Personal Page

Eli Fox

Name: Eli Fox
Region: United States
Competitions: 12
WCA ID: Eli Fox2017FOXE01
Gender: Male
Career: 2017.01.07 - 2024.08.10
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube589478183061811.8514.11290337358556094/95
2x2x2 Cube1093214335510854.485.28296638322638765/65
4x4x4 Cube846911357418621:23.552/2
5x5x5 Cube55427373257682:50.592/2
3x3x3 Blindfolded1228162571734:07.711/6

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Michigan Championship 2024Second round106 14.54 20.43
24.59     20.47     19.64     21.17     14.54
First round101 16.47 18.33
16.47     20.72     19.33     19.18     16.47
Washtenaw Qualifiers 2024Second round57 18.07 19.68
22.21     18.45     18.38     18.07     29.40
First round61 13.85 20.00
21.29     18.41     22.84     13.85     20.31
Upstate Cubing 2019Second round22 16.21 16.64
16.58     16.79     16.63     16.72     16.21
First round26 14.99 17.64
17.17     19.36     16.38     14.99     24.79
Upstate Cubing 2018Final12 13.53 16.64
16.19     13.53     19.06     14.68     22.01
Second round13 13.55 14.76
14.13     14.42     19.63     15.72     13.55
First round14 11.85 15.16
11.85     12.92     16.71     18.87     15.84
Oakville Limited Fall 2017Second round50 14.68 17.70
14.68     22.87     14.70     23.97     15.54
First round50 13.83 14.11
13.98     18.83     14.47     13.83     13.89
Howland High Fall 2017Second round22 12.88 14.77
15.41     13.51     17.79     15.38     12.88
First round20 12.74 15.62
13.73     15.94     17.18     18.74     12.74
CubingUSA Nationals 2017First round323 13.55 15.77
13.55     18.04     14.92     14.35     18.88
Newmarket Open 2017First round66 15.03 16.66
16.18     17.30     16.49     18.65     15.03
Shaker Spring 2017Second round33 15.24 17.69
15.24     15.47     DNF       20.09     17.51
First round35 17.29 19.78
18.71     30.35     22.53     17.29     18.11
Monument Mountain Winter 2017First round49 16.83 20.21
29.05     18.90     16.83     17.59     24.15
Dayton Winter 2017First round40 15.32 19.51
22.02     24.31     16.87     19.64     15.32
2x2x2 Cube
Michigan Championship 2024Second round100 5.70 6.88
8.02      6.80      5.70      5.81      8.36
First round106 4.94 6.79
7.51      6.91      5.94      4.94      7.54
Washtenaw Qualifiers 2024Second round49 4.87 6.16
6.80      7.93      6.33      5.35      4.87
First round55 5.08 5.97
5.41      5.08      6.38      6.13      8.65
Upstate Cubing 2019First round33 4.48 7.41
6.22      17.75     4.48      5.30      10.71
Upstate Cubing 2018First round16 4.93 5.40
5.34      5.68      5.17      4.93      8.92
Oakville Limited Fall 2017Second round39 5.03 5.49
5.27      5.03      5.57      5.62      6.70
First round49 4.73 5.28
5.32      4.73      6.90      5.36      5.15
CubingUSA Nationals 2017First round404 4.85 6.42
4.97      19.58     4.85      6.42      7.87
Newmarket Open 2017First round90 5.44 6.11
5.91      6.56      5.44      5.98      6.43
Shaker Spring 2017First round32 5.08 6.29
7.35      5.08      5.42      6.45      6.99
Monument Mountain Winter 2017First round54 5.72 6.24
6.43      5.72      6.44      7.47      5.85
Dayton Winter 2017First round42 5.24 6.17
6.10      6.38      5.24      12.76     6.03
4x4x4 Cube
Upstate Cubing 2019First round23 1:23.55
1:23.55   1:27.24
5x5x5 Cube
Michigan Championship 2024Final84 2:50.59
3:29.21   2:50.59
3x3x3 Blindfolded
North Branch Campfire 2024Final10 4:07.71 DNF
DNF       DNF       4:07.71
Michigan Championship 2024First round20 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
North Branch Campfire 2024Final7 8.87 11.08
8.87      9.41      12.18     13.47     11.65
Michigan Championship 2024First round40 12.97 15.14
15.91     13.21     16.30     DNF       12.97
North Branch Campfire 2024Final11 2:25.51 2:34.36
2:27.90   2:54.96   2:29.56   2:25.51   2:45.63
Michigan Championship 2024Final66 2:06.44 2:36.68
2:42.39   2:06.44   2:38.85   2:46.37   2:28.81
Washtenaw Qualifiers 2024Final31 1:52.49 2:14.09
1:52.49   2:19.37   2:13.49   2:19.80   2:09.40
Upstate Cubing 2019Final11 8.01 9.07
9.80      8.01      9.55      8.52      9.14
First round12 5.23 7.30
6.16      6.83      12.93     5.23      8.90
Upstate Cubing 2018Final10 7.21 8.23
7.21      8.21      8.54      13.49     7.93
First round11 5.24 8.80
8.40      9.16      5.24      9.35      8.84
Howland High Fall 2017First round24 6.89 9.27
10.54     9.13      6.89      8.14      10.54
CubingUSA Nationals 2017First round203 6.93 9.26
9.83      10.19     11.19     7.75      6.93
Newmarket Open 2017First round28 6.50 8.00
6.50      8.57      6.59      8.85      11.99
Monument Mountain Winter 2017Final40 7.16 11.28
14.04     DNF       9.04      7.16      10.75
Dayton Winter 2017First round28 5.21 10.16
10.19     13.95     9.82      5.21      10.46
Upstate Cubing 2019First round36 8.92 14.29
24.60     14.09     10.77     8.92      18.00
Upstate Cubing 2018First round22 5.23 11.53
10.51     13.40     5.23      10.68     14.53
Howland High Fall 2017First round28 7.47 11.90
15.17     7.47      8.64      14.52     12.54
CubingUSA Nationals 2017First round255 9.42 12.98
9.42      14.13     24.43     10.25     14.56
Newmarket Open 2017First round61 8.65 12.91
14.39     11.86     12.48     8.65      14.92
Dayton Winter 2017Final38 8.90 14.02
8.90      13.47     16.53     40.59     12.07
Upstate Cubing 2018Final18 54.49 DNF
DNF       55.51     54.49     DNF       1:03.92
4x4x4 Blindfolded
North Branch Campfire 2024Final5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
North Branch Campfire 2024
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal10 4:07.71 DNF
DNF       DNF       4:07.71
ClockFinal7 8.87 11.08
8.87      9.41      12.18     13.47     11.65
MegaminxFinal11 2:25.51 2:34.36
2:27.90   2:54.96   2:29.56   2:25.51   2:45.63
4x4x4 BlindfoldedFinal5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
Michigan Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round106 14.54 20.43
24.59     20.47     19.64     21.17     14.54
First round101 16.47 18.33
16.47     20.72     19.33     19.18     16.47
2x2x2 CubeSecond round100 5.70 6.88
8.02      6.80      5.70      5.81      8.36
First round106 4.94 6.79
7.51      6.91      5.94      4.94      7.54
5x5x5 CubeFinal84 2:50.59
3:29.21   2:50.59
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round20 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
ClockFirst round40 12.97 15.14
15.91     13.21     16.30     DNF       12.97
MegaminxFinal66 2:06.44 2:36.68
2:42.39   2:06.44   2:38.85   2:46.37   2:28.81
Washtenaw Qualifiers 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round57 18.07 19.68
22.21     18.45     18.38     18.07     29.40
First round61 13.85 20.00
21.29     18.41     22.84     13.85     20.31
2x2x2 CubeSecond round49 4.87 6.16
6.80      7.93      6.33      5.35      4.87
First round55 5.08 5.97
5.41      5.08      6.38      6.13      8.65
MegaminxFinal31 1:52.49 2:14.09
1:52.49   2:19.37   2:13.49   2:19.80   2:09.40
Upstate Cubing 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 16.21 16.64
16.58     16.79     16.63     16.72     16.21
First round26 14.99 17.64
17.17     19.36     16.38     14.99     24.79
2x2x2 CubeFirst round33 4.48 7.41
6.22      17.75     4.48      5.30      10.71
4x4x4 CubeFirst round23 1:23.55
1:23.55   1:27.24
PyraminxFinal11 8.01 9.07
9.80      8.01      9.55      8.52      9.14
First round12 5.23 7.30
6.16      6.83      12.93     5.23      8.90
SkewbFirst round36 8.92 14.29
24.60     14.09     10.77     8.92      18.00
Upstate Cubing 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 13.53 16.64
16.19     13.53     19.06     14.68     22.01
Second round13 13.55 14.76
14.13     14.42     19.63     15.72     13.55
First round14 11.85 15.16
11.85     12.92     16.71     18.87     15.84
2x2x2 CubeFirst round16 4.93 5.40
5.34      5.68      5.17      4.93      8.92
PyraminxFinal10 7.21 8.23
7.21      8.21      8.54      13.49     7.93
First round11 5.24 8.80
8.40      9.16      5.24      9.35      8.84
SkewbFirst round22 5.23 11.53
10.51     13.40     5.23      10.68     14.53
Square-1Final18 54.49 DNF
DNF       55.51     54.49     DNF       1:03.92
Oakville Limited Fall 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round50 14.68 17.70
14.68     22.87     14.70     23.97     15.54
First round50 13.83 14.11
13.98     18.83     14.47     13.83     13.89
2x2x2 CubeSecond round39 5.03 5.49
5.27      5.03      5.57      5.62      6.70
First round49 4.73 5.28
5.32      4.73      6.90      5.36      5.15
Howland High Fall 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 12.88 14.77
15.41     13.51     17.79     15.38     12.88
First round20 12.74 15.62
13.73     15.94     17.18     18.74     12.74
PyraminxFirst round24 6.89 9.27
10.54     9.13      6.89      8.14      10.54
SkewbFirst round28 7.47 11.90
15.17     7.47      8.64      14.52     12.54
CubingUSA Nationals 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round323 13.55 15.77
13.55     18.04     14.92     14.35     18.88
2x2x2 CubeFirst round404 4.85 6.42
4.97      19.58     4.85      6.42      7.87
PyraminxFirst round203 6.93 9.26
9.83      10.19     11.19     7.75      6.93
SkewbFirst round255 9.42 12.98
9.42      14.13     24.43     10.25     14.56
Newmarket Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round66 15.03 16.66
16.18     17.30     16.49     18.65     15.03
2x2x2 CubeFirst round90 5.44 6.11
5.91      6.56      5.44      5.98      6.43
PyraminxFirst round28 6.50 8.00
6.50      8.57      6.59      8.85      11.99
SkewbFirst round61 8.65 12.91
14.39     11.86     12.48     8.65      14.92
Shaker Spring 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round33 15.24 17.69
15.24     15.47     DNF       20.09     17.51
First round35 17.29 19.78
18.71     30.35     22.53     17.29     18.11
2x2x2 CubeFirst round32 5.08 6.29
7.35      5.08      5.42      6.45      6.99
Monument Mountain Winter 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round49 16.83 20.21
29.05     18.90     16.83     17.59     24.15
2x2x2 CubeFirst round54 5.72 6.24
6.43      5.72      6.44      7.47      5.85
PyraminxFinal40 7.16 11.28
14.04     DNF       9.04      7.16      10.75
Dayton Winter 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round40 15.32 19.51
22.02     24.31     16.87     19.64     15.32
2x2x2 CubeFirst round42 5.24 6.17
6.10      6.38      5.24      12.76     6.03
PyraminxFirst round28 5.21 10.16
10.19     13.95     9.82      5.21      10.46
SkewbFinal38 8.90 14.02
8.90      13.47     16.53     40.59     12.07
122024-08-10North Branch Campfire 2024United StatesNorth Branch, Michigan
112024-06-29~30Michigan Championship 2024United StatesLansing, Michigan
102024-05-24~26Washtenaw Qualifiers 2024United StatesAnn Arbor, Michigan
92019-04-13Upstate Cubing 2019United StatesEast Pembroke, New York
82018-04-07Upstate Cubing 2018United StatesCorfu, New York
72017-11-11Oakville Limited Fall 2017CanadaOakville, Ontario
62017-09-09Howland High Fall 2017United StatesWarren, Ohio
52017-07-07~09CubingUSA Nationals 2017United StatesFort Wayne, Indiana
42017-06-17Newmarket Open 2017CanadaNewmarket, Ontario
32017-04-08Shaker Spring 2017United StatesShaker Heights, Ohio
22017-01-28Monument Mountain Winter 2017United StatesGreat Barrington, Massachusetts
12017-01-07Dayton Winter 2017United StatesDayton, Ohio