Personal Page

Antoni Ługom

Name: Antoni Ługom
Region: Poland
Competitions: 5
WCA ID: Antoni Ługom2023LUGO03
Gender: Male
Career: 2023.06.30 - 2024.06.30
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1899174967118917.2218.655782614301159335/35
2x2x2 Cube10558988289533.485.2327124804096527/30
4x4x4 Cube173915489530891:51.874/8
3x3x3 One-Handed1121107624071541.704/6

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
GLS III 2024Second round69 17.48 18.65
20.20     17.52     22.12     17.48     18.22
First round73 17.22 19.37
17.22     22.27     24.16     17.48     18.35
Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024Second round61 17.23 20.35
20.40     24.20     17.37     17.23     23.29
First round64 19.19 21.91
21.51     21.98     19.19     22.25     22.84
Szczecin Summer 2023Second round79 31.83 34.97
34.37     42.42     31.83     36.00     34.54
First round76 28.48 33.57
32.47     37.89     32.79     28.48     35.46
Big 'n Blind Szczecinek 2023First round58 39.06 44.59
44.96     39.06     45.90     43.00     45.80
2x2x2 Cube
GLS III 2024First round47 4.55 5.23
4.55      4.89      DNF       5.64      5.16
Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024Second round54 3.48 5.85
5.80      3.48      5.61      6.13      7.86
First round57 5.87 6.22
6.44      5.87      DNF       5.96      6.27
Szczecin Summer 2023Second round69 3.53 9.86
11.01     10.81     DNF       7.75      3.53
First round55 5.19 6.95
6.82      7.28      6.76      5.19      7.91
Big 'n Blind Szczecinek 2023First round51 9.62 12.34
16.72     9.62      10.80     10.91     15.30
4x4x4 Cube
GLS IV 2024First round78 1:51.87
2:00.33   1:51.87
GLS III 2024First round65 1:55.05
DNF       1:55.05
Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024First round64 2:04.32
DNF       2:04.32
Szczecin Summer 2023First round60 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024First round49 41.70
DNF       41.70
Szczecin Summer 2023First round49 1:06.68
1:06.68   2:08.95
Big 'n Blind Szczecinek 2023First round44 2:07.93
DNF       2:07.93
GLS IV 2024First round75 DNF
DNF       DNF
Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024First round51 15.25
15.25     DNF
Szczecin Summer 2023First round50 34.80
34.80     DNF
Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024First round49 DNF
DNF       DNS
GLS IV 2024First round59 6.68 9.95
11.39     11.68     7.53      6.68      10.93
GLS III 2024First round31 5.58 8.04
7.38      8.23      8.51      5.58      10.34
Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024First round40 7.72 9.63
9.46      10.27     9.15      7.72      10.66
Szczecin Summer 2023First round56 6.42 14.74
6.42      11.17     DNF       16.39     16.67
GLS IV 2024First round42 7.46 9.38
7.46      9.03      9.31      10.33     9.80
GLS III 2024First round34 7.53 8.40
7.94      8.38      8.89      9.46      7.53
Szczecin Summer 2023Second round48 7.57 19.02
18.06     21.36     17.63     7.57      23.29
First round48 14.14 17.29
16.38     14.14     18.39     17.11     22.63
GLS IV 2024First round34 57.57
DNF       57.57
Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024First round41 1:29.29
1:29.29   1:35.52
GLS IV 2024
4x4x4 CubeFirst round78 1:51.87
2:00.33   1:51.87
ClockFirst round75 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round59 6.68 9.95
11.39     11.68     7.53      6.68      10.93
SkewbFirst round42 7.46 9.38
7.46      9.03      9.31      10.33     9.80
Square-1First round34 57.57
DNF       57.57
GLS III 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round69 17.48 18.65
20.20     17.52     22.12     17.48     18.22
First round73 17.22 19.37
17.22     22.27     24.16     17.48     18.35
2x2x2 CubeFirst round47 4.55 5.23
4.55      4.89      DNF       5.64      5.16
4x4x4 CubeFirst round65 1:55.05
DNF       1:55.05
PyraminxFirst round31 5.58 8.04
7.38      8.23      8.51      5.58      10.34
SkewbFirst round34 7.53 8.40
7.94      8.38      8.89      9.46      7.53
Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round61 17.23 20.35
20.40     24.20     17.37     17.23     23.29
First round64 19.19 21.91
21.51     21.98     19.19     22.25     22.84
2x2x2 CubeSecond round54 3.48 5.85
5.80      3.48      5.61      6.13      7.86
First round57 5.87 6.22
6.44      5.87      DNF       5.96      6.27
4x4x4 CubeFirst round64 2:04.32
DNF       2:04.32
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round49 41.70
DNF       41.70
ClockFirst round51 15.25
15.25     DNF
MegaminxFirst round49 DNF
DNF       DNS
PyraminxFirst round40 7.72 9.63
9.46      10.27     9.15      7.72      10.66
Square-1First round41 1:29.29
1:29.29   1:35.52
Szczecin Summer 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round79 31.83 34.97
34.37     42.42     31.83     36.00     34.54
First round76 28.48 33.57
32.47     37.89     32.79     28.48     35.46
2x2x2 CubeSecond round69 3.53 9.86
11.01     10.81     DNF       7.75      3.53
First round55 5.19 6.95
6.82      7.28      6.76      5.19      7.91
4x4x4 CubeFirst round60 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round49 1:06.68
1:06.68   2:08.95
ClockFirst round50 34.80
34.80     DNF
PyraminxFirst round56 6.42 14.74
6.42      11.17     DNF       16.39     16.67
SkewbSecond round48 7.57 19.02
18.06     21.36     17.63     7.57      23.29
First round48 14.14 17.29
16.38     14.14     18.39     17.11     22.63
Big 'n Blind Szczecinek 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round58 39.06 44.59
44.96     39.06     45.90     43.00     45.80
2x2x2 CubeFirst round51 9.62 12.34
16.72     9.62      10.80     10.91     15.30
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round44 2:07.93
DNF       2:07.93
52024-06-29~30GLS IV 2024PolandGdańsk
42024-05-11~12GLS III 2024PolandGdańsk
32024-02-17~18Ice Cubing Szczecinek 2024PolandSzczecinek
22023-08-26~27Szczecin Summer 2023PolandSzczecin
12023-06-30~07-02Big 'n Blind Szczecinek 2023PolandSzczecinek