Personal Page

He Zheng (郑赫)

He Zheng (郑赫)
Name: He Zheng (郑赫)
Region: China
Competitions: 10
WCA ID: He Zheng (郑赫)2018ZHEN32
Gender: Male
Career: 2018.07.14 - 2019.12.08
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube17255257147259.7411.05105343816128598/100
2x2x2 Cube20176669247433.184.75208886036188744/45
4x4x4 Cube220261541755751.0357.90171656058218917/17
3x3x3 One-Handed144740911104919.3225.55133775160187320/20

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Wuxi Winter 2019Second round24 10.83 13.09
13.74     13.53     15.01     10.83     11.99
First round16 9.86 11.99
9.86      10.78     12.77     13.10     12.42
China Championship 2019Second round158 11.34 12.06
11.81     13.67     12.20     11.34     12.17
First round145 9.96 12.19
12.81     11.77     9.96      12.93     11.98
Hefei Summer 2019Second round24 10.54 12.82
10.54     14.74     12.34     14.15     11.98
First round12 10.73 11.05
11.69     10.85     10.73     10.94     11.35
AHAU Open 2019Final8 11.04 11.43
11.04     11.14     12.02     11.12     DNF
Second round9 10.08 12.49
12.65     11.02     DNF       13.79     10.08
First round7 11.30 11.70
11.68     11.50     11.92     11.30     13.33
Xiamen Open 2019Second round20 10.26 13.31
13.86     10.26     12.44     13.92     13.62
First round17 12.19 13.38
12.81     15.35     12.19     14.04     13.30
SJTU Winter Open 2018Second round20 11.32 11.79
11.48     11.32     12.38     13.68     11.50
First round45 11.28 14.14
14.43     15.85     15.62     11.28     12.38
Wuhu Open 2018Second round22 11.80 13.73
11.80     14.40     12.88     13.90     15.02
First round24 11.99 13.71
12.79     11.99     15.16     13.55     14.80
Nanjing Autumn 2018Second round38 9.74 14.35
14.58     13.70     14.85     9.74      14.78
First round43 12.58 14.29
15.19     12.58     13.14     14.92     14.81
China Championship 2018Second round216 13.12 15.07
15.04     14.19     18.84     13.12     15.97
First round256 12.58 16.58
16.84     15.18     17.72     12.58     19.98
Hefei Summer 2018First round117 17.67 20.10
22.98     17.67     18.13     19.19     25.42
2x2x2 Cube
China Championship 2019Second round238 3.41 5.38
5.96      6.61      4.36      3.41      5.81
First round171 4.19 4.75
4.34      6.33      4.88      5.04      4.19
Hefei Summer 2019Second round20 4.09 5.00
6.04      5.21      4.09      4.96      4.84
First round31 4.73 5.62
6.59      6.06      5.70      5.10      4.73
SJTU Winter Open 2018First round44 3.18 6.32
7.57      8.66      3.18      6.83      4.57
Wuhu Open 2018Second round24 3.34 5.82
6.71      4.97      5.79      7.49      3.34
First round30 3.45 6.75
3.45      8.18      6.42      5.64      9.12
Nanjing Autumn 2018Second round41 5.21 6.38
5.56      5.21      DNF       6.46      7.11
First round47 4.43 6.62
4.43      6.33      15.13     7.07      6.45
4x4x4 Cube
Wuxi Winter 2019Final20 51.03 57.90
56.58     51.03     1:00.61   56.52     1:18.12
Wuhu Open 2018Second round19 56.58 1:00.18
1:04.51   57.59     56.58     1:17.20   58.44
First round24 57.87 1:01.41
59.06     57.87     1:05.06   1:00.10   1:14.95
Nanjing Autumn 2018First round44 57.98
57.98     1:08.97
3x3x3 One-Handed
China Championship 2019First round157 19.32 25.55
27.95     27.35     19.32     24.00     25.31
AHAU Open 2019Final15 22.45 26.46
22.45     27.15     30.61     28.79     23.45
Xiamen Open 2019First round18 24.63 26.41
26.66     27.80     35.35     24.63     24.77
Wuhu Open 2018First round30 29.66 32.71
30.36     32.15     35.61     29.66     39.99
SJTU Winter Open 2018First round58 9.95 15.43
17.14     16.36     12.79     9.95      21.44
Wuxi Winter 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 10.83 13.09
13.74     13.53     15.01     10.83     11.99
First round16 9.86 11.99
9.86      10.78     12.77     13.10     12.42
4x4x4 CubeFinal20 51.03 57.90
56.58     51.03     1:00.61   56.52     1:18.12
China Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round158 11.34 12.06
11.81     13.67     12.20     11.34     12.17
First round145 9.96 12.19
12.81     11.77     9.96      12.93     11.98
2x2x2 CubeSecond round238 3.41 5.38
5.96      6.61      4.36      3.41      5.81
First round171 4.19 4.75
4.34      6.33      4.88      5.04      4.19
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round157 19.32 25.55
27.95     27.35     19.32     24.00     25.31
Hefei Summer 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 10.54 12.82
10.54     14.74     12.34     14.15     11.98
First round12 10.73 11.05
11.69     10.85     10.73     10.94     11.35
2x2x2 CubeSecond round20 4.09 5.00
6.04      5.21      4.09      4.96      4.84
First round31 4.73 5.62
6.59      6.06      5.70      5.10      4.73
AHAU Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 11.04 11.43
11.04     11.14     12.02     11.12     DNF
Second round9 10.08 12.49
12.65     11.02     DNF       13.79     10.08
First round7 11.30 11.70
11.68     11.50     11.92     11.30     13.33
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal15 22.45 26.46
22.45     27.15     30.61     28.79     23.45
Xiamen Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round20 10.26 13.31
13.86     10.26     12.44     13.92     13.62
First round17 12.19 13.38
12.81     15.35     12.19     14.04     13.30
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round18 24.63 26.41
26.66     27.80     35.35     24.63     24.77
SJTU Winter Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round20 11.32 11.79
11.48     11.32     12.38     13.68     11.50
First round45 11.28 14.14
14.43     15.85     15.62     11.28     12.38
2x2x2 CubeFirst round44 3.18 6.32
7.57      8.66      3.18      6.83      4.57
PyraminxFirst round58 9.95 15.43
17.14     16.36     12.79     9.95      21.44
Wuhu Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 11.80 13.73
11.80     14.40     12.88     13.90     15.02
First round24 11.99 13.71
12.79     11.99     15.16     13.55     14.80
2x2x2 CubeSecond round24 3.34 5.82
6.71      4.97      5.79      7.49      3.34
First round30 3.45 6.75
3.45      8.18      6.42      5.64      9.12
4x4x4 CubeSecond round19 56.58 1:00.18
1:04.51   57.59     56.58     1:17.20   58.44
First round24 57.87 1:01.41
59.06     57.87     1:05.06   1:00.10   1:14.95
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round30 29.66 32.71
30.36     32.15     35.61     29.66     39.99
Nanjing Autumn 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round38 9.74 14.35
14.58     13.70     14.85     9.74      14.78
First round43 12.58 14.29
15.19     12.58     13.14     14.92     14.81
2x2x2 CubeSecond round41 5.21 6.38
5.56      5.21      DNF       6.46      7.11
First round47 4.43 6.62
4.43      6.33      15.13     7.07      6.45
4x4x4 CubeFirst round44 57.98
57.98     1:08.97
China Championship 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round216 13.12 15.07
15.04     14.19     18.84     13.12     15.97
First round256 12.58 16.58
16.84     15.18     17.72     12.58     19.98
Hefei Summer 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round117 17.67 20.10
22.98     17.67     18.13     19.19     25.42
102019-12-08Wuxi Winter 2019ChinaWuxi, Jiangsu
92019-07-26~28China Championship 2019ChinaHefei, Anhui
82019-06-22~23Hefei Summer 2019ChinaHefei, Anhui
72019-05-19AHAU Open 2019ChinaHefei, Anhui
62019-05-04Xiamen Open 2019ChinaXiamen, Fujian
52018-12-30~31SJTU Winter Open 2018ChinaShanghai
42018-11-24~25Wuhu Open 2018ChinaWuhu, Anhui
32018-11-17~18Nanjing Autumn 2018ChinaNanjing, Jiangsu
22018-10-02~04China Championship 2018ChinaBeijing
12018-07-14~15Hefei Summer 2018ChinaHefei, Anhui