Personal Page

Jaakko Moijanen

Name: Jaakko Moijanen
Region: Finland
Competitions: 6
WCA ID: Jaakko Moijanen2018MOIJ01
Gender: Male
Career: 2018.02.10 - 2019.01.13
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube4112520710333121.9125.17964472351238725/25
2x2x2 Cube49224962682.015.80367341057821939/40

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Elisa Kulma Open 2019First round28 24.54 28.46
28.32     24.54     27.21     35.14     29.84
Pikkujoulut 2018First round39 21.91 25.17
30.63     21.91     22.53     26.21     26.77
Finnish Championship 2018First round51 26.48 35.16
26.48     47.70     27.63     59.22     30.14
Finnish Open 2018First round51 33.15 37.28
38.15     38.75     39.24     34.94     33.15
Tapiola Winter Open 2018First round57 38.45 47.81
54.80     40.70     38.45     57.67     47.92
2x2x2 Cube
Elisa Kulma Open 2019First round22 5.51 6.36
5.51      5.65      5.62      7.97      7.81
Pikkujoulut 2018First round26 3.47 5.80
6.07      4.18      3.47      7.51      7.15
Ark 2018Second round30 5.65 8.77
13.08     5.65      12.13     7.09      7.10
First round22 5.89 6.48
5.93      6.62      7.95      6.90      5.89
Finnish Championship 2018Second round32 4.59 8.13
7.41      9.61      10.19     7.37      4.59
First round32 2.01 6.13
7.09      7.66      6.38      2.01      4.92
Finnish Open 2018First round39 7.10 8.65
9.24      DNF       9.59      7.10      7.12
Tapiola Winter Open 2018First round47 9.17 11.13
13.42     11.53     9.46      12.39     9.17
Elisa Kulma Open 2019First round25 8.09 12.48
13.06     8.09      10.93     13.89     13.44
Pikkujoulut 2018First round26 11.09 11.88
14.03     11.81     12.56     11.26     11.09
Finnish Championship 2018First round34 4.95 10.71
4.95      10.29     13.54     11.52     10.32
Finnish Open 2018First round42 9.30 14.79
16.04     9.30      13.93     14.41     22.41
Tapiola Winter Open 2018First round43 14.52 18.13
14.77     14.52     23.67     15.95     29.38
Finnish Championship 2018First round36 12.37
15.93     12.37
Elisa Kulma Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round28 24.54 28.46
28.32     24.54     27.21     35.14     29.84
2x2x2 CubeFirst round22 5.51 6.36
5.51      5.65      5.62      7.97      7.81
PyraminxFirst round25 8.09 12.48
13.06     8.09      10.93     13.89     13.44
Pikkujoulut 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round39 21.91 25.17
30.63     21.91     22.53     26.21     26.77
2x2x2 CubeFirst round26 3.47 5.80
6.07      4.18      3.47      7.51      7.15
PyraminxFirst round26 11.09 11.88
14.03     11.81     12.56     11.26     11.09
Ark 2018
2x2x2 CubeSecond round30 5.65 8.77
13.08     5.65      12.13     7.09      7.10
First round22 5.89 6.48
5.93      6.62      7.95      6.90      5.89
Finnish Championship 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round51 26.48 35.16
26.48     47.70     27.63     59.22     30.14
2x2x2 CubeSecond round32 4.59 8.13
7.41      9.61      10.19     7.37      4.59
First round32 2.01 6.13
7.09      7.66      6.38      2.01      4.92
PyraminxFirst round34 4.95 10.71
4.95      10.29     13.54     11.52     10.32
SkewbFirst round36 12.37
15.93     12.37
Finnish Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round51 33.15 37.28
38.15     38.75     39.24     34.94     33.15
2x2x2 CubeFirst round39 7.10 8.65
9.24      DNF       9.59      7.10      7.12
PyraminxFirst round42 9.30 14.79
16.04     9.30      13.93     14.41     22.41
Tapiola Winter Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round57 38.45 47.81
54.80     40.70     38.45     57.67     47.92
2x2x2 CubeFirst round47 9.17 11.13
13.42     11.53     9.46      12.39     9.17
PyraminxFirst round43 14.52 18.13
14.77     14.52     23.67     15.95     29.38
62019-01-12~13Elisa Kulma Open 2019FinlandHelsinki
52018-11-16~18Pikkujoulut 2018FinlandVantaa
42018-08-24~26Ark 2018FinlandVantaa
32018-05-11~13Finnish Championship 2018FinlandEspoo
22018-03-23~25Finnish Open 2018FinlandVantaa
12018-02-10Tapiola Winter Open 2018FinlandEspoo