Personal Page

Thomas Schmidt

Name: Thomas Schmidt
Region: United States
Competitions: 15
WCA ID: Thomas Schmidt2017SCHM04
Gender: Male
Career: 2017.03.25 - 2025.01.04
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1717221583408.5910.74912023841847119/120
2x2x2 Cube43605717203302.944.95240666767519430/30
4x4x4 Cube10921491615738.1243.145559134999943/45
5x5x5 Cube1312181370221:24.351:33.9670901852134134/35
6x6x6 Cube1067143950802:55.893:12.9453251527113613/13
7x7x7 Cube1105150153204:54.365:11.9850971451107011/13
3x3x3 Blindfolded77399944102:33.283/15
3x3x3 One-Handed315543181797423.2728.64178564234309830/30
3x3x3 With Feet50067828064:05.902/2

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Santa Barbara Winter 2025Second round24 10.34 12.24
10.75     15.01     13.49     12.49     10.34
First round24 9.99 12.57
9.99      12.44     13.29     14.52     11.99
Nub Open Lake Forest 2024Second round30 10.37 11.39
10.37     11.60     11.51     11.32     11.34
First round46 12.14 13.18
13.44     12.14     12.52     14.41     13.59
UCSB Cubing 2024Second round33 11.57 13.06
15.92     11.82     12.31     15.05     11.57
First round39 11.64 13.89
15.36     14.13     12.18     11.64     18.17
WCC Western Championship 2022Second round119 10.89 14.09
14.57     10.89     15.03     12.68     15.41
First round98 10.81 12.64
15.40     12.45     10.81     14.01     11.45
Marshall Cubing September 2022Semi Final23 11.19 12.63
13.37     14.63     12.69     11.19     11.84
Second round24 10.03 12.54
12.40     12.41     10.03     15.48     12.81
First round24 11.37 12.64
11.37     12.44     12.88     12.99     12.61
Santa Barbara Fall 2019Second round17 10.58 12.10
12.83     10.58     11.33     16.87     12.15
First round12 9.54 10.74
9.62      17.69     11.04     11.57     9.54
Western Championship 2019Second round53 8.59 11.88
12.38     8.59      12.12     12.63     11.13
First round67 9.19 13.03
9.19      15.46     11.80     DNF       11.83
Poly Cubed 2018First round34 13.54 14.63
13.54     16.49     16.80     13.85     13.56
WCCT LA 2018First round39 11.79 13.52
20.14     12.67     11.79     14.92     12.97
COpen2 2018First round31 11.42 16.68
23.43     13.04     18.57     11.42     18.43
Thanks Four The Invite 2018Second round25 12.82 14.20
12.82     14.83     13.13     14.63     16.10
First round29 12.63 15.07
18.75     12.63     13.54     15.50     16.18
Newport Fall 2017First round43 13.44 17.21
13.44     17.97     17.41     16.25     18.18
UCSD Summer 2017Second round30 15.27 18.72
22.32     16.74     22.40     15.27     17.11
First round28 14.47 17.32
14.47     14.75     19.92     18.17     19.05
Qualifornia 2017First round54 17.22 19.64
19.81     19.23     30.78     19.88     17.22
2x2x2 Cube
UCSB Cubing 2024First round40 4.38 4.95
5.56      4.85      4.73      4.38      5.26
WCC Western Championship 2022First round135 2.94 5.89
5.66      5.63      6.46      2.94      6.38
Santa Barbara Fall 2019First round29 4.26 5.49
4.26      5.36      6.59      5.64      5.46
Western Championship 2019First round95 4.70 6.32
8.32      5.67      4.70      6.47      6.83
WCCT LA 2018First round39 4.14 5.49
4.14      5.92      6.45      5.61      4.93
Newport Fall 2017First round25 4.18 5.01
4.75      4.18      5.08      8.28      5.20
4x4x4 Cube
WCC Western Championship 2022First round66 44.18 48.17
49.42     49.11     45.98     44.18     55.01
Santa Barbara Fall 2019Final9 38.12 43.14
52.33     38.12     43.38     45.04     40.99
First round12 39.79 46.43
42.43     39.93     39.79     DNF       56.92
Western Championship 2019First round52 44.24 52.18
45.41     57.50     59.41     53.62     44.24
Anaheim Qualifier 2019First round21 41.59 50.69
53.01     49.54     57.77     41.59     49.52
Poly Cubed 2018First round15 42.87 49.57
42.87     56.98     49.94     52.31     46.45
WCCT LA 2018Final21 42.37 52.59
52.11     56.15     50.11     55.55     42.37
COpen2 2018First round15 50.15 53.69
52.79     54.30     DNF       53.97     50.15
Newport Fall 2017First round24 45.54 58.32
45.54     1:00.49   55.23     59.24     1:03.57
5x5x5 Cube
Santa Barbara Winter 2025First round23 1:31.34 1:33.96
1:32.19   1:47.92   1:36.97   1:31.34   1:32.72
WCC Western Championship 2022First round75 1:31.30 1:57.80
2:03.19   1:31.30   DNF       1:44.02   2:06.20
Western Championship 2019First round47 1:34.51 1:41.10
1:53.80   1:34.51   1:40.36   1:41.13   1:41.80
Anaheim Qualifier 2019First round13 1:31.91 1:37.68
1:42.40   1:31.91   1:39.69   1:37.08   1:36.28
Poly Cubed 2018First round16 1:24.35 1:37.64
1:24.35   1:42.48   1:49.40   1:36.20   1:34.24
COpen2 2018First round14 1:37.90 1:51.61
1:56.05   1:47.07   1:37.90   1:51.72   2:03.51
Thanks Four The Invite 2018First round15 1:34.88 1:46.29
1:45.05   1:45.04   1:49.97   1:48.78   1:34.88
6x6x6 Cube
Santa Barbara Winter 2025First round23 2:55.89 3:12.94
3:03.31   3:39.62   2:55.89
WCC Western Championship 2022First round57 3:51.88
Western Championship 2019Final32 3:12.43 3:21.39
3:29.68   3:22.07   3:12.43
Anaheim Qualifier 2019Final13 3:13.05 3:29.47
3:13.05   3:39.02   3:36.35
Thanks Four The Invite 2018First round13 3:47.65 3:58.97
4:03.39   3:47.65   4:05.86
7x7x7 Cube
Santa Barbara Winter 2025First round22 5:13.87 5:46.99
5:52.47   6:14.62   5:13.87
WCC Western Championship 2022First round40 5:08.34 DNF
5:08.34   6:00.57   DNF
Marshall Cubing September 2022First round14 6:42.74
Western Championship 2019Final33 5:36.67
WCCT LA 2018Final17 DNF
COpen2 2018First round10 5:11.10
Thanks Four The Invite 2018First round9 4:54.36 5:11.98
4:54.36   5:40.13   5:01.46
3x3x3 Blindfolded
WCC Western Championship 2022First round29 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Marshall Cubing September 2022Final12 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Western Championship 2019First round25 3:04.07 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:04.07
WCCT LA 2018Final7 2:33.28 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:33.28
First round8 3:02.26 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:02.26
3x3x3 One-Handed
WCC Western Championship 2022First round82 27.05 29.90
31.25     29.68     27.05     28.77     32.73
Santa Barbara Fall 2019First round24 24.51 28.64
24.98     28.39     24.51     32.55     37.22
Western Championship 2019First round74 23.27 30.32
28.04     31.94     23.27     30.99     38.76
Thanks Four The Invite 2018Second round24 27.88 28.99
28.59     31.96     29.70     28.69     27.88
First round31 28.23 32.84
36.19     28.23     30.73     42.68     31.61
UCSD Summer 2017First round26 38.68 45.51
1:09.86   38.68     44.29     48.22     44.01
Santa Barbara Winter 2025First round20 1:28.15 1:33.64
1:32.61   DNF       1:28.26   1:40.06   1:28.15
Nub Open Lake Forest 2024First round24 1:33.30 1:35.73
1:33.30   1:35.19   1:44.63   1:37.54   1:34.47
Western Championship 2019First round51 1:57.21 2:03.50
2:19.46   1:57.21   2:02.45   2:10.10   1:57.96
Anaheim Qualifier 2019Final18 1:44.28 2:00.95
1:59.07   1:48.81   1:44.28   2:24.82   2:14.98
Qualifornia 2017Final19 2:15.53 2:23.51
2:31.02   2:15.53   2:21.80   2:17.70   2:38.15
WCC Western Championship 2022First round98 8.39 11.48
17.95     15.23     9.96      9.24      8.39
Western Championship 2019First round41 7.16 8.95
9.13      7.16      8.29      10.57     9.43
Poly Cubed 2018First round14 6.23 7.26
7.24      12.56     7.11      7.42      6.23
Nub Open Lake Forest 2024First round23 7.83 8.75
8.44      7.83      15.89     9.30      8.50
UCSB Cubing 2024First round32 5.45 9.56
5.45      7.52      8.91      12.24     DNF
WCC Western Championship 2022First round75 8.66 11.72
8.66      17.65     15.42     9.60      10.14
Marshall Cubing September 2022First round20 8.35 10.61
10.19     9.09      12.54     13.59     8.35
Western Championship 2019First round37 8.09 9.50
9.63      8.09      9.35      9.53      9.87
Anaheim Qualifier 2019First round16 7.76 9.50
9.21      14.20     7.76      10.05     9.23
Newport Fall 2017First round20 6.65 9.09
9.78      9.55      7.94      10.84     6.65
Santa Barbara Winter 2025First round30 1:04.46
1:04.46   1:08.39
Nub Open Lake Forest 2024First round39 45.42 1:01.70
1:15.89   45.42     50.93     1:35.67   58.28
3x3x3 Multi-Blind
Western Championship 2019Final14 DNF
3x3x3 With Feet
Anaheim Qualifier 2019Final6 4:05.90
4:17.62   4:05.90
Santa Barbara Winter 2025
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 10.34 12.24
10.75     15.01     13.49     12.49     10.34
First round24 9.99 12.57
9.99      12.44     13.29     14.52     11.99
5x5x5 CubeFirst round23 1:31.34 1:33.96
1:32.19   1:47.92   1:36.97   1:31.34   1:32.72
6x6x6 CubeFirst round23 2:55.89 3:12.94
3:03.31   3:39.62   2:55.89
7x7x7 CubeFirst round22 5:13.87 5:46.99
5:52.47   6:14.62   5:13.87
MegaminxFirst round20 1:28.15 1:33.64
1:32.61   DNF       1:28.26   1:40.06   1:28.15
Square-1First round30 1:04.46
1:04.46   1:08.39
Nub Open Lake Forest 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round30 10.37 11.39
10.37     11.60     11.51     11.32     11.34
First round46 12.14 13.18
13.44     12.14     12.52     14.41     13.59
MegaminxFirst round24 1:33.30 1:35.73
1:33.30   1:35.19   1:44.63   1:37.54   1:34.47
SkewbFirst round23 7.83 8.75
8.44      7.83      15.89     9.30      8.50
Square-1First round39 45.42 1:01.70
1:15.89   45.42     50.93     1:35.67   58.28
UCSB Cubing 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round33 11.57 13.06
15.92     11.82     12.31     15.05     11.57
First round39 11.64 13.89
15.36     14.13     12.18     11.64     18.17
2x2x2 CubeFirst round40 4.38 4.95
5.56      4.85      4.73      4.38      5.26
SkewbFirst round32 5.45 9.56
5.45      7.52      8.91      12.24     DNF
WCC Western Championship 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round119 10.89 14.09
14.57     10.89     15.03     12.68     15.41
First round98 10.81 12.64
15.40     12.45     10.81     14.01     11.45
2x2x2 CubeFirst round135 2.94 5.89
5.66      5.63      6.46      2.94      6.38
4x4x4 CubeFirst round66 44.18 48.17
49.42     49.11     45.98     44.18     55.01
5x5x5 CubeFirst round75 1:31.30 1:57.80
2:03.19   1:31.30   DNF       1:44.02   2:06.20
6x6x6 CubeFirst round57 3:51.88
7x7x7 CubeFirst round40 5:08.34 DNF
5:08.34   6:00.57   DNF
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round29 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round82 27.05 29.90
31.25     29.68     27.05     28.77     32.73
PyraminxFirst round98 8.39 11.48
17.95     15.23     9.96      9.24      8.39
SkewbFirst round75 8.66 11.72
8.66      17.65     15.42     9.60      10.14
Marshall Cubing September 2022
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final23 11.19 12.63
13.37     14.63     12.69     11.19     11.84
Second round24 10.03 12.54
12.40     12.41     10.03     15.48     12.81
First round24 11.37 12.64
11.37     12.44     12.88     12.99     12.61
7x7x7 CubeFirst round14 6:42.74
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal12 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
SkewbFirst round20 8.35 10.61
10.19     9.09      12.54     13.59     8.35
Santa Barbara Fall 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 10.58 12.10
12.83     10.58     11.33     16.87     12.15
First round12 9.54 10.74
9.62      17.69     11.04     11.57     9.54
2x2x2 CubeFirst round29 4.26 5.49
4.26      5.36      6.59      5.64      5.46
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 38.12 43.14
52.33     38.12     43.38     45.04     40.99
First round12 39.79 46.43
42.43     39.93     39.79     DNF       56.92
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round24 24.51 28.64
24.98     28.39     24.51     32.55     37.22
Western Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round53 8.59 11.88
12.38     8.59      12.12     12.63     11.13
First round67 9.19 13.03
9.19      15.46     11.80     DNF       11.83
2x2x2 CubeFirst round95 4.70 6.32
8.32      5.67      4.70      6.47      6.83
4x4x4 CubeFirst round52 44.24 52.18
45.41     57.50     59.41     53.62     44.24
5x5x5 CubeFirst round47 1:34.51 1:41.10
1:53.80   1:34.51   1:40.36   1:41.13   1:41.80
6x6x6 CubeFinal32 3:12.43 3:21.39
3:29.68   3:22.07   3:12.43
7x7x7 CubeFinal33 5:36.67
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round25 3:04.07 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:04.07
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round74 23.27 30.32
28.04     31.94     23.27     30.99     38.76
MegaminxFirst round51 1:57.21 2:03.50
2:19.46   1:57.21   2:02.45   2:10.10   1:57.96
PyraminxFirst round41 7.16 8.95
9.13      7.16      8.29      10.57     9.43
SkewbFirst round37 8.09 9.50
9.63      8.09      9.35      9.53      9.87
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal14 DNF
Anaheim Qualifier 2019
4x4x4 CubeFirst round21 41.59 50.69
53.01     49.54     57.77     41.59     49.52
5x5x5 CubeFirst round13 1:31.91 1:37.68
1:42.40   1:31.91   1:39.69   1:37.08   1:36.28
6x6x6 CubeFinal13 3:13.05 3:29.47
3:13.05   3:39.02   3:36.35
MegaminxFinal18 1:44.28 2:00.95
1:59.07   1:48.81   1:44.28   2:24.82   2:14.98
SkewbFirst round16 7.76 9.50
9.21      14.20     7.76      10.05     9.23
3x3x3 With FeetFinal6 4:05.90
4:17.62   4:05.90
Poly Cubed 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round34 13.54 14.63
13.54     16.49     16.80     13.85     13.56
4x4x4 CubeFirst round15 42.87 49.57
42.87     56.98     49.94     52.31     46.45
5x5x5 CubeFirst round16 1:24.35 1:37.64
1:24.35   1:42.48   1:49.40   1:36.20   1:34.24
PyraminxFirst round14 6.23 7.26
7.24      12.56     7.11      7.42      6.23
WCCT LA 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round39 11.79 13.52
20.14     12.67     11.79     14.92     12.97
2x2x2 CubeFirst round39 4.14 5.49
4.14      5.92      6.45      5.61      4.93
4x4x4 CubeFinal21 42.37 52.59
52.11     56.15     50.11     55.55     42.37
7x7x7 CubeFinal17 DNF
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal7 2:33.28 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:33.28
First round8 3:02.26 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:02.26
COpen2 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round31 11.42 16.68
23.43     13.04     18.57     11.42     18.43
4x4x4 CubeFirst round15 50.15 53.69
52.79     54.30     DNF       53.97     50.15
5x5x5 CubeFirst round14 1:37.90 1:51.61
1:56.05   1:47.07   1:37.90   1:51.72   2:03.51
7x7x7 CubeFirst round10 5:11.10
Thanks Four The Invite 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 12.82 14.20
12.82     14.83     13.13     14.63     16.10
First round29 12.63 15.07
18.75     12.63     13.54     15.50     16.18
5x5x5 CubeFirst round15 1:34.88 1:46.29
1:45.05   1:45.04   1:49.97   1:48.78   1:34.88
6x6x6 CubeFirst round13 3:47.65 3:58.97
4:03.39   3:47.65   4:05.86
7x7x7 CubeFirst round9 4:54.36 5:11.98
4:54.36   5:40.13   5:01.46
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round24 27.88 28.99
28.59     31.96     29.70     28.69     27.88
First round31 28.23 32.84
36.19     28.23     30.73     42.68     31.61
Newport Fall 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round43 13.44 17.21
13.44     17.97     17.41     16.25     18.18
2x2x2 CubeFirst round25 4.18 5.01
4.75      4.18      5.08      8.28      5.20
4x4x4 CubeFirst round24 45.54 58.32
45.54     1:00.49   55.23     59.24     1:03.57
SkewbFirst round20 6.65 9.09
9.78      9.55      7.94      10.84     6.65
UCSD Summer 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round30 15.27 18.72
22.32     16.74     22.40     15.27     17.11
First round28 14.47 17.32
14.47     14.75     19.92     18.17     19.05
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round26 38.68 45.51
1:09.86   38.68     44.29     48.22     44.01
Qualifornia 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round54 17.22 19.64
19.81     19.23     30.78     19.88     17.22
MegaminxFinal19 2:15.53 2:23.51
2:31.02   2:15.53   2:21.80   2:17.70   2:38.15
152025-01-04Santa Barbara Winter 2025United StatesSanta Barbara, California
142024-12-15Nub Open Lake Forest 2024United StatesLake Forest, California
132024-10-19UCSB Cubing 2024United StatesSanta Barbara, California
122022-10-07~09WCC Western Championship 2022United StatesLos Angeles, California
112022-09-24Marshall Cubing September 2022United StatesSan Diego, California
102019-09-28Santa Barbara Fall 2019United StatesSanta Barbara, California
92019-06-22~23Western Championship 2019United StatesLos Angeles, California
82019-05-25Anaheim Qualifier 2019United StatesAnaheim, California
72018-10-20Poly Cubed 2018United StatesPomona, California
62018-07-11WCCT LA 2018United StatesTustin, California
52018-04-14COpen2 2018United StatesArtesia, California
42018-01-13Thanks Four The Invite 2018United StatesSan Diego, California
32017-10-07Newport Fall 2017United StatesCorona Del Mar, California
22017-06-11UCSD Summer 2017United StatesSan Diego, California
12017-03-25Qualifornia 2017United StatesNewport Coast, California