Personal Page


Name: Anonymous
Region: Poland
Competitions: 39
WCA ID: Anonymous2022ANON03
Career: 2022.04.23 - 2024.06.30
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube4683649136249.6811.65128723388432292/310
2x2x2 Cube9551412081.193.8185942799374172/180
4x4x4 Cube39131761113944.7347.9385072392313117/124
5x5x5 Cube168135046231:16.721:24.464444127115763/68
6x6x6 Cube130100833982:36.162:44.57322696112914/17
7x7x7 Cube133103034504:10.474:19.61318596212110/12
3x3x3 Fewest Moves167149235593742.67273710691284/4
3x3x3 One-Handed1521360497715.5222.028046212624786/93

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2024Second round26 10.35 11.96
10.35     11.25     11.22     13.40     13.64
First round28 10.02 13.13
10.02     12.93     11.72     14.90     14.73
Zielona Góra Fresh Cubing 2024Second round15 10.39 13.06
10.39     14.91     12.11     DNF       12.15
First round15 12.01 13.19
DNF       12.07     13.78     12.01     13.71
SLS Maj 2024First round21 10.39 13.34
15.16     19.35     11.52     13.33     10.39
Cube4fun Jarosław 2024Second round20 13.15 14.05
14.28     13.15     DNF       13.19     14.68
First round20 13.20 13.84
13.20     13.99     13.65     13.87     15.49
SLS Kwiecień 2024Second round12 9.68 11.65
11.44     11.78     9.68      11.72     12.92
First round11 10.81 12.12
10.81     11.17     15.64     13.29     11.90
Nowa Sól Open 2024Second round21 11.47 11.73
11.86     11.71     11.89     11.47     11.63
First round32 11.27 13.23
11.90     12.36     11.27     15.43     15.50
SLS Marzec 2024First round17 10.71 11.90
11.04     14.69     13.36     11.30     10.71
Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024Second round32 11.08 12.68
11.08     12.75     17.69     11.31     13.98
First round32 12.46 13.01
12.46     14.12     12.85     12.86     13.31
SLS Styczeń 2024First round15 11.02 13.90
DNF       16.12     12.20     13.37     11.02
SLS Grudzień 2023Second round14 11.83 13.43
13.09     DNF       11.83     14.07     13.14
First round14 9.93 13.55
18.62     12.83     13.56     14.27     9.93
Dragon Cubing II 2023Second round72 11.56 13.41
12.61     13.42     15.72     11.56     14.21
First round69 10.52 13.47
12.44     14.68     14.65     13.31     10.52
GLS Final 2023Second round50 11.59 12.91
12.46     13.12     13.62     11.59     13.15
First round44 11.65 13.25
13.80     11.65     14.27     16.08     11.67
Warsaw Cube Masters 2023Semi Final67 12.33 13.63
DNF       13.55     12.33     12.42     14.91
Second round64 11.34 13.37
14.61     15.53     12.38     11.34     13.12
First round81 14.47 15.25
14.60     16.10     15.57     15.57     14.47
Cube4fun Lublin in Staszic 2023Second round28 14.94 16.24
15.76     DNF       15.89     14.94     17.08
First round26 12.89 14.72
DNF       13.94     15.22     15.01     12.89
SLS Październik 2023First round19 11.39 13.03
11.39     DNF       13.44     12.80     12.85
Beskid Cubing 2023Second round43 12.03 13.08
14.69     12.03     14.12     12.33     12.78
First round50 10.56 13.80
14.83     13.18     10.56     13.39     15.80
Polish Championship 2023First round148 12.15 14.17
14.03     13.63     12.15     19.07     14.84
Cube4fun DW Warsaw 2023Second round49 12.51 14.46
12.51     15.55     14.32     15.72     13.51
First round50 12.40 14.48
12.40     14.76     15.83     16.88     12.84
Cube4fun Wisła 2023Second round36 12.27 14.12
14.16     14.04     14.15     15.33     12.27
First round42 11.51 14.83
16.34     13.51     14.64     11.51     DNF
Energy Cube Tomaszów 2023Second round67 11.33 14.84
17.17     11.33     14.87     15.63     14.03
First round58 12.76 13.42
13.08     13.96     17.07     12.76     13.23
Cube4fun DW Dębica 2023Second round31 12.57 15.55
15.57     15.70     18.85     15.38     12.57
First round31 13.35 15.83
17.94     17.17     16.85     13.35     13.48
Cube4fun DW Pilzno 2023Second round29 13.26 15.37
16.69     13.69     18.63     15.73     13.26
First round27 13.11 14.91
14.29     17.28     16.22     13.11     14.23
Silesian Cubing Pawłowice 2023Second round60 13.95 16.27
17.59     DNF       17.19     13.95     14.02
First round57 11.54 14.44
15.23     15.08     11.54     16.22     13.00
Prague NxNxN 2023First round27 11.35 14.86
13.64     12.36     11.35     DNF       18.58
GLS IV 2023Second round65 13.52 16.13
13.79     16.67     18.68     17.93     13.52
First round57 12.71 14.34
14.05     16.15     14.67     14.31     12.71
Dragon Cubing 2023Second round70 12.60 14.62
12.60     14.45     15.04     14.37     DNF
First round80 14.02 18.86
23.76     22.00     16.86     17.71     14.02
Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2023Second round27 13.07 13.69
13.20     13.86     17.03     14.02     13.07
First round32 12.91 14.31
15.32     17.67     12.91     13.40     14.20
Cube4fun in Jarosław 2023Second round33 12.00 14.04
12.53     14.15     15.44     12.00     18.18
First round35 13.64 15.09
15.71     13.64     18.72     15.41     14.14
Cube4fun in Gorlice 2023First round29 16.31 19.52
22.83     17.13     18.59     DNF       16.31
Korzenna Spring Open 2023Second round46 13.32 14.70
15.32     14.83     13.94     13.32     15.63
First round51 14.04 16.01
17.22     21.36     15.00     14.04     15.80
Energy Cube Konin 2023Second round97 15.51 19.61
22.10     18.66     18.08     23.51     15.51
First round91 15.71 18.48
20.61     DNF       15.71     18.66     16.18
Cube4fun in Dębica 2023Second round40 14.50 17.56
19.36     18.78     14.50     15.04     18.86
First round42 12.81 17.27
16.74     16.19     DNF       12.81     18.87
Dragon Cubing 2022First round90 15.37 19.47
21.35     18.39     15.37     18.68     DNF
Cube4fun League X Rzeszów 2022First round54 17.69 19.98
22.00     19.24     18.71     17.69     22.05
Cube4fun Pawłowice 2022First round79 17.11 19.28
19.46     DNF       21.01     17.11     17.37
Cube4fun Dąbrowa Górnicza 2022First round91 19.15 21.16
19.94     29.67     20.90     22.63     19.15
2x2x2 Cube
Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2024Second round22 3.82 4.40
3.98      3.82      4.76      10.63     4.47
First round36 3.97 6.18
5.55      10.57     7.00      3.97      5.98
Zielona Góra Fresh Cubing 2024First round13 4.08 4.65
5.44      4.08      4.58      4.83      4.53
SLS Maj 2024Final17 3.76 4.66
5.45      3.88      5.08      3.76      5.02
Cube4fun Jarosław 2024First round20 3.88 5.01
8.16      4.20      5.82      5.02      3.88
Nowa Sól Open 2024First round43 4.10 5.44
4.10      4.63      5.67      DNF       6.02
Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024Second round28 3.31 4.02
4.07      5.57      3.96      3.31      4.04
First round26 2.01 3.81
3.77      10.68     3.32      2.01      4.33
Dragon Cubing II 2023First round73 2.27 5.39
6.46      2.27      6.64      6.22      3.49
GLS Final 2023First round40 4.07 4.96
4.74      5.36      4.07      6.61      4.79
Warsaw Cube Masters 2023Second round72 5.37 5.78
5.37      5.44      6.24      5.67      10.28
First round53 1.19 4.40
4.58      1.19      4.87      7.79      3.76
Cube4fun Lublin in Staszic 2023First round20 4.39 4.55
4.39      4.77      4.63      4.60      4.43
SLS Październik 2023First round26 3.78 6.10
5.43      8.60      4.83      3.78      8.04
Beskid Cubing 2023First round50 4.37 5.02
4.41      4.37      4.67      6.40      5.98
Cube4fun DW Warsaw 2023First round76 4.44 6.91
7.76      6.12      6.84      9.07      4.44
Cube4fun Wisła 2023First round53 4.85 6.88
8.50      5.55      4.85      8.29      6.81
Energy Cube Tomaszów 2023Second round43 3.89 4.77
5.11      5.31      4.95      4.25      3.89
First round41 3.43 4.91
6.32      9.15      3.95      4.45      3.43
Cube4fun DW Dębica 2023First round36 4.93 6.62
9.19      4.93      5.61      5.06      DNF
Cube4fun DW Pilzno 2023First round22 3.29 4.37
3.29      5.83      3.82      4.18      5.10
Silesian Cubing Pawłowice 2023Second round63 3.87 6.47
6.13      7.78      3.87      5.49      7.98
First round58 3.84 5.65
3.84      4.69      6.46      5.80      DNF
GLS IV 2023First round57 4.93 5.62
7.36      5.08      5.78      5.99      4.93
Dragon Cubing 2023First round65 3.89 5.37
DNF       5.97      4.87      3.89      5.27
Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2023First round42 4.88 DNF
4.88      DNF       DNF       8.34      7.42
Cube4fun in Jarosław 2023First round59 5.51 DNF
DNF       5.51      6.28      9.38      DNF
Cube4fun in Gorlice 2023First round32 4.56 7.28
7.58      11.70     4.56      7.18      7.09
Korzenna Spring Open 2023First round52 5.43 6.54
7.01      6.40      5.43      6.56      6.66
Energy Cube Konin 2023Second round90 5.19 7.59
5.19      9.20      5.57      8.01      10.66
First round82 4.88 6.09
7.31      4.88      6.11      6.70      5.45
Cube4fun in Dębica 2023First round44 4.91 7.25
7.98      11.13     8.70      5.08      4.91
Dragon Cubing 2022First round89 5.26 7.65
8.74      7.71      6.49      8.82      5.26
Cube4fun League X Rzeszów 2022First round54 5.37 8.64
5.37      7.04      13.24     14.07     5.65
Cube4fun Pawłowice 2022First round68 5.76 6.22
6.69      6.02      7.69      5.76      5.94
Cube4fun Dąbrowa Górnicza 2022First round91 6.20 7.88
8.82      6.77      9.76      6.20      8.05
4x4x4 Cube
Zielona Góra Fresh Cubing 2024Final12 45.07 55.42
59.34     55.40     45.07     1:10.74   51.53
Second round11 47.05 52.84
52.63     56.08     55.76     47.05     50.13
First round14 46.05 54.07
DNF       53.05     46.05     54.17     54.99
Cube4fun Jarosław 2024First round22 47.23 DNF
47.23     51.92     DNF       DNF       52.58
Nowa Sól Open 2024First round25 48.75 51.97
52.42     58.19     49.44     54.06     48.75
SLS Marzec 2024First round20 52.48 54.04
54.15     53.76     54.21     52.48     57.20
Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024First round30 49.76 54.99
49.76     54.07     53.29     57.61     59.01
BrizZon Sylwester Open 2023First round20 47.47 52.37
47.47     49.88     56.04     51.19     DNF
Dragon Cubing II 2023First round47 44.73 47.93
44.73     49.04     47.23     47.52     57.12
GLS Final 2023First round34 45.92 50.75
46.40     54.30     51.56     DNF       45.92
Cube4fun Lublin in Staszic 2023First round20 47.17 51.92
55.25     1:04.34   50.23     47.17     50.27
Beskid Cubing 2023First round41 50.62 52.97
57.65     51.74     54.65     50.62     52.52
Polish Championship 2023First round138 1:01.91
1:07.54   1:01.91
Cube4fun DW Warsaw 2023Final40 52.85 56.16
57.30     52.85     53.79     1:04.15   57.39
Cube4fun Wisła 2023First round35 49.17 59.41
1:00.69   56.81     49.17     1:00.74   1:03.88
Energy Cube Tomaszów 2023First round57 50.45 1:00.13
50.45     1:07.64   55.19     1:17.18   57.56
Cube4fun DW Dębica 2023First round23 49.79 55.18
54.88     1:03.71   51.28     49.79     59.39
Cube4fun DW Pilzno 2023First round21 51.13 54.00
51.13     1:06.82   52.00     53.57     56.44
Silesian Cubing Pawłowice 2023First round49 47.84 55.12
1:00.40   1:05.24   49.40     47.84     55.55
Prague NxNxN 2023First round20 54.68 57.37
54.85     1:00.98   54.68     58.51     58.74
GLS IV 2023First round46 1:00.66
1:01.09   1:00.66
Dragon Cubing 2023First round64 55.17 1:03.99
1:14.62   56.16     1:05.61   1:10.20   55.17
Cube4fun in Jarosław 2023First round35 DNF
DNF       DNF
Cube4fun in Gorlice 2023First round23 59.53 1:06.46
1:08.42   1:04.26   1:08.20   1:06.92   59.53
Korzenna Spring Open 2023First round43 1:06.58
1:19.93   1:06.58
Energy Cube Konin 2023First round68 59.28 1:12.14
1:13.65   59.28     1:20.02   1:14.38   1:08.38
Cube4fun in Dębica 2023First round29 1:02.72
1:10.19   1:02.72
Dragon Cubing 2022First round69 1:05.56
1:05.56   1:13.38
Cube4fun Pawłowice 2022First round63 1:24.20
1:37.10   1:24.20
5x5x5 Cube
Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2024First round18 1:16.95 1:24.46
1:30.05   1:16.95   1:18.18   1:30.32   1:25.14
Cube4fun Jarosław 2024Final10 1:18.68 1:32.17
1:29.85   1:18.68   1:32.79   1:47.03   1:33.88
First round9 1:16.72 1:30.16
1:22.84   DNF       1:16.72   1:39.30   1:28.35
Nowa Sól Open 2024Final21 1:30.84 1:39.82
1:30.84   1:41.14   1:37.31   1:41.01   DNS
Dragon Cubing II 2023Final39 1:26.71 1:34.18
1:33.88   1:43.45   1:26.71   1:34.59   1:34.08
Cube4fun Lublin in Staszic 2023First round22 1:38.69
1:38.69   1:42.01
Beskid Cubing 2023Final30 1:23.37 1:34.89
1:36.06   1:39.82   1:23.37   1:54.71   1:28.79
Cube4fun Wisła 2023First round20 1:33.72
1:52.33   1:33.72
Energy Cube Tomaszów 2023Final40 1:32.15 1:44.41
1:54.77   DNF       1:32.15   1:41.96   1:36.49
Silesian Cubing Pawłowice 2023First round44 1:45.31 1:48.49
1:46.82   1:51.94   1:46.71   1:45.31   1:53.52
Prague NxNxN 2023First round16 1:47.56
1:47.56   DNF
Dragon Cubing 2023Final58 2:01.59
2:01.59   DNF
Cube4fun in Jarosław 2023First round22 1:42.30 1:53.03
1:51.86   1:42.30   2:01.23   2:05.76   1:46.00
Cube4fun in Gorlice 2023Final18 1:46.97
1:46.97   1:59.16
Korzenna Spring Open 2023Final30 1:52.72
1:55.35   1:52.72
Energy Cube Konin 2023First round56 2:06.80
2:06.80   2:21.62
Cube4fun in Dębica 2023Final22 1:56.16
2:07.94   1:56.16
Dragon Cubing 2022Final57 2:27.90
DNF       2:27.90
Cube4fun League X Rzeszów 2022First round32 2:25.96
2:32.58   2:25.96
Cube4fun Pawłowice 2022Final52 2:32.76
2:32.76   2:58.85
Cube4fun Dąbrowa Górnicza 2022First round61 3:09.28
3:37.12   3:09.28
6x6x6 Cube
Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2024First round20 2:42.61 DNF
3:00.68   2:42.61   DNF
Cube4fun Jarosław 2024Final7 2:47.46 2:50.90
2:47.46   2:57.30   2:47.93
First round7 2:36.16 2:44.57
3:01.10   2:36.16   2:36.45
Silesian Cubing Pawłowice 2023First round41 DNF
Prague NxNxN 2023Final10 3:00.45 3:10.68
3:11.08   3:20.50   3:00.45
Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2023First round23 3:45.97
Cube4fun in Jarosław 2023First round23 DNF
Cube4fun in Gorlice 2023First round14 4:10.79
Cube4fun Pawłowice 2022Final39 4:56.28
7x7x7 Cube
Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2024First round26 DNF
Cube4fun Jarosław 2024Final7 4:11.46 4:19.61
4:11.46   4:23.19   4:24.18
First round7 4:10.47 4:21.19
4:22.68   4:10.47   4:30.41
Silesian Cubing Pawłowice 2023First round31 5:19.42
Prague NxNxN 2023Final13 DNF
Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2023First round18 5:32.95
Cube4fun in Jarosław 2023First round17 5:29.40
Cube4fun in Gorlice 2023First round12 6:06.11
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Cube4fun Jarosław 2024First round8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Nowa Sól Open 2024First round13 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024Final14 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
SLS Styczeń 2024Final8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
BrizZon Sylwester Open 2023First round18 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Energy Cube Tomaszów 2023Final26 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Silesian Cubing Pawłowice 2023Final16 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
GLS IV 2023First round17 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
FMC Poland-Czechia-Slovakia 2024Final32 37 42.67
37        50        41
Warsaw Cube Masters 2023Final23 47
3x3x3 One-Handed
Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2024First round16 20.50 22.07
24.03     22.57     20.52     23.13     20.50
SLS Maj 2024First round19 24.84 25.95
29.48     24.84     26.37     25.02     26.46
Cube4fun Jarosław 2024Final11 24.50 29.84
24.50     DNF       29.82     30.55     29.15
First round10 20.01 23.46
23.24     23.82     20.01     30.53     23.31
Nowa Sól Open 2024First round26 23.92 27.21
24.61     38.13     26.32     23.92     30.71
SLS Marzec 2024First round15 22.76 23.37
27.67     22.76     24.22     23.00     22.88
Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024Final25 21.82 23.80
25.19     24.70     21.82     24.02     22.67
First round23 15.52 23.61
23.88     23.83     15.52     24.10     23.12
SLS Grudzień 2023First round11 20.69 25.31
20.69     25.94     24.55     25.78     25.61
Dragon Cubing II 2023First round44 21.90 26.09
DNF       26.30     26.51     21.90     25.45
Warsaw Cube Masters 2023First round37 19.69 22.02
23.92     22.78     21.01     22.28     19.69
Cube4fun Lublin in Staszic 2023First round20 22.86 24.87
22.86     24.44     25.17     27.24     24.99
Beskid Cubing 2023First round55 22.05 DNF
22.05     48.52     DNF       DNF       23.80
Polish Championship 2023First round102 25.64 26.95
28.21     25.64     26.45     26.20     DNF
Energy Cube Tomaszów 2023First round33 20.89 25.61
24.55     27.43     24.85     20.89     29.85
Silesian Cubing Pawłowice 2023First round47 23.69 33.57
37.63     28.95     54.62     34.12     23.69
Dragon Cubing 2023First round60 33.37
33.96     33.37
Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2023First round33 28.00 38.10
31.60     46.16     59.70     36.53     28.00
Korzenna Spring Open 2023First round42 41.88
41.88     44.64
Energy Cube Konin 2023First round76 1:02.79
DNF       1:02.79
Cube4fun in Dębica 2023First round37 1:10.94
DNF       1:10.94
Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2024Final18 10.35 12.37
10.35     11.47     10.81     14.82     15.69
Zielona Góra Fresh Cubing 2024Second round17 9.59 DNF
DNF       10.66     9.59      9.84      DNF
First round10 9.21 10.58
10.58     9.21      10.82     10.34     DNF
SLS Maj 2024First round14 8.78 10.80
10.94     11.63     8.78      12.45     9.84
Cube4fun Jarosław 2024First round25 10.07 DNF
10.07     15.63     DNF       11.55     DNF
Nowa Sól Open 2024Second round26 7.14 9.91
11.60     10.54     9.43      7.14      9.77
First round28 7.85 10.29
10.71     12.28     7.85      11.79     8.37
Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024Second round30 9.47 10.01
10.32     9.83      10.56     9.88      9.47
First round30 8.23 10.74
10.54     8.23      9.88      11.80     DNF
SLS Styczeń 2024First round12 9.49 10.72
DNF       10.54     9.49      11.50     10.13
BrizZon Sylwester Open 2023First round18 9.09 10.40
10.53     10.28     10.39     10.83     9.09
Dragon Cubing II 2023First round37 9.13 9.91
10.07     10.30     9.13      12.78     9.35
GLS Final 2023First round23 8.74 9.23
8.96      11.02     9.28      9.45      8.74
Warsaw Cube Masters 2023First round67 10.08 DNF
17.68     10.08     DNF       13.06     DNF
Cube4fun Lublin in Staszic 2023First round13 7.46 10.43
10.55     7.46      DNF       10.91     9.83
SLS Październik 2023First round21 9.52 DNF
DNF       11.46     10.99     9.52      DNF
Beskid Cubing 2023First round39 9.13 DNF
DNF       9.56      DNF       11.11     9.13
Polish Championship 2023First round86 9.11 DNF
11.41     9.11      DNF       12.98     DNF
Cube4fun Wisła 2023First round33 9.63 DNF
10.10     DNF       DNF       9.63      DNF
Energy Cube Tomaszów 2023First round77 9.32 DNF
13.52     9.71      DNF       9.32      DNF
Silesian Cubing Pawłowice 2023First round43 11.05 DNF
11.05     DNF       DNF       DNF       DNF
GLS IV 2023First round44 11.01 DNF
DNF       11.01     DNF       DNF       DNF
Dragon Cubing 2023First round67 10.04 DNF
10.08     DNF       10.04     10.43     DNF
Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2023Second round25 13.44 DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF       DNF       13.44
First round20 8.98 10.61
DNF       10.86     9.76      11.20     8.98
Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2024First round25 1:38.70 1:46.93
1:38.70   1:57.75   1:49.82   1:44.81   1:46.15
Zielona Góra Fresh Cubing 2024First round12 1:31.03 1:57.34
2:13.43   2:07.46   1:56.69   1:47.86   1:31.03
SLS Maj 2024First round14 1:23.22
1:37.11   1:23.22
Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024First round31 1:42.05
2:19.69   1:42.05
SLS Styczeń 2024First round13 1:34.19 1:48.30
1:34.19   1:59.58   1:41.47   1:55.60   1:47.82
BrizZon Sylwester Open 2023First round23 1:37.33 1:43.99
1:45.06   1:38.27   1:48.65   DNF       1:37.33
SLS Grudzień 2023Final10 1:29.17
1:49.10   1:29.17
First round10 1:38.12
1:43.39   1:38.12
Dragon Cubing II 2023First round46 1:42.32
1:42.32   1:42.88
GLS Final 2023Final40 2:01.99
2:01.99   DNF
Warsaw Cube Masters 2023Final40 1:31.74
1:31.74   1:48.13
Cube4fun Lublin in Staszic 2023First round18 1:38.99
2:09.16   1:38.99
Beskid Cubing 2023First round34 1:33.42 1:46.56
1:58.16   1:33.42   1:42.61   1:45.75   1:51.32
Cube4fun Wisła 2023First round28 1:55.11
2:07.09   1:55.11
Zielona Góra Fresh Cubing 2024First round23 6.22 9.44
10.89     10.19     7.23      18.31     6.22
Cube4fun Jarosław 2024First round18 7.17 9.34
8.93      7.17      8.80      10.29     15.99
Nowa Sól Open 2024First round40 6.70 8.62
6.70      8.69      9.81      9.76      7.41
SLS Marzec 2024Final34 7.76 11.95
15.40     7.76      9.71      DNF       10.74
Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024First round27 6.07 8.16
7.47      8.31      8.69      6.07      16.00
Dragon Cubing II 2023First round74 7.49 9.31
10.14     10.77     8.44      7.49      9.35
GLS Final 2023First round52 7.17 9.92
7.17      9.64      8.66      11.91     11.45
Warsaw Cube Masters 2023Second round83 7.02 14.88
14.72     12.03     17.88     18.41     7.02
First round85 8.46 10.05
8.46      11.53     9.62      11.12     9.40
Cube4fun Lublin in Staszic 2023First round29 7.99 11.13
11.54     9.26      7.99      12.59     14.20
Cube4fun DW Warsaw 2023First round74 9.69 14.06
14.00     12.94     15.24     15.48     9.69
Cube4fun Wisła 2023First round62 9.27 14.68
15.24     15.30     9.27      14.99     13.82
Energy Cube Tomaszów 2023First round91 5.51 12.26
14.91     12.99     10.96     5.51      12.84
Cube4fun DW Dębica 2023First round36 8.49 12.26
14.31     15.72     8.49      10.51     11.97
Cube4fun DW Pilzno 2023First round29 8.73 10.36
10.12     13.02     11.10     9.86      8.73
Cube4fun in Dębica 2023First round41 10.21 13.25
12.28     15.74     13.82     10.21     13.65
Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2024Final7 5.23 5.81
5.23      5.79      6.41      5.24      6.71
First round9 5.04 5.56
5.47      5.70      5.04      5.51      8.98
Zielona Góra Fresh Cubing 2024Final11 3.76 5.91
7.24      7.04      6.69      4.01      3.76
First round6 3.28 5.28
5.54      7.07      3.28      4.32      5.98
Cube4fun Jarosław 2024Final9 5.35 6.96
6.56      7.86      5.35      6.46      8.11
First round10 4.55 6.31
6.93      5.22      4.55      6.79      9.08
SLS Kwiecień 2024First round12 3.69 5.95
6.83      5.59      6.72      3.69      5.53
Nowa Sól Open 2024First round22 4.50 6.37
8.05      6.16      7.49      5.47      4.50
SLS Styczeń 2024First round13 4.66 7.58
5.78      4.66      DNF       8.45      8.50
Dragon Cubing II 2023First round45 6.10 7.71
14.45     6.10      6.97      7.61      8.55
GLS Final 2023First round16 4.60 6.02
7.78      4.61      6.66      6.79      4.60
Warsaw Cube Masters 2023First round59 5.68 9.33
8.98      5.68      12.72     8.41      10.61
Cube4fun Lublin in Staszic 2023First round20 6.63 8.78
8.20      8.64      6.63      9.51      10.37
SLS Październik 2023First round20 5.45 9.61
17.55     9.56      11.67     5.45      7.61
Polish Championship 2023First round102 6.87 10.88
7.82      16.01     6.87      15.54     9.28
Energy Cube Tomaszów 2023First round70 9.31 11.98
DNF       12.91     13.63     9.31      9.41
Cube4fun DW Dębica 2023First round31 6.54 13.83
8.56      18.16     6.54      19.62     14.77
Cube4fun DW Pilzno 2023First round28 10.32 11.78
11.82     10.32     16.01     12.58     10.94
GLS IV 2023First round56 5.90 10.84
12.60     9.84      13.63     5.90      10.09
Dragon Cubing 2023First round71 8.98 13.23
11.90     16.56     22.87     8.98      11.24
Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2023First round29 6.92 9.77
9.64      11.28     8.38      19.22     6.92
Cube4fun in Jarosław 2023First round36 6.80 18.04
6.80      12.40     26.40     DNF       15.31
Korzenna Spring Open 2023First round44 6.49 10.87
17.38     6.49      10.21     10.02     12.38
Energy Cube Konin 2023Second round56 9.39 10.49
10.70     15.73     10.49     9.39      10.27
First round61 5.50 10.46
9.84      5.50      DNF       14.58     6.97
Cube4fun in Dębica 2023First round32 9.01 11.91
10.96     11.22     9.01      DNF       13.56
Dragon Cubing 2022First round68 8.32 12.09
10.98     8.32      13.22     14.09     12.06
Cube4fun Pawłowice 2022First round50 9.87 10.80
16.28     10.33     10.44     11.64     9.87
Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2024Final7 11.39 12.45
11.67     14.09     11.39     13.56     12.11
First round11 14.56 17.11
14.77     14.56     14.61     21.95     DNF
Zielona Góra Fresh Cubing 2024Final6 12.78 18.84
17.87     12.78     21.86     25.27     16.80
Second round4 10.33 13.89
16.89     15.37     13.19     13.12     10.33
First round4 11.66 14.90
11.66     18.38     14.46     13.83     16.40
Cube4fun Jarosław 2024Final5 13.83 15.78
13.83     17.47     14.27     30.04     15.61
First round4 15.13 17.22
18.56     15.38     22.54     17.72     15.13
SLS Kwiecień 2024Final6 14.16 15.33
14.41     14.16     16.15     15.44     23.22
First round10 9.81 16.51
19.68     24.26     12.58     17.27     9.81
Nowa Sól Open 2024Final11 14.63 17.74
14.63     23.23     16.21     20.12     16.88
First round12 15.75 18.27
18.44     15.75     19.24     18.72     17.65
Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024Final7 14.84 15.68
16.38     14.89     15.77     14.84     21.65
Second round9 14.64 18.93
22.06     18.54     24.19     14.64     16.19
First round8 15.41 16.25
16.33     15.41     16.39     16.03     18.60
BrizZon Sylwester Open 2023Final12 14.22 18.75
25.35     19.07     18.26     14.22     18.91
First round10 13.15 17.20
20.86     15.99     14.76     23.16     13.15
SLS Grudzień 2023Final7 12.84 17.56
12.84     17.14     20.82     20.49     15.04
First round6 12.57 17.64
16.80     17.98     12.57     29.84     18.14
Dragon Cubing II 2023First round17 11.08 14.51
11.08     16.51     19.46     15.07     11.94
Warsaw Cube Masters 2023Final15 14.21 18.34
19.57     14.21     16.26     19.91     19.19
First round13 11.99 15.15
12.10     16.40     16.94     11.99     17.62
Cube4fun Lublin in Staszic 2023Final8 14.02 19.05
16.59     14.02     21.40     19.17     22.02
First round10 9.37 19.37
9.37      12.56     16.97     28.57     28.75
SLS Październik 2023Final4 12.49 15.36
12.49     15.91     13.11     20.76     17.06
First round8 14.49 16.70
16.25     18.72     15.14     24.23     14.49
Beskid Cubing 2023Second round20 18.34 19.58
23.30     18.54     19.24     20.97     18.34
First round19 14.95 18.55
19.69     19.45     26.31     14.95     16.52
Polish Championship 2023First round45 14.31 19.57
14.81     20.47     14.31     23.44     27.34
Cube4fun DW Warsaw 2023Final13 16.69 20.04
23.63     16.99     21.53     16.69     21.61
Cube4fun Wisła 2023Second round13 13.46 17.14
17.24     16.10     21.44     13.46     18.08
First round13 12.65 17.10
14.18     16.54     12.65     20.57     21.72
Energy Cube Tomaszów 2023First round14 15.58 16.88
17.55     18.42     15.58     15.68     17.40
Cube4fun DW Dębica 2023Final6 12.66 17.02
12.66     18.17     26.02     12.88     20.02
First round9 13.08 17.57
18.47     20.75     19.86     13.08     14.38
Cube4fun DW Pilzno 2023First round22 13.31 DNF
13.31     DNF       DNF       15.73     18.12
Poznań MBLD Cup 2023Final6 11.60 19.86
20.85     19.29     DNF       11.60     19.44
First round7 15.38 22.47
34.48     15.38     20.18     16.42     30.82
Dragon Cubing 2023First round33 15.74 20.77
26.32     15.74     17.09     25.22     20.01
Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2023First round28 22.64 DNF
22.64     DNF       23.17     24.41     DNF
Cube4fun in Jarosław 2023First round15 22.96 28.83
31.56     22.96     31.03     29.17     26.29
Korzenna Spring Open 2023Second round19 21.50 23.29
23.86     21.97     24.03     21.50     DNF
First round21 24.46 26.53
24.46     36.16     25.98     26.89     26.72
Energy Cube Konin 2023First round59 DNF
DNF       DNF
Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round26 10.35 11.96
10.35     11.25     11.22     13.40     13.64
First round28 10.02 13.13
10.02     12.93     11.72     14.90     14.73
2x2x2 CubeSecond round22 3.82 4.40
3.98      3.82      4.76      10.63     4.47
First round36 3.97 6.18
5.55      10.57     7.00      3.97      5.98
5x5x5 CubeFirst round18 1:16.95 1:24.46
1:30.05   1:16.95   1:18.18   1:30.32   1:25.14
6x6x6 CubeFirst round20 2:42.61 DNF
3:00.68   2:42.61   DNF
7x7x7 CubeFirst round26 DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round16 20.50 22.07
24.03     22.57     20.52     23.13     20.50
ClockFinal18 10.35 12.37
10.35     11.47     10.81     14.82     15.69
MegaminxFirst round25 1:38.70 1:46.93
1:38.70   1:57.75   1:49.82   1:44.81   1:46.15
SkewbFinal7 5.23 5.81
5.23      5.79      6.41      5.24      6.71
First round9 5.04 5.56
5.47      5.70      5.04      5.51      8.98
Square-1Final7 11.39 12.45
11.67     14.09     11.39     13.56     12.11
First round11 14.56 17.11
14.77     14.56     14.61     21.95     DNF
Zielona Góra Fresh Cubing 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round15 10.39 13.06
10.39     14.91     12.11     DNF       12.15
First round15 12.01 13.19
DNF       12.07     13.78     12.01     13.71
2x2x2 CubeFirst round13 4.08 4.65
5.44      4.08      4.58      4.83      4.53
4x4x4 CubeFinal12 45.07 55.42
59.34     55.40     45.07     1:10.74   51.53
Second round11 47.05 52.84
52.63     56.08     55.76     47.05     50.13
First round14 46.05 54.07
DNF       53.05     46.05     54.17     54.99
ClockSecond round17 9.59 DNF
DNF       10.66     9.59      9.84      DNF
First round10 9.21 10.58
10.58     9.21      10.82     10.34     DNF
MegaminxFirst round12 1:31.03 1:57.34
2:13.43   2:07.46   1:56.69   1:47.86   1:31.03
PyraminxFirst round23 6.22 9.44
10.89     10.19     7.23      18.31     6.22
SkewbFinal11 3.76 5.91
7.24      7.04      6.69      4.01      3.76
First round6 3.28 5.28
5.54      7.07      3.28      4.32      5.98
Square-1Final6 12.78 18.84
17.87     12.78     21.86     25.27     16.80
Second round4 10.33 13.89
16.89     15.37     13.19     13.12     10.33
First round4 11.66 14.90
11.66     18.38     14.46     13.83     16.40
SLS Maj 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round21 10.39 13.34
15.16     19.35     11.52     13.33     10.39
2x2x2 CubeFinal17 3.76 4.66
5.45      3.88      5.08      3.76      5.02
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round19 24.84 25.95
29.48     24.84     26.37     25.02     26.46
ClockFirst round14 8.78 10.80
10.94     11.63     8.78      12.45     9.84
MegaminxFirst round14 1:23.22
1:37.11   1:23.22
Cube4fun Jarosław 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round20 13.15 14.05
14.28     13.15     DNF       13.19     14.68
First round20 13.20 13.84
13.20     13.99     13.65     13.87     15.49
2x2x2 CubeFirst round20 3.88 5.01
8.16      4.20      5.82      5.02      3.88
4x4x4 CubeFirst round22 47.23 DNF
47.23     51.92     DNF       DNF       52.58
5x5x5 CubeFinal10 1:18.68 1:32.17
1:29.85   1:18.68   1:32.79   1:47.03   1:33.88
First round9 1:16.72 1:30.16
1:22.84   DNF       1:16.72   1:39.30   1:28.35
6x6x6 CubeFinal7 2:47.46 2:50.90
2:47.46   2:57.30   2:47.93
First round7 2:36.16 2:44.57
3:01.10   2:36.16   2:36.45
7x7x7 CubeFinal7 4:11.46 4:19.61
4:11.46   4:23.19   4:24.18
First round7 4:10.47 4:21.19
4:22.68   4:10.47   4:30.41
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal11 24.50 29.84
24.50     DNF       29.82     30.55     29.15
First round10 20.01 23.46
23.24     23.82     20.01     30.53     23.31
ClockFirst round25 10.07 DNF
10.07     15.63     DNF       11.55     DNF
PyraminxFirst round18 7.17 9.34
8.93      7.17      8.80      10.29     15.99
SkewbFinal9 5.35 6.96
6.56      7.86      5.35      6.46      8.11
First round10 4.55 6.31
6.93      5.22      4.55      6.79      9.08
Square-1Final5 13.83 15.78
13.83     17.47     14.27     30.04     15.61
First round4 15.13 17.22
18.56     15.38     22.54     17.72     15.13
SLS Kwiecień 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round12 9.68 11.65
11.44     11.78     9.68      11.72     12.92
First round11 10.81 12.12
10.81     11.17     15.64     13.29     11.90
SkewbFirst round12 3.69 5.95
6.83      5.59      6.72      3.69      5.53
Square-1Final6 14.16 15.33
14.41     14.16     16.15     15.44     23.22
First round10 9.81 16.51
19.68     24.26     12.58     17.27     9.81
Nowa Sól Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 11.47 11.73
11.86     11.71     11.89     11.47     11.63
First round32 11.27 13.23
11.90     12.36     11.27     15.43     15.50
2x2x2 CubeFirst round43 4.10 5.44
4.10      4.63      5.67      DNF       6.02
4x4x4 CubeFirst round25 48.75 51.97
52.42     58.19     49.44     54.06     48.75
5x5x5 CubeFinal21 1:30.84 1:39.82
1:30.84   1:41.14   1:37.31   1:41.01   DNS
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round13 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round26 23.92 27.21
24.61     38.13     26.32     23.92     30.71
ClockSecond round26 7.14 9.91
11.60     10.54     9.43      7.14      9.77
First round28 7.85 10.29
10.71     12.28     7.85      11.79     8.37
PyraminxFirst round40 6.70 8.62
6.70      8.69      9.81      9.76      7.41
SkewbFirst round22 4.50 6.37
8.05      6.16      7.49      5.47      4.50
Square-1Final11 14.63 17.74
14.63     23.23     16.21     20.12     16.88
First round12 15.75 18.27
18.44     15.75     19.24     18.72     17.65
SLS Marzec 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round17 10.71 11.90
11.04     14.69     13.36     11.30     10.71
4x4x4 CubeFirst round20 52.48 54.04
54.15     53.76     54.21     52.48     57.20
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round15 22.76 23.37
27.67     22.76     24.22     23.00     22.88
PyraminxFinal34 7.76 11.95
15.40     7.76      9.71      DNF       10.74
Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round32 11.08 12.68
11.08     12.75     17.69     11.31     13.98
First round32 12.46 13.01
12.46     14.12     12.85     12.86     13.31
2x2x2 CubeSecond round28 3.31 4.02
4.07      5.57      3.96      3.31      4.04
First round26 2.01 3.81
3.77      10.68     3.32      2.01      4.33
4x4x4 CubeFirst round30 49.76 54.99
49.76     54.07     53.29     57.61     59.01
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal14 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal25 21.82 23.80
25.19     24.70     21.82     24.02     22.67
First round23 15.52 23.61
23.88     23.83     15.52     24.10     23.12
ClockSecond round30 9.47 10.01
10.32     9.83      10.56     9.88      9.47
First round30 8.23 10.74
10.54     8.23      9.88      11.80     DNF
MegaminxFirst round31 1:42.05
2:19.69   1:42.05
PyraminxFirst round27 6.07 8.16
7.47      8.31      8.69      6.07      16.00
Square-1Final7 14.84 15.68
16.38     14.89     15.77     14.84     21.65
Second round9 14.64 18.93
22.06     18.54     24.19     14.64     16.19
First round8 15.41 16.25
16.33     15.41     16.39     16.03     18.60
SLS Styczeń 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round15 11.02 13.90
DNF       16.12     12.20     13.37     11.02
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
ClockFirst round12 9.49 10.72
DNF       10.54     9.49      11.50     10.13
MegaminxFirst round13 1:34.19 1:48.30
1:34.19   1:59.58   1:41.47   1:55.60   1:47.82
SkewbFirst round13 4.66 7.58
5.78      4.66      DNF       8.45      8.50
FMC Poland-Czechia-Slovakia 2024
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal32 37 42.67
37        50        41
BrizZon Sylwester Open 2023
4x4x4 CubeFirst round20 47.47 52.37
47.47     49.88     56.04     51.19     DNF
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round18 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
ClockFirst round18 9.09 10.40
10.53     10.28     10.39     10.83     9.09
MegaminxFirst round23 1:37.33 1:43.99
1:45.06   1:38.27   1:48.65   DNF       1:37.33
Square-1Final12 14.22 18.75
25.35     19.07     18.26     14.22     18.91
First round10 13.15 17.20
20.86     15.99     14.76     23.16     13.15
SLS Grudzień 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round14 11.83 13.43
13.09     DNF       11.83     14.07     13.14
First round14 9.93 13.55
18.62     12.83     13.56     14.27     9.93
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round11 20.69 25.31
20.69     25.94     24.55     25.78     25.61
MegaminxFinal10 1:29.17
1:49.10   1:29.17
First round10 1:38.12
1:43.39   1:38.12
Square-1Final7 12.84 17.56
12.84     17.14     20.82     20.49     15.04
First round6 12.57 17.64
16.80     17.98     12.57     29.84     18.14
Dragon Cubing II 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round72 11.56 13.41
12.61     13.42     15.72     11.56     14.21
First round69 10.52 13.47
12.44     14.68     14.65     13.31     10.52
2x2x2 CubeFirst round73 2.27 5.39
6.46      2.27      6.64      6.22      3.49
4x4x4 CubeFirst round47 44.73 47.93
44.73     49.04     47.23     47.52     57.12
5x5x5 CubeFinal39 1:26.71 1:34.18
1:33.88   1:43.45   1:26.71   1:34.59   1:34.08
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round44 21.90 26.09
DNF       26.30     26.51     21.90     25.45
ClockFirst round37 9.13 9.91
10.07     10.30     9.13      12.78     9.35
MegaminxFirst round46 1:42.32
1:42.32   1:42.88
PyraminxFirst round74 7.49 9.31
10.14     10.77     8.44      7.49      9.35
SkewbFirst round45 6.10 7.71
14.45     6.10      6.97      7.61      8.55
Square-1First round17 11.08 14.51
11.08     16.51     19.46     15.07     11.94
GLS Final 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round50 11.59 12.91
12.46     13.12     13.62     11.59     13.15
First round44 11.65 13.25
13.80     11.65     14.27     16.08     11.67
2x2x2 CubeFirst round40 4.07 4.96
4.74      5.36      4.07      6.61      4.79
4x4x4 CubeFirst round34 45.92 50.75
46.40     54.30     51.56     DNF       45.92
ClockFirst round23 8.74 9.23
8.96      11.02     9.28      9.45      8.74
MegaminxFinal40 2:01.99
2:01.99   DNF
PyraminxFirst round52 7.17 9.92
7.17      9.64      8.66      11.91     11.45
SkewbFirst round16 4.60 6.02
7.78      4.61      6.66      6.79      4.60
Warsaw Cube Masters 2023
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final67 12.33 13.63
DNF       13.55     12.33     12.42     14.91
Second round64 11.34 13.37
14.61     15.53     12.38     11.34     13.12
First round81 14.47 15.25
14.60     16.10     15.57     15.57     14.47
2x2x2 CubeSecond round72 5.37 5.78
5.37      5.44      6.24      5.67      10.28
First round53 1.19 4.40
4.58      1.19      4.87      7.79      3.76
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal23 47
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round37 19.69 22.02
23.92     22.78     21.01     22.28     19.69
ClockFirst round67 10.08 DNF
17.68     10.08     DNF       13.06     DNF
MegaminxFinal40 1:31.74
1:31.74   1:48.13
PyraminxSecond round83 7.02 14.88
14.72     12.03     17.88     18.41     7.02
First round85 8.46 10.05
8.46      11.53     9.62      11.12     9.40
SkewbFirst round59 5.68 9.33
8.98      5.68      12.72     8.41      10.61
Square-1Final15 14.21 18.34
19.57     14.21     16.26     19.91     19.19
First round13 11.99 15.15
12.10     16.40     16.94     11.99     17.62
Cube4fun Lublin in Staszic 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 14.94 16.24
15.76     DNF       15.89     14.94     17.08
First round26 12.89 14.72
DNF       13.94     15.22     15.01     12.89
2x2x2 CubeFirst round20 4.39 4.55
4.39      4.77      4.63      4.60      4.43
4x4x4 CubeFirst round20 47.17 51.92
55.25     1:04.34   50.23     47.17     50.27
5x5x5 CubeFirst round22 1:38.69
1:38.69   1:42.01
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round20 22.86 24.87
22.86     24.44     25.17     27.24     24.99
ClockFirst round13 7.46 10.43
10.55     7.46      DNF       10.91     9.83
MegaminxFirst round18 1:38.99
2:09.16   1:38.99
PyraminxFirst round29 7.99 11.13
11.54     9.26      7.99      12.59     14.20
SkewbFirst round20 6.63 8.78
8.20      8.64      6.63      9.51      10.37
Square-1Final8 14.02 19.05
16.59     14.02     21.40     19.17     22.02
First round10 9.37 19.37
9.37      12.56     16.97     28.57     28.75
SLS Październik 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round19 11.39 13.03
11.39     DNF       13.44     12.80     12.85
2x2x2 CubeFirst round26 3.78 6.10
5.43      8.60      4.83      3.78      8.04
ClockFirst round21 9.52 DNF
DNF       11.46     10.99     9.52      DNF
SkewbFirst round20 5.45 9.61
17.55     9.56      11.67     5.45      7.61
Square-1Final4 12.49 15.36
12.49     15.91     13.11     20.76     17.06
First round8 14.49 16.70
16.25     18.72     15.14     24.23     14.49
Beskid Cubing 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round43 12.03 13.08
14.69     12.03     14.12     12.33     12.78
First round50 10.56 13.80
14.83     13.18     10.56     13.39     15.80
2x2x2 CubeFirst round50 4.37 5.02
4.41      4.37      4.67      6.40      5.98
4x4x4 CubeFirst round41 50.62 52.97
57.65     51.74     54.65     50.62     52.52
5x5x5 CubeFinal30 1:23.37 1:34.89
1:36.06   1:39.82   1:23.37   1:54.71   1:28.79
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round55 22.05 DNF
22.05     48.52     DNF       DNF       23.80
ClockFirst round39 9.13 DNF
DNF       9.56      DNF       11.11     9.13
MegaminxFirst round34 1:33.42 1:46.56
1:58.16   1:33.42   1:42.61   1:45.75   1:51.32
Square-1Second round20 18.34 19.58
23.30     18.54     19.24     20.97     18.34
First round19 14.95 18.55
19.69     19.45     26.31     14.95     16.52
Polish Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round148 12.15 14.17
14.03     13.63     12.15     19.07     14.84
4x4x4 CubeFirst round138 1:01.91
1:07.54   1:01.91
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round102 25.64 26.95
28.21     25.64     26.45     26.20     DNF
ClockFirst round86 9.11 DNF
11.41     9.11      DNF       12.98     DNF
SkewbFirst round102 6.87 10.88
7.82      16.01     6.87      15.54     9.28
Square-1First round45 14.31 19.57
14.81     20.47     14.31     23.44     27.34
Cube4fun DW Warsaw 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round49 12.51 14.46
12.51     15.55     14.32     15.72     13.51
First round50 12.40 14.48
12.40     14.76     15.83     16.88     12.84
2x2x2 CubeFirst round76 4.44 6.91
7.76      6.12      6.84      9.07      4.44
4x4x4 CubeFinal40 52.85 56.16
57.30     52.85     53.79     1:04.15   57.39
PyraminxFirst round74 9.69 14.06
14.00     12.94     15.24     15.48     9.69
Square-1Final13 16.69 20.04
23.63     16.99     21.53     16.69     21.61
Cube4fun Wisła 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round36 12.27 14.12
14.16     14.04     14.15     15.33     12.27
First round42 11.51 14.83
16.34     13.51     14.64     11.51     DNF
2x2x2 CubeFirst round53 4.85 6.88
8.50      5.55      4.85      8.29      6.81
4x4x4 CubeFirst round35 49.17 59.41
1:00.69   56.81     49.17     1:00.74   1:03.88
5x5x5 CubeFirst round20 1:33.72
1:52.33   1:33.72
ClockFirst round33 9.63 DNF
10.10     DNF       DNF       9.63      DNF
MegaminxFirst round28 1:55.11
2:07.09   1:55.11
PyraminxFirst round62 9.27 14.68
15.24     15.30     9.27      14.99     13.82
Square-1Second round13 13.46 17.14
17.24     16.10     21.44     13.46     18.08
First round13 12.65 17.10
14.18     16.54     12.65     20.57     21.72
Energy Cube Tomaszów 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round67 11.33 14.84
17.17     11.33     14.87     15.63     14.03
First round58 12.76 13.42
13.08     13.96     17.07     12.76     13.23
2x2x2 CubeSecond round43 3.89 4.77
5.11      5.31      4.95      4.25      3.89
First round41 3.43 4.91
6.32      9.15      3.95      4.45      3.43
4x4x4 CubeFirst round57 50.45 1:00.13
50.45     1:07.64   55.19     1:17.18   57.56
5x5x5 CubeFinal40 1:32.15 1:44.41
1:54.77   DNF       1:32.15   1:41.96   1:36.49
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal26 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round33 20.89 25.61
24.55     27.43     24.85     20.89     29.85
ClockFirst round77 9.32 DNF
13.52     9.71      DNF       9.32      DNF
PyraminxFirst round91 5.51 12.26
14.91     12.99     10.96     5.51      12.84
SkewbFirst round70 9.31 11.98
DNF       12.91     13.63     9.31      9.41
Square-1First round14 15.58 16.88
17.55     18.42     15.58     15.68     17.40
Cube4fun DW Dębica 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round31 12.57 15.55
15.57     15.70     18.85     15.38     12.57
First round31 13.35 15.83
17.94     17.17     16.85     13.35     13.48
2x2x2 CubeFirst round36 4.93 6.62
9.19      4.93      5.61      5.06      DNF
4x4x4 CubeFirst round23 49.79 55.18
54.88     1:03.71   51.28     49.79     59.39
PyraminxFirst round36 8.49 12.26
14.31     15.72     8.49      10.51     11.97
SkewbFirst round31 6.54 13.83
8.56      18.16     6.54      19.62     14.77
Square-1Final6 12.66 17.02
12.66     18.17     26.02     12.88     20.02
First round9 13.08 17.57
18.47     20.75     19.86     13.08     14.38
Cube4fun DW Pilzno 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 13.26 15.37
16.69     13.69     18.63     15.73     13.26
First round27 13.11 14.91
14.29     17.28     16.22     13.11     14.23
2x2x2 CubeFirst round22 3.29 4.37
3.29      5.83      3.82      4.18      5.10
4x4x4 CubeFirst round21 51.13 54.00
51.13     1:06.82   52.00     53.57     56.44
PyraminxFirst round29 8.73 10.36
10.12     13.02     11.10     9.86      8.73
SkewbFirst round28 10.32 11.78
11.82     10.32     16.01     12.58     10.94
Square-1First round22 13.31 DNF
13.31     DNF       DNF       15.73     18.12
Silesian Cubing Pawłowice 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round60 13.95 16.27
17.59     DNF       17.19     13.95     14.02
First round57 11.54 14.44
15.23     15.08     11.54     16.22     13.00
2x2x2 CubeSecond round63 3.87 6.47
6.13      7.78      3.87      5.49      7.98
First round58 3.84 5.65
3.84      4.69      6.46      5.80      DNF
4x4x4 CubeFirst round49 47.84 55.12
1:00.40   1:05.24   49.40     47.84     55.55
5x5x5 CubeFirst round44 1:45.31 1:48.49
1:46.82   1:51.94   1:46.71   1:45.31   1:53.52
6x6x6 CubeFirst round41 DNF
7x7x7 CubeFirst round31 5:19.42
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal16 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round47 23.69 33.57
37.63     28.95     54.62     34.12     23.69
ClockFirst round43 11.05 DNF
11.05     DNF       DNF       DNF       DNF
Poznań MBLD Cup 2023
Square-1Final6 11.60 19.86
20.85     19.29     DNF       11.60     19.44
First round7 15.38 22.47
34.48     15.38     20.18     16.42     30.82
Prague NxNxN 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round27 11.35 14.86
13.64     12.36     11.35     DNF       18.58
4x4x4 CubeFirst round20 54.68 57.37
54.85     1:00.98   54.68     58.51     58.74
5x5x5 CubeFirst round16 1:47.56
1:47.56   DNF
6x6x6 CubeFinal10 3:00.45 3:10.68
3:11.08   3:20.50   3:00.45
7x7x7 CubeFinal13 DNF
GLS IV 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round65 13.52 16.13
13.79     16.67     18.68     17.93     13.52
First round57 12.71 14.34
14.05     16.15     14.67     14.31     12.71
2x2x2 CubeFirst round57 4.93 5.62
7.36      5.08      5.78      5.99      4.93
4x4x4 CubeFirst round46 1:00.66
1:01.09   1:00.66
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round17 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
ClockFirst round44 11.01 DNF
DNF       11.01     DNF       DNF       DNF
SkewbFirst round56 5.90 10.84
12.60     9.84      13.63     5.90      10.09
Dragon Cubing 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round70 12.60 14.62
12.60     14.45     15.04     14.37     DNF
First round80 14.02 18.86
23.76     22.00     16.86     17.71     14.02
2x2x2 CubeFirst round65 3.89 5.37
DNF       5.97      4.87      3.89      5.27
4x4x4 CubeFirst round64 55.17 1:03.99
1:14.62   56.16     1:05.61   1:10.20   55.17
5x5x5 CubeFinal58 2:01.59
2:01.59   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round60 33.37
33.96     33.37
ClockFirst round67 10.04 DNF
10.08     DNF       10.04     10.43     DNF
SkewbFirst round71 8.98 13.23
11.90     16.56     22.87     8.98      11.24
Square-1First round33 15.74 20.77
26.32     15.74     17.09     25.22     20.01
Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round27 13.07 13.69
13.20     13.86     17.03     14.02     13.07
First round32 12.91 14.31
15.32     17.67     12.91     13.40     14.20
2x2x2 CubeFirst round42 4.88 DNF
4.88      DNF       DNF       8.34      7.42
6x6x6 CubeFirst round23 3:45.97
7x7x7 CubeFirst round18 5:32.95
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round33 28.00 38.10
31.60     46.16     59.70     36.53     28.00
ClockSecond round25 13.44 DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF       DNF       13.44
First round20 8.98 10.61
DNF       10.86     9.76      11.20     8.98
SkewbFirst round29 6.92 9.77
9.64      11.28     8.38      19.22     6.92
Square-1First round28 22.64 DNF
22.64     DNF       23.17     24.41     DNF
Cube4fun in Jarosław 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round33 12.00 14.04
12.53     14.15     15.44     12.00     18.18
First round35 13.64 15.09
15.71     13.64     18.72     15.41     14.14
2x2x2 CubeFirst round59 5.51 DNF
DNF       5.51      6.28      9.38      DNF
4x4x4 CubeFirst round35 DNF
DNF       DNF
5x5x5 CubeFirst round22 1:42.30 1:53.03
1:51.86   1:42.30   2:01.23   2:05.76   1:46.00
6x6x6 CubeFirst round23 DNF
7x7x7 CubeFirst round17 5:29.40
SkewbFirst round36 6.80 18.04
6.80      12.40     26.40     DNF       15.31
Square-1First round15 22.96 28.83
31.56     22.96     31.03     29.17     26.29
Cube4fun in Gorlice 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round29 16.31 19.52
22.83     17.13     18.59     DNF       16.31
2x2x2 CubeFirst round32 4.56 7.28
7.58      11.70     4.56      7.18      7.09
4x4x4 CubeFirst round23 59.53 1:06.46
1:08.42   1:04.26   1:08.20   1:06.92   59.53
5x5x5 CubeFinal18 1:46.97
1:46.97   1:59.16
6x6x6 CubeFirst round14 4:10.79
7x7x7 CubeFirst round12 6:06.11
Korzenna Spring Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round46 13.32 14.70
15.32     14.83     13.94     13.32     15.63
First round51 14.04 16.01
17.22     21.36     15.00     14.04     15.80
2x2x2 CubeFirst round52 5.43 6.54
7.01      6.40      5.43      6.56      6.66
4x4x4 CubeFirst round43 1:06.58
1:19.93   1:06.58
5x5x5 CubeFinal30 1:52.72
1:55.35   1:52.72
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round42 41.88
41.88     44.64
SkewbFirst round44 6.49 10.87
17.38     6.49      10.21     10.02     12.38
Square-1Second round19 21.50 23.29
23.86     21.97     24.03     21.50     DNF
First round21 24.46 26.53
24.46     36.16     25.98     26.89     26.72
Energy Cube Konin 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round97 15.51 19.61
22.10     18.66     18.08     23.51     15.51
First round91 15.71 18.48
20.61     DNF       15.71     18.66     16.18
2x2x2 CubeSecond round90 5.19 7.59
5.19      9.20      5.57      8.01      10.66
First round82 4.88 6.09
7.31      4.88      6.11      6.70      5.45
4x4x4 CubeFirst round68 59.28 1:12.14
1:13.65   59.28     1:20.02   1:14.38   1:08.38
5x5x5 CubeFirst round56 2:06.80
2:06.80   2:21.62
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round76 1:02.79
DNF       1:02.79
SkewbSecond round56 9.39 10.49
10.70     15.73     10.49     9.39      10.27
First round61 5.50 10.46
9.84      5.50      DNF       14.58     6.97
Square-1First round59 DNF
DNF       DNF
Cube4fun in Dębica 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round40 14.50 17.56
19.36     18.78     14.50     15.04     18.86
First round42 12.81 17.27
16.74     16.19     DNF       12.81     18.87
2x2x2 CubeFirst round44 4.91 7.25
7.98      11.13     8.70      5.08      4.91
4x4x4 CubeFirst round29 1:02.72
1:10.19   1:02.72
5x5x5 CubeFinal22 1:56.16
2:07.94   1:56.16
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round37 1:10.94
DNF       1:10.94
PyraminxFirst round41 10.21 13.25
12.28     15.74     13.82     10.21     13.65
SkewbFirst round32 9.01 11.91
10.96     11.22     9.01      DNF       13.56
Dragon Cubing 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round90 15.37 19.47
21.35     18.39     15.37     18.68     DNF
2x2x2 CubeFirst round89 5.26 7.65
8.74      7.71      6.49      8.82      5.26
4x4x4 CubeFirst round69 1:05.56
1:05.56   1:13.38
5x5x5 CubeFinal57 2:27.90
DNF       2:27.90
SkewbFirst round68 8.32 12.09
10.98     8.32      13.22     14.09     12.06
Cube4fun League X Rzeszów 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round54 17.69 19.98
22.00     19.24     18.71     17.69     22.05
2x2x2 CubeFirst round54 5.37 8.64
5.37      7.04      13.24     14.07     5.65
5x5x5 CubeFirst round32 2:25.96
2:32.58   2:25.96
Cube4fun Pawłowice 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round79 17.11 19.28
19.46     DNF       21.01     17.11     17.37
2x2x2 CubeFirst round68 5.76 6.22
6.69      6.02      7.69      5.76      5.94
4x4x4 CubeFirst round63 1:24.20
1:37.10   1:24.20
5x5x5 CubeFinal52 2:32.76
2:32.76   2:58.85
6x6x6 CubeFinal39 4:56.28
SkewbFirst round50 9.87 10.80
16.28     10.33     10.44     11.64     9.87
Cube4fun Dąbrowa Górnicza 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round91 19.15 21.16
19.94     29.67     20.90     22.63     19.15
2x2x2 CubeFirst round91 6.20 7.88
8.82      6.77      9.76      6.20      8.05
5x5x5 CubeFirst round61 3:09.28
3:37.12   3:09.28
392024-06-29~30Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2024PolandWrocław
382024-06-08~09Zielona Góra Fresh Cubing 2024PolandZielona Góra
372024-05-25SLS Maj 2024PolandNowy Sącz
362024-05-11~12Cube4fun Jarosław 2024PolandJarosław
352024-04-13SLS Kwiecień 2024PolandNowy Sącz
342024-03-16~17Nowa Sól Open 2024PolandNowa Sól
332024-03-09SLS Marzec 2024PolandNowy Sącz
322024-02-17~18Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024PolandSzczecinek
312024-01-20SLS Styczeń 2024PolandNowy Sącz
302024-01-13FMC Poland-Czechia-Slovakia 2024Multiple Countries (Europe)Multiple Cities
292023-12-30~31BrizZon Sylwester Open 2023PolandPoznań
282023-12-16SLS Grudzień 2023PolandNowy Sącz
272023-12-09~10Dragon Cubing II 2023PolandKraków
262023-11-18~19GLS Final 2023PolandGdańsk
252023-11-04~05Warsaw Cube Masters 2023PolandWarszawa
242023-10-28~29Cube4fun Lublin in Staszic 2023PolandLublin
232023-10-21SLS Październik 2023PolandNowy Sącz
222023-10-14~15Beskid Cubing 2023PolandBielsko-Biała
212023-10-06~08Polish Championship 2023PolandSkierniewice
202023-09-30Cube4fun DW Warsaw 2023PolandWarszawa
192023-09-23~24Cube4fun Wisła 2023PolandWisła
182023-09-09~10Energy Cube Tomaszów 2023PolandTomaszów Mazowiecki
172023-09-03Cube4fun DW Dębica 2023PolandDębica
162023-09-02Cube4fun DW Pilzno 2023PolandPilzno
152023-08-19~20Silesian Cubing Pawłowice 2023PolandPawłowice
142023-07-29~30Poznań MBLD Cup 2023PolandPoznań
132023-07-29Prague NxNxN 2023Czech RepublicPrůhonice
122023-07-15~16GLS IV 2023PolandGdańsk
112023-07-08~09Dragon Cubing 2023PolandKraków
102023-06-24~25Wrocław Cubing Holiday 2023PolandWrocław
92023-05-06~07Cube4fun in Jarosław 2023PolandJarosław
82023-04-15~16Cube4fun in Gorlice 2023PolandGorlice
72023-03-18~19Korzenna Spring Open 2023PolandKorzenna
62023-03-04~05Energy Cube Konin 2023PolandKonin
52023-01-28~29Cube4fun in Dębica 2023PolandDębica
42022-11-19~20Dragon Cubing 2022PolandKraków
32022-09-17~18Cube4fun League X Rzeszów 2022PolandRzeszów
22022-08-06~07Cube4fun Pawłowice 2022PolandPawłowice
12022-04-23~24Cube4fun Dąbrowa Górnicza 2022PolandDąbrowa Górnicza

Seen Cubers
