Personal Page

Rathin Sawant

Name: Rathin Sawant
Region: India
Competitions: 17
WCA ID: Rathin Sawant2015SAWA05
Gender: Male
Career: 2015.12.26 - 2024.01.28
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube222217664908.1610.7592883351336197/202
2x2x2 Cube274163570342.032.842757674951158/160
4x4x4 Cube52652521484547.8859.7518819658966848/50
3x3x3 Fewest Moves285183567894550.00418711611663/5
3x3x3 One-Handed135296162626528.0831.25215978178109823/25

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
DJ Sanghvi Cube Open 2024First round16 9.21 10.79
11.09     10.64     10.63     11.36     9.21
Phoenix Cube Championship 2018Semi Final13 10.12 12.15
12.06     14.85     10.12     10.40     13.98
Second round11 8.87 11.68
12.67     10.90     8.87      11.46     14.36
First round15 10.66 12.74
10.66     13.30     12.34     13.32     12.59
Indian Nationals 2018Semi Final20 8.16 10.75
8.16      12.42     9.84      11.26     11.14
Second round37 11.40 12.68
13.57     12.11     14.56     11.40     12.36
First round55 11.01 13.25
11.01     15.38     18.19     13.04     11.32
RGIT Cube Open 2018Final9 11.45 12.73
13.50     11.45     12.72     11.96     14.58
First round11 11.66 12.76
11.96     14.04     12.29     11.66     DNF
Polyhedra Open 2018Final8 9.66 12.19
11.75     13.49     9.66      12.10     12.71
Second round7 10.96 11.83
12.89     11.62     10.98     10.96     14.32
First round8 11.75 13.19
16.31     11.82     14.94     12.81     11.75
Rubik's Cube Mumbai Open 2017Final12 10.60 11.40
11.24     11.18     13.64     11.78     10.60
Second round18 11.14 12.58
16.34     11.14     13.79     12.51     11.43
First round17 12.55 13.06
12.87     13.66     12.66     12.55     14.82
Avenues Rubik's Cube Open 2017Final17 11.03 14.05
17.75     11.03     13.80     13.44     14.91
Second round8 11.65 12.24
13.17     12.37     12.58     11.76     11.65
First round8 11.24 12.08
12.80     11.90     14.78     11.24     11.55
SCMU 2017Semi Final24 12.27 13.99
19.67     12.27     13.59     13.64     14.73
Second round22 11.09 13.14
16.74     12.67     11.09     14.82     11.92
First round23 12.80 13.56
12.80     12.84     14.06     13.79     16.28
Cerulean 2017Final8 11.57 12.92
12.49     DNF       13.43     11.57     12.83
First round10 11.72 14.10
13.46     11.72     13.83     15.31     15.01
MMO 2017Final11 12.72 13.92
13.87     17.12     14.71     13.19     12.72
First round15 12.09 15.05
15.16     14.45     15.65     12.09     15.55
Indian Nationals 2017Semi Final29 11.78 13.82
13.95     DNF       13.96     11.78     13.54
Second round28 10.69 13.64
12.53     15.74     13.86     14.53     10.69
First round45 12.08 14.98
15.20     12.08     19.01     14.25     15.50
Polyhedra Open 2017Final7 11.72 12.93
13.72     DNF       12.02     13.06     11.72
First round8 11.69 13.80
12.77     11.69     14.60     16.16     14.04
Rubik's Cube Mumbai Open 2016Second round21 14.81 15.54
14.81     15.24     15.59     15.78     17.09
First round19 13.23 14.28
14.84     13.58     14.43     13.23     17.03
Rubik's Cube Pune Open 2016Final16 14.56 18.08
DNF       19.98     17.36     14.56     16.89
Second round10 13.22 14.75
13.22     15.13     14.81     14.30     17.58
First round21 16.21 17.21
16.78     16.21     16.49     18.36     18.35
Praxis Open 2016Final14 15.48 18.52
18.18     18.36     19.03     20.65     15.48
First round16 17.62 18.62
18.45     18.57     18.85     33.49     17.62
KJSCE Mumbai Open 2016Second round23 16.52 18.14
19.91     17.17     22.11     17.35     16.52
First round24 13.68 18.87
15.45     21.56     19.59     13.68     22.67
Mumbai Open 2015Second round60 17.79 22.86
20.95     24.90     17.79     26.28     22.73
First round75 23.32
23.32     28.58
2x2x2 Cube
DJ Sanghvi Cube Open 2024Final8 2.71 3.65
3.76      3.48      3.71      2.71      5.70
First round8 2.46 3.69
3.19      4.33      2.46      4.51      3.55
Indian Nationals 2018Final12 2.33 2.84
2.96      3.31      2.63      2.94      2.33
Semi Final12 2.67 3.29
3.19      5.14      3.28      2.67      3.41
Second round10 2.79 2.96
2.79      2.80      3.04      4.55      3.04
First round30 2.69 4.33
2.69      3.32      3.99      6.81      5.68
RGIT Cube Open 2018Final7 2.62 3.93
4.50      3.62      3.66      10.14     2.62
First round3 2.69 2.93
3.01      2.69      2.92      2.86      4.05
Rubik's Cube Mumbai Open 2017Final6 2.83 3.65
3.07      3.93      3.96      2.83      4.34
Second round10 3.10 3.97
DNF       3.44      5.36      3.10      3.10
First round14 2.70 4.38
7.29      2.70      4.03      4.08      5.02
Avenues Rubik's Cube Open 2017Second round20 3.15 5.15
4.61      4.06      DNF       3.15      6.78
First round6 2.98 3.50
3.21      2.98      4.10      3.20      4.68
SCMU 2017Final10 2.88 4.07
4.78      2.88      4.61      3.66      3.95
Semi Final7 2.49 3.36
3.21      2.49      2.71      4.17      4.24
Second round16 2.88 4.52
4.40      4.80      4.37      5.03      2.88
First round11 3.32 4.15
4.84      4.24      3.32      3.36      5.90
Cerulean 2017Final8 2.03 4.23
4.06      4.57      4.05      2.03      6.35
First round8 3.73 4.29
5.15      3.73      3.75      6.88      3.97
Indian Nationals 2017Semi Final18 3.78 4.35
5.13      3.90      3.78      4.03      5.43
Second round23 3.12 4.08
6.71      3.98      3.72      4.53      3.12
First round12 3.75 4.06
3.96      3.82      4.40      3.75      4.76
Rubik's Cube Mumbai Open 2016Second round19 4.43 5.34
5.76      5.22      4.43      6.07      5.03
First round13 3.67 4.65
5.60      3.67      4.45      4.90      4.59
Rubik's Cube Pune Open 2016Final8 3.42 4.67
3.42      6.72      5.04      4.67      4.31
Second round12 3.73 4.88
3.73      6.37      6.17      4.66      3.81
First round13 4.44 5.19
5.56      4.94      4.44      5.59      5.06
Praxis Open 2016Final3 3.56 3.82
3.83      5.41      3.56      3.91      3.72
First round6 5.08 5.68
5.45      5.86      5.74      5.08      7.72
KJSCE Mumbai Open 2016Second round23 5.40 6.35
5.95      5.66      7.43      8.83      5.40
First round24 6.10 6.59
7.76      6.10      6.79      6.58      6.41
Mumbai Open 2015First round72 7.08 8.37
10.44     10.24     7.17      7.08      7.71
4x4x4 Cube
DJ Sanghvi Cube Open 2024Final23 47.88 59.75
1:01.35   53.24     1:09.63   47.88     1:04.65
Phoenix Cube Championship 2018First round20 52.99 1:03.56
1:21.05   1:02.00   1:00.03   1:08.65   52.99
Indian Nationals 2018First round74 57.50 1:07.94
1:04.19   DNF       57.50     1:16.77   1:02.85
RGIT Cube Open 2018Final17 1:05.01 1:09.14
1:10.11   1:12.17   DNF       1:05.01   1:05.13
Rubik's Cube Mumbai Open 2017First round27 1:04.94 1:09.79
1:04.94   1:09.00   1:36.65   1:10.43   1:09.94
Avenues Rubik's Cube Open 2017First round27 1:12.00 1:16.86
1:17.40   1:19.73   1:12.00   1:13.46   1:27.84
SCMU 2017First round31 1:07.62 1:17.49
1:16.17   1:23.03   1:13.28   1:23.48   1:07.62
Indian Nationals 2017First round59 1:14.04 1:18.01
1:54.76   1:22.49   1:16.37   1:15.17   1:14.04
Rubik's Cube Pune Open 2016First round18 1:25.37 1:37.04
2:17.57   1:25.37   1:42.72   1:32.42   1:35.99
Praxis Open 2016Final10 1:36.58 1:46.80
1:41.33   1:36.58   1:57.14   1:48.38   1:50.68
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Indian Nationals 2018Final56 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNF
Indian Nationals 2017Final11 45 50.00
57        45        48
3x3x3 One-Handed
Rubik's Cube Mumbai Open 2017First round53 35.31 42.30
49.93     36.25     DNF       40.71     35.31
Avenues Rubik's Cube Open 2017First round32 30.18 37.57
30.18     40.17     34.78     1:03.27   37.76
SCMU 2017First round35 28.08 31.25
1:01.78   28.08     29.82     30.01     33.92
MMO 2017First round20 30.80 36.02
40.75     33.48     43.23     30.80     33.82
Indian Nationals 2017First round78 29.30 44.54
DNF       29.30     58.69     32.45     42.47
Cerulean 2017Final15 DNF
DNF       DNF
Indian Nationals 2017First round34 56.38
DNF       56.38
Indian Nationals 2017First round57 5:16.45
5:16.45   5:32.81
Rubik's Cube Mumbai Open 2017First round89 7.83 16.86
16.40     DNF       14.85     7.83      19.33
Cerulean 2017First round20 7.40 12.38
18.49     11.23     12.30     7.40      13.61
Indian Nationals 2017First round90 9.05 13.30
14.50     16.00     9.05      10.73     14.68
Polyhedra Open 2017First round29 8.05 12.88
8.05      13.99     11.80     13.66     13.17
Praxis Open 2016Final9 4.88 13.85
15.23     11.88     4.88      14.44     16.65
First round16 9.66 16.23
17.00     15.25     9.66      17.19     16.45
KJSCE Mumbai Open 2016First round39 14.94 19.34
21.30     19.86     14.94     16.86     27.86
Rubik's Cube Mumbai Open 2017First round36 9.54 12.10
9.54      14.06     11.45     13.45     11.39
MMO 2017First round40 10.85 16.26
22.43     10.85     23.43     14.74     11.60
Indian Nationals 2017First round77 10.77 20.60
DNF       10.77     19.21     18.49     24.10
Phoenix Cube Championship 2018Final9 23.53 32.68
33.50     23.53     52.80     29.88     34.66
First round10 24.90 32.89
39.40     32.18     24.90     27.09     1:08.51
Indian Nationals 2018Second round19 31.89 36.75
31.89     38.96     1:02.68   37.84     33.45
First round17 21.29 27.24
29.09     28.53     37.14     24.10     21.29
SCMU 2017First round12 33.58 39.23
58.54     35.92     41.64     33.58     40.14
Indian Nationals 2017First round31 44.72 1:21.10
44.72     1:31.70   1:24.52   1:25.60   1:13.18
DJ Sanghvi Cube Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round16 9.21 10.79
11.09     10.64     10.63     11.36     9.21
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 2.71 3.65
3.76      3.48      3.71      2.71      5.70
First round8 2.46 3.69
3.19      4.33      2.46      4.51      3.55
4x4x4 CubeFinal23 47.88 59.75
1:01.35   53.24     1:09.63   47.88     1:04.65
Phoenix Cube Championship 2018
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final13 10.12 12.15
12.06     14.85     10.12     10.40     13.98
Second round11 8.87 11.68
12.67     10.90     8.87      11.46     14.36
First round15 10.66 12.74
10.66     13.30     12.34     13.32     12.59
4x4x4 CubeFirst round20 52.99 1:03.56
1:21.05   1:02.00   1:00.03   1:08.65   52.99
Square-1Final9 23.53 32.68
33.50     23.53     52.80     29.88     34.66
First round10 24.90 32.89
39.40     32.18     24.90     27.09     1:08.51
Indian Nationals 2018
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final20 8.16 10.75
8.16      12.42     9.84      11.26     11.14
Second round37 11.40 12.68
13.57     12.11     14.56     11.40     12.36
First round55 11.01 13.25
11.01     15.38     18.19     13.04     11.32
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 2.33 2.84
2.96      3.31      2.63      2.94      2.33
Semi Final12 2.67 3.29
3.19      5.14      3.28      2.67      3.41
Second round10 2.79 2.96
2.79      2.80      3.04      4.55      3.04
First round30 2.69 4.33
2.69      3.32      3.99      6.81      5.68
4x4x4 CubeFirst round74 57.50 1:07.94
1:04.19   DNF       57.50     1:16.77   1:02.85
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal56 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNF
Square-1Second round19 31.89 36.75
31.89     38.96     1:02.68   37.84     33.45
First round17 21.29 27.24
29.09     28.53     37.14     24.10     21.29
RGIT Cube Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 11.45 12.73
13.50     11.45     12.72     11.96     14.58
First round11 11.66 12.76
11.96     14.04     12.29     11.66     DNF
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 2.62 3.93
4.50      3.62      3.66      10.14     2.62
First round3 2.69 2.93
3.01      2.69      2.92      2.86      4.05
4x4x4 CubeFinal17 1:05.01 1:09.14
1:10.11   1:12.17   DNF       1:05.01   1:05.13
Polyhedra Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 9.66 12.19
11.75     13.49     9.66      12.10     12.71
Second round7 10.96 11.83
12.89     11.62     10.98     10.96     14.32
First round8 11.75 13.19
16.31     11.82     14.94     12.81     11.75
Rubik's Cube Mumbai Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 10.60 11.40
11.24     11.18     13.64     11.78     10.60
Second round18 11.14 12.58
16.34     11.14     13.79     12.51     11.43
First round17 12.55 13.06
12.87     13.66     12.66     12.55     14.82
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 2.83 3.65
3.07      3.93      3.96      2.83      4.34
Second round10 3.10 3.97
DNF       3.44      5.36      3.10      3.10
First round14 2.70 4.38
7.29      2.70      4.03      4.08      5.02
4x4x4 CubeFirst round27 1:04.94 1:09.79
1:04.94   1:09.00   1:36.65   1:10.43   1:09.94
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round53 35.31 42.30
49.93     36.25     DNF       40.71     35.31
PyraminxFirst round89 7.83 16.86
16.40     DNF       14.85     7.83      19.33
SkewbFirst round36 9.54 12.10
9.54      14.06     11.45     13.45     11.39
Avenues Rubik's Cube Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal17 11.03 14.05
17.75     11.03     13.80     13.44     14.91
Second round8 11.65 12.24
13.17     12.37     12.58     11.76     11.65
First round8 11.24 12.08
12.80     11.90     14.78     11.24     11.55
2x2x2 CubeSecond round20 3.15 5.15
4.61      4.06      DNF       3.15      6.78
First round6 2.98 3.50
3.21      2.98      4.10      3.20      4.68
4x4x4 CubeFirst round27 1:12.00 1:16.86
1:17.40   1:19.73   1:12.00   1:13.46   1:27.84
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round32 30.18 37.57
30.18     40.17     34.78     1:03.27   37.76
SCMU 2017
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final24 12.27 13.99
19.67     12.27     13.59     13.64     14.73
Second round22 11.09 13.14
16.74     12.67     11.09     14.82     11.92
First round23 12.80 13.56
12.80     12.84     14.06     13.79     16.28
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 2.88 4.07
4.78      2.88      4.61      3.66      3.95
Semi Final7 2.49 3.36
3.21      2.49      2.71      4.17      4.24
Second round16 2.88 4.52
4.40      4.80      4.37      5.03      2.88
First round11 3.32 4.15
4.84      4.24      3.32      3.36      5.90
4x4x4 CubeFirst round31 1:07.62 1:17.49
1:16.17   1:23.03   1:13.28   1:23.48   1:07.62
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round35 28.08 31.25
1:01.78   28.08     29.82     30.01     33.92
Square-1First round12 33.58 39.23
58.54     35.92     41.64     33.58     40.14
Cerulean 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 11.57 12.92
12.49     DNF       13.43     11.57     12.83
First round10 11.72 14.10
13.46     11.72     13.83     15.31     15.01
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 2.03 4.23
4.06      4.57      4.05      2.03      6.35
First round8 3.73 4.29
5.15      3.73      3.75      6.88      3.97
ClockFinal15 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round20 7.40 12.38
18.49     11.23     12.30     7.40      13.61
MMO 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 12.72 13.92
13.87     17.12     14.71     13.19     12.72
First round15 12.09 15.05
15.16     14.45     15.65     12.09     15.55
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round20 30.80 36.02
40.75     33.48     43.23     30.80     33.82
SkewbFirst round40 10.85 16.26
22.43     10.85     23.43     14.74     11.60
Indian Nationals 2017
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final29 11.78 13.82
13.95     DNF       13.96     11.78     13.54
Second round28 10.69 13.64
12.53     15.74     13.86     14.53     10.69
First round45 12.08 14.98
15.20     12.08     19.01     14.25     15.50
2x2x2 CubeSemi Final18 3.78 4.35
5.13      3.90      3.78      4.03      5.43
Second round23 3.12 4.08
6.71      3.98      3.72      4.53      3.12
First round12 3.75 4.06
3.96      3.82      4.40      3.75      4.76
4x4x4 CubeFirst round59 1:14.04 1:18.01
1:54.76   1:22.49   1:16.37   1:15.17   1:14.04
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal11 45 50.00
57        45        48
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round78 29.30 44.54
DNF       29.30     58.69     32.45     42.47
ClockFirst round34 56.38
DNF       56.38
MegaminxFirst round57 5:16.45
5:16.45   5:32.81
PyraminxFirst round90 9.05 13.30
14.50     16.00     9.05      10.73     14.68
SkewbFirst round77 10.77 20.60
DNF       10.77     19.21     18.49     24.10
Square-1First round31 44.72 1:21.10
44.72     1:31.70   1:24.52   1:25.60   1:13.18
Polyhedra Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 11.72 12.93
13.72     DNF       12.02     13.06     11.72
First round8 11.69 13.80
12.77     11.69     14.60     16.16     14.04
PyraminxFirst round29 8.05 12.88
8.05      13.99     11.80     13.66     13.17
Rubik's Cube Mumbai Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 14.81 15.54
14.81     15.24     15.59     15.78     17.09
First round19 13.23 14.28
14.84     13.58     14.43     13.23     17.03
2x2x2 CubeSecond round19 4.43 5.34
5.76      5.22      4.43      6.07      5.03
First round13 3.67 4.65
5.60      3.67      4.45      4.90      4.59
Rubik's Cube Pune Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal16 14.56 18.08
DNF       19.98     17.36     14.56     16.89
Second round10 13.22 14.75
13.22     15.13     14.81     14.30     17.58
First round21 16.21 17.21
16.78     16.21     16.49     18.36     18.35
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 3.42 4.67
3.42      6.72      5.04      4.67      4.31
Second round12 3.73 4.88
3.73      6.37      6.17      4.66      3.81
First round13 4.44 5.19
5.56      4.94      4.44      5.59      5.06
4x4x4 CubeFirst round18 1:25.37 1:37.04
2:17.57   1:25.37   1:42.72   1:32.42   1:35.99
Praxis Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal14 15.48 18.52
18.18     18.36     19.03     20.65     15.48
First round16 17.62 18.62
18.45     18.57     18.85     33.49     17.62
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 3.56 3.82
3.83      5.41      3.56      3.91      3.72
First round6 5.08 5.68
5.45      5.86      5.74      5.08      7.72
4x4x4 CubeFinal10 1:36.58 1:46.80
1:41.33   1:36.58   1:57.14   1:48.38   1:50.68
PyraminxFinal9 4.88 13.85
15.23     11.88     4.88      14.44     16.65
First round16 9.66 16.23
17.00     15.25     9.66      17.19     16.45
KJSCE Mumbai Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 16.52 18.14
19.91     17.17     22.11     17.35     16.52
First round24 13.68 18.87
15.45     21.56     19.59     13.68     22.67
2x2x2 CubeSecond round23 5.40 6.35
5.95      5.66      7.43      8.83      5.40
First round24 6.10 6.59
7.76      6.10      6.79      6.58      6.41
PyraminxFirst round39 14.94 19.34
21.30     19.86     14.94     16.86     27.86
Mumbai Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round60 17.79 22.86
20.95     24.90     17.79     26.28     22.73
First round75 23.32
23.32     28.58
2x2x2 CubeFirst round72 7.08 8.37
10.44     10.24     7.17      7.08      7.71
172024-01-28DJ Sanghvi Cube Open 2024IndiaMumbai, Maharashtra
162018-07-07~08Phoenix Cube Championship 2018IndiaMumbai, Maharashtra
152018-05-25~27Indian Nationals 2018IndiaMumbai, Maharashtra
142018-03-10RGIT Cube Open 2018IndiaMumbai, Maharashtra
132018-02-18Polyhedra Open 2018IndiaMumbai, Maharashtra
122017-12-26~27Rubik's Cube Mumbai Open 2017IndiaMumbai, Maharashtra
112017-10-28~29Avenues Rubik's Cube Open 2017IndiaMumbai, Maharashtra
102017-09-01~03SCMU 2017IndiaMumbai, Maharashtra
92017-08-20Cerulean 2017IndiaPune, Maharashtra
82017-07-16MMO 2017IndiaMumbai, Maharashtra
72017-05-12~14Indian Nationals 2017IndiaPune, Maharashtra
62017-02-18Polyhedra Open 2017IndiaMumbai, Maharashtra
52016-12-23~24Rubik's Cube Mumbai Open 2016IndiaMumbai, Maharashtra
42016-10-15~16Rubik's Cube Pune Open 2016IndiaPune, Maharashtra
32016-09-24Praxis Open 2016IndiaMumbai, Maharashtra
22016-08-27~28KJSCE Mumbai Open 2016IndiaMumbai, Maharashtra
12015-12-26~27Mumbai Open 2015IndiaMumbai, Maharashtra