23.30 1:29.31
1:27.66   1:30.28   1:30.00   1:46.93   1:23.30
PyraminxFinal12 6.02 12.88
11.96     14.47     6.02      12.21     15.00
First round7 7.33 12.04
12.02     7.33      16.02     10.34     13.75
Twente Open 2012
3x3x3 CubeSecond round43 32.09 36.16
35.68     37.15     32.09     40.59     35.65
First round44 25.43 33.80
30.71     37.09     25.43     43.93     33.61
PyraminxSecond round23 11.40 14.66
19.72     12.53     17.41     14.03     11.40
First round25 8.50 14.17
15.31     8.50      14.61     13.63     14.27
232020-09-19~20Veenendaal Open 2020NetherlandsVeenendaal
222020-02-29~03-01Star Cubing Nijmegen 2020NetherlandsNijmegen
212020-02-01~02Dutch Masters 2020NetherlandsErmelo
202020-01-04~05Happy New Year Cubing Hoorn 2020NetherlandsHoorn
192019-09-21~22Dutch Nationals 2019NetherlandsVeenendaal
182019-08-16~17Hoogland Open 2019NetherlandsHoogland
172019-06-29Star Cubing Nijmegen 2019NetherlandsNijmegen
162019-06-15~16FMC 2019Multiple Countries (World)Multiple Cities
152019-06-08~09Breda Open 2019NetherlandsUlvenhout
142019-04-06~07Dutch Masters 2019NetherlandsErmelo
132019-03-23FMC Europe 2019Multiple Countries (Europe)Multiple cities (see website)
122019-01-05HNY Cubing Niijmegen 2019NetherlandsNijmegen
112018-12-15~16Rijswijk Open 2018NetherlandsRijswijk
102018-11-10Meppel Open 2018NetherlandsMeppel
92018-09-22~23Dutch Nationals 2018NetherlandsHoogland
82018-08-17~18Zwolle Open 2018NetherlandsZwolle
72018-06-23~24Veenendaal Open 2018NetherlandsVeenendaal
62018-05-19~20Breda Open 2018NetherlandsUlvenhout
52018-03-03Assen Open 2018NetherlandsAssen
42018-01-05~06HNY Cubing Dordrecht 2018NetherlandsDordrecht
32012-09-22Amstelveen Open 2012NetherlandsAmstelveen
22012-09-15~16Eindhoven Open 2012NetherlandsEindhoven
12012-03-03~04Twente Open 2012NetherlandsEnschede

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