Personal Page

Jonathan Limardi

Name: Jonathan Limardi
Region: Indonesia
Competitions: 6
WCA ID: Jonathan Limardi2023LIMA03
Gender: Male
Career: 2023.02.19 - 2024.02.24
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube2030343499809921.1625.749901834740205027/30
2x2x2 Cube80013254460344.367.416230518814116028/30

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Karawang Speedcubing 2024First round37 23.99 25.87
28.99     27.04     25.88     23.99     24.68
Binus Speedcubing 2024First round102 21.16 29.30
30.42     28.13     29.36     21.16     DNF
Taman Anggrek Speedcubing 2023First round106 23.43 25.74
23.43     DNF       26.87     25.51     24.85
Victorian Open 2023First round301 23.71 32.82
36.94     DNF       30.01     23.71     31.51
Ignatian Open 2023First round105 27.31 29.43
27.31     31.32     28.48     28.48     33.12
PSKG Premiere Cubing 2023First round67 29.92 36.33
30.82     39.51     29.92     38.65     46.20
2x2x2 Cube
Karawang Speedcubing 2024First round34 4.36 7.41
8.16      9.29      4.36      7.98      6.08
Binus Speedcubing 2024First round73 5.93 8.15
10.38     10.21     7.42      5.93      6.82
Taman Anggrek Speedcubing 2023First round96 8.11 9.57
8.42      8.22      8.11      12.07     DNF
Victorian Open 2023First round259 9.08 9.85
13.66     10.33     9.93      9.28      9.08
Ignatian Open 2023First round90 8.40 10.05
10.43     13.60     10.81     8.90      8.40
PSKG Premiere Cubing 2023First round57 8.08 13.19
14.58     DNF       9.52      8.08      15.47
Karawang Speedcubing 2024Final25 10.72 12.58
16.91     12.16     14.59     11.00     10.72
Binus Speedcubing 2024First round48 14.13 16.01
14.13     17.36     14.78     19.38     15.88
Taman Anggrek Speedcubing 2023Final21 7.73 8.81
7.80      8.11      14.73     10.52     7.73
Victorian Open 2023First round164 7.67 12.70
7.67      12.68     11.32     14.09     14.48
Ignatian Open 2023Final57 16.87 19.61
16.87     23.34     18.77     19.00     21.06
PSKG Premiere Cubing 2023First round33 10.41 16.56
15.68     10.41     20.58     27.70     13.41
Ignatian Open 2023Final45 16.04 28.75
27.94     34.80     30.01     16.04     28.31
Karawang Speedcubing 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round37 23.99 25.87
28.99     27.04     25.88     23.99     24.68
2x2x2 CubeFirst round34 4.36 7.41
8.16      9.29      4.36      7.98      6.08
PyraminxFinal25 10.72 12.58
16.91     12.16     14.59     11.00     10.72
Binus Speedcubing 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round102 21.16 29.30
30.42     28.13     29.36     21.16     DNF
2x2x2 CubeFirst round73 5.93 8.15
10.38     10.21     7.42      5.93      6.82
PyraminxFirst round48 14.13 16.01
14.13     17.36     14.78     19.38     15.88
Taman Anggrek Speedcubing 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round106 23.43 25.74
23.43     DNF       26.87     25.51     24.85
2x2x2 CubeFirst round96 8.11 9.57
8.42      8.22      8.11      12.07     DNF
PyraminxFinal21 7.73 8.81
7.80      8.11      14.73     10.52     7.73
Victorian Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round301 23.71 32.82
36.94     DNF       30.01     23.71     31.51
2x2x2 CubeFirst round259 9.08 9.85
13.66     10.33     9.93      9.28      9.08
PyraminxFirst round164 7.67 12.70
7.67      12.68     11.32     14.09     14.48
Ignatian Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round105 27.31 29.43
27.31     31.32     28.48     28.48     33.12
2x2x2 CubeFirst round90 8.40 10.05
10.43     13.60     10.81     8.90      8.40
PyraminxFinal57 16.87 19.61
16.87     23.34     18.77     19.00     21.06
SkewbFinal45 16.04 28.75
27.94     34.80     30.01     16.04     28.31
PSKG Premiere Cubing 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round67 29.92 36.33
30.82     39.51     29.92     38.65     46.20
2x2x2 CubeFirst round57 8.08 13.19
14.58     DNF       9.52      8.08      15.47
PyraminxFirst round33 10.41 16.56
15.68     10.41     20.58     27.70     13.41
62024-02-24Karawang Speedcubing 2024IndonesiaKarawang, West Java
52024-02-03~04Binus Speedcubing 2024IndonesiaTangerang
42023-08-19~20Taman Anggrek Speedcubing 2023IndonesiaJakarta
32023-07-01~02Victorian Open 2023AustraliaMelbourne, Victoria
22023-03-25~26Ignatian Open 2023IndonesiaJakarta
12023-02-19PSKG Premiere Cubing 2023IndonesiaJakarta