Personal Page

Alex Enciso

Name: Alex Enciso
Region: United States
Competitions: 7
WCA ID: Alex Enciso2017ENCI02
Gender: Male
Career: 2017.03.18 - 2019.09.29
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube8758116754586113.6618.3858975149911121638/40
2x2x2 Cube36324737170162.755.733730610468799930/30
4x4x4 Cube70419484357501:13.951:28.48354059637725414/15

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Sioux Falls Winter 2019Second round25 13.66 20.55
22.23     13.66     19.36     20.31     21.99
First round26 19.69 20.90
22.51     22.19     20.21     20.30     19.69
Cubetcha 2018First round54 16.38 20.79
22.44     22.20     17.74     16.38     23.24
Sioux Falls Summer 2018Second round23 16.00 18.38
17.84     16.00     20.48     18.84     18.45
First round30 13.79 20.50
22.08     13.79     DNF       19.04     20.39
KCubing Fall 2017First round36 19.34 20.66
26.38     19.34     20.72     19.61     21.66
September Speedcubing 2017First round39 23.34 28.41
42.39     23.34     24.29     26.80     34.14
ISU Spring 2017First round88 41.39 49.80
44.96     45.59     DNF       58.85     41.39
2x2x2 Cube
Sioux Fall 2019First round28 5.34 6.79
6.40      7.24      6.72      8.71      5.34
Sioux Falls Winter 2019First round27 5.68 6.88
6.89      6.84      13.80     5.68      6.91
Cubetcha 2018First round56 5.41 7.44
10.53     10.10     5.41      6.45      5.76
Sioux Falls Summer 2018First round18 3.76 5.73
3.76      7.87      4.54      6.04      6.62
KCubing Fall 2017First round42 3.93 7.00
7.06      8.73      3.93      7.64      6.29
September Speedcubing 2017First round44 2.75 9.22
9.76      8.34      2.75      9.57      10.22
4x4x4 Cube
Sioux Falls Winter 2019Final24 1:14.34 1:38.76
1:14.34   1:32.17   1:51.08   DNF       1:33.02
Cubetcha 2018First round44 1:13.95 1:28.48
1:13.95   1:27.44   1:42.99   1:32.95   1:25.05
Sioux Falls Summer 2018First round29 1:31.05 1:39.07
1:41.58   1:31.05   1:49.27   1:41.65   1:33.99
Sioux Falls Winter 2019First round35 13.39 19.87
28.18     13.39     14.97     25.74     18.91
September Speedcubing 2017First round31 10.16 14.19
10.16     16.73     10.64     18.69     15.21
ISU Spring 2017First round79 24.00 26.72
29.25     26.63     24.29     32.19     24.00
Sioux Fall 2019
2x2x2 CubeFirst round28 5.34 6.79
6.40      7.24      6.72      8.71      5.34
Sioux Falls Winter 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 13.66 20.55
22.23     13.66     19.36     20.31     21.99
First round26 19.69 20.90
22.51     22.19     20.21     20.30     19.69
2x2x2 CubeFirst round27 5.68 6.88
6.89      6.84      13.80     5.68      6.91
4x4x4 CubeFinal24 1:14.34 1:38.76
1:14.34   1:32.17   1:51.08   DNF       1:33.02
PyraminxFirst round35 13.39 19.87
28.18     13.39     14.97     25.74     18.91
Cubetcha 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round54 16.38 20.79
22.44     22.20     17.74     16.38     23.24
2x2x2 CubeFirst round56 5.41 7.44
10.53     10.10     5.41      6.45      5.76
4x4x4 CubeFirst round44 1:13.95 1:28.48
1:13.95   1:27.44   1:42.99   1:32.95   1:25.05
Sioux Falls Summer 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 16.00 18.38
17.84     16.00     20.48     18.84     18.45
First round30 13.79 20.50
22.08     13.79     DNF       19.04     20.39
2x2x2 CubeFirst round18 3.76 5.73
3.76      7.87      4.54      6.04      6.62
4x4x4 CubeFirst round29 1:31.05 1:39.07
1:41.58   1:31.05   1:49.27   1:41.65   1:33.99
KCubing Fall 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round36 19.34 20.66
26.38     19.34     20.72     19.61     21.66
2x2x2 CubeFirst round42 3.93 7.00
7.06      8.73      3.93      7.64      6.29
September Speedcubing 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round39 23.34 28.41
42.39     23.34     24.29     26.80     34.14
2x2x2 CubeFirst round44 2.75 9.22
9.76      8.34      2.75      9.57      10.22
PyraminxFirst round31 10.16 14.19
10.16     16.73     10.64     18.69     15.21
ISU Spring 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round88 41.39 49.80
44.96     45.59     DNF       58.85     41.39
PyraminxFirst round79 24.00 26.72
29.25     26.63     24.29     32.19     24.00
72019-09-28~29Sioux Fall 2019United StatesSioux Falls, South Dakota
62019-02-09Sioux Falls Winter 2019United StatesSioux Falls, South Dakota
52018-10-20Cubetcha 2018United StatesBrooklyn Park, Minnesota
42018-08-11Sioux Falls Summer 2018United StatesSioux Falls, South Dakota
32017-11-04KCubing Fall 2017United StatesRaytown, Missouri
22017-09-09September Speedcubing 2017United StatesOmaha, Nebraska
12017-03-18ISU Spring 2017United StatesAmes, Iowa