Personal Page

Matthew Luo

Name: Matthew Luo
Region: United States
Competitions: 10
WCA ID: Matthew Luo2014LUOM01
Gender: Male
Career: 2014.11.02 - 2023.01.22
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube650386403400412.2615.08359229089684569/70
2x2x2 Cube917612056430204.095.53339279504729814/15
4x4x4 Cube263436351484547.8853.61137553374246131/32
5x5x5 Cube31214197154791:55.002:01.3513877377428185/5

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Berkeley Winter B 2023Second round49 13.55 15.80
13.55     15.88     17.58     13.93     20.95
First round53 13.98 16.33
17.59     16.58     17.07     15.33     13.98
WCC Western Championship 2022First round152 14.21 15.79
15.38     16.32     14.21     18.34     15.66
Berkeley Fall 2022Second round54 12.81 15.23
15.46     16.34     19.67     12.81     13.89
First round55 13.08 15.28
17.06     15.22     17.21     13.08     13.55
Berkeley Summer 2022Second round68 12.98 16.72
15.25     19.54     15.38     12.98     DNF
First round67 12.78 16.73
12.78     18.32     16.47     16.50     17.21
BASC 32 LIVE - SSF 2022Second round31 12.26 15.08
12.26     14.76     19.53     15.26     15.21
First round36 13.95 15.84
15.62     15.26     13.95     16.63     19.51
BASC 31A - Mill Valley 2022Second round37 13.95 15.89
16.71     19.07     15.07     15.88     13.95
First round38 14.22 16.06
14.68     16.34     14.22     17.16     19.74
BASC 5 2015First round59 19.65 23.03
19.65     23.43     24.72     25.68     20.95
Berkeley Fall 2014First round41 22.75 25.26
22.75     29.84     26.08     22.90     26.80
BASC 4 2014First round70 22.89 29.08
28.86     22.89     30.04     38.66     28.34
2x2x2 Cube
WCC Western Championship 2022First round116 4.70 5.53
4.70      5.97      6.35      5.86      4.77
Berkeley Fall 2022First round107 4.09 7.95
6.69      10.77     DNF       4.09      6.40
Berkeley Fall 2014First round26 5.93 7.22
8.50      7.91      7.71      5.93      6.05
4x4x4 Cube
Berkeley Winter B 2023First round34 56.71 1:02.43
1:02.67   58.24     1:19.87   56.71     1:06.37
WCC Western Championship 2022First round92 47.94 56.56
56.00     1:02.70   1:02.31   47.94     51.36
Bay Area Speedcubin' 37 2022Second round21 47.88 53.61
56.75     54.75     47.88     49.32     57.20
First round24 50.88 58.45
58.75     1:02.00   50.88     1:42.47   54.60
BASC 32 LIVE - SSF 2022First round27 58.51 1:04.18
1:05.16   1:02.78   1:04.60   1:14.99   58.51
BASC 31A - Mill Valley 2022First round25 59.30 1:04.95
1:06.27   1:01.96   59.30     1:17.01   1:06.63
BASC 5 2015First round37 1:50.97
1:50.97   DNF
5x5x5 Cube
WCC Western Championship 2022First round80 1:55.00 2:01.35
1:58.12   2:02.48   2:03.61   1:55.00   2:03.44
BASC 4 2014First round45 20.11
20.11     27.88
WCC Western Championship 2022First round94 7.53 14.62
17.84     7.53      13.82     17.76     12.29
Berkeley Fall 2022First round54 14.39 15.72
17.59     14.39     15.00     15.10     17.07
BASC 5 2015First round22 9.72 12.36
12.61     12.95     15.75     9.72      11.51
Berkeley Fall 2022First round45 DNF
DNF       DNF
Berkeley Winter B 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round49 13.55 15.80
13.55     15.88     17.58     13.93     20.95
First round53 13.98 16.33
17.59     16.58     17.07     15.33     13.98
4x4x4 CubeFirst round34 56.71 1:02.43
1:02.67   58.24     1:19.87   56.71     1:06.37
WCC Western Championship 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round152 14.21 15.79
15.38     16.32     14.21     18.34     15.66
2x2x2 CubeFirst round116 4.70 5.53
4.70      5.97      6.35      5.86      4.77
4x4x4 CubeFirst round92 47.94 56.56
56.00     1:02.70   1:02.31   47.94     51.36
5x5x5 CubeFirst round80 1:55.00 2:01.35
1:58.12   2:02.48   2:03.61   1:55.00   2:03.44
SkewbFirst round94 7.53 14.62
17.84     7.53      13.82     17.76     12.29
Bay Area Speedcubin' 37 2022
4x4x4 CubeSecond round21 47.88 53.61
56.75     54.75     47.88     49.32     57.20
First round24 50.88 58.45
58.75     1:02.00   50.88     1:42.47   54.60
Berkeley Fall 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round54 12.81 15.23
15.46     16.34     19.67     12.81     13.89
First round55 13.08 15.28
17.06     15.22     17.21     13.08     13.55
2x2x2 CubeFirst round107 4.09 7.95
6.69      10.77     DNF       4.09      6.40
SkewbFirst round54 14.39 15.72
17.59     14.39     15.00     15.10     17.07
Square-1First round45 DNF
DNF       DNF
Berkeley Summer 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round68 12.98 16.72
15.25     19.54     15.38     12.98     DNF
First round67 12.78 16.73
12.78     18.32     16.47     16.50     17.21
BASC 32 LIVE - SSF 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round31 12.26 15.08
12.26     14.76     19.53     15.26     15.21
First round36 13.95 15.84
15.62     15.26     13.95     16.63     19.51
4x4x4 CubeFirst round27 58.51 1:04.18
1:05.16   1:02.78   1:04.60   1:14.99   58.51
BASC 31A - Mill Valley 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round37 13.95 15.89
16.71     19.07     15.07     15.88     13.95
First round38 14.22 16.06
14.68     16.34     14.22     17.16     19.74
4x4x4 CubeFirst round25 59.30 1:04.95
1:06.27   1:01.96   59.30     1:17.01   1:06.63
BASC 5 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round59 19.65 23.03
19.65     23.43     24.72     25.68     20.95
4x4x4 CubeFirst round37 1:50.97
1:50.97   DNF
SkewbFirst round22 9.72 12.36
12.61     12.95     15.75     9.72      11.51
Berkeley Fall 2014
3x3x3 CubeFirst round41 22.75 25.26
22.75     29.84     26.08     22.90     26.80
2x2x2 CubeFirst round26 5.93 7.22
8.50      7.91      7.71      5.93      6.05
BASC 4 2014
3x3x3 CubeFirst round70 22.89 29.08
28.86     22.89     30.04     38.66     28.34
PyraminxFirst round45 20.11
20.11     27.88
102023-01-22Berkeley Winter B 2023United StatesBerkeley, California
92022-10-07~09WCC Western Championship 2022United StatesLos Angeles, California
82022-09-17Bay Area Speedcubin' 37 2022United StatesBerkeley, California
72022-09-10Berkeley Fall 2022United StatesBerkeley, California
62022-06-11Berkeley Summer 2022United StatesBerkeley, California
52022-05-22BASC 32 LIVE - SSF 2022United StatesSouth San Francisco, California
42022-04-23BASC 31A - Mill Valley 2022United StatesMill Valley, California
32015-02-28~03-01BASC 5 2015United StatesSunnyvale, California
22014-11-23Berkeley Fall 2014United StatesBerkeley, California
12014-11-02BASC 4 2014United StatesSunnyvale, California