Personal Page

Flavio Bocola

Name: Flavio Bocola
Region: Italy
Competitions: 3
WCA ID: Flavio Bocola2014BOCO01
Gender: Male
Career: 2014.05.10 - 2019.10.05
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1773087114719.1710.9110021266314734/35
2x2x2 Cube60012638423824.065.3330464895243824/25
4x4x4 Cube19035091236645.2649.4310304290814915/15
3x3x3 One-Handed23948071843923.4429.2118815483123910/10

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Road to IC - Montecatini 2019Final6 10.64 11.99
11.74     14.81     10.64     12.94     11.29
Second round8 11.05 12.09
13.03     11.34     13.66     11.05     11.91
First round8 10.86 12.27
11.78     14.30     10.86     13.32     11.70
Road to IC - Monterotondo 2019Final8 9.17 10.91
9.79      12.54     9.17      14.61     10.40
Second round10 11.35 12.34
12.79     13.82     12.20     11.35     12.04
First round8 11.17 11.58
11.17     11.76     11.68     12.62     11.31
Italian Championship 2014First round50 1:01.36 1:13.13
1:20.68   1:07.61   1:11.09   1:01.36   DNF
2x2x2 Cube
Road to IC - Montecatini 2019Final26 4.46 6.83
8.01      4.46      5.39      7.08      9.44
First round26 5.61 7.19
7.72      9.83      5.65      5.61      8.20
Road to IC - Monterotondo 2019Final27 4.16 5.98
4.16      5.88      5.72      6.34      8.96
Second round22 4.06 5.33
DNF       4.06      5.29      5.88      4.82
First round33 5.29 6.42
6.61      8.08      6.61      5.29      6.03
4x4x4 Cube
Road to IC - Montecatini 2019Final6 45.26 49.43
53.23     46.80     45.26     1:01.68   48.27
Road to IC - Monterotondo 2019Final18 49.97 54.34
49.97     56.27     52.41     1:01.70   54.34
First round19 52.20 57.04
1:02.25   1:07.49   52.20     55.17     53.70
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Road to IC - Montecatini 2019Final4 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
Road to IC - Monterotondo 2019First round8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
3x3x3 One-Handed
Road to IC - Monterotondo 2019Final17 23.44 29.41
30.54     31.17     34.76     23.44     26.53
First round15 27.91 29.21
30.42     29.20     37.14     28.02     27.91
Road to IC - Montecatini 2019First round18 9.13 11.43
11.52     9.72      13.04     DNF       9.13
Road to IC - Monterotondo 2019Final21 8.82 11.77
11.64     DNF       8.82      8.86      14.81
First round20 8.05 10.31
8.76      13.86     8.05      8.31      20.72
Road to IC - Montecatini 2019First round32 26.55 30.96
35.55     26.55     30.00     27.32     43.12
Road to IC - Montecatini 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 10.64 11.99
11.74     14.81     10.64     12.94     11.29
Second round8 11.05 12.09
13.03     11.34     13.66     11.05     11.91
First round8 10.86 12.27
11.78     14.30     10.86     13.32     11.70
2x2x2 CubeFinal26 4.46 6.83
8.01      4.46      5.39      7.08      9.44
First round26 5.61 7.19
7.72      9.83      5.65      5.61      8.20
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 45.26 49.43
53.23     46.80     45.26     1:01.68   48.27
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
PyraminxFirst round18 9.13 11.43
11.52     9.72      13.04     DNF       9.13
SkewbFirst round32 26.55 30.96
35.55     26.55     30.00     27.32     43.12
Road to IC - Monterotondo 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 9.17 10.91
9.79      12.54     9.17      14.61     10.40
Second round10 11.35 12.34
12.79     13.82     12.20     11.35     12.04
First round8 11.17 11.58
11.17     11.76     11.68     12.62     11.31
2x2x2 CubeFinal27 4.16 5.98
4.16      5.88      5.72      6.34      8.96
Second round22 4.06 5.33
DNF       4.06      5.29      5.88      4.82
First round33 5.29 6.42
6.61      8.08      6.61      5.29      6.03
4x4x4 CubeFinal18 49.97 54.34
49.97     56.27     52.41     1:01.70   54.34
First round19 52.20 57.04
1:02.25   1:07.49   52.20     55.17     53.70
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal17 23.44 29.41
30.54     31.17     34.76     23.44     26.53
First round15 27.91 29.21
30.42     29.20     37.14     28.02     27.91
PyraminxFinal21 8.82 11.77
11.64     DNF       8.82      8.86      14.81
First round20 8.05 10.31
8.76      13.86     8.05      8.31      20.72
Italian Championship 2014
3x3x3 CubeFirst round50 1:01.36 1:13.13
1:20.68   1:07.61   1:11.09   1:01.36   DNF
32019-10-05Road to IC - Montecatini 2019ItalyMontecatini Terme
22019-09-07~08Road to IC - Monterotondo 2019ItalyMonterotondo
12014-05-10~11Italian Championship 2014ItalyMonterotondo (Roma)