Personal Page

Chris Licuanan

Name: Chris Licuanan
Region: Philippines
Competitions: 19
WCA ID: Chris Licuanan2008LICU01
Gender: Male
Career: 2008.07.05 - 2013.08.18
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1278128583503412.3814.8234063127771279189/193
2x2x2 Cube153416886577964.817.526725320291184544/45
4x4x4 Cube55860401720350.381:03.9921937753671188/90
5x5x5 Cube4985464180282:06.432:27.6217947537750848/48
3x3x3 One-Handed39142131137919.4324.441193245654211130/131

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
ACO 2013Final22 16.05 17.38
16.05     17.71     16.96     18.56     17.47
First round23 15.53 17.69
19.33     17.68     16.05     15.53     29.38
Cubao Open 2013Final10 14.93 15.41
15.44     15.00     16.13     14.93     15.80
First round17 14.59 17.50
14.59     37.61     17.96     17.64     16.90
San Pablo City Open 2013Final9 13.21 17.11
16.25     20.08     13.21     15.00     37.30
First round8 15.03 15.56
15.21     15.03     15.28     16.78     16.19
Bayani 2012Second round16 13.87 17.16
13.87     16.10     19.31     16.93     18.45
First round22 14.71 16.73
15.07     18.28     16.84     14.71     18.71
Fiesta Open 2012Second round19 13.80 17.81
17.44     13.80     19.19     16.80     22.63
First round19 13.65 15.74
13.65     16.88     16.16     19.59     14.18
Philippine Open 2011Second round24 14.08 17.75
17.31     14.08     17.72     18.43     18.21
First round20 14.16 15.57
16.38     18.66     14.16     15.65     14.68
Trinoma Open 2011Final8 14.06 15.28
15.55     14.06     14.34     15.96     25.86
Second round8 12.38 14.98
14.78     12.38     18.19     13.00     17.16
First round17 13.84 18.03
19.15     35.65     16.15     18.78     13.84
Robinsons Galleria Open 2011Final9 14.03 16.31
19.28     16.63     14.03     15.59     16.72
Second round9 13.03 14.82
14.61     15.00     13.03     17.02     14.86
First round13 16.21 16.52
16.21     16.59     16.65     17.47     16.33
Robinsons Metro East 2011Second round18 16.11 17.36
18.31     16.11     17.40     DNF       16.38
First round15 14.78 16.21
16.83     14.80     17.00     21.09     14.78
Valenzuela Summer 2011First round43 13.61 DNF
15.75     21.81     DNF       13.61     DNF
Philippines Open 2010Final11 14.13 16.28
17.68     14.13     15.94     18.05     15.21
Second round13 14.44 16.08
16.02     15.71     14.44     16.50     17.09
First round15 15.16 17.13
15.49     20.68     15.68     15.16     20.21
Cubing sa Tag-Init 2010Final7 16.53 17.50
17.31     20.68     16.65     18.53     16.53
Second round6 13.61 15.62
13.72     16.36     13.61     DNF       16.77
First round11 15.66 17.65
15.75     20.27     20.66     15.66     16.93
Bulacan Open 2010Second round8 14.91 19.12
18.69     16.00     22.66     14.91     24.46
First round2 13.30 14.93
17.28     15.55     13.30     14.47     14.78
Philippines Open 2009Final7 14.21 18.06
39.18     14.21     21.13     15.97     17.08
Second round7 14.84 17.19
17.91     17.88     14.84     15.78     22.68
First round6 14.61 16.67
21.86     15.80     19.59     14.61     14.63
Rizal Open 2009Final9 16.83 18.45
26.63     17.65     18.09     19.61     16.83
Second round6 15.78 17.32
18.55     16.08     21.08     15.78     17.33
First round16 17.31 19.58
19.94     20.52     17.31     18.27     21.71
Cebu Open 2009Final8 19.40 20.76
21.31     20.86     38.30     20.11     19.40
Second round7 16.34 16.98
17.50     17.34     16.94     16.34     16.66
First round11 18.93 19.68
21.47     19.83     19.59     19.63     18.93
Philippines Open 2008First round111 32.82
35.87     32.82     43.26
2x2x2 Cube
Philippine Open 2011First round23 7.68 11.91
13.21     7.68      10.43     14.06     12.09
Trinoma Open 2011First round20 8.11 12.65
16.25     8.11      15.09     8.44      14.43
Robinsons Galleria Open 2011First round15 5.77 7.52
11.56     9.09      6.58      6.88      5.77
Robinsons Metro East 2011First round23 4.81 9.75
12.53     10.16     4.81      16.30     6.56
Valenzuela Summer 2011First round26 5.90 10.67
7.19      15.02     5.90      15.86     9.81
Bulacan Open 2010First round13 6.91 11.28
16.44     6.91      DNF       8.87      8.52
Philippines Open 2009First round25 9.58 10.66
10.09     13.81     9.58      10.61     11.27
Rizal Open 2009First round29 10.80 14.29
13.36     10.80     14.71     20.72     14.80
Cebu Open 2009Final20 9.83 17.68
20.91     9.83      16.81     23.58     15.31
4x4x4 Cube
ACO 2013Final13 51.38 1:04.09
1:12.03   1:07.38   51.38     59.96     1:04.93
Cubao Open 2013Final12 1:07.50 1:12.57
1:20.02   1:08.40   1:25.40   1:07.50   1:09.28
San Pablo City Open 2013Final5 50.38 1:03.99
1:16.93   1:04.03   50.38     1:03.53   1:04.40
Bayani 2012Final15 1:04.90
1:16.71   1:04.90   1:05.47
Fiesta Open 2012Final11 56.00 1:05.15
1:10.46   56.00     1:05.00   DNF       1:00.00
Philippine Open 2011First round16 1:09.58
1:30.59   1:42.41   1:09.58
Trinoma Open 2011Final11 1:09.58
1:15.33   1:12.34   1:09.58
Robinsons Galleria Open 2011Final13 1:06.43 1:28.85
1:35.66   1:14.88   1:06.43   1:36.02   1:36.59
Robinsons Metro East 2011First round14 1:13.77 1:20.25
1:13.77   1:16.59   1:17.22   1:32.61   1:26.94
Valenzuela Summer 2011Final11 1:04.02 1:17.67
1:16.27   1:23.53   1:13.21   1:04.02   1:27.18
First round16 1:09.25 1:22.21
1:39.83   1:14.96   1:48.22   1:11.84   1:09.25
Philippines Open 2010Final8 56.81 1:10.02
1:10.38   56.81     1:03.96   1:35.15   1:15.72
First round12 1:11.02
1:24.41   1:11.02   1:16.55
Cubing sa Tag-Init 2010Final6 1:00.63 1:10.01
1:13.86   1:19.69   1:02.02   1:00.63   1:14.16
Bulacan Open 2010Final4 1:08.08 1:11.98
1:09.03   1:08.81   1:18.09   1:08.08   DNF
Pinoy Big Cubes Open 2009First round6 1:14.02 1:22.61
1:23.28   1:33.18   1:22.96   1:14.02   1:21.59
Quezon Megaminx Open 2009Final9 1:22.36 1:31.54
1:32.31   1:22.36   1:23.96   1:43.56   1:38.34
Philippines Open 2009First round19 1:42.86
1:48.52   1:46.97   1:42.86
Rizal Open 2009First round18 1:29.16 1:47.86
1:59.38   2:01.28   1:29.16   1:41.27   1:42.94
Cebu Open 2009Final18 1:51.84 1:58.89
1:59.33   1:54.69   2:24.50   1:51.84   2:02.66
5x5x5 Cube
Bayani 2012Final13 2:12.25
2:29.48   2:12.25   2:52.50
Fiesta Open 2012Final14 2:06.43 DNF
3:01.86   2:06.52   2:06.43   DNS       DNS
Philippine Open 2011First round15 2:19.28
2:44.27   2:24.47   2:19.28
Robinsons Galleria Open 2011Final10 2:18.66 2:34.29
2:18.66   3:04.75   2:26.05   2:44.58   2:32.25
Robinsons Metro East 2011First round11 2:21.27
3:19.33   2:21.27   2:40.36
Valenzuela Summer 2011First round8 2:21.31 2:27.62
2:34.79   2:24.63   2:41.43   2:23.44   2:21.31
Philippines Open 2010Final10 2:22.71 2:35.60
2:22.71   2:40.09   2:57.65   2:39.25   2:27.46
First round10 2:14.83
2:30.81   2:14.83   2:38.58
Cubing sa Tag-Init 2010Final8 2:32.61 DNF
2:32.61   3:00.41   DNS       DNS       DNS
Bulacan Open 2010Final6 2:36.52 2:42.34
2:44.41   2:54.30   2:42.30   2:40.30   2:36.52
Pinoy Big Cubes Open 2009First round7 2:35.68 3:05.53
3:13.09   3:21.72   3:01.84   3:01.66   2:35.68
Quezon Megaminx Open 2009Final12 2:41.22
3:09.47   2:41.22   3:01.72
Philippines Open 2009First round16 3:08.61
3:08.61   3:17.88   3:20.00
3x3x3 One-Handed
ACO 2013Final12 20.34 27.84
29.34     27.44     28.88     27.21     20.34
First round17 24.58 30.79
31.56     24.58     32.33     32.59     28.47
Cubao Open 2013Final12 19.43 32.11
33.33     29.71     19.43     33.28     33.38
San Pablo City Open 2013Final9 23.84 28.99
33.02     43.75     27.53     23.84     26.43
Bayani 2012Final6 22.25 29.34
56.13     27.91     22.25     29.06     31.05
Second round7 22.84 26.63
22.84     27.66     24.36     28.90     27.86
First round6 24.50 25.86
24.50     25.66     25.43     26.50     29.34
Fiesta Open 2012Final16 22.25 30.96
41.91     27.40     32.93     32.55     22.25
Philippine Open 2011First round22 27.08 35.54
33.50     35.86     27.08     37.27     38.25
Trinoma Open 2011Final10 20.97 26.93
30.25     27.15     23.40     37.80     20.97
First round7 23.52 24.44
30.96     24.18     24.94     24.19     23.52
Robinsons Galleria Open 2011Final10 28.47 32.38
34.69     32.52     29.97     28.47     34.66
First round10 26.41 28.30
26.41     30.72     26.86     31.41     27.33
Robinsons Metro East 2011Final10 22.00 30.57
28.50     35.06     22.00     37.44     28.16
First round10 24.25 25.36
24.61     26.09     25.38     28.69     24.25
Valenzuela Summer 2011Final5 22.44 28.34
26.93     35.37     22.44     28.52     29.56
First round6 25.55 27.06
26.05     29.59     32.36     25.55     25.55
Philippines Open 2010Final6 22.44 26.72
25.65     27.09     22.44     27.43     38.83
First round5 24.66
24.66     24.81     33.75
Bulacan Open 2010Final2 25.02 27.67
28.44     28.69     25.02     32.84     25.88
First round1 22.03 25.98
26.94     22.03     32.11     25.00     26.00
Philippines Open 2009Final8 28.50 31.83
31.66     34.02     DNF       29.80     28.50
First round6 24.31 27.59
31.90     25.94     24.31     28.90     27.93
Rizal Open 2009Final7 25.38 31.94
41.68     31.28     25.38     29.13     35.40
First round9 29.30 33.42
33.00     47.46     31.19     36.08     29.30
Cebu Open 2009Final11 30.84 35.93
38.05     35.55     30.84     40.96     34.18
Philippines Open 2008First round38 47.55
51.69     1:02.01   47.55
ACO 2013Final7 2:01.52
2:17.66   2:01.52   2:05.93
Cubao Open 2013Final7 2:16.63
2:16.63   2:33.30   2:28.93
Fiesta Open 2012Final7 1:50.33 2:05.42
2:36.78   1:50.33   2:08.56   2:08.61   1:59.08
Philippine Open 2011Final6 1:49.27
1:56.52   1:58.06   1:49.27
Robinsons Metro East 2011Final6 2:00.00 2:10.77
2:22.16   2:13.31   2:15.68   2:00.00   2:03.33
Valenzuela Summer 2011Final8 1:52.71 1:59.00
2:22.77   1:52.71   2:00.93   2:02.72   1:53.34
Philippines Open 2010Final10 1:50.11 1:52.67
1:50.77   2:16.40   1:50.30   1:56.93   1:50.11
Cubing sa Tag-Init 2010Final6 1:34.34 1:46.63
1:46.71   1:51.47   2:10.16   1:41.72   1:34.34
Bulacan Open 2010Final5 1:44.43 1:48.55
1:50.50   1:50.72   1:44.43
Pinoy Big Cubes Open 2009Final4 1:51.06 1:55.99
1:51.06   2:05.08   1:51.83
Quezon Megaminx Open 2009Final4 1:46.69 1:55.79
1:46.69   2:08.00   1:52.68
First round4 1:37.91 1:48.02
1:55.97   1:37.91   1:50.19
Philippines Open 2009Final7 1:50.01 2:01.95
2:03.71   1:50.01   2:12.13
Rizal Open 2009Final9 2:22.46 2:37.45
3:04.15   2:22.46   2:25.75
Cebu Open 2009Final6 2:31.69 2:42.94
2:54.50   2:42.64   2:31.69
Philippine Open 2011Final16 14.03 28.09
29.16     28.52     28.97     26.77     14.03
Valenzuela Summer 2011Final17 10.65 19.92
DNF       17.52     18.06     24.19     10.65
Philippines Open 2010Final20 16.03 20.42
16.03     24.31     26.88     19.91     17.05
Cubing sa Tag-Init 2010Final14 21.00
33.96     21.00
Bulacan Open 2010Final13 16.68 21.58
18.24     16.68     24.00     27.63     22.50
Pinoy Big Cubes Open 2009Final10 21.58 30.43
21.58     28.06     41.16     29.63     33.61
Quezon Megaminx Open 2009Final12 17.77 25.35
35.72     17.77     21.11     19.22     35.83
Philippines Open 2009Final20 10.78 25.21
25.75     10.78     34.55     36.44     15.34
Rizal Open 2009Final12 29.41 34.40
36.66     29.41     36.83     29.72     DNF
Cebu Open 2009Final20 21.79 30.28
32.70     36.89     29.34     21.79     28.81
Cubing sa Tag-Init 2010Final5 1:35.28
1:35.28   DNF
Bulacan Open 2010Final5 1:01.30 1:45.59
1:42.28   2:33.18   1:01.30   2:04.19   1:30.30
Pinoy Big Cubes Open 2009Final4 1:04.27 1:44.13
1:11.40   DNF       1:04.27   2:43.28   1:17.72
Quezon Megaminx Open 2009Final8 59.58 1:23.87
1:19.11   1:23.83   1:52.44   1:28.66   59.58
Philippine Open 2011Final7 1.22 DNF
DNF       1.22      DNF       1.80      DNF
First round2 1.06 1.34
1.09      1.18      1.75      3.78      1.06
Valenzuela Summer 2011Final3 1.18 1.70
1.36      1.18      2.55      DNF       1.19
ACO 2013
3x3x3 CubeFinal22 16.05 17.38
16.05     17.71     16.96     18.56     17.47
First round23 15.53 17.69
19.33     17.68     16.05     15.53     29.38
4x4x4 CubeFinal13 51.38 1:04.09
1:12.03   1:07.38   51.38     59.96     1:04.93
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal12 20.34 27.84
29.34     27.44     28.88     27.21     20.34
First round17 24.58 30.79
31.56     24.58     32.33     32.59     28.47
MegaminxFinal7 2:01.52
2:17.66   2:01.52   2:05.93
Cubao Open 2013
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 14.93 15.41
15.44     15.00     16.13     14.93     15.80
First round17 14.59 17.50
14.59     37.61     17.96     17.64     16.90
4x4x4 CubeFinal12 1:07.50 1:12.57
1:20.02   1:08.40   1:25.40   1:07.50   1:09.28
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal12 19.43 32.11
33.33     29.71     19.43     33.28     33.38
MegaminxFinal7 2:16.63
2:16.63   2:33.30   2:28.93
San Pablo City Open 2013
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 13.21 17.11
16.25     20.08     13.21     15.00     37.30
First round8 15.03 15.56
15.21     15.03     15.28     16.78     16.19
4x4x4 CubeFinal5 50.38 1:03.99
1:16.93   1:04.03   50.38     1:03.53   1:04.40
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal9 23.84 28.99
33.02     43.75     27.53     23.84     26.43
Bayani 2012
3x3x3 CubeSecond round16 13.87 17.16
13.87     16.10     19.31     16.93     18.45
First round22 14.71 16.73
15.07     18.28     16.84     14.71     18.71
4x4x4 CubeFinal15 1:04.90
1:16.71   1:04.90   1:05.47
5x5x5 CubeFinal13 2:12.25
2:29.48   2:12.25   2:52.50
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 22.25 29.34
56.13     27.91     22.25     29.06     31.05
Second round7 22.84 26.63
22.84     27.66     24.36     28.90     27.86
First round6 24.50 25.86
24.50     25.66     25.43     26.50     29.34
Fiesta Open 2012
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 13.80 17.81
17.44     13.80     19.19     16.80     22.63
First round19 13.65 15.74
13.65     16.88     16.16     19.59     14.18
4x4x4 CubeFinal11 56.00 1:05.15
1:10.46   56.00     1:05.00   DNF       1:00.00
5x5x5 CubeFinal14 2:06.43 DNF
3:01.86   2:06.52   2:06.43   DNS       DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal16 22.25 30.96
41.91     27.40     32.93     32.55     22.25
MegaminxFinal7 1:50.33 2:05.42
2:36.78   1:50.33   2:08.56   2:08.61   1:59.08
Philippine Open 2011
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 14.08 17.75
17.31     14.08     17.72     18.43     18.21
First round20 14.16 15.57
16.38     18.66     14.16     15.65     14.68
2x2x2 CubeFirst round23 7.68 11.91
13.21     7.68      10.43     14.06     12.09
4x4x4 CubeFirst round16 1:09.58
1:30.59   1:42.41   1:09.58
5x5x5 CubeFirst round15 2:19.28
2:44.27   2:24.47   2:19.28
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round22 27.08 35.54
33.50     35.86     27.08     37.27     38.25
MegaminxFinal6 1:49.27
1:56.52   1:58.06   1:49.27
PyraminxFinal16 14.03 28.09
29.16     28.52     28.97     26.77     14.03
MagicFinal7 1.22 DNF
DNF       1.22      DNF       1.80      DNF
First round2 1.06 1.34
1.09      1.18      1.75      3.78      1.06
Trinoma Open 2011
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 14.06 15.28
15.55     14.06     14.34     15.96     25.86
Second round8 12.38 14.98
14.78     12.38     18.19     13.00     17.16
First round17 13.84 18.03
19.15     35.65     16.15     18.78     13.84
2x2x2 CubeFirst round20 8.11 12.65
16.25     8.11      15.09     8.44      14.43
4x4x4 CubeFinal11 1:09.58
1:15.33   1:12.34   1:09.58
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal10 20.97 26.93
30.25     27.15     23.40     37.80     20.97
First round7 23.52 24.44
30.96     24.18     24.94     24.19     23.52
Robinsons Galleria Open 2011
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 14.03 16.31
19.28     16.63     14.03     15.59     16.72
Second round9 13.03 14.82
14.61     15.00     13.03     17.02     14.86
First round13 16.21 16.52
16.21     16.59     16.65     17.47     16.33
2x2x2 CubeFirst round15 5.77 7.52
11.56     9.09      6.58      6.88      5.77
4x4x4 CubeFinal13 1:06.43 1:28.85
1:35.66   1:14.88   1:06.43   1:36.02   1:36.59
5x5x5 CubeFinal10 2:18.66 2:34.29
2:18.66   3:04.75   2:26.05   2:44.58   2:32.25
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal10 28.47 32.38
34.69     32.52     29.97     28.47     34.66
First round10 26.41 28.30
26.41     30.72     26.86     31.41     27.33
Robinsons Metro East 2011
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 16.11 17.36
18.31     16.11     17.40     DNF       16.38
First round15 14.78 16.21
16.83     14.80     17.00     21.09     14.78
2x2x2 CubeFirst round23 4.81 9.75
12.53     10.16     4.81      16.30     6.56
4x4x4 CubeFirst round14 1:13.77 1:20.25
1:13.77   1:16.59   1:17.22   1:32.61   1:26.94
5x5x5 CubeFirst round11 2:21.27
3:19.33   2:21.27   2:40.36
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal10 22.00 30.57
28.50     35.06     22.00     37.44     28.16
First round10 24.25 25.36
24.61     26.09     25.38     28.69     24.25
MegaminxFinal6 2:00.00 2:10.77
2:22.16   2:13.31   2:15.68   2:00.00   2:03.33
Valenzuela Summer 2011
3x3x3 CubeFirst round43 13.61 DNF
15.75     21.81     DNF       13.61     DNF
2x2x2 CubeFirst round26 5.90 10.67
7.19      15.02     5.90      15.86     9.81
4x4x4 CubeFinal11 1:04.02 1:17.67
1:16.27   1:23.53   1:13.21   1:04.02   1:27.18
First round16 1:09.25 1:22.21
1:39.83   1:14.96   1:48.22   1:11.84   1:09.25
5x5x5 CubeFirst round8 2:21.31 2:27.62
2:34.79   2:24.63   2:41.43   2:23.44   2:21.31
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal5 22.44 28.34
26.93     35.37     22.44     28.52     29.56
First round6 25.55 27.06
26.05     29.59     32.36     25.55     25.55
MegaminxFinal8 1:52.71 1:59.00
2:22.77   1:52.71   2:00.93   2:02.72   1:53.34
PyraminxFinal17 10.65 19.92
DNF       17.52     18.06     24.19     10.65
MagicFinal3 1.18 1.70
1.36      1.18      2.55      DNF       1.19
Philippines Open 2010
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 14.13 16.28
17.68     14.13     15.94     18.05     15.21
Second round13 14.44 16.08
16.02     15.71     14.44     16.50     17.09
First round15 15.16 17.13
15.49     20.68     15.68     15.16     20.21
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 56.81 1:10.02
1:10.38   56.81     1:03.96   1:35.15   1:15.72
First round12 1:11.02
1:24.41   1:11.02   1:16.55
5x5x5 CubeFinal10 2:22.71 2:35.60
2:22.71   2:40.09   2:57.65   2:39.25   2:27.46
First round10 2:14.83
2:30.81   2:14.83   2:38.58
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 22.44 26.72
25.65     27.09     22.44     27.43     38.83
First round5 24.66
24.66     24.81     33.75
MegaminxFinal10 1:50.11 1:52.67
1:50.77   2:16.40   1:50.30   1:56.93   1:50.11
PyraminxFinal20 16.03 20.42
16.03     24.31     26.88     19.91     17.05
Cubing sa Tag-Init 2010
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 16.53 17.50
17.31     20.68     16.65     18.53     16.53
Second round6 13.61 15.62
13.72     16.36     13.61     DNF       16.77
First round11 15.66 17.65
15.75     20.27     20.66     15.66     16.93
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 1:00.63 1:10.01
1:13.86   1:19.69   1:02.02   1:00.63   1:14.16
5x5x5 CubeFinal8 2:32.61 DNF
2:32.61   3:00.41   DNS       DNS       DNS
MegaminxFinal6 1:34.34 1:46.63
1:46.71   1:51.47   2:10.16   1:41.72   1:34.34
PyraminxFinal14 21.00
33.96     21.00
Square-1Final5 1:35.28
1:35.28   DNF
Bulacan Open 2010
3x3x3 CubeSecond round8 14.91 19.12
18.69     16.00     22.66     14.91     24.46
First round2 13.30 14.93
17.28     15.55     13.30     14.47     14.78
2x2x2 CubeFirst round13 6.91 11.28
16.44     6.91      DNF       8.87      8.52
4x4x4 CubeFinal4 1:08.08 1:11.98
1:09.03   1:08.81   1:18.09   1:08.08   DNF
5x5x5 CubeFinal6 2:36.52 2:42.34
2:44.41   2:54.30   2:42.30   2:40.30   2:36.52
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 25.02 27.67
28.44     28.69     25.02     32.84     25.88
First round1 22.03 25.98
26.94     22.03     32.11     25.00     26.00
MegaminxFinal5 1:44.43 1:48.55
1:50.50   1:50.72   1:44.43
PyraminxFinal13 16.68 21.58
18.24     16.68     24.00     27.63     22.50
Square-1Final5 1:01.30 1:45.59
1:42.28   2:33.18   1:01.30   2:04.19   1:30.30
Pinoy Big Cubes Open 2009
4x4x4 CubeFirst round6 1:14.02 1:22.61
1:23.28   1:33.18   1:22.96   1:14.02   1:21.59
5x5x5 CubeFirst round7 2:35.68 3:05.53
3:13.09   3:21.72   3:01.84   3:01.66   2:35.68
MegaminxFinal4 1:51.06 1:55.99
1:51.06   2:05.08   1:51.83
PyraminxFinal10 21.58 30.43
21.58     28.06     41.16     29.63     33.61
Square-1Final4 1:04.27 1:44.13
1:11.40   DNF       1:04.27   2:43.28   1:17.72
Quezon Megaminx Open 2009
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 1:22.36 1:31.54
1:32.31   1:22.36   1:23.96   1:43.56   1:38.34
5x5x5 CubeFinal12 2:41.22
3:09.47   2:41.22   3:01.72
MegaminxFinal4 1:46.69 1:55.79
1:46.69   2:08.00   1:52.68
First round4 1:37.91 1:48.02
1:55.97   1:37.91   1:50.19
PyraminxFinal12 17.77 25.35
35.72     17.77     21.11     19.22     35.83
Square-1Final8 59.58 1:23.87
1:19.11   1:23.83   1:52.44   1:28.66   59.58
Philippines Open 2009
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 14.21 18.06
39.18     14.21     21.13     15.97     17.08
Second round7 14.84 17.19
17.91     17.88     14.84     15.78     22.68
First round6 14.61 16.67
21.86     15.80     19.59     14.61     14.63
2x2x2 CubeFirst round25 9.58 10.66
10.09     13.81     9.58      10.61     11.27
4x4x4 CubeFirst round19 1:42.86
1:48.52   1:46.97   1:42.86
5x5x5 CubeFirst round16 3:08.61
3:08.61   3:17.88   3:20.00
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal8 28.50 31.83
31.66     34.02     DNF       29.80     28.50
First round6 24.31 27.59
31.90     25.94     24.31     28.90     27.93
MegaminxFinal7 1:50.01 2:01.95
2:03.71   1:50.01   2:12.13
PyraminxFinal20 10.78 25.21
25.75     10.78     34.55     36.44     15.34
Rizal Open 2009
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 16.83 18.45
26.63     17.65     18.09     19.61     16.83
Second round6 15.78 17.32
18.55     16.08     21.08     15.78     17.33
First round16 17.31 19.58
19.94     20.52     17.31     18.27     21.71
2x2x2 CubeFirst round29 10.80 14.29
13.36     10.80     14.71     20.72     14.80
4x4x4 CubeFirst round18 1:29.16 1:47.86
1:59.38   2:01.28   1:29.16   1:41.27   1:42.94
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal7 25.38 31.94
41.68     31.28     25.38     29.13     35.40
First round9 29.30 33.42
33.00     47.46     31.19     36.08     29.30
MegaminxFinal9 2:22.46 2:37.45
3:04.15   2:22.46   2:25.75
PyraminxFinal12 29.41 34.40
36.66     29.41     36.83     29.72     DNF
Cebu Open 2009
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 19.40 20.76
21.31     20.86     38.30     20.11     19.40
Second round7 16.34 16.98
17.50     17.34     16.94     16.34     16.66
First round11 18.93 19.68
21.47     19.83     19.59     19.63     18.93
2x2x2 CubeFinal20 9.83 17.68
20.91     9.83      16.81     23.58     15.31
4x4x4 CubeFinal18 1:51.84 1:58.89
1:59.33   1:54.69   2:24.50   1:51.84   2:02.66
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal11 30.84 35.93
38.05     35.55     30.84     40.96     34.18
MegaminxFinal6 2:31.69 2:42.94
2:54.50   2:42.64   2:31.69
PyraminxFinal20 21.79 30.28
32.70     36.89     29.34     21.79     28.81
Philippines Open 2008
3x3x3 CubeFirst round111 32.82
35.87     32.82     43.26
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round38 47.55
51.69     1:02.01   47.55
192013-08-18ACO 2013PhilippinesAngono
182013-06-01Cubao Open 2013PhilippinesQuezon
172013-02-24San Pablo City Open 2013PhilippinesSan Pablo City
162012-08-27Bayani 2012PhilippinesQuezon City
152012-05-13Fiesta Open 2012PhilippinesErmita, Manila
142011-09-03~04Philippine Open 2011PhilippinesAntipolo City
132011-08-29Trinoma Open 2011PhilippinesQuezon City
122011-08-13Robinsons Galleria Open 2011PhilippinesQuezon City
112011-07-30~31Robinsons Metro East 2011PhilippinesPasig City
102011-05-14~15Valenzuela Summer 2011PhilippinesValenzuela City
92010-09-18~19Philippines Open 2010PhilippinesQuezon City
82010-06-12Cubing sa Tag-Init 2010PhilippinesDiliman, Quezon City
72010-04-10~11Bulacan Open 2010PhilippinesMeycauayan City, Bulacan
62009-11-28Pinoy Big Cubes Open 2009PhilippinesDiliman, Quezon City
52009-10-03Quezon Megaminx Open 2009PhilippinesDiliman, Quezon City
42009-08-29~30Philippines Open 2009PhilippinesManila
32009-05-07~08Rizal Open 2009PhilippinesCainta City, Rizal
22009-04-18Cebu Open 2009PhilippinesCebu City
12008-07-05~06Philippines Open 2008PhilippinesQuezon City