Personal Page

Christian Fletcher

Name: Christian Fletcher
Region: United States
Competitions: 8
WCA ID: Christian Fletcher2018FLET02
Gender: Male
Career: 2018.04.14 - 2019.09.29
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube11790156886110315.4717.135059712819960369/70
2x2x2 Cube67028813315403.525.703691110346791354/55
4x4x4 Cube404455542196055.811:16.61299477990593426/27
5x5x5 Cube69189110307663:42.791/2
3x3x3 One-Handed279638061582321.9330.99212405121374229/30

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Sioux Fall 2019Second round31 16.40 19.25
16.40     19.53     17.42     21.08     20.80
First round26 15.47 17.13
18.62     15.47     18.83     17.22     15.56
West Branch Summer 2019Second round26 18.15 19.00
19.57     18.15     19.63     19.22     18.22
First round31 16.51 21.25
20.94     16.97     DNF       16.51     25.84
BarbeCubing Spring 2019Second round33 19.83 22.00
19.83     19.91     21.70     24.97     24.40
First round32 16.62 20.96
18.59     21.03     25.43     16.62     23.27
CubeIowa 2019Second round23 16.03 21.46
20.53     21.09     22.75     16.03     23.21
First round23 19.11 23.12
25.27     23.30     20.78     19.11     30.25
Virtual Cubing 2019Second round24 17.47 19.81
22.04     19.47     18.43     17.47     21.52
First round25 16.04 21.06
18.86     25.13     24.31     20.00     16.04
Sioux Falls Summer 2018First round40 17.28 22.19
20.39     24.40     22.86     17.28     23.33
South Dakota First 2018Second round28 25.14 28.94
29.10     25.14     32.34     32.65     25.37
First round35 22.97 35.23
39.23     36.47     33.02     36.19     22.97
CubeIA 2018First round66 29.47 33.24
50.79     32.57     29.47     33.02     34.14
2x2x2 Cube
Sioux Fall 2019Second round26 5.10 6.07
8.33      6.06      5.10      6.81      5.35
First round22 4.13 5.70
7.56      8.21      4.13      4.24      5.31
West Branch Summer 2019Second round40 3.52 8.86
7.57      10.23     12.53     3.52      8.78
First round28 5.01 6.65
5.84      6.94      5.01      10.04     7.17
BarbeCubing Spring 2019First round54 5.61 9.08
9.30      14.09     5.61      9.25      8.70
CubeIowa 2019First round22 6.00 8.08
8.53      6.00      6.29      12.11     9.41
Virtual Cubing 2019Second round34 7.37 9.17
8.86      8.68      7.37      9.96      20.47
First round27 4.93 6.43
4.93      7.00      6.96      11.17     5.34
Sioux Falls Summer 2018First round51 7.51 8.70
7.51      8.95      9.49      7.65      10.05
South Dakota First 2018Second round32 7.43 12.57
10.68     18.77     7.43      DNF       8.27
First round29 7.73 10.18
12.49     7.73      8.03      10.39     12.11
4x4x4 Cube
Sioux Fall 2019Second round28 1:09.77 1:25.13
1:35.81   1:13.78   1:32.31   1:29.29   1:09.77
First round27 55.81 1:16.61
1:20.83   55.81     1:14.59   1:14.42   DNF
West Branch Summer 2019First round26 1:08.82 1:24.69
1:48.57   1:23.26   1:29.47   1:08.82   1:21.34
BarbeCubing Spring 2019Final30 1:23.84 1:27.68
1:23.84   1:24.28   1:34.02   1:37.71   1:24.75
Virtual Cubing 2019Final24 1:33.89
1:44.49   1:33.89
Sioux Falls Summer 2018First round42 1:52.30 2:05.75
1:54.53   1:52.30   2:18.38   2:22.37   2:04.33
5x5x5 Cube
BarbeCubing Spring 2019First round30 3:42.79
DNF       3:42.79
3x3x3 One-Handed
West Branch Summer 2019Final13 21.93 30.99
1:12.13   21.93     34.14     29.98     28.85
BarbeCubing Spring 2019Final14 28.12 32.39
35.98     28.12     30.04     DNF       31.14
First round16 29.04 32.33
33.63     32.50     29.04     36.34     30.86
CubeIowa 2019Final12 29.93 39.74
38.14     39.93     41.15     47.90     29.93
First round11 30.11 34.11
31.99     32.07     38.28     30.11     42.45
Sioux Falls Summer 2018First round14 34.73 35.85
37.01     35.32     43.03     34.73     35.22
CubeIowa 2019Final12 3:49.92
3:49.92   5:28.24
Virtual Cubing 2019First round43 10.56 17.92
23.58     10.56     17.11     14.81     21.84
South Dakota First 2018First round34 11.70 20.51
11.70     18.24     25.22     22.36     20.92
Sioux Fall 2019First round34 24.52 31.88
27.94     31.88     1:05.50   35.83     24.52
Virtual Cubing 2019First round33 11.17 18.32
14.57     26.72     11.17     23.23     17.16
West Branch Summer 2019Final25 1:44.20
2:08.88   1:44.20
Sioux Fall 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round31 16.40 19.25
16.40     19.53     17.42     21.08     20.80
First round26 15.47 17.13
18.62     15.47     18.83     17.22     15.56
2x2x2 CubeSecond round26 5.10 6.07
8.33      6.06      5.10      6.81      5.35
First round22 4.13 5.70
7.56      8.21      4.13      4.24      5.31
4x4x4 CubeSecond round28 1:09.77 1:25.13
1:35.81   1:13.78   1:32.31   1:29.29   1:09.77
First round27 55.81 1:16.61
1:20.83   55.81     1:14.59   1:14.42   DNF
SkewbFirst round34 24.52 31.88
27.94     31.88     1:05.50   35.83     24.52
West Branch Summer 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round26 18.15 19.00
19.57     18.15     19.63     19.22     18.22
First round31 16.51 21.25
20.94     16.97     DNF       16.51     25.84
2x2x2 CubeSecond round40 3.52 8.86
7.57      10.23     12.53     3.52      8.78
First round28 5.01 6.65
5.84      6.94      5.01      10.04     7.17
4x4x4 CubeFirst round26 1:08.82 1:24.69
1:48.57   1:23.26   1:29.47   1:08.82   1:21.34
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal13 21.93 30.99
1:12.13   21.93     34.14     29.98     28.85
Square-1Final25 1:44.20
2:08.88   1:44.20
BarbeCubing Spring 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round33 19.83 22.00
19.83     19.91     21.70     24.97     24.40
First round32 16.62 20.96
18.59     21.03     25.43     16.62     23.27
2x2x2 CubeFirst round54 5.61 9.08
9.30      14.09     5.61      9.25      8.70
4x4x4 CubeFinal30 1:23.84 1:27.68
1:23.84   1:24.28   1:34.02   1:37.71   1:24.75
5x5x5 CubeFirst round30 3:42.79
DNF       3:42.79
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal14 28.12 32.39
35.98     28.12     30.04     DNF       31.14
First round16 29.04 32.33
33.63     32.50     29.04     36.34     30.86
CubeIowa 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 16.03 21.46
20.53     21.09     22.75     16.03     23.21
First round23 19.11 23.12
25.27     23.30     20.78     19.11     30.25
2x2x2 CubeFirst round22 6.00 8.08
8.53      6.00      6.29      12.11     9.41
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal12 29.93 39.74
38.14     39.93     41.15     47.90     29.93
First round11 30.11 34.11
31.99     32.07     38.28     30.11     42.45
MegaminxFinal12 3:49.92
3:49.92   5:28.24
Virtual Cubing 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 17.47 19.81
22.04     19.47     18.43     17.47     21.52
First round25 16.04 21.06
18.86     25.13     24.31     20.00     16.04
2x2x2 CubeSecond round34 7.37 9.17
8.86      8.68      7.37      9.96      20.47
First round27 4.93 6.43
4.93      7.00      6.96      11.17     5.34
4x4x4 CubeFinal24 1:33.89
1:44.49   1:33.89
PyraminxFirst round43 10.56 17.92
23.58     10.56     17.11     14.81     21.84
SkewbFirst round33 11.17 18.32
14.57     26.72     11.17     23.23     17.16
Sioux Falls Summer 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round40 17.28 22.19
20.39     24.40     22.86     17.28     23.33
2x2x2 CubeFirst round51 7.51 8.70
7.51      8.95      9.49      7.65      10.05
4x4x4 CubeFirst round42 1:52.30 2:05.75
1:54.53   1:52.30   2:18.38   2:22.37   2:04.33
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round14 34.73 35.85
37.01     35.32     43.03     34.73     35.22
South Dakota First 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 25.14 28.94
29.10     25.14     32.34     32.65     25.37
First round35 22.97 35.23
39.23     36.47     33.02     36.19     22.97
2x2x2 CubeSecond round32 7.43 12.57
10.68     18.77     7.43      DNF       8.27
First round29 7.73 10.18
12.49     7.73      8.03      10.39     12.11
PyraminxFirst round34 11.70 20.51
11.70     18.24     25.22     22.36     20.92
CubeIA 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round66 29.47 33.24
50.79     32.57     29.47     33.02     34.14
82019-09-28~29Sioux Fall 2019United StatesSioux Falls, South Dakota
72019-07-13West Branch Summer 2019United StatesWest Branch, Iowa
62019-05-04BarbeCubing Spring 2019United StatesKansas City, Missouri
52019-04-13CubeIowa 2019United StatesAmes, Iowa
42019-03-23Virtual Cubing 2019United StatesOmaha, Nebraska
32018-08-11Sioux Falls Summer 2018United StatesSioux Falls, South Dakota
22018-05-05South Dakota First 2018United StatesSioux Falls, South Dakota
12018-04-14CubeIA 2018United StatesAmes, Iowa