Personal Page

Ziyue Xie (谢梓跃)

Ziyue Xie (谢梓跃)
Name: Ziyue Xie (谢梓跃)
Region: China
Competitions: 14
WCA ID: Ziyue Xie (谢梓跃)2016XIEZ01
Gender: Male
Career: 2016.08.07 - 2020.01.19
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube770236969968.2810.4479812863955174/175
2x2x2 Cube9583320131862.503.799072240871872/75
4x4x4 Cube10603012856941.0346.157784277096324/25
5x5x5 Cube550171850781:16.911:21.044085140546220/20
7x7x7 Cube508129540864:20.834:35.95399912545036/6
3x3x3 Blindfolded512145743202:29.824/15
3x3x3 One-Handed150486151111.9015.2316075391711263/65

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Jieyang Winter 2020Second round34 11.10 12.35
11.64     12.90     11.10     16.18     12.51
First round19 10.83 11.35
10.83     11.02     10.83     12.19     12.80
Jieyang Open 2019Final9 9.32 10.50
9.32      11.41     9.90      11.91     10.20
Second round10 9.92 10.69
11.22     9.92      10.38     10.65     11.05
First round10 8.80 10.65
10.94     9.75      11.27     8.80      11.58
Xianyang Open 2019Second round13 10.24 11.21
10.72     14.65     11.27     10.24     11.65
First round24 11.22 13.00
13.94     12.91     12.16     11.22     14.78
Jieyang Winter 2019Second round18 10.96 12.04
11.88     13.05     22.87     11.18     10.96
First round25 9.88 13.19
13.64     12.34     9.88      18.02     13.58
Xi'an Open 2018Second round11 10.29 11.18
14.00     12.13     10.33     11.08     10.29
First round13 9.32 10.78
11.82     11.14     9.38      12.95     9.32
Jieyang Open 2018Final4 8.92 10.49
9.97      8.92      12.21     DNF       9.29
Second round8 9.59 11.49
11.14     13.57     11.14     12.19     9.59
First round5 9.89 10.44
10.97     9.89      9.99      10.35     11.21
Meizhou Open 2018Second round12 10.28 11.39
12.16     10.28     10.47     11.55     12.82
First round10 10.31 11.85
12.13     12.88     11.71     10.31     11.70
Shenzhen Open 2018Semi Final28 10.79 12.19
14.75     12.23     10.79     12.98     11.35
Second round21 10.07 10.71
10.64     11.89     10.66     10.07     10.83
First round19 9.35 10.65
9.70      10.49     11.75     9.35      12.48
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2018Semi Final13 10.92 11.82
10.92     11.10     13.62     11.44     12.92
Second round12 9.82 11.65
11.55     9.82      10.51     12.88     13.62
First round16 10.93 12.52
12.70     11.75     13.10     10.93     14.93
Xi'an New Year 2018Final5 9.72 11.61
11.56     11.75     9.72      11.53     13.96
Second round6 10.25 11.10
12.05     10.57     10.25     12.60     10.67
First round9 9.88 11.90
13.90     12.29     10.74     9.88      12.68
XPU Open 2017Final10 10.08 12.03
10.08     11.00     11.30     13.78     14.65
Second round10 10.24 11.63
11.23     10.24     11.80     13.34     11.85
First round8 8.28 11.70
11.83     8.28      12.23     12.79     11.04
Shantou Open 2017Second round21 9.74 12.48
9.74      11.14     13.84     12.45     14.04
First round37 10.28 14.03
15.53     15.91     10.28     12.57     14.00
Chaozhou Open 2017Final6 11.09 11.80
11.09     12.41     13.87     11.53     11.46
Second round4 10.03 11.36
11.06     10.03     10.51     13.01     12.51
First round8 11.06 13.22
13.21     12.92     14.33     11.06     13.54
Shantou Open 2016Second round12 11.01 12.22
13.08     11.76     11.93     12.97     11.01
First round8 10.81 11.96
13.50     11.39     10.81     10.99     14.45
2x2x2 Cube
Jieyang Open 2019First round27 3.68 5.01
4.76      5.67      4.59      DNF       3.68
Xianyang Open 2019Final10 3.13 4.70
4.93      3.13      6.23      3.95      5.21
First round8 3.35 3.83
3.35      4.56      3.69      3.79      4.02
Xi'an Open 2018Final13 3.61 4.59
3.61      4.84      4.29      4.64      5.07
Second round13 3.12 4.09
3.12      7.02      3.85      4.56      3.86
First round14 4.11 4.40
4.22      4.67      4.47      4.11      4.51
Meizhou Open 2018Final7 3.04 4.17
4.10      3.04      DNF       4.80      3.60
First round5 3.64 3.79
3.67      4.72      3.64      4.04      3.67
XPU Open 2017Final5 3.56 4.21
4.45      3.56      4.76      4.39      3.78
First round8 3.99 4.89
3.99      4.99      DNF       4.14      5.54
Shantou Open 2017Final6 3.30 3.98
3.30      4.16      3.75      4.04      4.78
First round11 2.94 4.50
5.01      2.94      6.55      5.20      3.28
Chaozhou Open 2017Second round13 4.61 5.33
8.00      4.61      4.97      5.33      5.69
First round9 2.50 5.20
2.50      5.96      4.86      4.79      7.22
Shantou Open 2016First round22 4.55 5.34
4.55      10.76     5.45      5.33      5.24
4x4x4 Cube
Xi'an New Year 2018Final17 48.80 52.91
56.49     1:02.71   51.11     48.80     51.13
XPU Open 2017Final11 47.98 56.37
1:08.91   49.82     47.98     DNF       50.39
First round5 41.03 46.15
42.15     48.11     41.03     48.19     55.65
Shantou Open 2017First round25 46.99 50.21
47.21     54.57     46.99     49.03     54.38
Shantou Open 2016First round25 42.13 55.90
55.40     54.99     42.13     57.32     1:05.42
5x5x5 Cube
Meizhou Open 2018Final7 1:16.91 1:22.31
1:27.39   1:18.08   1:21.45   1:29.04   1:16.91
First round8 1:17.35 1:21.04
1:17.35   1:27.61   1:17.83   1:22.10   1:23.20
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2018First round11 1:25.34 1:34.13
1:37.19   1:40.25   1:25.34   1:31.40   1:33.80
Chaozhou Open 2017First round14 1:25.89 1:37.83
1:46.08   1:25.89   1:30.98   1:36.44   1:47.57
7x7x7 Cube
Xi'an Open 2018Final12 4:20.83 4:35.95
4:49.17   4:20.83   4:37.84
First round10 4:27.50 4:36.48
4:27.50   4:36.60   4:45.33
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Jieyang Open 2019Final8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Jieyang Open 2018First round9 2:29.82 DNF
2:29.82   2:47.36   DNF
Shenzhen Open 2018First round17 2:55.97 DNF
DNF       2:55.97   3:11.81
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2018First round13 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Xi'an New Year 2018First round9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Jieyang Open 2019First round16 15.16 21.75
19.57     DNF       15.16     26.69     18.98
Xi'an Open 2018Final9 14.41 18.89
19.71     19.13     18.85     18.69     14.41
First round9 15.91 19.24
DNF       18.84     15.91     18.80     20.07
Jieyang Open 2018Final4 11.90 15.23
17.67     13.52     20.31     11.90     14.49
First round12 17.74 19.83
17.74     21.94     19.94     19.01     20.53
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2018Final3 14.45 16.24
16.71     16.11     15.90     16.72     14.45
First round7 16.39 17.80
17.25     16.39     20.17     17.03     19.11
Xi'an New Year 2018Final1 14.98 16.34
16.54     16.84     14.98     18.67     15.64
XPU Open 2017Final4 14.66 17.32
14.66     15.78     18.33     20.32     17.86
Shantou Open 2017Final11 15.53 19.65
15.53     20.03     19.20     19.71     20.76
First round10 17.91 19.66
22.94     20.40     17.91     18.31     20.26
Shantou Open 2016Final3 14.69 16.48
14.69     15.17     18.35     16.88     17.40
First round5 17.13 18.22
18.57     18.02     18.08     18.94     17.13
Jieyang Open 2018Final14 1:25.94 1:36.67
1:44.16   1:25.94   1:43.53   1:34.50   1:31.99
Shantou Open 2016Final7 1:29.89 1:36.42
1:32.02   1:29.89   1:37.64   1:51.31   1:39.60
Xi'an Open 2018Final9 4.81 5.88
7.26      6.77      4.81      5.36      5.50
Second round11 4.93 5.95
6.58      7.91      6.04      5.23      4.93
First round5 4.72 5.01
8.07      5.14      4.84      4.72      5.05
Meizhou Open 2018First round25 5.62 9.64
12.30     9.80      8.49      10.62     5.62
Chaozhou Open 2017Final8 7.23 9.52
10.28     9.36      8.91      10.51     7.23
Second round5 4.63 7.71
4.63      DNF       8.89      5.33      8.91
First round7 7.91 9.27
13.12     9.08      10.03     7.91      8.69
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2018Final7 18.02 20.81
26.34     19.35     18.02     23.84     19.23
First round5 15.57 20.15
21.25     23.12     21.60     15.57     17.60
XPU Open 2017Final4 19.68 21.02
28.78     22.42     19.68     20.18     20.45
Chaozhou Open 2017Final5 14.31 21.83
14.31     51.20     23.10     22.38     20.02
First round4 16.44 21.29
16.44     20.69     25.84     17.33     41.99
Jieyang Winter 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round34 11.10 12.35
11.64     12.90     11.10     16.18     12.51
First round19 10.83 11.35
10.83     11.02     10.83     12.19     12.80
Jieyang Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 9.32 10.50
9.32      11.41     9.90      11.91     10.20
Second round10 9.92 10.69
11.22     9.92      10.38     10.65     11.05
First round10 8.80 10.65
10.94     9.75      11.27     8.80      11.58
2x2x2 CubeFirst round27 3.68 5.01
4.76      5.67      4.59      DNF       3.68
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round16 15.16 21.75
19.57     DNF       15.16     26.69     18.98
Xianyang Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round13 10.24 11.21
10.72     14.65     11.27     10.24     11.65
First round24 11.22 13.00
13.94     12.91     12.16     11.22     14.78
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 3.13 4.70
4.93      3.13      6.23      3.95      5.21
First round8 3.35 3.83
3.35      4.56      3.69      3.79      4.02
Jieyang Winter 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 10.96 12.04
11.88     13.05     22.87     11.18     10.96
First round25 9.88 13.19
13.64     12.34     9.88      18.02     13.58
Xi'an Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round11 10.29 11.18
14.00     12.13     10.33     11.08     10.29
First round13 9.32 10.78
11.82     11.14     9.38      12.95     9.32
2x2x2 CubeFinal13 3.61 4.59
3.61      4.84      4.29      4.64      5.07
Second round13 3.12 4.09
3.12      7.02      3.85      4.56      3.86
First round14 4.11 4.40
4.22      4.67      4.47      4.11      4.51
7x7x7 CubeFinal12 4:20.83 4:35.95
4:49.17   4:20.83   4:37.84
First round10 4:27.50 4:36.48
4:27.50   4:36.60   4:45.33
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal9 14.41 18.89
19.71     19.13     18.85     18.69     14.41
First round9 15.91 19.24
DNF       18.84     15.91     18.80     20.07
PyraminxFinal9 4.81 5.88
7.26      6.77      4.81      5.36      5.50
Second round11 4.93 5.95
6.58      7.91      6.04      5.23      4.93
First round5 4.72 5.01
8.07      5.14      4.84      4.72      5.05
Jieyang Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 8.92 10.49
9.97      8.92      12.21     DNF       9.29
Second round8 9.59 11.49
11.14     13.57     11.14     12.19     9.59
First round5 9.89 10.44
10.97     9.89      9.99      10.35     11.21
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round9 2:29.82 DNF
2:29.82   2:47.36   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 11.90 15.23
17.67     13.52     20.31     11.90     14.49
First round12 17.74 19.83
17.74     21.94     19.94     19.01     20.53
MegaminxFinal14 1:25.94 1:36.67
1:44.16   1:25.94   1:43.53   1:34.50   1:31.99
Meizhou Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round12 10.28 11.39
12.16     10.28     10.47     11.55     12.82
First round10 10.31 11.85
12.13     12.88     11.71     10.31     11.70
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 3.04 4.17
4.10      3.04      DNF       4.80      3.60
First round5 3.64 3.79
3.67      4.72      3.64      4.04      3.67
5x5x5 CubeFinal7 1:16.91 1:22.31
1:27.39   1:18.08   1:21.45   1:29.04   1:16.91
First round8 1:17.35 1:21.04
1:17.35   1:27.61   1:17.83   1:22.10   1:23.20
PyraminxFirst round25 5.62 9.64
12.30     9.80      8.49      10.62     5.62
Shenzhen Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final28 10.79 12.19
14.75     12.23     10.79     12.98     11.35
Second round21 10.07 10.71
10.64     11.89     10.66     10.07     10.83
First round19 9.35 10.65
9.70      10.49     11.75     9.35      12.48
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round17 2:55.97 DNF
DNF       2:55.97   3:11.81
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2018
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final13 10.92 11.82
10.92     11.10     13.62     11.44     12.92
Second round12 9.82 11.65
11.55     9.82      10.51     12.88     13.62
First round16 10.93 12.52
12.70     11.75     13.10     10.93     14.93
5x5x5 CubeFirst round11 1:25.34 1:34.13
1:37.19   1:40.25   1:25.34   1:31.40   1:33.80
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round13 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 14.45 16.24
16.71     16.11     15.90     16.72     14.45
First round7 16.39 17.80
17.25     16.39     20.17     17.03     19.11
Square-1Final7 18.02 20.81
26.34     19.35     18.02     23.84     19.23
First round5 15.57 20.15
21.25     23.12     21.60     15.57     17.60
Xi'an New Year 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 9.72 11.61
11.56     11.75     9.72      11.53     13.96
Second round6 10.25 11.10
12.05     10.57     10.25     12.60     10.67
First round9 9.88 11.90
13.90     12.29     10.74     9.88      12.68
4x4x4 CubeFinal17 48.80 52.91
56.49     1:02.71   51.11     48.80     51.13
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 14.98 16.34
16.54     16.84     14.98     18.67     15.64
XPU Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 10.08 12.03
10.08     11.00     11.30     13.78     14.65
Second round10 10.24 11.63
11.23     10.24     11.80     13.34     11.85
First round8 8.28 11.70
11.83     8.28      12.23     12.79     11.04
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 3.56 4.21
4.45      3.56      4.76      4.39      3.78
First round8 3.99 4.89
3.99      4.99      DNF       4.14      5.54
4x4x4 CubeFinal11 47.98 56.37
1:08.91   49.82     47.98     DNF       50.39
First round5 41.03 46.15
42.15     48.11     41.03     48.19     55.65
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 14.66 17.32
14.66     15.78     18.33     20.32     17.86
Square-1Final4 19.68 21.02
28.78     22.42     19.68     20.18     20.45
Shantou Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 9.74 12.48
9.74      11.14     13.84     12.45     14.04
First round37 10.28 14.03
15.53     15.91     10.28     12.57     14.00
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 3.30 3.98
3.30      4.16      3.75      4.04      4.78
First round11 2.94 4.50
5.01      2.94      6.55      5.20      3.28
4x4x4 CubeFirst round25 46.99 50.21
47.21     54.57     46.99     49.03     54.38
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal11 15.53 19.65
15.53     20.03     19.20     19.71     20.76
First round10 17.91 19.66
22.94     20.40     17.91     18.31     20.26
Chaozhou Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 11.09 11.80
11.09     12.41     13.87     11.53     11.46
Second round4 10.03 11.36
11.06     10.03     10.51     13.01     12.51
First round8 11.06 13.22
13.21     12.92     14.33     11.06     13.54
2x2x2 CubeSecond round13 4.61 5.33
8.00      4.61      4.97      5.33      5.69
First round9 2.50 5.20
2.50      5.96      4.86      4.79      7.22
5x5x5 CubeFirst round14 1:25.89 1:37.83
1:46.08   1:25.89   1:30.98   1:36.44   1:47.57
SkewbFinal8 7.23 9.52
10.28     9.36      8.91      10.51     7.23
Second round5 4.63 7.71
4.63      DNF       8.89      5.33      8.91
First round7 7.91 9.27
13.12     9.08      10.03     7.91      8.69
Square-1Final5 14.31 21.83
14.31     51.20     23.10     22.38     20.02
First round4 16.44 21.29
16.44     20.69     25.84     17.33     41.99
Shantou Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round12 11.01 12.22
13.08     11.76     11.93     12.97     11.01
First round8 10.81 11.96
13.50     11.39     10.81     10.99     14.45
2x2x2 CubeFirst round22 4.55 5.34
4.55      10.76     5.45      5.33      5.24
4x4x4 CubeFirst round25 42.13 55.90
55.40     54.99     42.13     57.32     1:05.42
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 14.69 16.48
14.69     15.17     18.35     16.88     17.40
First round5 17.13 18.22
18.57     18.02     18.08     18.94     17.13
MegaminxFinal7 1:29.89 1:36.42
1:32.02   1:29.89   1:37.64   1:51.31   1:39.60
142020-01-19Jieyang Winter 2020ChinaJieyang, Guangdong
132019-08-11Jieyang Open 2019ChinaJieyang, Guangdong
122019-03-03Xianyang Open 2019ChinaXianyang, Shaanxi
112019-01-27Jieyang Winter 2019ChinaJieyang, Guangdong
102018-10-27~28Xi'an Open 2018ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
92018-08-12Jieyang Open 2018ChinaJieyang, Guangdong
82018-08-05Meizhou Open 2018ChinaMeizhou, Guangdong
72018-07-21~22Shenzhen Open 2018ChinaShenzhen, Guangdong
62018-04-06~07Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2018ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
52018-01-01Xi'an New Year 2018ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
42017-10-14XPU Open 2017ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
32017-08-20Shantou Open 2017ChinaShantou, Guangdong
22017-06-18Chaozhou Open 2017ChinaChaozhou, Guangdong
12016-08-07Shantou Open 2016ChinaShantou, Guangdong