Personal Page

Qiuhao Qian (潜秋豪)

Qiuhao Qian (潜秋豪)
Name: Qiuhao Qian (潜秋豪)
Region: China
Competitions: 18
WCA ID: Qiuhao Qian (潜秋豪)2015QIAN02
Gender: Male
Career: 2015.06.14 - 2024.12.15
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube16164913138539.6010.2169662474829129/130
2x2x2 Cube7892742111472.373.981086129698991153/155
4x4x4 Cube4001277368334.5237.33247185028092/97
5x5x5 Cube326108031551:09.351:17.423224110835566/67
6x6x6 Cube19962719912:12.502:25.03216268622611/12
7x7x7 Cube23765319773:30.533:46.91211769825513/13
3x3x3 One-Handed167247291273020.3024.39117194506163229/31
3x3x3 With Feet259929545.6052.702448422242/43

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Hangzhou Open 2024Second round73 9.60 10.21
9.60      10.05     10.64     9.95      11.31
First round78 9.71 10.56
9.71      12.38     11.33     10.34     10.01
WCA World Championship 2023First round440 10.38 11.05
11.80     11.91     10.38     10.92     10.42
China Championship 2019Second round275 9.61 13.46
14.96     9.61      11.53     14.36     14.50
First round205 11.64 12.91
14.71     13.90     12.78     12.05     11.64
Suzhou Open 2018Second round28 12.30 13.27
12.30     14.26     13.03     13.19     13.58
First round19 10.81 12.89
11.61     13.80     13.26     16.70     10.81
Beijing Summer 2018Final47 11.76 12.91
17.25     13.16     11.76     12.18     13.39
First round60 12.88 13.74
12.88     14.34     14.12     12.96     14.15
Jinhua New Year's Day 2018Second round15 11.08 12.05
12.77     12.66     11.11     11.08     12.37
First round16 10.78 12.94
12.31     15.36     10.78     14.13     12.39
China Championship 2017Second round184 11.37 14.34
14.70     11.37     13.34     14.97     15.42
First round68 11.06 11.80
DNF       11.51     11.06     12.40     11.49
Wenzhou Open 2017Second round13 13.30 14.02
13.30     14.17     13.87     14.81     14.01
First round22 12.58 15.47
15.03     15.12     16.26     12.58     16.32
Hangzhou Autumn 2016Second round26 12.02 13.76
12.21     12.02     14.48     15.54     14.58
First round37 12.58 14.34
12.58     14.42     14.68     13.91     17.15
Asian Championship 2016Second round297 12.97 17.03
16.71     13.63     24.69     12.97     20.74
First round261 13.20 15.71
14.35     15.76     13.20     17.01     19.39
Jinhua Open 2016First round45 14.19 16.55
16.28     14.42     18.94     20.17     14.19
Chongqing Open 2016Second round53 15.66 17.39
17.25     17.71     17.20     15.66     20.22
First round51 16.09 16.42
17.03     16.76     16.16     16.33     16.09
China Championship 2015First round192 12.98 16.02
13.59     12.98     16.87     17.59     18.13
Wuxi Open 2015Second round61 13.50 17.46
16.13     13.50     18.19     18.07     18.27
First round66 15.72 17.51
17.27     17.74     15.72     17.51     19.33
Nanchang Open 2015First round34 17.77 20.66
21.20     18.59     24.37     17.77     22.20
2x2x2 Cube
Hangzhou Open 2024Second round46 3.66 3.98
3.66      3.81      3.97      4.15      5.39
First round45 3.50 4.03
4.02      3.50      4.32      5.30      3.75
WCA World Championship 2023First round316 3.98 4.34
3.99      4.97      3.98      4.06      8.04
China Championship 2019Second round118 3.37 4.30
4.42      4.40      4.07      3.37      4.96
First round145 4.05 4.52
4.05      4.15      5.04      6.07      4.36
Suzhou Open 2018Final11 3.96 4.85
5.34      4.94      5.48      4.27      3.96
First round10 3.13 3.99
3.68      3.13      4.13      6.42      4.16
Nanchang Dragon-boat Open 2018Final5 3.34 4.02
3.34      4.51      3.54      4.81      4.01
Second round5 3.94 4.17
4.33      3.94      4.07      4.10      4.56
First round7 3.74 4.29
5.15      4.01      4.48      3.74      4.37
Jinhua New Year's Day 2018Final6 3.88 4.15
4.39      3.96      4.11      3.88      4.88
First round11 3.44 4.19
3.44      4.08      4.19      4.31      4.33
China Championship 2017Second round41 3.68 4.15
3.72      4.28      4.44      4.53      3.68
First round49 3.27 4.27
4.05      4.71      4.74      4.06      3.27
Wenzhou Open 2017Final3 3.99 4.67
4.97      4.43      5.24      4.62      3.99
First round5 3.94 4.50
4.17      6.83      4.61      3.94      4.71
Hangzhou Autumn 2016Final13 4.03 4.62
4.63      4.74      4.49      4.03      5.52
First round23 3.17 5.25
4.13      5.63      3.17      6.00      6.00
Asian Championship 2016Second round97 4.84 5.48
6.99      4.99      5.86      5.60      4.84
First round39 2.69 4.32
4.32      5.05      3.58      DNF       2.69
Jinhua Open 2016Second round14 4.00 5.01
7.04      4.00      5.64      4.51      4.88
First round15 2.37 5.13
2.95      7.23      2.37      DNF       5.21
Chongqing Open 2016Second round16 4.81 5.19
5.14      5.55      5.33      4.81      5.09
First round28 3.91 6.03
9.48      5.11      8.09      3.91      4.88
China Championship 2015Second round47 4.30 5.42
4.30      4.32      4.68      7.26      8.12
First round55 2.79 4.81
5.11      2.79      5.46      4.47      4.84
Wuxi Open 2015Final9 3.15 4.40
3.15      4.18      5.27      4.55      4.46
Second round14 3.57 4.97
3.57      4.52      5.47      5.61      4.93
First round11 4.60 4.94
6.02      5.34      4.84      4.60      4.65
Nanchang Open 2015Final7 4.84 5.48
5.95      5.05      4.84      5.52      5.88
First round5 4.49 5.37
4.49      5.73      5.41      6.24      4.96
4x4x4 Cube
Hangzhou Open 2024First round21 34.52 37.33
34.52     35.78     41.72     36.77     39.44
WCA World Championship 2023First round257 37.06 40.57
40.44     37.06     43.20     45.36     38.07
China Championship 2019Second round82 43.33 44.77
44.70     43.33     44.43     45.18     DNF
First round102 40.74 46.73
46.66     48.30     45.23     40.74     49.27
Hangzhou Open 2018First round20 38.39 43.43
43.20     50.75     38.39     44.16     42.94
Suzhou Open 2018Final6 41.78 44.96
43.31     41.78     DNF       47.66     43.90
First round7 39.62 44.83
45.78     43.20     50.14     39.62     45.52
Beijing Summer 2018Final20 39.44 48.64
44.66     53.20     56.36     39.44     48.06
First round10 38.00 41.69
52.29     38.35     43.02     38.00     43.69
China Championship 2017Second round49 42.35 45.58
45.86     51.52     42.35     46.89     44.00
First round50 40.98 45.04
45.25     47.20     42.67     40.98     52.57
Wenzhou Open 2017Final4 40.32 45.87
48.78     40.32     48.04     52.73     40.80
First round9 41.56 50.81
51.72     41.56     56.36     44.36     DNF
Hangzhou Autumn 2016Final12 46.92 52.89
50.48     52.67     55.51     46.92     58.06
Asian Championship 2016First round134 48.84 59.33
DNF       48.84     1:15.65   51.67     50.68
Jinhua Open 2016First round29 58.31 1:02.41
58.31     1:03.01   1:00.92   1:03.30   DNF
Chongqing Open 2016First round19 51.94 57.63
55.54     58.60     58.74     51.94     1:21.10
China Championship 2015First round92 48.82 58.77
50.35     1:02.29   1:03.66   1:07.27   48.82
Wuxi Open 2015First round38 1:00.30
1:00.30   1:04.42
Nanchang Open 2015Final20 1:08.96 1:15.08
1:44.35   1:08.96   1:10.02   1:16.19   1:19.02
5x5x5 Cube
WCA World Championship 2023First round242 1:09.35 1:17.42
1:23.99   1:09.35   1:25.01   1:12.94   1:15.34
China Championship 2019Second round61 1:19.96 1:25.00
1:21.65   1:50.68   1:26.00   1:19.96   1:27.36
First round44 1:09.59 1:18.62
1:19.12   1:09.59   1:22.81   1:23.81   1:13.93
Hangzhou Open 2018First round19 1:20.14 1:27.68
1:36.54   1:27.13   1:34.19   1:21.72   1:20.14
Beijing Summer 2018Final10 1:17.88 1:26.38
1:26.79   1:28.67   1:17.88   1:23.68   1:31.80
First round11 1:19.38 1:23.91
1:19.38   1:24.56   1:22.57   1:29.33   1:24.59
Nanchang Dragon-boat Open 2018Final14 1:24.30 1:28.15
1:31.64   1:28.41   1:24.30   1:34.93   1:24.39
Jinhua New Year's Day 2018Final10 1:24.42 1:26.50
1:25.41   1:24.42   1:26.03   1:28.06   1:33.73
China Championship 2017Second round49 1:21.17 1:33.64
1:33.77   1:34.57   1:32.58   1:40.79   1:21.17
First round55 1:24.48 1:31.68
1:29.65   1:31.91   1:46.08   1:33.48   1:24.48
Hangzhou Autumn 2016Final18 1:45.40 1:48.48
1:49.39   DNF       1:48.64   1:45.40   1:47.40
Asian Championship 2016First round91 1:42.05 1:47.06
1:50.53   1:44.23   1:42.05   1:54.59   1:46.43
Jinhua Open 2016First round31 1:43.44 1:54.08
1:54.60   1:48.29   2:07.93   1:43.44   1:59.36
Chongqing Open 2016Final24 2:18.39
2:18.39   2:36.03
6x6x6 Cube
Big n Blind n Clock Xianju 2024Final11 2:12.50 2:25.03
2:12.50   2:43.16   2:19.44
WCA World Championship 2023First round189 2:22.61 2:28.98
2:31.40   2:22.61   2:32.94
China Championship 2019First round55 3:00.42
Hangzhou Open 2018Final10 2:35.70 2:44.16
2:44.34   2:35.70   2:52.45
Jinhua New Year's Day 2018Final13 3:36.50
Hangzhou Autumn 2016Final10 DNF
7x7x7 Cube
Big n Blind n Clock Xianju 2024Final12 3:30.53 3:47.06
4:01.63   3:30.53   3:49.01
WCA World Championship 2023First round162 3:32.15 3:46.91
3:32.55   3:32.15   4:16.02
Hangzhou Open 2018Final15 4:13.83 4:27.86
4:52.62   4:13.83   4:17.12
Nanchang Dragon-boat Open 2018Final13 4:10.24 4:26.16
4:21.72   4:46.52   4:10.24
Jinhua New Year's Day 2018Final11 5:30.16
3x3x3 One-Handed
WCA World Championship 2023First round440 23.36 30.07
27.70     27.51     23.36     35.01     37.41
China Championship 2019First round141 20.30 24.39
23.59     28.11     20.30     27.05     22.53
Beijing Summer 2018First round47 20.74 24.42
20.79     26.13     20.74     26.34     26.39
China Championship 2017First round126 26.12 28.36
26.12     29.74     29.83     26.98     28.36
Wenzhou Open 2017First round20 31.24
DNF       31.24
Hangzhou Autumn 2016Final45 33.08
33.08     36.81
Jinhua Open 2016First round44 28.82 35.61
35.61     28.82     35.52     35.69     DNF
China Championship 2015First round203 46.88
49.37     46.88
Big n Blind n Clock Xianju 2024Final14 8.91 10.39
10.63     11.45     12.11     9.08      8.91
First round13 10.06 10.77
10.85     10.10     11.35     11.53     10.06
WCA World Championship 2023First round206 10.42 12.73
13.14     13.62     11.42     10.42     13.67
China Championship 2019First round23 9.74 10.75
10.47     10.48     12.09     11.30     9.74
Hangzhou Open 2018Final16 12.40 13.70
12.54     12.40     15.40     13.51     15.04
Jinhua New Year's Day 2018First round14 13.26 13.82
16.62     13.71     14.25     13.26     13.50
China Championship 2017First round15 12.62 14.02
12.62     15.15     DNF       13.89     13.01
Hangzhou Autumn 2016Final22 DNF
DNF       DNF
Asian Championship 2016First round34 14.73 17.84
20.68     15.89     16.95     14.73     DNF
China Championship 2015First round37 14.94 DNF
DNF       14.94     DNF       DNF       DNF
Wuxi Open 2015Final23 26.27
DNF       26.27
WCA World Championship 2023First round261 1:17.94 1:28.91
1:40.47   1:17.94   1:22.48   1:23.81   1:40.44
China Championship 2019First round56 1:16.39 1:26.73
1:24.22   1:25.07   1:39.06   1:30.91   1:16.39
Hangzhou Open 2018Final15 1:18.02 1:28.26
1:29.20   1:18.02   1:28.48   1:40.24   1:27.11
Nanchang Dragon-boat Open 2018Final13 1:19.24 1:25.11
1:30.31   1:19.24   1:26.29   1:29.12   1:19.93
China Championship 2017First round33 1:28.15 1:37.03
DNF       1:34.59   1:38.79   1:37.71   1:28.15
Hangzhou Autumn 2016Final12 1:33.11 1:37.45
1:51.82   1:37.21   1:40.35   1:34.80   1:33.11
Asian Championship 2016First round52 1:24.72 1:36.59
1:41.98   1:24.72   1:47.32   1:37.03   1:30.77
China Championship 2015First round43 2:07.33
2:07.33   2:09.77
Wuxi Open 2015Final16 2:05.99
2:26.63   2:05.99
Hangzhou Open 2024First round32 4.24 4.89
4.94      4.90      5.01      4.82      4.24
WCA World Championship 2023First round171 3.27 5.44
3.27      6.30      5.67      7.29      4.35
China Championship 2019Semi Final47 3.19 5.05
3.19      5.79      6.76      4.18      5.18
Second round48 3.31 5.19
5.39      3.31      5.05      5.14      6.97
First round48 2.92 5.32
2.92      4.72      4.75      6.81      6.50
Suzhou Open 2018Final8 4.05 6.21
6.97      4.05      6.78      7.10      4.87
First round5 4.14 4.58
4.14      5.36      4.53      4.31      4.90
Beijing Summer 2018Final9 3.49 4.39
5.22      3.82      4.56      3.49      4.78
First round13 4.14 5.06
5.10      5.53      6.04      4.14      4.54
Nanchang Dragon-boat Open 2018Final4 2.84 4.95
4.70      2.84      5.17      5.18      4.99
First round3 4.64 5.19
4.64      5.46      4.64      5.47      6.88
China Championship 2017Semi Final24 3.21 5.69
4.16      3.21      5.90      7.74      7.00
Second round23 4.63 5.34
6.18      6.01      4.63      5.24      4.76
First round11 3.37 4.26
3.37      3.83      4.30      4.65      5.37
Wenzhou Open 2017Final1 4.22 4.54
4.22      4.37      4.86      4.39      5.90
First round1 4.53 4.80
4.53      4.76      4.98      6.41      4.66
Hangzhou Autumn 2016Final3 4.00 4.73
4.00      4.36      4.89      4.95      5.16
First round6 4.22 5.48
6.73      4.57      4.22      9.18      5.13
Asian Championship 2016Semi Final26 4.62 5.77
4.62      6.93      5.03      6.82      5.47
Second round15 3.45 4.52
4.83      5.38      3.45      4.70      4.03
First round13 3.36 4.61
5.92      4.49      4.91      4.43      3.36
Jinhua Open 2016Final3 4.95 5.55
6.05      4.95      5.64      10.90     4.95
Second round4 4.18 5.82
5.94      6.49      5.90      5.61      4.18
First round3 3.75 5.02
DNF       5.35      5.43      4.28      3.75
Chongqing Open 2016Final4 4.28 5.91
4.28      6.81      8.50      5.22      5.69
Second round4 4.59 5.53
6.89      4.73      6.15      4.59      5.70
First round3 5.06 5.72
5.84      5.06      6.07      7.07      5.26
China Championship 2015Final12 3.40 5.81
6.82      3.40      5.16      6.79      5.48
Semi Final7 4.06 4.83
4.75      4.72      5.02      4.06      7.38
Second round10 5.49 5.85
5.95      5.62      5.99      8.99      5.49
First round16 4.97 6.31
6.56      5.94      4.97      6.44      9.74
Wuxi Open 2015Final4 5.42 6.16
7.49      5.42      5.95      6.59      5.95
First round9 5.13 6.56
6.99      5.13      6.38      7.41      6.30
Nanchang Open 2015Final7 5.90 8.66
9.17      9.77      5.90      8.90      7.91
First round4 6.82 7.62
6.82      7.40      7.18      8.48      8.27
Hangzhou Open 2024First round48 6.57 7.33
7.93      7.44      6.57      7.41      7.15
WCA World Championship 2023First round326 7.39 9.80
7.39      12.43     18.41     8.18      8.80
Beijing Summer 2018First round42 5.78 7.97
9.62      8.20      5.78      7.97      7.73
Nanchang Dragon-boat Open 2018Final9 6.36 8.87
8.39      7.03      6.36      11.18     11.57
First round5 5.69 6.92
6.28      8.22      7.35      7.12      5.69
China Championship 2017First round92 6.96 9.34
6.96      9.36      10.56     8.46      10.20
Wenzhou Open 2017Final10 8.11 10.93
10.67     11.83     DNF       10.28     8.11
First round8 5.40 8.35
5.40      9.61      8.07      7.38      13.25
Hangzhou Autumn 2016Final12 5.55 8.82
9.93      5.55      9.23      12.75     7.29
Asian Championship 2016First round66 7.10 10.18
7.10      10.49     12.67     12.89     7.37
Jinhua Open 2016First round20 8.24 11.79
14.99     9.46      10.92     DNF       8.24
Chongqing Open 2016First round13 7.44 8.43
7.44      13.78     8.75      8.00      8.55
China Championship 2015Second round35 6.88 10.60
8.42      14.68     18.56     8.70      6.88
First round32 5.50 10.73
11.47     5.50      11.02     9.71      15.18
Wuxi Open 2015First round28 12.02 15.29
16.13     DNF       17.61     12.14     12.02
Nanchang Open 2015Final11 9.59 14.88
9.59      14.73     15.59     22.90     14.31
3x3x3 With Feet
China Championship 2019Final9 50.14 57.74
1:19.06   59.97     59.68     53.56     50.14
Hangzhou Open 2018Final6 47.40 52.70
1:05.65   53.47     47.40     54.92     49.72
Beijing Summer 2018Final7 45.60 58.23
DNF       59.78     56.19     58.72     45.60
First round7 51.15 57.19
54.65     59.33     51.15     1:00.64   57.60
Jinhua New Year's Day 2018Final6 49.48 53.31
53.42     49.48     56.98     1:07.76   49.53
China Championship 2017Final9 49.85 56.18
1:02.39   56.30     49.85
First round9 51.22 54.66
55.47     51.22     57.28
Hangzhou Autumn 2016Final3 57.96 1:01.77
1:03.14   1:04.20   57.96
Asian Championship 2016First round9 1:14.37 1:17.46
1:21.19   1:14.37   1:16.82
Chongqing Open 2016Final3 1:33.08 1:37.74
1:33.08   1:46.30   1:33.83
China Championship 2015First round11 1:22.72 1:35.57
1:31.35   1:52.64   1:22.72
Hangzhou Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round73 9.60 10.21
9.60      10.05     10.64     9.95      11.31
First round78 9.71 10.56
9.71      12.38     11.33     10.34     10.01
2x2x2 CubeSecond round46 3.66 3.98
3.66      3.81      3.97      4.15      5.39
First round45 3.50 4.03
4.02      3.50      4.32      5.30      3.75
4x4x4 CubeFirst round21 34.52 37.33
34.52     35.78     41.72     36.77     39.44
PyraminxFirst round32 4.24 4.89
4.94      4.90      5.01      4.82      4.24
SkewbFirst round48 6.57 7.33
7.93      7.44      6.57      7.41      7.15
Big n Blind n Clock Xianju 2024
6x6x6 CubeFinal11 2:12.50 2:25.03
2:12.50   2:43.16   2:19.44
7x7x7 CubeFinal12 3:30.53 3:47.06
4:01.63   3:30.53   3:49.01
ClockFinal14 8.91 10.39
10.63     11.45     12.11     9.08      8.91
First round13 10.06 10.77
10.85     10.10     11.35     11.53     10.06
WCA World Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round440 10.38 11.05
11.80     11.91     10.38     10.92     10.42
2x2x2 CubeFirst round316 3.98 4.34
3.99      4.97      3.98      4.06      8.04
4x4x4 CubeFirst round257 37.06 40.57
40.44     37.06     43.20     45.36     38.07
5x5x5 CubeFirst round242 1:09.35 1:17.42
1:23.99   1:09.35   1:25.01   1:12.94   1:15.34
6x6x6 CubeFirst round189 2:22.61 2:28.98
2:31.40   2:22.61   2:32.94
7x7x7 CubeFirst round162 3:32.15 3:46.91
3:32.55   3:32.15   4:16.02
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round440 23.36 30.07
27.70     27.51     23.36     35.01     37.41
ClockFirst round206 10.42 12.73
13.14     13.62     11.42     10.42     13.67
MegaminxFirst round261 1:17.94 1:28.91
1:40.47   1:17.94   1:22.48   1:23.81   1:40.44
PyraminxFirst round171 3.27 5.44
3.27      6.30      5.67      7.29      4.35
SkewbFirst round326 7.39 9.80
7.39      12.43     18.41     8.18      8.80
China Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round275 9.61 13.46
14.96     9.61      11.53     14.36     14.50
First round205 11.64 12.91
14.71     13.90     12.78     12.05     11.64
2x2x2 CubeSecond round118 3.37 4.30
4.42      4.40      4.07      3.37      4.96
First round145 4.05 4.52
4.05      4.15      5.04      6.07      4.36
4x4x4 CubeSecond round82 43.33 44.77
44.70     43.33     44.43     45.18     DNF
First round102 40.74 46.73
46.66     48.30     45.23     40.74     49.27
5x5x5 CubeSecond round61 1:19.96 1:25.00
1:21.65   1:50.68   1:26.00   1:19.96   1:27.36
First round44 1:09.59 1:18.62
1:19.12   1:09.59   1:22.81   1:23.81   1:13.93
6x6x6 CubeFirst round55 3:00.42
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round141 20.30 24.39
23.59     28.11     20.30     27.05     22.53
ClockFirst round23 9.74 10.75
10.47     10.48     12.09     11.30     9.74
MegaminxFirst round56 1:16.39 1:26.73
1:24.22   1:25.07   1:39.06   1:30.91   1:16.39
PyraminxSemi Final47 3.19 5.05
3.19      5.79      6.76      4.18      5.18
Second round48 3.31 5.19
5.39      3.31      5.05      5.14      6.97
First round48 2.92 5.32
2.92      4.72      4.75      6.81      6.50
3x3x3 With FeetFinal9 50.14 57.74
1:19.06   59.97     59.68     53.56     50.14
Hangzhou Open 2018
4x4x4 CubeFirst round20 38.39 43.43
43.20     50.75     38.39     44.16     42.94
5x5x5 CubeFirst round19 1:20.14 1:27.68
1:36.54   1:27.13   1:34.19   1:21.72   1:20.14
6x6x6 CubeFinal10 2:35.70 2:44.16
2:44.34   2:35.70   2:52.45
7x7x7 CubeFinal15 4:13.83 4:27.86
4:52.62   4:13.83   4:17.12
ClockFinal16 12.40 13.70
12.54     12.40     15.40     13.51     15.04
MegaminxFinal15 1:18.02 1:28.26
1:29.20   1:18.02   1:28.48   1:40.24   1:27.11
3x3x3 With FeetFinal6 47.40 52.70
1:05.65   53.47     47.40     54.92     49.72
Suzhou Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 12.30 13.27
12.30     14.26     13.03     13.19     13.58
First round19 10.81 12.89
11.61     13.80     13.26     16.70     10.81
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 3.96 4.85
5.34      4.94      5.48      4.27      3.96
First round10 3.13 3.99
3.68      3.13      4.13      6.42      4.16
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 41.78 44.96
43.31     41.78     DNF       47.66     43.90
First round7 39.62 44.83
45.78     43.20     50.14     39.62     45.52
PyraminxFinal8 4.05 6.21
6.97      4.05      6.78      7.10      4.87
First round5 4.14 4.58
4.14      5.36      4.53      4.31      4.90
Beijing Summer 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal47 11.76 12.91
17.25     13.16     11.76     12.18     13.39
First round60 12.88 13.74
12.88     14.34     14.12     12.96     14.15
4x4x4 CubeFinal20 39.44 48.64
44.66     53.20     56.36     39.44     48.06
First round10 38.00 41.69
52.29     38.35     43.02     38.00     43.69
5x5x5 CubeFinal10 1:17.88 1:26.38
1:26.79   1:28.67   1:17.88   1:23.68   1:31.80
First round11 1:19.38 1:23.91
1:19.38   1:24.56   1:22.57   1:29.33   1:24.59
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round47 20.74 24.42
20.79     26.13     20.74     26.34     26.39
PyraminxFinal9 3.49 4.39
5.22      3.82      4.56      3.49      4.78
First round13 4.14 5.06
5.10      5.53      6.04      4.14      4.54
SkewbFirst round42 5.78 7.97
9.62      8.20      5.78      7.97      7.73
3x3x3 With FeetFinal7 45.60 58.23
DNF       59.78     56.19     58.72     45.60
First round7 51.15 57.19
54.65     59.33     51.15     1:00.64   57.60
Nanchang Dragon-boat Open 2018
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 3.34 4.02
3.34      4.51      3.54      4.81      4.01
Second round5 3.94 4.17
4.33      3.94      4.07      4.10      4.56
First round7 3.74 4.29
5.15      4.01      4.48      3.74      4.37
5x5x5 CubeFinal14 1:24.30 1:28.15
1:31.64   1:28.41   1:24.30   1:34.93   1:24.39
7x7x7 CubeFinal13 4:10.24 4:26.16
4:21.72   4:46.52   4:10.24
MegaminxFinal13 1:19.24 1:25.11
1:30.31   1:19.24   1:26.29   1:29.12   1:19.93
PyraminxFinal4 2.84 4.95
4.70      2.84      5.17      5.18      4.99
First round3 4.64 5.19
4.64      5.46      4.64      5.47      6.88
SkewbFinal9 6.36 8.87
8.39      7.03      6.36      11.18     11.57
First round5 5.69 6.92
6.28      8.22      7.35      7.12      5.69
Jinhua New Year's Day 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round15 11.08 12.05
12.77     12.66     11.11     11.08     12.37
First round16 10.78 12.94
12.31     15.36     10.78     14.13     12.39
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 3.88 4.15
4.39      3.96      4.11      3.88      4.88
First round11 3.44 4.19
3.44      4.08      4.19      4.31      4.33
5x5x5 CubeFinal10 1:24.42 1:26.50
1:25.41   1:24.42   1:26.03   1:28.06   1:33.73
6x6x6 CubeFinal13 3:36.50
7x7x7 CubeFinal11 5:30.16
ClockFirst round14 13.26 13.82
16.62     13.71     14.25     13.26     13.50
3x3x3 With FeetFinal6 49.48 53.31
53.42     49.48     56.98     1:07.76   49.53
China Championship 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round184 11.37 14.34
14.70     11.37     13.34     14.97     15.42
First round68 11.06 11.80
DNF       11.51     11.06     12.40     11.49
2x2x2 CubeSecond round41 3.68 4.15
3.72      4.28      4.44      4.53      3.68
First round49 3.27 4.27
4.05      4.71      4.74      4.06      3.27
4x4x4 CubeSecond round49 42.35 45.58
45.86     51.52     42.35     46.89     44.00
First round50 40.98 45.04
45.25     47.20     42.67     40.98     52.57
5x5x5 CubeSecond round49 1:21.17 1:33.64
1:33.77   1:34.57   1:32.58   1:40.79   1:21.17
First round55 1:24.48 1:31.68
1:29.65   1:31.91   1:46.08   1:33.48   1:24.48
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round126 26.12 28.36
26.12     29.74     29.83     26.98     28.36
ClockFirst round15 12.62 14.02
12.62     15.15     DNF       13.89     13.01
MegaminxFirst round33 1:28.15 1:37.03
DNF       1:34.59   1:38.79   1:37.71   1:28.15
PyraminxSemi Final24 3.21 5.69
4.16      3.21      5.90      7.74      7.00
Second round23 4.63 5.34
6.18      6.01      4.63      5.24      4.76
First round11 3.37 4.26
3.37      3.83      4.30      4.65      5.37
SkewbFirst round92 6.96 9.34
6.96      9.36      10.56     8.46      10.20
3x3x3 With FeetFinal9 49.85 56.18
1:02.39   56.30     49.85
First round9 51.22 54.66
55.47     51.22     57.28
Wenzhou Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round13 13.30 14.02
13.30     14.17     13.87     14.81     14.01
First round22 12.58 15.47
15.03     15.12     16.26     12.58     16.32
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 3.99 4.67
4.97      4.43      5.24      4.62      3.99
First round5 3.94 4.50
4.17      6.83      4.61      3.94      4.71
4x4x4 CubeFinal4 40.32 45.87
48.78     40.32     48.04     52.73     40.80
First round9 41.56 50.81
51.72     41.56     56.36     44.36     DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round20 31.24
DNF       31.24
PyraminxFinal1 4.22 4.54
4.22      4.37      4.86      4.39      5.90
First round1 4.53 4.80
4.53      4.76      4.98      6.41      4.66
SkewbFinal10 8.11 10.93
10.67     11.83     DNF       10.28     8.11
First round8 5.40 8.35
5.40      9.61      8.07      7.38      13.25
Hangzhou Autumn 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round26 12.02 13.76
12.21     12.02     14.48     15.54     14.58
First round37 12.58 14.34
12.58     14.42     14.68     13.91     17.15
2x2x2 CubeFinal13 4.03 4.62
4.63      4.74      4.49      4.03      5.52
First round23 3.17 5.25
4.13      5.63      3.17      6.00      6.00
4x4x4 CubeFinal12 46.92 52.89
50.48     52.67     55.51     46.92     58.06
5x5x5 CubeFinal18 1:45.40 1:48.48
1:49.39   DNF       1:48.64   1:45.40   1:47.40
6x6x6 CubeFinal10 DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal45 33.08
33.08     36.81
ClockFinal22 DNF
DNF       DNF
MegaminxFinal12 1:33.11 1:37.45
1:51.82   1:37.21   1:40.35   1:34.80   1:33.11
PyraminxFinal3 4.00 4.73
4.00      4.36      4.89      4.95      5.16
First round6 4.22 5.48
6.73      4.57      4.22      9.18      5.13
SkewbFinal12 5.55 8.82
9.93      5.55      9.23      12.75     7.29
3x3x3 With FeetFinal3 57.96 1:01.77
1:03.14   1:04.20   57.96
Asian Championship 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round297 12.97 17.03
16.71     13.63     24.69     12.97     20.74
First round261 13.20 15.71
14.35     15.76     13.20     17.01     19.39
2x2x2 CubeSecond round97 4.84 5.48
6.99      4.99      5.86      5.60      4.84
First round39 2.69 4.32
4.32      5.05      3.58      DNF       2.69
4x4x4 CubeFirst round134 48.84 59.33
DNF       48.84     1:15.65   51.67     50.68
5x5x5 CubeFirst round91 1:42.05 1:47.06
1:50.53   1:44.23   1:42.05   1:54.59   1:46.43
ClockFirst round34 14.73 17.84
20.68     15.89     16.95     14.73     DNF
MegaminxFirst round52 1:24.72 1:36.59
1:41.98   1:24.72   1:47.32   1:37.03   1:30.77
PyraminxSemi Final26 4.62 5.77
4.62      6.93      5.03      6.82      5.47
Second round15 3.45 4.52
4.83      5.38      3.45      4.70      4.03
First round13 3.36 4.61
5.92      4.49      4.91      4.43      3.36
SkewbFirst round66 7.10 10.18
7.10      10.49     12.67     12.89     7.37
3x3x3 With FeetFirst round9 1:14.37 1:17.46
1:21.19   1:14.37   1:16.82
Jinhua Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round45 14.19 16.55
16.28     14.42     18.94     20.17     14.19
2x2x2 CubeSecond round14 4.00 5.01
7.04      4.00      5.64      4.51      4.88
First round15 2.37 5.13
2.95      7.23      2.37      DNF       5.21
4x4x4 CubeFirst round29 58.31 1:02.41
58.31     1:03.01   1:00.92   1:03.30   DNF
5x5x5 CubeFirst round31 1:43.44 1:54.08
1:54.60   1:48.29   2:07.93   1:43.44   1:59.36
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round44 28.82 35.61
35.61     28.82     35.52     35.69     DNF
PyraminxFinal3 4.95 5.55
6.05      4.95      5.64      10.90     4.95
Second round4 4.18 5.82
5.94      6.49      5.90      5.61      4.18
First round3 3.75 5.02
DNF       5.35      5.43      4.28      3.75
SkewbFirst round20 8.24 11.79
14.99     9.46      10.92     DNF       8.24
Chongqing Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round53 15.66 17.39
17.25     17.71     17.20     15.66     20.22
First round51 16.09 16.42
17.03     16.76     16.16     16.33     16.09
2x2x2 CubeSecond round16 4.81 5.19
5.14      5.55      5.33      4.81      5.09
First round28 3.91 6.03
9.48      5.11      8.09      3.91      4.88
4x4x4 CubeFirst round19 51.94 57.63
55.54     58.60     58.74     51.94     1:21.10
5x5x5 CubeFinal24 2:18.39
2:18.39   2:36.03
PyraminxFinal4 4.28 5.91
4.28      6.81      8.50      5.22      5.69
Second round4 4.59 5.53
6.89      4.73      6.15      4.59      5.70
First round3 5.06 5.72
5.84      5.06      6.07      7.07      5.26
SkewbFirst round13 7.44 8.43
7.44      13.78     8.75      8.00      8.55
3x3x3 With FeetFinal3 1:33.08 1:37.74
1:33.08   1:46.30   1:33.83
China Championship 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round192 12.98 16.02
13.59     12.98     16.87     17.59     18.13
2x2x2 CubeSecond round47 4.30 5.42
4.30      4.32      4.68      7.26      8.12
First round55 2.79 4.81
5.11      2.79      5.46      4.47      4.84
4x4x4 CubeFirst round92 48.82 58.77
50.35     1:02.29   1:03.66   1:07.27   48.82
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round203 46.88
49.37     46.88
ClockFirst round37 14.94 DNF
DNF       14.94     DNF       DNF       DNF
MegaminxFirst round43 2:07.33
2:07.33   2:09.77
PyraminxFinal12 3.40 5.81
6.82      3.40      5.16      6.79      5.48
Semi Final7 4.06 4.83
4.75      4.72      5.02      4.06      7.38
Second round10 5.49 5.85
5.95      5.62      5.99      8.99      5.49
First round16 4.97 6.31
6.56      5.94      4.97      6.44      9.74
SkewbSecond round35 6.88 10.60
8.42      14.68     18.56     8.70      6.88
First round32 5.50 10.73
11.47     5.50      11.02     9.71      15.18
3x3x3 With FeetFirst round11 1:22.72 1:35.57
1:31.35   1:52.64   1:22.72
Wuxi Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round61 13.50 17.46
16.13     13.50     18.19     18.07     18.27
First round66 15.72 17.51
17.27     17.74     15.72     17.51     19.33
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 3.15 4.40
3.15      4.18      5.27      4.55      4.46
Second round14 3.57 4.97
3.57      4.52      5.47      5.61      4.93
First round11 4.60 4.94
6.02      5.34      4.84      4.60      4.65
4x4x4 CubeFirst round38 1:00.30
1:00.30   1:04.42
ClockFinal23 26.27
DNF       26.27
MegaminxFinal16 2:05.99
2:26.63   2:05.99
PyraminxFinal4 5.42 6.16
7.49      5.42      5.95      6.59      5.95
First round9 5.13 6.56
6.99      5.13      6.38      7.41      6.30
SkewbFirst round28 12.02 15.29
16.13     DNF       17.61     12.14     12.02
Nanchang Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round34 17.77 20.66
21.20     18.59     24.37     17.77     22.20
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 4.84 5.48
5.95      5.05      4.84      5.52      5.88
First round5 4.49 5.37
4.49      5.73      5.41      6.24      4.96
4x4x4 CubeFinal20 1:08.96 1:15.08
1:44.35   1:08.96   1:10.02   1:16.19   1:19.02
PyraminxFinal7 5.90 8.66
9.17      9.77      5.90      8.90      7.91
First round4 6.82 7.62
6.82      7.40      7.18      8.48      8.27
SkewbFinal11 9.59 14.88
9.59      14.73     15.59     22.90     14.31
182024-12-15Hangzhou Open 2024ChinaHangzhou, Zhejiang
172024-08-31Big n Blind n Clock Xianju 2024ChinaTaizhou, Zhejiang
162023-08-12~15WCA World Championship 2023Republic of Korea인천광역시 (Incheon)
152019-07-26~28China Championship 2019ChinaHefei, Anhui
142018-11-10~11Hangzhou Open 2018ChinaHangzhou, Zhejiang
132018-08-05Suzhou Open 2018ChinaSuzhou, Jiangsu
122018-07-29Beijing Summer 2018ChinaBeijing
112018-06-17Nanchang Dragon-boat Open 2018ChinaNanchang, Jiangxi
102018-01-01Jinhua New Year's Day 2018ChinaJinhua, Zhejiang
92017-07-28~30China Championship 2017ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
82017-04-30Wenzhou Open 2017ChinaWenzhou, Zhejiang
72016-11-19~20Hangzhou Autumn 2016ChinaHangzhou, Zhejiang
62016-10-01~03Asian Championship 2016ChinaBeijing
52016-08-06~07Jinhua Open 2016ChinaJinhua, Zhejiang
42016-07-16~17Chongqing Open 2016ChinaChongqing
32015-10-02~04China Championship 2015ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
22015-08-08~09Wuxi Open 2015ChinaWuxi, Jiangsu
12015-06-14Nanchang Open 2015ChinaNanchang, Jiangxi