Personal Page

Falinka Preramadinita

Name: Falinka Preramadinita
Region: Indonesia
Competitions: 12
WCA ID: Falinka Preramadinita2016PRER01
Gender: Female
Career: 2016.07.30 - 2024.12.22
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube33676322114310.6511.25117094260173125/125
2x2x2 Cube2194120159402.683.55694618029075/75
4x4x4 Cube4598843261661:00.861:11.7327048896448031/32
5x5x5 Cube4827826289683:19.332/2
3x3x3 One-Handed47584862297726.0828.3317567671034754/55
3x3x3 With Feet7367418072:14.312/3

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Indonesian Championship 2024First round66 13.06 13.52
13.06     13.62     13.11     13.97     13.84
Celebes Speedcubing Masters 2024Final9 10.78 13.18
13.48     10.78     13.45     14.32     12.62
Second round11 10.69 12.10
14.12     14.08     11.11     10.69     11.10
First round7 10.76 12.16
13.19     11.74     11.56     13.36     10.76
50th Anniversary in Indo 2024First round22 10.65 11.25
11.02     11.14     14.55     10.65     11.60
Celebes Open 2024Final9 11.91 13.03
14.15     12.08     17.86     11.91     12.86
Second round11 12.41 12.75
12.47     12.41     14.91     12.95     12.83
First round12 11.45 12.65
13.14     13.71     12.51     12.29     11.45
Celebes Open 2018Second round18 14.48 16.12
16.90     17.18     15.93     14.48     15.54
First round11 13.38 14.40
14.52     14.39     16.89     13.38     14.28
Rubikku Champ 2017Second round16 12.76 14.39
14.44     14.88     16.84     13.86     12.76
First round21 12.71 15.24
16.63     17.31     15.47     12.71     13.61
Malang Kuy 2017Final5 11.76 14.20
13.13     16.11     11.76     13.36     16.88
Second round4 13.52 14.27
13.72     16.81     13.52     14.72     14.37
First round11 12.77 15.10
15.13     12.77     15.25     17.63     14.92
Rain City Cube Competition 2017Second round17 12.27 13.82
12.52     12.27     16.22     15.43     13.50
First round23 13.61 14.77
16.40     13.61     14.21     15.95     14.16
Indonesian Championship 2017Second round43 13.33 16.53
13.33     17.24     16.16     16.19     20.61
First round26 12.23 13.76
15.62     14.22     13.91     12.23     13.15
Celebes Champ 2017Second round17 15.11 16.15
16.19     15.11     15.53     18.10     16.72
First round13 12.79 15.91
15.33     15.77     12.79     20.79     16.63
Bogor Open 2017Second round41 15.27 16.94
15.27     15.41     20.72     17.42     17.98
First round28 12.97 15.69
16.33     15.83     12.97     17.87     14.90
Celebes Open 2016Second round21 20.03 22.45
21.10     25.56     20.03     25.13     21.12
First round27 19.38 22.35
19.38     22.37     23.34     24.64     21.34
2x2x2 Cube
Indonesian Championship 2024First round57 4.44 4.69
4.66      4.47      4.94      6.01      4.44
Celebes Speedcubing Masters 2024Final12 4.55 5.85
6.16      9.07      5.26      6.13      4.55
First round4 2.68 3.55
2.68      5.68      4.63      2.85      3.18
Celebes Open 2024Final10 4.58 5.34
5.14      5.66      4.58      12.14     5.21
First round10 3.26 4.98
4.65      5.90      4.39      3.26      6.18
Celebes Open 2018Final8 4.68 5.60
5.52      4.68      5.37      5.91      6.65
First round16 5.65 6.97
7.22      8.03      5.65      6.72      6.96
Rubikku Champ 2017First round51 4.68 7.64
7.67      4.68      7.78      7.52      7.73
Malang Kuy 2017First round16 5.71 6.44
6.11      7.06      9.47      5.71      6.15
Rain City Cube Competition 2017First round49 5.91 6.72
6.53      5.91      6.73      6.91      8.25
Indonesian Championship 2017First round89 5.02 7.22
6.82      7.31      7.53      8.82      5.02
Celebes Champ 2017Final5 3.68 5.70
5.67      3.68      6.72      4.70      9.03
First round23 5.54 7.71
7.72      5.54      8.91      9.27      6.51
Bogor Open 2017First round43 3.56 6.87
9.00      6.02      7.45      3.56      7.14
Celebes Open 2016First round26 10.13 13.20
10.13     11.19     24.93     16.70     11.72
4x4x4 Cube
Celebes Speedcubing Masters 2024First round14 1:00.86 1:11.73
1:13.35   1:13.07   1:00.86   1:08.76   1:15.69
Celebes Open 2024First round18 1:02.27 1:14.88
1:04.49   2:10.67   1:02.27   1:08.84   1:31.30
Rubikku Champ 2017Final24 1:26.11 1:33.74
1:39.88   1:32.81   1:28.53   1:40.33   1:26.11
Malang Kuy 2017First round13 1:21.94 1:32.26
1:40.33   1:29.97   1:30.36   1:36.46   1:21.94
Rain City Cube Competition 2017First round36 1:18.59 1:31.39
1:27.49   1:18.59   1:43.13   1:34.85   1:31.82
Indonesian Championship 2017First round64 1:29.11
1:29.11   1:47.30
Bogor Open 2017First round36 1:27.17 1:37.46
DNF       1:27.17   1:30.83   1:30.11   1:51.43
5x5x5 Cube
Bogor Open 2017Final21 3:19.33
3:38.71   3:19.33
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Rubikku Champ 2017Final11 DNF
DNF       DNF
Malang Kuy 2017Final5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Rain City Cube Competition 2017Final14 DNF
DNF       DNF
Indonesian Championship 2017Final12 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Celebes Speedcubing Masters 2024Final9 27.20 31.97
32.87     27.20     34.38     31.10     31.94
First round9 26.08 32.06
51.19     34.04     33.16     28.99     26.08
Celebes Open 2024First round13 27.34 29.16
28.00     30.45     29.02     34.92     27.34
Celebes Open 2018Final10 26.92 32.26
34.78     33.24     26.92     28.76     37.49
First round8 27.05 28.33
28.91     27.87     31.96     27.05     28.20
Malang Kuy 2017Final10 29.52 31.54
31.69     31.52     31.65     29.52     31.45
Rain City Cube Competition 2017First round29 26.41 31.58
27.21     40.84     34.80     26.41     32.74
Indonesian Championship 2017First round42 28.41 37.74
33.62     DNF       42.02     37.58     28.41
Celebes Champ 2017Final12 31.41 38.31
36.95     31.41     37.89     47.57     40.09
First round14 34.19 36.75
36.15     37.50     39.98     36.60     34.19
Bogor Open 2017First round40 43.52 45.07
45.97     45.30     43.94     47.88     43.52
Indonesian Championship 2024Final4 6.13 7.38
7.83      6.92      6.13      7.94      7.39
First round4 6.54 7.21
14.97     6.89      6.54      7.76      6.98
Celebes Speedcubing Masters 2024Final4 6.36 9.95
7.97      6.72      15.15     6.36      DNF
Celebes Open 2024Final5 8.14 13.27
23.11     8.14      DNF       8.33      8.37
Indonesian Championship 2024Final4 2.74 3.47
2.74      3.05      3.11      4.73      4.25
Second round2 3.17 3.61
3.90      3.17      3.44      4.19      3.50
First round4 3.32 4.05
4.93      5.58      3.32      3.40      3.82
Celebes Speedcubing Masters 2024Final1 3.63 4.41
6.44      3.63      3.71      5.16      4.37
First round1 2.92 3.71
2.92      4.10      3.06      4.43      3.97
50th Anniversary in Indo 2024Final2 3.39 4.66
3.39      5.20      4.73      5.98      4.05
Celebes Open 2024Final2 3.88 4.41
3.92      3.88      4.12      5.19      DNF
First round1 3.28 4.63
5.62      3.28      3.61      4.65      6.06
Celebes Open 2018First round17 11.38 13.05
12.69     14.84     11.62     11.38     15.33
Rubikku Champ 2017Final26 9.05 12.62
12.03     12.68     9.05      14.87     13.14
Malang Kuy 2017First round14 9.33 10.92
11.18     12.28     9.75      11.84     9.33
Rain City Cube Competition 2017First round34 8.42 11.23
13.47     8.42      15.96     10.16     10.07
Indonesian Championship 2017First round36 6.85 9.54
8.14      6.85      14.81     9.04      11.44
Celebes Champ 2017Final10 11.94 13.96
15.40     13.30     11.94     13.17     17.20
First round9 10.67 12.95
14.43     12.95     10.67     13.10     12.80
Bogor Open 2017First round34 10.86 15.95
14.89     18.56     22.76     10.86     14.40
Indonesian Championship 2024Final15 5.60 7.30
6.78      5.60      7.91      7.90      7.23
Second round6 5.23 5.65
5.23      5.50      5.69      5.77      7.04
First round17 4.48 6.71
6.53      5.83      9.46      4.48      7.76
Celebes Speedcubing Masters 2024Final3 4.08 6.08
4.08      6.00      5.59      6.64      10.82
First round4 3.88 6.32
6.61      8.68      7.48      3.88      4.86
Celebes Open 2024Final5 3.43 6.82
5.50      8.91      6.16      8.81      3.43
First round3 5.10 6.23
7.41      6.79      5.64      6.25      5.10
Malang Kuy 2017First round17 11.80 19.42
11.80     13.06     39.81     13.18     32.03
Rain City Cube Competition 2017First round46 10.31 24.69
28.62     DNF       28.42     10.31     17.04
Indonesian Championship 2017First round78 15.37 21.51
22.16     15.37     26.34     16.02     28.71
Celebes Champ 2017Final15 12.88 18.86
15.92     12.88     23.08     26.75     17.57
3x3x3 With Feet
Indonesian Championship 2017Final10 2:14.31 DNF
2:34.86   2:14.31   DNF
Indonesian Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round66 13.06 13.52
13.06     13.62     13.11     13.97     13.84
2x2x2 CubeFirst round57 4.44 4.69
4.66      4.47      4.94      6.01      4.44
ClockFinal4 6.13 7.38
7.83      6.92      6.13      7.94      7.39
First round4 6.54 7.21
14.97     6.89      6.54      7.76      6.98
PyraminxFinal4 2.74 3.47
2.74      3.05      3.11      4.73      4.25
Second round2 3.17 3.61
3.90      3.17      3.44      4.19      3.50
First round4 3.32 4.05
4.93      5.58      3.32      3.40      3.82
SkewbFinal15 5.60 7.30
6.78      5.60      7.91      7.90      7.23
Second round6 5.23 5.65
5.23      5.50      5.69      5.77      7.04
First round17 4.48 6.71
6.53      5.83      9.46      4.48      7.76
Celebes Speedcubing Masters 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 10.78 13.18
13.48     10.78     13.45     14.32     12.62
Second round11 10.69 12.10
14.12     14.08     11.11     10.69     11.10
First round7 10.76 12.16
13.19     11.74     11.56     13.36     10.76
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 4.55 5.85
6.16      9.07      5.26      6.13      4.55
First round4 2.68 3.55
2.68      5.68      4.63      2.85      3.18
4x4x4 CubeFirst round14 1:00.86 1:11.73
1:13.35   1:13.07   1:00.86   1:08.76   1:15.69
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal9 27.20 31.97
32.87     27.20     34.38     31.10     31.94
First round9 26.08 32.06
51.19     34.04     33.16     28.99     26.08
ClockFinal4 6.36 9.95
7.97      6.72      15.15     6.36      DNF
PyraminxFinal1 3.63 4.41
6.44      3.63      3.71      5.16      4.37
First round1 2.92 3.71
2.92      4.10      3.06      4.43      3.97
SkewbFinal3 4.08 6.08
4.08      6.00      5.59      6.64      10.82
First round4 3.88 6.32
6.61      8.68      7.48      3.88      4.86
50th Anniversary in Indo 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round22 10.65 11.25
11.02     11.14     14.55     10.65     11.60
PyraminxFinal2 3.39 4.66
3.39      5.20      4.73      5.98      4.05
Celebes Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 11.91 13.03
14.15     12.08     17.86     11.91     12.86
Second round11 12.41 12.75
12.47     12.41     14.91     12.95     12.83
First round12 11.45 12.65
13.14     13.71     12.51     12.29     11.45
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 4.58 5.34
5.14      5.66      4.58      12.14     5.21
First round10 3.26 4.98
4.65      5.90      4.39      3.26      6.18
4x4x4 CubeFirst round18 1:02.27 1:14.88
1:04.49   2:10.67   1:02.27   1:08.84   1:31.30
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round13 27.34 29.16
28.00     30.45     29.02     34.92     27.34
ClockFinal5 8.14 13.27
23.11     8.14      DNF       8.33      8.37
PyraminxFinal2 3.88 4.41
3.92      3.88      4.12      5.19      DNF
First round1 3.28 4.63
5.62      3.28      3.61      4.65      6.06
SkewbFinal5 3.43 6.82
5.50      8.91      6.16      8.81      3.43
First round3 5.10 6.23
7.41      6.79      5.64      6.25      5.10
Celebes Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 14.48 16.12
16.90     17.18     15.93     14.48     15.54
First round11 13.38 14.40
14.52     14.39     16.89     13.38     14.28
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 4.68 5.60
5.52      4.68      5.37      5.91      6.65
First round16 5.65 6.97
7.22      8.03      5.65      6.72      6.96
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal10 26.92 32.26
34.78     33.24     26.92     28.76     37.49
First round8 27.05 28.33
28.91     27.87     31.96     27.05     28.20
PyraminxFirst round17 11.38 13.05
12.69     14.84     11.62     11.38     15.33
Rubikku Champ 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round16 12.76 14.39
14.44     14.88     16.84     13.86     12.76
First round21 12.71 15.24
16.63     17.31     15.47     12.71     13.61
2x2x2 CubeFirst round51 4.68 7.64
7.67      4.68      7.78      7.52      7.73
4x4x4 CubeFinal24 1:26.11 1:33.74
1:39.88   1:32.81   1:28.53   1:40.33   1:26.11
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal11 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFinal26 9.05 12.62
12.03     12.68     9.05      14.87     13.14
Malang Kuy 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 11.76 14.20
13.13     16.11     11.76     13.36     16.88
Second round4 13.52 14.27
13.72     16.81     13.52     14.72     14.37
First round11 12.77 15.10
15.13     12.77     15.25     17.63     14.92
2x2x2 CubeFirst round16 5.71 6.44
6.11      7.06      9.47      5.71      6.15
4x4x4 CubeFirst round13 1:21.94 1:32.26
1:40.33   1:29.97   1:30.36   1:36.46   1:21.94
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal10 29.52 31.54
31.69     31.52     31.65     29.52     31.45
PyraminxFirst round14 9.33 10.92
11.18     12.28     9.75      11.84     9.33
SkewbFirst round17 11.80 19.42
11.80     13.06     39.81     13.18     32.03
Rain City Cube Competition 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 12.27 13.82
12.52     12.27     16.22     15.43     13.50
First round23 13.61 14.77
16.40     13.61     14.21     15.95     14.16
2x2x2 CubeFirst round49 5.91 6.72
6.53      5.91      6.73      6.91      8.25
4x4x4 CubeFirst round36 1:18.59 1:31.39
1:27.49   1:18.59   1:43.13   1:34.85   1:31.82
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal14 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round29 26.41 31.58
27.21     40.84     34.80     26.41     32.74
PyraminxFirst round34 8.42 11.23
13.47     8.42      15.96     10.16     10.07
SkewbFirst round46 10.31 24.69
28.62     DNF       28.42     10.31     17.04
Indonesian Championship 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round43 13.33 16.53
13.33     17.24     16.16     16.19     20.61
First round26 12.23 13.76
15.62     14.22     13.91     12.23     13.15
2x2x2 CubeFirst round89 5.02 7.22
6.82      7.31      7.53      8.82      5.02
4x4x4 CubeFirst round64 1:29.11
1:29.11   1:47.30
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal12 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round42 28.41 37.74
33.62     DNF       42.02     37.58     28.41
PyraminxFirst round36 6.85 9.54
8.14      6.85      14.81     9.04      11.44
SkewbFirst round78 15.37 21.51
22.16     15.37     26.34     16.02     28.71
3x3x3 With FeetFinal10 2:14.31 DNF
2:34.86   2:14.31   DNF
Celebes Champ 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 15.11 16.15
16.19     15.11     15.53     18.10     16.72
First round13 12.79 15.91
15.33     15.77     12.79     20.79     16.63
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 3.68 5.70
5.67      3.68      6.72      4.70      9.03
First round23 5.54 7.71
7.72      5.54      8.91      9.27      6.51
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal12 31.41 38.31
36.95     31.41     37.89     47.57     40.09
First round14 34.19 36.75
36.15     37.50     39.98     36.60     34.19
PyraminxFinal10 11.94 13.96
15.40     13.30     11.94     13.17     17.20
First round9 10.67 12.95
14.43     12.95     10.67     13.10     12.80
SkewbFinal15 12.88 18.86
15.92     12.88     23.08     26.75     17.57
Bogor Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round41 15.27 16.94
15.27     15.41     20.72     17.42     17.98
First round28 12.97 15.69
16.33     15.83     12.97     17.87     14.90
2x2x2 CubeFirst round43 3.56 6.87
9.00      6.02      7.45      3.56      7.14
4x4x4 CubeFirst round36 1:27.17 1:37.46
DNF       1:27.17   1:30.83   1:30.11   1:51.43
5x5x5 CubeFinal21 3:19.33
3:38.71   3:19.33
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round40 43.52 45.07
45.97     45.30     43.94     47.88     43.52
PyraminxFirst round34 10.86 15.95
14.89     18.56     22.76     10.86     14.40
Celebes Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 20.03 22.45
21.10     25.56     20.03     25.13     21.12
First round27 19.38 22.35
19.38     22.37     23.34     24.64     21.34
2x2x2 CubeFirst round26 10.13 13.20
10.13     11.19     24.93     16.70     11.72
122024-12-20~22Indonesian Championship 2024IndonesiaJakarta
112024-12-14~15Celebes Speedcubing Masters 2024IndonesiaMakassar, South Sulawesi
102024-12-0750th Anniversary in Indo 2024IndonesiaJakarta
92024-06-22~23Celebes Open 2024IndonesiaMakassar, South Sulawesi
82018-06-30~07-01Celebes Open 2018IndonesiaMakassar, Sulawesi Selatan
72017-10-21~22Rubikku Champ 2017IndonesiaTangerang
62017-09-16~17Malang Kuy 2017IndonesiaMalang
52017-09-02~03Rain City Cube Competition 2017IndonesiaBogor, Jawa Barat
42017-08-04~06Indonesian Championship 2017IndonesiaJakarta
32017-07-08~09Celebes Champ 2017IndonesiaMakassar, Sulawesi Selatan
22017-02-11~12Bogor Open 2017IndonesiaBogor
12016-07-30~31Celebes Open 2016IndonesiaMakassar, Sulawesi Selatan