Personal Page

Dylan Ivimey

Name: Dylan Ivimey
Region: Australia
Competitions: 14
WCA ID: Dylan Ivimey2018IVIM01
Gender: Male
Career: 2018.08.19 - 2020.03.08
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube162819984904914.0216.44457041815147694/95
2x2x2 Cube19972451469214.285.52337461772143830/30

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Enjoyable Sydney Gathering 2020Second round50 16.20 18.45
16.20     20.15     19.89     17.91     17.55
First round63 16.40 19.20
20.37     16.40     17.99     21.94     19.24
Going to The Gong 2020Second round28 16.53 17.64
17.96     17.82     21.97     17.13     16.53
First round32 17.34 19.70
24.15     17.34     19.88     21.44     17.77
Sydney Open 2019First round74 15.38 19.83
19.55     19.56     21.70     20.38     15.38
Odd Day in Sydney 2019First round60 15.74 17.12
16.24     17.93     22.59     17.19     15.74
Fortitude Sydney 2019Second round69 18.62 19.61
19.30     18.62     21.53     19.08     20.44
First round66 16.43 17.91
19.35     16.43     16.72     18.00     19.01
Harold Park Classic 2019Second round35 14.02 16.44
15.65     16.20     18.02     17.46     14.02
First round43 14.30 18.11
21.77     14.30     19.01     18.05     17.26
WCA World Championship 2019First round558 16.96 18.42
18.11     20.31     16.96     18.91     18.24
Warm Up Sydney 2019First round159 16.96 22.24
27.46     25.49     19.34     21.89     16.96
Koalafication Canberra 2019Second round36 20.64 22.87
28.41     24.07     20.64     23.23     21.32
First round40 19.47 22.17
26.81     25.62     19.47     21.16     19.72
Cool Down Sydney 2019First round62 21.37 23.72
21.37     25.80     23.69     25.74     21.73
Northside Cube Day 2019First round56 20.87 24.95
25.73     22.63     20.87     27.46     26.50
Odd Day in Sydney 2018First round86 19.25 23.88
23.83     24.74     23.07     19.25     25.72
Australian Nationals 2018First round153 27.38 32.86
36.13     34.63     27.82     27.38     DNF
Warm Up Sydney 2018First round82 25.32 30.21
32.27     29.18     29.17     38.49     25.32
2x2x2 Cube
Going to The Gong 2020First round19 4.90 5.55
5.76      5.94      4.90      5.11      5.79
Sydney Open 2019First round66 6.13 6.82
6.81      7.90      6.13      7.46      6.18
Harold Park Classic 2019First round35 4.28 5.52
7.13      4.46      4.28      5.62      6.49
WCA World Championship 2019First round502 6.40 7.59
6.40      8.44      8.68      7.29      7.04
Warm Up Sydney 2019First round121 5.60 8.42
7.28      5.60      12.24     5.92      12.05
Koalafication Canberra 2019First round36 5.23 7.36
7.98      8.89      6.16      5.23      7.94
WCA World Championship 2019First round343 10.93
10.93     18.94
Warm Up Sydney 2019First round111 15.15
17.50     15.15
Cool Down Sydney 2019First round55 8.01 18.18
24.27     15.60     8.01      18.98     19.97
Northside Cube Day 2019First round60 19.97 37.47
DNF       43.04     35.32     19.97     34.05
Australian Nationals 2018First round82 10.46 12.22
13.58     17.09     12.13     10.96     10.46
Warm Up Sydney 2018First round65 18.71 21.05
19.05     41.41     19.05     25.04     18.71
Fortitude Sydney 2019First round25 43.36
43.36     45.08
Enjoyable Sydney Gathering 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round50 16.20 18.45
16.20     20.15     19.89     17.91     17.55
First round63 16.40 19.20
20.37     16.40     17.99     21.94     19.24
Going to The Gong 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 16.53 17.64
17.96     17.82     21.97     17.13     16.53
First round32 17.34 19.70
24.15     17.34     19.88     21.44     17.77
2x2x2 CubeFirst round19 4.90 5.55
5.76      5.94      4.90      5.11      5.79
Sydney Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round74 15.38 19.83
19.55     19.56     21.70     20.38     15.38
2x2x2 CubeFirst round66 6.13 6.82
6.81      7.90      6.13      7.46      6.18
Odd Day in Sydney 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round60 15.74 17.12
16.24     17.93     22.59     17.19     15.74
Fortitude Sydney 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round69 18.62 19.61
19.30     18.62     21.53     19.08     20.44
First round66 16.43 17.91
19.35     16.43     16.72     18.00     19.01
Square-1First round25 43.36
43.36     45.08
Harold Park Classic 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round35 14.02 16.44
15.65     16.20     18.02     17.46     14.02
First round43 14.30 18.11
21.77     14.30     19.01     18.05     17.26
2x2x2 CubeFirst round35 4.28 5.52
7.13      4.46      4.28      5.62      6.49
WCA World Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round558 16.96 18.42
18.11     20.31     16.96     18.91     18.24
2x2x2 CubeFirst round502 6.40 7.59
6.40      8.44      8.68      7.29      7.04
PyraminxFirst round343 10.93
10.93     18.94
Warm Up Sydney 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round159 16.96 22.24
27.46     25.49     19.34     21.89     16.96
2x2x2 CubeFirst round121 5.60 8.42
7.28      5.60      12.24     5.92      12.05
PyraminxFirst round111 15.15
17.50     15.15
Koalafication Canberra 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round36 20.64 22.87
28.41     24.07     20.64     23.23     21.32
First round40 19.47 22.17
26.81     25.62     19.47     21.16     19.72
2x2x2 CubeFirst round36 5.23 7.36
7.98      8.89      6.16      5.23      7.94
Cool Down Sydney 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round62 21.37 23.72
21.37     25.80     23.69     25.74     21.73
PyraminxFirst round55 8.01 18.18
24.27     15.60     8.01      18.98     19.97
Northside Cube Day 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round56 20.87 24.95
25.73     22.63     20.87     27.46     26.50
PyraminxFirst round60 19.97 37.47
DNF       43.04     35.32     19.97     34.05
Odd Day in Sydney 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round86 19.25 23.88
23.83     24.74     23.07     19.25     25.72
Australian Nationals 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round153 27.38 32.86
36.13     34.63     27.82     27.38     DNF
PyraminxFirst round82 10.46 12.22
13.58     17.09     12.13     10.96     10.46
Warm Up Sydney 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round82 25.32 30.21
32.27     29.18     29.17     38.49     25.32
PyraminxFirst round65 18.71 21.05
19.05     41.41     19.05     25.04     18.71
142020-03-07~08Enjoyable Sydney Gathering 2020AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
132020-02-16Going to The Gong 2020AustraliaWollongong, New South Wales
122019-12-14~15Sydney Open 2019AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
112019-11-10Odd Day in Sydney 2019AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
102019-09-28~29Fortitude Sydney 2019AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
92019-08-25Harold Park Classic 2019AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
82019-07-11~14WCA World Championship 2019AustraliaMelbourne, Victoria
72019-07-06~07Warm Up Sydney 2019AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
62019-04-13~14Koalafication Canberra 2019AustraliaCanberra, Australian Capital Territory
52019-02-10Cool Down Sydney 2019AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
42019-01-12Northside Cube Day 2019AustraliaBrisbane, Queensland
32018-11-11Odd Day in Sydney 2018AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
22018-10-06~07Australian Nationals 2018AustraliaCanberra, Australian Capital Territory
12018-08-19Warm Up Sydney 2018AustraliaSydney, New South Wales

Seen Cubers
