Personal Page

Jiming Ran (冉济铭)

Jiming Ran (冉济铭)
Name: Jiming Ran (冉济铭)
Region: China
Competitions: 11
WCA ID: Jiming Ran (冉济铭)2016RANJ02
Gender: Male
Career: 2016.07.16 - 2019.08.25
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube3818113063102911.9113.63256959598326878/80
2x2x2 Cube14824924188152.853.9410542286385094/95
4x4x4 Cube198756251597149.1356.04157765594201735/35
5x5x5 Cube15854764152871:54.402:07.8514986464515167/7
3x3x3 One-Handed202558111568321.9035.15265069760324925/25

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Xi'an 10th Anniversary 2019Semi Final49 13.42 14.55
14.95     17.64     14.61     14.08     13.42
Second round57 13.58 15.19
16.06     13.58     15.21     14.83     15.52
First round41 11.91 13.63
13.39     14.72     12.91     14.59     11.91
China Championship 2019Second round334 12.66 14.28
17.86     12.66     14.78     12.96     15.09
First round404 13.02 15.39
16.98     13.02     16.12     14.80     15.26
Guilin Open 2019Second round29 12.70 13.75
12.70     13.32     14.08     14.19     13.85
First round29 12.08 14.25
12.08     17.43     14.09     14.25     14.41
Qianjiang Summer Open 2018Second round52 12.09 16.04
18.42     13.05     12.09     17.40     17.66
First round54 15.11 16.42
15.25     17.55     16.46     15.11     18.35
Chengdu Open 2018Second round45 13.05 15.78
15.48     17.00     17.27     14.87     13.05
First round42 13.57 15.31
16.71     14.75     13.57     15.27     15.91
Inner Mongolia Winter 2018Second round28 12.63 15.10
16.54     15.30     12.63     15.50     14.50
First round25 12.42 13.82
14.19     18.20     13.95     12.42     13.31
Chongqing Open 2017Second round42 13.74 14.76
15.86     14.03     14.65     13.74     15.61
First round36 13.33 14.10
14.07     14.37     13.87     14.61     13.33
Chongqing Open 2016First round117 24.92 DNF
30.23     DNF       24.92     DNF       30.57
2x2x2 Cube
Xi'an 10th Anniversary 2019Semi Final24 4.11 4.85
8.14      4.11      4.99      5.29      4.27
Second round15 3.31 3.94
3.31      4.29      3.99      4.64      3.54
First round22 2.94 4.32
5.86      2.94      3.65      3.52      5.80
China Championship 2019Second round183 3.16 4.85
6.49      9.22      3.16      4.14      3.91
First round126 3.23 4.35
4.17      4.49      4.85      4.38      3.23
Guilin Open 2019Final8 4.47 4.73
4.47      4.65      4.47      7.35      5.08
First round12 3.72 4.47
3.72      4.07      5.47      12.45     3.87
Guiyang Open 2019Final10 3.81 4.70
4.33      3.81      4.74      6.67      5.04
Second round9 3.47 4.54
3.47      7.69      4.95      4.11      4.56
First round7 3.64 4.08
4.04      3.64      4.07      4.95      4.14
Qianjiang Summer Open 2018Second round19 4.08 5.00
5.32      6.08      4.36      5.32      4.08
First round16 3.90 4.84
5.50      4.99      5.74      4.03      3.90
Chengdu Open 2018Final9 4.43 5.10
5.28      5.79      4.93      4.43      5.08
Second round8 3.67 4.65
4.69      4.72      4.73      3.67      4.55
First round4 3.67 3.97
3.83      3.70      4.39      4.52      3.67
Inner Mongolia Winter 2018First round14 3.54 4.64
6.06      3.85      3.54      6.18      4.02
Chongqing Open 2017Second round13 2.85 4.54
6.28      3.15      10.49     2.85      4.20
First round19 4.64 5.23
4.76      6.25      7.77      4.64      4.67
Chongqing Open 2016First round44 6.06 7.38
6.85      7.93      DNF       6.06      7.36
4x4x4 Cube
Xi'an 10th Anniversary 2019First round42 49.13 59.83
1:10.01   54.57     54.91     1:13.49   49.13
Guilin Open 2019Final25 53.66 1:03.86
59.06     1:09.34   1:10.72   1:03.17   53.66
Guiyang Open 2019First round21 51.58 56.04
52.55     1:04.96   51.58     57.74     57.82
Qianjiang Summer Open 2018First round34 54.30 58.47
54.30     58.94     58.23     1:09.71   58.25
Chengdu Open 2018First round23 54.27 57.60
54.86     1:00.95   54.27     57.00     1:04.61
Inner Mongolia Winter 2018First round33 59.99 1:07.91
1:12.73   59.99     1:56.25   1:03.80   1:07.19
Chongqing Open 2017First round36 54.37 59.75
54.37     1:07.55   56.04     1:07.60   55.65
5x5x5 Cube
Inner Mongolia Winter 2018Final28 1:54.40 2:07.85
2:14.63   2:14.44   1:54.40   2:01.85   2:07.26
Chongqing Open 2017First round27 2:04.74
2:04.74   2:19.85
3x3x3 One-Handed
Guiyang Open 2019First round28 32.98 37.87
32.98     36.85     38.18     38.57     46.96
Qianjiang Summer Open 2018First round45 26.65 37.92
37.25     38.69     37.81     26.65     38.81
Chengdu Open 2018First round25 29.12 35.15
37.45     29.12     30.75     49.87     37.26
Inner Mongolia Winter 2018First round37 21.90 36.52
52.31     38.42     28.35     21.90     42.80
Chongqing Open 2017First round43 30.80 38.54
39.44     30.80     54.14     39.82     36.37
Xi'an 10th Anniversary 2019Final10 4.90 6.54
5.32      8.90      8.14      6.15      4.90
Second round12 5.39 6.60
7.05      7.61      6.92      5.84      5.39
First round28 6.78 8.61
9.31      10.71     9.58      6.93      6.78
China Championship 2019Second round108 4.29 6.78
6.89      4.29      19.60     6.72      6.74
First round176 4.28 8.12
8.04      8.87      8.35      4.28      7.98
Guilin Open 2019Final10 5.73 6.50
7.06      5.74      8.32      5.73      6.71
First round7 5.06 6.63
11.95     5.06      7.77      6.38      5.73
Guiyang Open 2019Final10 5.91 9.50
9.16      9.23      10.12     12.06     5.91
First round3 4.68 5.83
7.03      4.68      5.80      6.44      5.24
China Championship 2018Semi Final51 4.63 6.47
5.96      6.53      6.92      8.71      4.63
Second round67 5.53 6.98
7.61      5.53      5.85      7.47      9.15
First round75 5.91 6.97
6.56      6.87      7.48      DNF       5.91
Qianjiang Summer Open 2018Final12 6.17 10.47
6.90      6.17      18.06     DNF       6.45
First round10 5.41 6.34
5.41      6.11      8.36      7.06      5.84
Chengdu Open 2018Final8 6.03 6.91
6.38      6.03      8.01      6.33      8.65
First round12 5.61 7.56
7.65      7.51      7.53      8.31      5.61
Inner Mongolia Winter 2018Final10 5.39 7.54
5.39      7.94      6.93      11.94     7.74
First round9 6.56 7.07
16.49     6.56      7.50      6.96      6.76
Chongqing Open 2017First round15 5.70 7.42
7.81      5.70      6.95      7.49      10.19
Chongqing Open 2016First round39 12.19 14.22
14.15     12.19     DNF       12.84     15.66
Xi'an 10th Anniversary 2019Final1 2.55 3.40
3.59      3.48      3.19      2.55      3.52
First round1 3.28 4.12
5.73      3.28      4.79      3.74      3.83
China Championship 2019Final9 2.82 4.32
4.22      7.04      2.82      3.23      5.51
Semi Final5 2.68 3.48
3.99      3.53      2.68      3.25      3.66
Second round33 3.61 5.85
9.51      3.61      3.77      DNF       4.26
First round10 3.31 4.02
3.58      3.73      4.74      3.31      5.08
Guilin Open 2019Final1 3.36 3.66
3.87      4.56      3.43      3.36      3.68
First round1 3.01 3.93
3.01      3.85      4.69      3.54      4.40
Guiyang Open 2019Final2 4.23 4.64
5.61      5.32      4.35      4.23      4.24
First round1 3.75 4.14
5.53      3.75      4.52      3.75      4.16
Chongqing Open 2018Final1 3.12 4.12
6.75      3.59      4.84      3.12      3.92
First round3 4.66 5.71
4.84      5.25      7.04      4.66      10.61
China Championship 2018Semi Final17 3.98 5.34
5.75      3.98      5.64      6.09      4.63
Second round7 3.21 3.95
3.72      4.22      3.90      3.21      4.99
First round10 4.14 4.48
4.91      4.14      5.56      4.19      4.33
Qianjiang Summer Open 2018Final2 3.71 4.53
5.33      4.06      5.04      4.50      3.71
First round2 4.40 4.87
4.96      4.40      4.88      4.78      5.29
Chengdu Open 2018Final4 3.12 5.70
5.82      5.94      5.35      7.67      3.12
First round5 4.52 5.74
4.52      5.74      6.52      5.34      6.15
Inner Mongolia Winter 2018Final4 4.96 6.27
5.53      9.67      7.67      4.96      5.60
First round3 3.52 5.57
5.97      3.52      9.94      5.84      4.91
Chongqing Open 2017Final4 4.57 5.81
DNF       6.08      4.57      5.73      5.62
First round4 4.57 6.18
6.56      4.57      10.44     5.71      6.28
Chongqing Open 2016First round39 23.55
DNF       23.55
Chengdu Open 2018First round13 31.69 44.33
DNF       31.69     42.09     38.53     52.37
Inner Mongolia Winter 2018Final24 59.45 DNF
1:05.05   59.45     DNF       DNF       1:03.42
Xi'an 10th Anniversary 2019
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final49 13.42 14.55
14.95     17.64     14.61     14.08     13.42
Second round57 13.58 15.19
16.06     13.58     15.21     14.83     15.52
First round41 11.91 13.63
13.39     14.72     12.91     14.59     11.91
2x2x2 CubeSemi Final24 4.11 4.85
8.14      4.11      4.99      5.29      4.27
Second round15 3.31 3.94
3.31      4.29      3.99      4.64      3.54
First round22 2.94 4.32
5.86      2.94      3.65      3.52      5.80
4x4x4 CubeFirst round42 49.13 59.83
1:10.01   54.57     54.91     1:13.49   49.13
PyraminxFinal10 4.90 6.54
5.32      8.90      8.14      6.15      4.90
Second round12 5.39 6.60
7.05      7.61      6.92      5.84      5.39
First round28 6.78 8.61
9.31      10.71     9.58      6.93      6.78
SkewbFinal1 2.55 3.40
3.59      3.48      3.19      2.55      3.52
First round1 3.28 4.12
5.73      3.28      4.79      3.74      3.83
China Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round334 12.66 14.28
17.86     12.66     14.78     12.96     15.09
First round404 13.02 15.39
16.98     13.02     16.12     14.80     15.26
2x2x2 CubeSecond round183 3.16 4.85
6.49      9.22      3.16      4.14      3.91
First round126 3.23 4.35
4.17      4.49      4.85      4.38      3.23
PyraminxSecond round108 4.29 6.78
6.89      4.29      19.60     6.72      6.74
First round176 4.28 8.12
8.04      8.87      8.35      4.28      7.98
SkewbFinal9 2.82 4.32
4.22      7.04      2.82      3.23      5.51
Semi Final5 2.68 3.48
3.99      3.53      2.68      3.25      3.66
Second round33 3.61 5.85
9.51      3.61      3.77      DNF       4.26
First round10 3.31 4.02
3.58      3.73      4.74      3.31      5.08
Guilin Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 12.70 13.75
12.70     13.32     14.08     14.19     13.85
First round29 12.08 14.25
12.08     17.43     14.09     14.25     14.41
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 4.47 4.73
4.47      4.65      4.47      7.35      5.08
First round12 3.72 4.47
3.72      4.07      5.47      12.45     3.87
4x4x4 CubeFinal25 53.66 1:03.86
59.06     1:09.34   1:10.72   1:03.17   53.66
PyraminxFinal10 5.73 6.50
7.06      5.74      8.32      5.73      6.71
First round7 5.06 6.63
11.95     5.06      7.77      6.38      5.73
SkewbFinal1 3.36 3.66
3.87      4.56      3.43      3.36      3.68
First round1 3.01 3.93
3.01      3.85      4.69      3.54      4.40
Guiyang Open 2019
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 3.81 4.70
4.33      3.81      4.74      6.67      5.04
Second round9 3.47 4.54
3.47      7.69      4.95      4.11      4.56
First round7 3.64 4.08
4.04      3.64      4.07      4.95      4.14
4x4x4 CubeFirst round21 51.58 56.04
52.55     1:04.96   51.58     57.74     57.82
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round28 32.98 37.87
32.98     36.85     38.18     38.57     46.96
PyraminxFinal10 5.91 9.50
9.16      9.23      10.12     12.06     5.91
First round3 4.68 5.83
7.03      4.68      5.80      6.44      5.24
SkewbFinal2 4.23 4.64
5.61      5.32      4.35      4.23      4.24
First round1 3.75 4.14
5.53      3.75      4.52      3.75      4.16
Chongqing Open 2018
SkewbFinal1 3.12 4.12
6.75      3.59      4.84      3.12      3.92
First round3 4.66 5.71
4.84      5.25      7.04      4.66      10.61
China Championship 2018
PyraminxSemi Final51 4.63 6.47
5.96      6.53      6.92      8.71      4.63
Second round67 5.53 6.98
7.61      5.53      5.85      7.47      9.15
First round75 5.91 6.97
6.56      6.87      7.48      DNF       5.91
SkewbSemi Final17 3.98 5.34
5.75      3.98      5.64      6.09      4.63
Second round7 3.21 3.95
3.72      4.22      3.90      3.21      4.99
First round10 4.14 4.48
4.91      4.14      5.56      4.19      4.33
Qianjiang Summer Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round52 12.09 16.04
18.42     13.05     12.09     17.40     17.66
First round54 15.11 16.42
15.25     17.55     16.46     15.11     18.35
2x2x2 CubeSecond round19 4.08 5.00
5.32      6.08      4.36      5.32      4.08
First round16 3.90 4.84
5.50      4.99      5.74      4.03      3.90
4x4x4 CubeFirst round34 54.30 58.47
54.30     58.94     58.23     1:09.71   58.25
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round45 26.65 37.92
37.25     38.69     37.81     26.65     38.81
PyraminxFinal12 6.17 10.47
6.90      6.17      18.06     DNF       6.45
First round10 5.41 6.34
5.41      6.11      8.36      7.06      5.84
SkewbFinal2 3.71 4.53
5.33      4.06      5.04      4.50      3.71
First round2 4.40 4.87
4.96      4.40      4.88      4.78      5.29
Chengdu Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round45 13.05 15.78
15.48     17.00     17.27     14.87     13.05
First round42 13.57 15.31
16.71     14.75     13.57     15.27     15.91
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 4.43 5.10
5.28      5.79      4.93      4.43      5.08
Second round8 3.67 4.65
4.69      4.72      4.73      3.67      4.55
First round4 3.67 3.97
3.83      3.70      4.39      4.52      3.67
4x4x4 CubeFirst round23 54.27 57.60
54.86     1:00.95   54.27     57.00     1:04.61
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round25 29.12 35.15
37.45     29.12     30.75     49.87     37.26
PyraminxFinal8 6.03 6.91
6.38      6.03      8.01      6.33      8.65
First round12 5.61 7.56
7.65      7.51      7.53      8.31      5.61
SkewbFinal4 3.12 5.70
5.82      5.94      5.35      7.67      3.12
First round5 4.52 5.74
4.52      5.74      6.52      5.34      6.15
Square-1First round13 31.69 44.33
DNF       31.69     42.09     38.53     52.37
Inner Mongolia Winter 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 12.63 15.10
16.54     15.30     12.63     15.50     14.50
First round25 12.42 13.82
14.19     18.20     13.95     12.42     13.31
2x2x2 CubeFirst round14 3.54 4.64
6.06      3.85      3.54      6.18      4.02
4x4x4 CubeFirst round33 59.99 1:07.91
1:12.73   59.99     1:56.25   1:03.80   1:07.19
5x5x5 CubeFinal28 1:54.40 2:07.85
2:14.63   2:14.44   1:54.40   2:01.85   2:07.26
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round37 21.90 36.52
52.31     38.42     28.35     21.90     42.80
PyraminxFinal10 5.39 7.54
5.39      7.94      6.93      11.94     7.74
First round9 6.56 7.07
16.49     6.56      7.50      6.96      6.76
SkewbFinal4 4.96 6.27
5.53      9.67      7.67      4.96      5.60
First round3 3.52 5.57
5.97      3.52      9.94      5.84      4.91
Square-1Final24 59.45 DNF
1:05.05   59.45     DNF       DNF       1:03.42
Chongqing Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round42 13.74 14.76
15.86     14.03     14.65     13.74     15.61
First round36 13.33 14.10
14.07     14.37     13.87     14.61     13.33
2x2x2 CubeSecond round13 2.85 4.54
6.28      3.15      10.49     2.85      4.20
First round19 4.64 5.23
4.76      6.25      7.77      4.64      4.67
4x4x4 CubeFirst round36 54.37 59.75
54.37     1:07.55   56.04     1:07.60   55.65
5x5x5 CubeFirst round27 2:04.74
2:04.74   2:19.85
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round43 30.80 38.54
39.44     30.80     54.14     39.82     36.37
PyraminxFirst round15 5.70 7.42
7.81      5.70      6.95      7.49      10.19
SkewbFinal4 4.57 5.81
DNF       6.08      4.57      5.73      5.62
First round4 4.57 6.18
6.56      4.57      10.44     5.71      6.28
Chongqing Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round117 24.92 DNF
30.23     DNF       24.92     DNF       30.57
2x2x2 CubeFirst round44 6.06 7.38
6.85      7.93      DNF       6.06      7.36
PyraminxFirst round39 12.19 14.22
14.15     12.19     DNF       12.84     15.66
SkewbFirst round39 23.55
DNF       23.55
112019-08-24~25Xi'an 10th Anniversary 2019ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
102019-07-26~28China Championship 2019ChinaHefei, Anhui
92019-06-08Guilin Open 2019ChinaGuilin, Guangxi
82019-05-01~02Guiyang Open 2019ChinaGuiyang, Guizhou
72018-12-08~09Chongqing Open 2018ChinaChongqing
62018-10-02~04China Championship 2018ChinaBeijing
52018-08-25~26Qianjiang Summer Open 2018ChinaQianjiang, Hubei
42018-04-29~30Chengdu Open 2018ChinaChengdu, Sichuan
32018-02-03~04Inner Mongolia Winter 2018ChinaHohhot, Inner Mongolia
22017-12-30~31Chongqing Open 2017ChinaChongqing
12016-07-16~17Chongqing Open 2016ChinaChongqing