Personal Page

Putra Raditya Kuncoro

Name: Putra Raditya Kuncoro
Region: Indonesia
Competitions: 7
WCA ID: Putra Raditya Kuncoro2017KUNC01
Gender: Male
Career: 2017.03.25 - 2017.10.22
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube692143523897012.8319.226471823816124924/25
2x2x2 Cube2805356202942.935.2629318865142720/20
4x4x4 Cube4508691256551:00.241:09.2725554856945512/12
3x3x3 Blindfolded95115534572:04.4514/8
3x3x3 One-Handed650107132951430.2234.8026183967456315/15
3x3x3 Multi-Blind5050719593/3 26:091/3

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Rain City Cube Competition 2017First round51 12.83 19.22
12.83     20.68     18.92     23.16     18.05
DIY Open 2017First round29 19.08 25.52
25.56     28.73     DNF       22.27     19.08
iCube Day 2017First round45 18.70 21.92
21.90     24.13     19.72     26.15     18.70
Bintaro Open 2017First round36 22.27 25.27
22.27     40.66     26.38     27.02     22.41
Tangerang Open 2017First round104 24.29 30.89
33.75     28.43     31.71     24.29     32.52
2x2x2 Cube
Rain City Cube Competition 2017First round19 2.93 5.26
6.75      2.93      4.71      8.76      4.32
DIY Open 2017First round20 5.85 7.15
6.59      7.88      6.97      9.31      5.85
iCube Day 2017Final54 6.74 9.11
9.65      9.14      12.09     6.74      8.53
Bintaro Open 2017Final18 4.31 6.96
5.89      4.31      7.93      7.06      9.11
4x4x4 Cube
Rubikku Champ 2017Final15 1:00.24 1:09.27
1:17.26   1:08.74   1:16.25   1:00.24   1:02.82
Rain City Cube Competition 2017First round28 1:13.24 1:20.07
1:16.26   1:13.24   1:21.32   1:25.28   1:22.62
Bintaro Open 2017Final19 1:48.15
2:15.43   1:48.15
5x5x5 Cube
DIY Open 2017First round19 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS       DNS       DNS
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Rain City Cube Competition 2017Final14 DNF
DNF       DNF
DIY Open 2017Final3 2:04.45 DNF
3:13.45   2:04.45   DNF
iCube Day 2017Final5 3:30.75 DNF
DNF       4:16.37   3:30.75
3x3x3 One-Handed
Rain City Cube Competition 2017First round36 30.22 34.80
34.61     30.22     34.64     36.23     35.14
DIY Open 2017First round19 32.27 43.83
32.27     1:01.69   42.84     43.53     45.12
iCube Day 2017Final33 42.46 45.81
44.29     42.46     48.75     44.40     50.87
Rubikku Champ 2017Final12 3.99 8.81
8.21      12.03     3.99      10.90     7.32
Rain City Cube Competition 2017First round21 7.04 9.33
9.06      8.88      10.06     7.04      12.81
Indonesian Championship 2017First round20 6.68 7.61
8.99      6.90      6.95      6.68      9.65
DIY Open 2017Final6 6.24 8.04
10.53     7.33      6.26      6.24      12.04
First round6 6.72 8.30
8.47      6.72      7.57      8.87      9.60
iCube Day 2017Final13 8.38 9.18
8.65      11.13     10.28     8.62      8.38
Bintaro Open 2017Final9 7.33 9.88
9.90      9.54      10.21     7.33      11.09
Rubikku Champ 2017Final12 5.49 8.80
7.72      5.49      9.43      9.25      9.53
Rain City Cube Competition 2017First round13 6.58 8.04
7.98      11.13     7.97      8.18      6.58
Indonesian Championship 2017First round18 4.63 8.85
4.63      5.75      9.64      11.31     11.15
DIY Open 2017Final3 6.15 7.05
8.35      6.15      7.52      7.06      6.57
First round5 7.49 10.86
10.22     11.86     10.51     20.66     7.49
iCube Day 2017Final7 6.84 7.58
6.97      6.84      7.75      10.79     8.02
Bintaro Open 2017Final6 8.69 9.37
9.35      8.69      9.21      9.56      13.13
Indonesian Championship 2017Final17 24.28 46.29
36.17     24.28     46.70     56.00     59.42
iCube Day 2017Final10 36.71 46.41
44.69     36.71     51.61     47.25     47.28
3x3x3 Multi-Blind
Rubikku Champ 2017Final4 DNF
Indonesian Championship 2017Final4 3/3 26:09
3/3 26:09
DIY Open 2017Final4 DNF
Rubikku Champ 2017
4x4x4 CubeFinal15 1:00.24 1:09.27
1:17.26   1:08.74   1:16.25   1:00.24   1:02.82
PyraminxFinal12 3.99 8.81
8.21      12.03     3.99      10.90     7.32
SkewbFinal12 5.49 8.80
7.72      5.49      9.43      9.25      9.53
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal4 DNF
Rain City Cube Competition 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round51 12.83 19.22
12.83     20.68     18.92     23.16     18.05
2x2x2 CubeFirst round19 2.93 5.26
6.75      2.93      4.71      8.76      4.32
4x4x4 CubeFirst round28 1:13.24 1:20.07
1:16.26   1:13.24   1:21.32   1:25.28   1:22.62
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal14 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round36 30.22 34.80
34.61     30.22     34.64     36.23     35.14
PyraminxFirst round21 7.04 9.33
9.06      8.88      10.06     7.04      12.81
SkewbFirst round13 6.58 8.04
7.98      11.13     7.97      8.18      6.58
Indonesian Championship 2017
PyraminxFirst round20 6.68 7.61
8.99      6.90      6.95      6.68      9.65
SkewbFirst round18 4.63 8.85
4.63      5.75      9.64      11.31     11.15
Square-1Final17 24.28 46.29
36.17     24.28     46.70     56.00     59.42
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal4 3/3 26:09
3/3 26:09
DIY Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round29 19.08 25.52
25.56     28.73     DNF       22.27     19.08
2x2x2 CubeFirst round20 5.85 7.15
6.59      7.88      6.97      9.31      5.85
5x5x5 CubeFirst round19 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS       DNS       DNS
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal3 2:04.45 DNF
3:13.45   2:04.45   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round19 32.27 43.83
32.27     1:01.69   42.84     43.53     45.12
PyraminxFinal6 6.24 8.04
10.53     7.33      6.26      6.24      12.04
First round6 6.72 8.30
8.47      6.72      7.57      8.87      9.60
SkewbFinal3 6.15 7.05
8.35      6.15      7.52      7.06      6.57
First round5 7.49 10.86
10.22     11.86     10.51     20.66     7.49
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal4 DNF
iCube Day 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round45 18.70 21.92
21.90     24.13     19.72     26.15     18.70
2x2x2 CubeFinal54 6.74 9.11
9.65      9.14      12.09     6.74      8.53
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal5 3:30.75 DNF
DNF       4:16.37   3:30.75
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal33 42.46 45.81
44.29     42.46     48.75     44.40     50.87
PyraminxFinal13 8.38 9.18
8.65      11.13     10.28     8.62      8.38
SkewbFinal7 6.84 7.58
6.97      6.84      7.75      10.79     8.02
Square-1Final10 36.71 46.41
44.69     36.71     51.61     47.25     47.28
Bintaro Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round36 22.27 25.27
22.27     40.66     26.38     27.02     22.41
2x2x2 CubeFinal18 4.31 6.96
5.89      4.31      7.93      7.06      9.11
4x4x4 CubeFinal19 1:48.15
2:15.43   1:48.15
PyraminxFinal9 7.33 9.88
9.90      9.54      10.21     7.33      11.09
SkewbFinal6 8.69 9.37
9.35      8.69      9.21      9.56      13.13
Tangerang Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round104 24.29 30.89
33.75     28.43     31.71     24.29     32.52
72017-10-21~22Rubikku Champ 2017IndonesiaTangerang
62017-09-02~03Rain City Cube Competition 2017IndonesiaBogor, Jawa Barat
52017-08-04~06Indonesian Championship 2017IndonesiaJakarta
42017-07-14~16DIY Open 2017IndonesiaYogyakarta
32017-07-09iCube Day 2017IndonesiaTangerang
22017-05-21Bintaro Open 2017IndonesiaTangerang Selatan
12017-03-25~26Tangerang Open 2017IndonesiaTangerang