Personal Page

Samuel McNeil

Name: Samuel McNeil
Region: United Kingdom
Competitions: 8
WCA ID: Samuel McNeil2023MCNE04
Gender: Male
Career: 2023.03.04 - 2025.01.12
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube48347371811910.2212.5018613477646995/95
2x2x2 Cube240232664301.973.9210377333636160/60
4x4x4 Cube2002120737939.5947.358663244223131/32
5x5x5 Cube301276692991:31.991:40.869026264729120/20
6x6x6 Cube269249980643:38.643:55.20769923722609/9
7x7x7 Cube219195562935:18.845:40.30591518332145/5
3x3x3 One-Handed76385183269332.4337.5129388756168715/15

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Edinburgh Winter 2025Final18 10.60 12.50
12.52     11.99     14.56     10.60     12.98
Semi Final29 12.61 13.45
12.61     14.62     16.27     13.03     12.69
Second round19 10.22 12.84
12.92     12.71     14.56     10.22     12.88
First round32 14.22 15.00
14.63     14.22     15.40     14.96     17.26
Edinburgh Summer Open 2024Final30 12.08 13.51
13.84     13.53     14.42     13.15     12.08
First round36 12.62 15.96
12.62     17.21     16.30     14.75     16.82
Glasgow Spring 2024Final48 13.51 14.77
16.00     14.30     15.46     13.51     14.56
Second round37 13.11 13.59
13.32     13.59     13.87     16.78     13.11
First round65 14.65 16.93
14.65     17.51     15.83     17.44     21.51
Edinburgh Winter 2024Semi Final57 12.94 18.53
18.92     18.41     18.27     18.93     12.94
Second round54 13.79 16.89
13.79     25.10     17.86     17.15     15.67
First round50 13.12 16.34
17.05     16.28     13.12     15.70     18.30
Glasgow Autumn 2023Second round86 18.82 21.06
20.19     20.23     18.82     22.77     24.04
First round61 14.56 16.74
16.11     21.33     16.70     14.56     17.41
Glasgow Spring 2023Final58 16.70 20.98
17.89     16.70     26.19     23.52     21.52
Second round56 18.10 19.94
21.92     21.48     18.44     18.10     19.90
First round64 18.83 21.98
26.10     20.68     19.17     28.29     18.83
Edinburgh Spring 2023Second round86 19.55 23.14
25.17     26.38     20.09     24.17     19.55
First round94 23.92 26.11
23.92     27.91     25.09     25.34     34.37
2x2x2 Cube
Edinburgh Winter 2025Final17 1.97 4.30
5.34      3.03      4.56      5.32      1.97
Second round22 4.41 5.26
4.50      4.81      6.48      6.72      4.41
First round8 3.59 3.92
4.28      3.78      3.59      3.69      4.80
Glasgow Spring 2024Second round44 4.64 4.98
4.76      4.92      7.88      4.64      5.27
First round48 4.35 5.42
5.54      5.48      4.35      6.48      5.23
Glasgow Autumn 2023Second round61 3.10 5.69
6.85      5.10      3.10      7.05      5.12
First round53 4.83 5.48
6.18      4.83      6.49      5.14      5.12
Glasgow Spring 2023Final40 4.48 5.79
6.34      6.37      6.38      4.48      4.65
First round41 4.90 5.89
7.93      5.05      7.63      5.00      4.90
Edinburgh Spring 2023Final61 6.26 7.72
8.98      6.92      9.67      6.26      7.26
Second round71 6.06 7.36
6.06      8.55      9.69      6.64      6.90
First round61 4.46 7.14
7.48      4.46      7.54      6.71      7.22
4x4x4 Cube
Edinburgh Winter 2025Final14 39.59 47.35
52.75     47.36     46.59     39.59     48.10
First round14 46.64 48.32
48.45     50.44     47.83     46.64     48.67
Glasgow Side Events Autumn 2024Final33 53.22 59.84
1:07.16   53.68     58.67     53.22     1:25.24
Edinburgh Summer Open 2024Final25 51.74 58.18
1:01.66   51.74     57.31     55.56     1:03.28
Glasgow Spring 2024Final42 55.94 59.74
55.94     1:00.07   1:00.32   1:08.72   58.84
Glasgow Autumn 2023First round59 1:09.69 1:16.32
1:09.69   1:19.36   1:14.65   1:25.92   1:14.94
Edinburgh Spring 2023First round73 1:48.83
1:48.83   DNF
5x5x5 Cube
Glasgow Side Events Autumn 2024Second round32 1:41.32 1:45.81
1:47.41   1:41.32   1:47.82   1:42.20   1:59.90
First round27 1:31.99 1:43.24
1:43.97   1:38.31   1:47.44   1:55.11   1:31.99
Edinburgh Summer Open 2024Final21 1:34.26 1:40.86
1:35.38   1:34.26   1:41.88   1:58.59   1:45.33
Glasgow Spring 2024First round39 1:40.90 1:57.70
2:13.22   2:05.94   1:40.90   1:58.10   1:49.07
6x6x6 Cube
Glasgow Side Events Autumn 2024First round33 3:49.60 4:17.88
3:49.60   4:17.75   4:46.30
Edinburgh Winter 2024Final37 4:09.08 4:13.87
4:15.47   4:17.05   4:09.08
Glasgow Autumn 2023Final30 3:38.64 3:55.20
3:38.64   4:28.19   3:38.77
7x7x7 Cube
Glasgow Side Events Autumn 2024Second round29 6:18.66
First round26 5:18.84 5:40.30
5:42.11   5:59.94   5:18.84
Edinburgh Winter 2024Final36 6:49.26
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Edinburgh Winter 2025Final12 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
Edinburgh Summer Open 2024Final14 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Edinburgh Summer Open 2024Final44 34.45 40.12
39.68     38.31     43.05     42.36     34.45
Glasgow Spring 2024First round54 32.43 37.51
32.89     32.43     40.90     48.13     38.75
Glasgow Autumn 2023First round52 36.66 40.62
40.31     43.87     47.36     37.67     36.66
Edinburgh Winter 2025First round59 20.41 DNF
20.75     20.41     DNF       DNF       DNF
Glasgow Side Events Autumn 2024First round47 24.36 DNF
26.09     27.55     24.36     DNF       DNF
Edinburgh Summer Open 2024Final46 20.21 25.40
24.61     27.89     27.58     20.21     24.01
Edinburgh Winter 2025First round25 1:55.91 2:12.69
2:13.72   1:55.91   2:10.52   2:34.09   2:13.82
Glasgow Side Events Autumn 2024First round40 2:36.34 2:49.20
2:47.77   2:42.08   DNF       2:36.34   2:57.76
Edinburgh Winter 2025Final25 5.41 9.61
10.78     5.41      11.16     8.82      9.23
Second round29 4.58 8.13
4.58      6.79      10.69     6.90      11.34
First round33 7.22 8.99
7.22      12.84     7.26      10.48     9.22
Glasgow Spring 2024First round106 10.78 15.88
14.21     DNF       13.74     19.68     10.78
Edinburgh Winter 2024First round84 11.23 13.60
13.89     14.16     11.23     21.54     12.74
Glasgow Autumn 2023First round89 10.33 14.26
10.33     13.64     12.30     16.83     18.69
Glasgow Spring 2023Final61 11.43 13.89
11.43     13.46     15.07     15.80     13.15
First round61 8.48 13.28
18.15     11.44     13.27     8.48      15.12
Edinburgh Summer Open 2024Final25 9.03 10.67
14.42     9.76      9.03      10.17     12.08
Glasgow Autumn 2023First round45 9.91 13.05
16.53     10.59     9.91      12.02     19.19
Glasgow Spring 2023First round50 12.35 15.12
12.54     14.75     18.08     18.51     12.35
Edinburgh Winter 2025First round28 56.64
DNF       56.64
Glasgow Side Events Autumn 2024First round33 31.94 41.64
31.94     35.22     33.91     1:01.40   55.80
Glasgow Spring 2024First round31 37.73 42.77
37.73     39.87     40.66     47.78     53.22
Glasgow Spring 2023First round31 1:11.55
1:11.55   DNF
Edinburgh Winter 2025
3x3x3 CubeFinal18 10.60 12.50
12.52     11.99     14.56     10.60     12.98
Semi Final29 12.61 13.45
12.61     14.62     16.27     13.03     12.69
Second round19 10.22 12.84
12.92     12.71     14.56     10.22     12.88
First round32 14.22 15.00
14.63     14.22     15.40     14.96     17.26
2x2x2 CubeFinal17 1.97 4.30
5.34      3.03      4.56      5.32      1.97
Second round22 4.41 5.26
4.50      4.81      6.48      6.72      4.41
First round8 3.59 3.92
4.28      3.78      3.59      3.69      4.80
4x4x4 CubeFinal14 39.59 47.35
52.75     47.36     46.59     39.59     48.10
First round14 46.64 48.32
48.45     50.44     47.83     46.64     48.67
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal12 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
ClockFirst round59 20.41 DNF
20.75     20.41     DNF       DNF       DNF
MegaminxFirst round25 1:55.91 2:12.69
2:13.72   1:55.91   2:10.52   2:34.09   2:13.82
PyraminxFinal25 5.41 9.61
10.78     5.41      11.16     8.82      9.23
Second round29 4.58 8.13
4.58      6.79      10.69     6.90      11.34
First round33 7.22 8.99
7.22      12.84     7.26      10.48     9.22
Square-1First round28 56.64
DNF       56.64
Glasgow Side Events Autumn 2024
4x4x4 CubeFinal33 53.22 59.84
1:07.16   53.68     58.67     53.22     1:25.24
5x5x5 CubeSecond round32 1:41.32 1:45.81
1:47.41   1:41.32   1:47.82   1:42.20   1:59.90
First round27 1:31.99 1:43.24
1:43.97   1:38.31   1:47.44   1:55.11   1:31.99
6x6x6 CubeFirst round33 3:49.60 4:17.88
3:49.60   4:17.75   4:46.30
7x7x7 CubeSecond round29 6:18.66
First round26 5:18.84 5:40.30
5:42.11   5:59.94   5:18.84
ClockFirst round47 24.36 DNF
26.09     27.55     24.36     DNF       DNF
MegaminxFirst round40 2:36.34 2:49.20
2:47.77   2:42.08   DNF       2:36.34   2:57.76
Square-1First round33 31.94 41.64
31.94     35.22     33.91     1:01.40   55.80
Edinburgh Summer Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal30 12.08 13.51
13.84     13.53     14.42     13.15     12.08
First round36 12.62 15.96
12.62     17.21     16.30     14.75     16.82
4x4x4 CubeFinal25 51.74 58.18
1:01.66   51.74     57.31     55.56     1:03.28
5x5x5 CubeFinal21 1:34.26 1:40.86
1:35.38   1:34.26   1:41.88   1:58.59   1:45.33
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal14 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal44 34.45 40.12
39.68     38.31     43.05     42.36     34.45
ClockFinal46 20.21 25.40
24.61     27.89     27.58     20.21     24.01
SkewbFinal25 9.03 10.67
14.42     9.76      9.03      10.17     12.08
Glasgow Spring 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal48 13.51 14.77
16.00     14.30     15.46     13.51     14.56
Second round37 13.11 13.59
13.32     13.59     13.87     16.78     13.11
First round65 14.65 16.93
14.65     17.51     15.83     17.44     21.51
2x2x2 CubeSecond round44 4.64 4.98
4.76      4.92      7.88      4.64      5.27
First round48 4.35 5.42
5.54      5.48      4.35      6.48      5.23
4x4x4 CubeFinal42 55.94 59.74
55.94     1:00.07   1:00.32   1:08.72   58.84
5x5x5 CubeFirst round39 1:40.90 1:57.70
2:13.22   2:05.94   1:40.90   1:58.10   1:49.07
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round54 32.43 37.51
32.89     32.43     40.90     48.13     38.75
PyraminxFirst round106 10.78 15.88
14.21     DNF       13.74     19.68     10.78
Square-1First round31 37.73 42.77
37.73     39.87     40.66     47.78     53.22
Edinburgh Winter 2024
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final57 12.94 18.53
18.92     18.41     18.27     18.93     12.94
Second round54 13.79 16.89
13.79     25.10     17.86     17.15     15.67
First round50 13.12 16.34
17.05     16.28     13.12     15.70     18.30
6x6x6 CubeFinal37 4:09.08 4:13.87
4:15.47   4:17.05   4:09.08
7x7x7 CubeFinal36 6:49.26
PyraminxFirst round84 11.23 13.60
13.89     14.16     11.23     21.54     12.74
Glasgow Autumn 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round86 18.82 21.06
20.19     20.23     18.82     22.77     24.04
First round61 14.56 16.74
16.11     21.33     16.70     14.56     17.41
2x2x2 CubeSecond round61 3.10 5.69
6.85      5.10      3.10      7.05      5.12
First round53 4.83 5.48
6.18      4.83      6.49      5.14      5.12
4x4x4 CubeFirst round59 1:09.69 1:16.32
1:09.69   1:19.36   1:14.65   1:25.92   1:14.94
6x6x6 CubeFinal30 3:38.64 3:55.20
3:38.64   4:28.19   3:38.77
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round52 36.66 40.62
40.31     43.87     47.36     37.67     36.66
PyraminxFirst round89 10.33 14.26
10.33     13.64     12.30     16.83     18.69
SkewbFirst round45 9.91 13.05
16.53     10.59     9.91      12.02     19.19
Glasgow Spring 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal58 16.70 20.98
17.89     16.70     26.19     23.52     21.52
Second round56 18.10 19.94
21.92     21.48     18.44     18.10     19.90
First round64 18.83 21.98
26.10     20.68     19.17     28.29     18.83
2x2x2 CubeFinal40 4.48 5.79
6.34      6.37      6.38      4.48      4.65
First round41 4.90 5.89
7.93      5.05      7.63      5.00      4.90
PyraminxFinal61 11.43 13.89
11.43     13.46     15.07     15.80     13.15
First round61 8.48 13.28
18.15     11.44     13.27     8.48      15.12
SkewbFirst round50 12.35 15.12
12.54     14.75     18.08     18.51     12.35
Square-1First round31 1:11.55
1:11.55   DNF
Edinburgh Spring 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round86 19.55 23.14
25.17     26.38     20.09     24.17     19.55
First round94 23.92 26.11
23.92     27.91     25.09     25.34     34.37
2x2x2 CubeFinal61 6.26 7.72
8.98      6.92      9.67      6.26      7.26
Second round71 6.06 7.36
6.06      8.55      9.69      6.64      6.90
First round61 4.46 7.14
7.48      4.46      7.54      6.71      7.22
4x4x4 CubeFirst round73 1:48.83
1:48.83   DNF
82025-01-11~12Edinburgh Winter 2025United KingdomEdinburgh, City of Edinburgh
72024-09-14~15Glasgow Side Events Autumn 2024United KingdomGlasgow, City of Glasgow
62024-06-22Edinburgh Summer Open 2024United KingdomEdinburgh, City of Edinburgh
52024-03-02~03Glasgow Spring 2024United KingdomGlasgow, City of Glasgow
42024-01-27~28Edinburgh Winter 2024United KingdomEdinburgh, City of Edinburgh
32023-09-22~24Glasgow Autumn 2023United KingdomGlasgow, City of Glasgow
22023-05-26~28Glasgow Spring 2023United KingdomGlasgow, City of Glasgow
12023-03-04~05Edinburgh Spring 2023United KingdomEdinburgh, City of Edinburgh