Personal Page

Novaleigh Bui

Name: Novaleigh Bui
Region: Vietnam
Competitions: 13
WCA ID: Novaleigh Bui2017NGHI11
Gender: Female
Career: 2017.08.19 - 2024.12.15
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube107183456007.959.404210145090139/140
2x2x2 Cube1093224127912.483.849445254610535/35
4x4x4 Cube1182011569237.5146.097639272015314/15
5x5x5 Cube5696728231:07.571:13.6025058715134/35
3x3x3 One-Handed45990222447227.1435.2926512980750510/10

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection


Overall Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Nub Open Lake Forest 2024Second round18 8.15 10.11
8.15      9.72      11.20     10.18     10.44
First round25 9.58 11.22
11.48     12.21     12.09     10.10     9.58
Fullerton Winter 2024First round16 8.92 10.26
10.39     11.83     10.15     8.92      10.25
Uni Heights Cubing Winter 2024Final9 7.95 10.18
7.95      10.16     10.73     10.08     10.31
Second round16 9.64 10.58
9.79      13.41     11.64     10.32     9.64
First round11 8.96 10.13
11.13     10.53     10.17     9.70      8.96
UCSD Winter 2023Second round28 8.48 10.64
9.80      16.48     8.48      10.96     11.16
First round24 9.56 10.58
12.24     11.73     9.79      10.21     9.56
Agoura SpookCubing 2023Second round4 8.01 10.19
12.03     9.21      9.88      11.47     8.01
First round5 9.02 10.55
9.76      14.51     9.02      10.80     11.09
Santa Ana Summer A 2023Second round25 9.48 11.41
9.81      DNF       12.61     9.48      11.80
First round18 9.32 10.85
10.99     10.86     12.11     9.32      10.69
Pride in Long Beach 2023Second round17 9.91 11.05
11.27     9.91      12.61     10.18     11.70
First round14 9.18 10.60
10.16     10.69     10.96     11.10     9.18
Circle City Turbocharged 2023Final15 10.10 11.26
11.69     10.10     10.95     11.73     11.14
Semi Final14 8.79 9.40
9.90      10.93     9.18      9.13      8.79
Second round18 9.29 9.71
9.91      9.29      9.49      9.73      10.72
First round26 10.81 11.47
11.96     11.61     10.83     11.99     10.81
Long Beach Spring 2022Final13 10.21 11.39
11.72     11.59     10.87     10.21     12.80
Second round11 8.88 10.21
10.12     9.41      8.88      12.50     11.09
First round13 9.76 11.08
9.89      12.05     11.29     9.76      13.55
Anaheim B 2022Second round14 9.66 11.06
11.53     12.99     11.91     9.74      9.66
First round7 9.27 10.09
11.71     10.21     10.23     9.27      9.84
Mudd Winter 2020Semi Final33 10.94 13.45
16.42     10.94     13.92     14.20     12.24
Second round17 10.44 12.15
10.44     11.99     12.98     13.40     11.48
First round37 12.62 13.41
12.62     13.01     16.00     12.98     14.25
Mudd Winter 2019First round27 9.83 13.58
14.98     12.54     9.83      13.56     14.65
Nisei Week 2017First round64 14.69 16.56
22.77     16.04     15.91     14.69     17.74
2x2x2 Cube
Uni Heights Cubing Winter 2024Second round42 5.28 5.78
5.78      8.48      5.28      5.88      5.67
First round34 3.14 4.99
5.49      3.14      5.20      5.50      4.27
UCSD Winter 2023First round31 3.71 4.29
4.54      3.71      4.37      3.97      6.02
Pride in Long Beach 2023Final8 2.55 3.84
6.97      4.46      3.07      3.98      2.55
First round17 3.48 4.24
3.88      4.43      3.48      4.47      4.40
Circle City Turbocharged 2023Second round22 2.48 4.39
4.61      3.86      4.70      2.48      6.69
First round47 4.45 5.26
6.07      5.44      4.56      4.45      5.78
4x4x4 Cube
Pride in Long Beach 2023Final14 37.51 46.29
37.51     47.85     51.32     46.83     44.18
Anaheim B 2022First round14 39.89 46.09
49.19     50.81     46.34     42.75     39.89
Mudd Winter 2020First round29 47.53 54.21
50.40     55.68     47.53     DNF       56.55
5x5x5 Cube
UCSD Winter 2023First round19 1:19.62 1:23.30
1:19.62   1:24.84   1:30.41   1:20.86   1:24.21
Santa Ana Summer A 2023First round13 1:16.64 1:26.32
1:27.66   1:16.64   1:26.91   1:24.38   1:27.99
Circle City Turbocharged 2023First round17 1:18.78 1:31.61
1:31.43   1:40.87   1:18.78   1:22.52   1:42.85
Anaheim B 2022Final5 1:07.57 1:17.73
1:07.57   1:20.64   1:18.25   1:24.12   1:14.31
First round3 1:09.67 1:13.60
1:11.17   1:18.42   1:16.95   1:09.67   1:12.69
Mudd Winter 2020Final27 1:40.83 1:53.43
1:59.72   1:52.65   1:40.83   1:47.92   DNF
Mudd Winter 2019Final23 2:04.80 2:18.79
2:17.61   2:04.80   2:22.55   2:16.21   2:39.21
3x3x3 One-Handed
Circle City Turbocharged 2023First round45 27.14 35.29
30.33     38.29     38.48     37.24     27.14
Mudd Winter 2020First round48 30.26 41.83
43.53     45.87     30.26     41.90     40.06
Nub Open Lake Forest 2024Final3 36.78 46.75
55.50     36.78     49.82     45.38     45.06
First round3 43.21 46.33
46.78     48.78     43.44     43.21     53.38
Fullerton Winter 2024Final4 44.10 48.40
44.10     47.25     50.99     46.97     53.41
First round3 43.30 50.03
55.04     44.52     53.98     51.60     43.30
Uni Heights Cubing Winter 2024Final3 43.79 49.64
43.79     47.39     53.82     47.71     55.67
First round2 41.41 44.81
48.87     46.68     45.77     41.41     41.99
UCSD Winter 2023Final3 40.56 45.46
49.87     40.56     47.22     43.05     46.12
First round3 40.62 45.30
48.84     46.19     41.89     40.62     47.82
Santa Ana Summer A 2023Final3NR 38.73 45.72
45.94     47.52     43.70     47.51     38.73
First round2 45.06 48.30
45.78     45.06     52.42     47.93     51.18
Pride in Long Beach 2023Final2 41.63 43.81
46.05     41.76     48.71     41.63     43.62
First round2NR 39.25NR 43.80
39.25     48.51     40.85     42.82     47.72
Mudd Winter 2020Final8 1:08.03 1:17.78
DNF       1:19.28   1:23.54   1:10.53   1:08.03
First round8 1:09.29 1:12.45
1:09.29   1:22.29   1:13.62   1:14.01   1:09.72
Agoura SpookCubing 2023First round60 12.95 16.65
40.80     21.44     14.98     12.95     13.52
Long Beach Spring 2022First round36 8.34 10.40
9.09      12.54     12.25     9.86      8.34
Mudd Winter 2020First round56 7.05 12.74
13.60     7.05      13.33     11.29     13.90
Long Beach Spring 2022First round20 16.92 21.21
23.68     20.52     16.92     19.42     23.88
Nub Open Lake Forest 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 8.15 10.11
8.15      9.72      11.20     10.18     10.44
First round25 9.58 11.22
11.48     12.21     12.09     10.10     9.58
MegaminxFinal3 36.78 46.75
55.50     36.78     49.82     45.38     45.06
First round3 43.21 46.33
46.78     48.78     43.44     43.21     53.38
Fullerton Winter 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round16 8.92 10.26
10.39     11.83     10.15     8.92      10.25
MegaminxFinal4 44.10 48.40
44.10     47.25     50.99     46.97     53.41
First round3 43.30 50.03
55.04     44.52     53.98     51.60     43.30
Uni Heights Cubing Winter 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 7.95 10.18
7.95      10.16     10.73     10.08     10.31
Second round16 9.64 10.58
9.79      13.41     11.64     10.32     9.64
First round11 8.96 10.13
11.13     10.53     10.17     9.70      8.96
2x2x2 CubeSecond round42 5.28 5.78
5.78      8.48      5.28      5.88      5.67
First round34 3.14 4.99
5.49      3.14      5.20      5.50      4.27
MegaminxFinal3 43.79 49.64
43.79     47.39     53.82     47.71     55.67
First round2 41.41 44.81
48.87     46.68     45.77     41.41     41.99
UCSD Winter 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 8.48 10.64
9.80      16.48     8.48      10.96     11.16
First round24 9.56 10.58
12.24     11.73     9.79      10.21     9.56
2x2x2 CubeFirst round31 3.71 4.29
4.54      3.71      4.37      3.97      6.02
5x5x5 CubeFirst round19 1:19.62 1:23.30
1:19.62   1:24.84   1:30.41   1:20.86   1:24.21
MegaminxFinal3 40.56 45.46
49.87     40.56     47.22     43.05     46.12
First round3 40.62 45.30
48.84     46.19     41.89     40.62     47.82
Agoura SpookCubing 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round4 8.01 10.19
12.03     9.21      9.88      11.47     8.01
First round5 9.02 10.55
9.76      14.51     9.02      10.80     11.09
PyraminxFirst round60 12.95 16.65
40.80     21.44     14.98     12.95     13.52
Santa Ana Summer A 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 9.48 11.41
9.81      DNF       12.61     9.48      11.80
First round18 9.32 10.85
10.99     10.86     12.11     9.32      10.69
5x5x5 CubeFirst round13 1:16.64 1:26.32
1:27.66   1:16.64   1:26.91   1:24.38   1:27.99
MegaminxFinal3NR 38.73 45.72
45.94     47.52     43.70     47.51     38.73
First round2 45.06 48.30
45.78     45.06     52.42     47.93     51.18
Pride in Long Beach 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 9.91 11.05
11.27     9.91      12.61     10.18     11.70
First round14 9.18 10.60
10.16     10.69     10.96     11.10     9.18
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 2.55 3.84
6.97      4.46      3.07      3.98      2.55
First round17 3.48 4.24
3.88      4.43      3.48      4.47      4.40
4x4x4 CubeFinal14 37.51 46.29
37.51     47.85     51.32     46.83     44.18
MegaminxFinal2 41.63 43.81
46.05     41.76     48.71     41.63     43.62
First round2NR 39.25NR 43.80
39.25     48.51     40.85     42.82     47.72
Circle City Turbocharged 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal15 10.10 11.26
11.69     10.10     10.95     11.73     11.14
Semi Final14 8.79 9.40
9.90      10.93     9.18      9.13      8.79
Second round18 9.29 9.71
9.91      9.29      9.49      9.73      10.72
First round26 10.81 11.47
11.96     11.61     10.83     11.99     10.81
2x2x2 CubeSecond round22 2.48 4.39
4.61      3.86      4.70      2.48      6.69
First round47 4.45 5.26
6.07      5.44      4.56      4.45      5.78
5x5x5 CubeFirst round17 1:18.78 1:31.61
1:31.43   1:40.87   1:18.78   1:22.52   1:42.85
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round45 27.14 35.29
30.33     38.29     38.48     37.24     27.14
Long Beach Spring 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal13 10.21 11.39
11.72     11.59     10.87     10.21     12.80
Second round11 8.88 10.21
10.12     9.41      8.88      12.50     11.09
First round13 9.76 11.08
9.89      12.05     11.29     9.76      13.55
PyraminxFirst round36 8.34 10.40
9.09      12.54     12.25     9.86      8.34
Square-1First round20 16.92 21.21
23.68     20.52     16.92     19.42     23.88
Anaheim B 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round14 9.66 11.06
11.53     12.99     11.91     9.74      9.66
First round7 9.27 10.09
11.71     10.21     10.23     9.27      9.84
4x4x4 CubeFirst round14 39.89 46.09
49.19     50.81     46.34     42.75     39.89
5x5x5 CubeFinal5 1:07.57 1:17.73
1:07.57   1:20.64   1:18.25   1:24.12   1:14.31
First round3 1:09.67 1:13.60
1:11.17   1:18.42   1:16.95   1:09.67   1:12.69
Mudd Winter 2020
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final33 10.94 13.45
16.42     10.94     13.92     14.20     12.24
Second round17 10.44 12.15
10.44     11.99     12.98     13.40     11.48
First round37 12.62 13.41
12.62     13.01     16.00     12.98     14.25
4x4x4 CubeFirst round29 47.53 54.21
50.40     55.68     47.53     DNF       56.55
5x5x5 CubeFinal27 1:40.83 1:53.43
1:59.72   1:52.65   1:40.83   1:47.92   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round48 30.26 41.83
43.53     45.87     30.26     41.90     40.06
MegaminxFinal8 1:08.03 1:17.78
DNF       1:19.28   1:23.54   1:10.53   1:08.03
First round8 1:09.29 1:12.45
1:09.29   1:22.29   1:13.62   1:14.01   1:09.72
PyraminxFirst round56 7.05 12.74
13.60     7.05      13.33     11.29     13.90
Mudd Winter 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round27 9.83 13.58
14.98     12.54     9.83      13.56     14.65
5x5x5 CubeFinal23 2:04.80 2:18.79
2:17.61   2:04.80   2:22.55   2:16.21   2:39.21
Nisei Week 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round64 14.69 16.56
22.77     16.04     15.91     14.69     17.74

History of National Records

 NR 38.73Santa Ana Summer A 2023Final
45.94     47.52     43.70     47.51     38.73  
 NR 39.25NR 43.80Pride in Long Beach 2023First round
39.25     48.51     40.85     42.82     47.72
132024-12-15Nub Open Lake Forest 2024United StatesLake Forest, California
122024-02-24Fullerton Winter 2024United StatesFullerton, California
112024-01-27Uni Heights Cubing Winter 2024United StatesRiverside, California
102023-12-16UCSD Winter 2023United StatesSan Diego, California
92023-10-28Agoura SpookCubing 2023United StatesAgoura Hills, California
82023-08-19Santa Ana Summer A 2023United StatesSanta Ana, California
72023-06-11Pride in Long Beach 2023United StatesLong Beach, California
62023-03-11Circle City Turbocharged 2023United StatesCorona, California
52022-05-14Long Beach Spring 2022United StatesLong Beach, California
42022-02-06Anaheim B 2022United StatesAnaheim, California
32020-02-22~23Mudd Winter 2020United StatesClaremont, California
22019-02-02Mudd Winter 2019United StatesClaremont, California
12017-08-19Nisei Week 2017United StatesLos Angeles, California