Personal Page

Hrishikesh Kakati

Name: Hrishikesh Kakati
Region: India
Competitions: 19
WCA ID: Hrishikesh Kakati2022KAKA01
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.04.23 - 2024.11.24
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube4143847109339.1011.36120734404446133/140
2x2x2 Cube289173373802.073.849420253739632/34
3x3x3 Fewest Moves34721107697482/3
3x3x3 One-Handed1721368394714.4716.1422047588538/40

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

India Championship Podiums

Indian Nationals 2023
Pyraminx2 2.45 3.36
3.01      2.45      3.46      3.61      4.79

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
CUCEI Open 2024First round11 9.69 11.52
9.69      15.14     10.39     12.25     11.92
Indian Nationals 2023Second round19 9.98 11.36
10.54     12.34     9.98      11.21     15.28
First round23 10.39 11.36
10.39     13.16     12.27     11.10     10.71
BASC 52 - Belmont 2023Second round44 11.26 12.35
11.33     11.60     15.43     11.26     14.12
First round38 9.10 12.17
10.52     17.78     11.52     14.47     9.10
SacCubing XV 2023First round59 11.69 13.99
11.69     13.57     13.08     17.08     15.32
BASC 50 - Berkeley 2023Second round74 10.49 14.29
14.04     14.99     13.85     16.95     10.49
First round56 10.75 12.94
13.04     14.33     11.44     10.75     15.33
Western Championship 2023Second round112 10.80 13.12
13.11     14.38     11.86     10.80     14.42
First round92 9.69 11.88
DNF       10.95     9.69      11.52     13.16
Bay Area Speedcubin' 48 2023Second round49 9.16 12.65
15.47     12.53     DNF       9.16      9.95
First round36 10.27 11.95
16.22     11.18     13.43     11.23     10.27
Claws Up Summer 2023Second round14 11.65 12.82
11.65     13.71     DNF       12.21     12.55
First round16 13.11 13.76
13.15     13.21     14.91     DNF       13.11
BASC 47 - Berkeley Pride 2023Second round38 9.41 13.73
13.29     15.17     12.72     DNF       9.41
First round31 10.87 12.57
14.72     11.46     13.41     12.83     10.87
Bay Area Speedcubin' 44 2023First round57 12.39 13.58
14.65     14.32     13.07     12.39     13.34
Berkeley Spring 2023Second round72 9.56 14.19
15.75     16.30     9.56      16.41     10.53
First round69 11.55 13.73
12.54     11.55     14.50     16.51     14.16
SacCubing XIII 2023Second round48 10.65 13.71
16.24     DNF       12.36     10.65     12.53
First round46 12.76 13.90
13.09     14.96     17.71     12.76     13.66
Reno Fall 2022Second round26 16.40 19.19
16.40     22.45     18.91     19.77     18.89
First round23 14.47 17.79
15.89     22.64     17.49     14.47     19.99
SacCubing XII 2022Second round72 17.81 20.82
19.38     21.16     22.60     17.81     21.92
First round92 16.12 24.95
18.89     27.81     28.14     DNF       16.12
A Bruin Cube Day 2022Second round74 28.38 32.40
43.89     31.42     28.38     33.71     32.06
First round68 21.31 26.99
37.50     21.31     24.35     23.28     33.33
BASC 31A - Mill Valley 2022First round99 33.88 48.57
49.53     43.18     1:01.25   33.88     52.99
2x2x2 Cube
CUCEI Open 2024First round12 3.07 4.04
3.07      4.46      3.86      4.49      3.79
Indian Nationals 2023Final19 3.60 DNF
4.22      3.60      DNF       DNF       DNS
Second round16 3.47 4.59
4.38      6.40      5.14      4.24      3.47
First round32 4.14 5.55
4.14      5.14      7.71      5.51      6.00
BASC 52 - Belmont 2023Second round21 2.07 3.84
2.07      3.67      5.51      4.03      3.83
First round28 3.62 4.20
3.78      4.84      3.62      4.53      4.28
BASC 50 - Berkeley 2023First round59 3.89 4.88
4.53      6.46      3.89      5.63      4.48
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
DNFeandon't Guadalajara 2024Final15 48 DNF
DNF       48        52
3x3x3 One-Handed
Niños Héroes Jalisco 2024Second round8 16.74 17.70
21.46     16.86     16.74     17.64     18.59
First round7 14.47 16.14
15.00     14.47     16.21     24.76     17.21
Indian Nationals 2023Second round22 16.06 22.08
20.41     16.06     18.92     30.09     26.91
First round16 18.14 21.43
18.89     18.14     26.61     22.97     22.42
BASC 50 - Berkeley 2023First round33 17.31 22.23
DNF       18.61     17.70     17.31     30.37
Western Championship 2023First round78 18.81 23.53
18.81     22.72     22.28     DNF       25.60
Bay Area Speedcubin' 44 2023First round32 22.22 24.34
25.65     24.50     24.34     22.22     24.18
SacCubing XIII 2023First round31 22.76 25.38
22.76     29.83     25.12     25.85     25.17
DNFeandon't Guadalajara 2024Final1 1.84 2.47
2.01      3.21      2.19      1.84      DNF
First round1 2.01 2.51
3.34      3.38      2.16      2.01      2.03
Niños Héroes Jalisco 2024Final1 2.06 2.55
2.06      2.79      3.86      2.54      2.32
Second round1 1.73 2.83
4.56      2.44      2.31      1.73      3.75
First round1 1.73 2.77
2.80      1.73      2.80      4.27      2.72
Indian Nationals 2023Final2 2.45 3.36
3.01      2.45      3.46      3.61      4.79
Second round1 2.14 3.14
3.58      7.26      2.72      3.11      2.14
First round2 1.78 3.32
1.78      5.58      3.19      3.17      3.60
BASC 52 - Belmont 2023Final5 2.42 4.07
5.87      4.37      5.04      2.42      2.79
Second round2 1.85 2.79
4.05      2.22      1.85      3.35      2.79
First round7 2.54 3.91
3.77      2.54      3.57      4.39      6.40
SacCubing XV 2023First round106 3.08 DNF
3.08      DNF       DNF       7.35      DNF
Western Championship 2023Second round19 2.67 4.75
6.92      6.16      3.79      4.29      2.67
First round17 2.66 4.28
6.37      4.32      5.19      2.66      3.34
Claws Up Summer 2023Final3 2.91 4.93
5.00      2.91      6.54      4.16      5.63
Second round3 2.79 5.06
2.79      6.93      3.32      9.04      4.94
First round4 4.04 4.73
5.21      6.43      4.16      4.04      4.82
BASC 47 - Berkeley Pride 2023Final6 2.76 4.72
6.96      DNF       2.88      2.76      4.31
First round4 2.79 4.58
5.41      2.79      4.76      8.38      3.56
Berkeley Spring 2023Final8 3.88 5.33
5.67      10.11     3.88      4.67      5.66
First round2 3.03 4.03
5.94      4.25      3.03      3.86      3.98
SacCubing XIII 2023First round14 4.85 6.17
4.85      5.03      12.56     7.23      6.24
Reno Fall 2022Final4 4.22 6.17
7.46      4.22      6.80      7.58      4.24
First round6 6.25 6.81
6.42      6.25      7.36      6.64      7.41
Bay Area Speedcubin' 37 2022Final8 3.15 5.71
5.85      5.65      5.62      6.30      3.15
First round12 4.02 6.71
7.19      4.02      4.95      11.15     8.00
SacCubing XII 2022First round15 5.69 6.76
6.85      6.34      5.69      9.41      7.09
BASC 31A - Mill Valley 2022First round45 11.28 15.37
16.45     16.92     18.57     12.74     11.28
DNFeandon't Guadalajara 2024
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal15 48 DNF
DNF       48        52
PyraminxFinal1 1.84 2.47
2.01      3.21      2.19      1.84      DNF
First round1 2.01 2.51
3.34      3.38      2.16      2.01      2.03
Niños Héroes Jalisco 2024
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round8 16.74 17.70
21.46     16.86     16.74     17.64     18.59
First round7 14.47 16.14
15.00     14.47     16.21     24.76     17.21
PyraminxFinal1 2.06 2.55
2.06      2.79      3.86      2.54      2.32
Second round1 1.73 2.83
4.56      2.44      2.31      1.73      3.75
First round1 1.73 2.77
2.80      1.73      2.80      4.27      2.72
CUCEI Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round11 9.69 11.52
9.69      15.14     10.39     12.25     11.92
2x2x2 CubeFirst round12 3.07 4.04
3.07      4.46      3.86      4.49      3.79
Indian Nationals 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 9.98 11.36
10.54     12.34     9.98      11.21     15.28
First round23 10.39 11.36
10.39     13.16     12.27     11.10     10.71
2x2x2 CubeFinal19 3.60 DNF
4.22      3.60      DNF       DNF       DNS
Second round16 3.47 4.59
4.38      6.40      5.14      4.24      3.47
First round32 4.14 5.55
4.14      5.14      7.71      5.51      6.00
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round22 16.06 22.08
20.41     16.06     18.92     30.09     26.91
First round16 18.14 21.43
18.89     18.14     26.61     22.97     22.42
PyraminxFinal2 2.45 3.36
3.01      2.45      3.46      3.61      4.79
Second round1 2.14 3.14
3.58      7.26      2.72      3.11      2.14
First round2 1.78 3.32
1.78      5.58      3.19      3.17      3.60
BASC 52 - Belmont 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round44 11.26 12.35
11.33     11.60     15.43     11.26     14.12
First round38 9.10 12.17
10.52     17.78     11.52     14.47     9.10
2x2x2 CubeSecond round21 2.07 3.84
2.07      3.67      5.51      4.03      3.83
First round28 3.62 4.20
3.78      4.84      3.62      4.53      4.28
PyraminxFinal5 2.42 4.07
5.87      4.37      5.04      2.42      2.79
Second round2 1.85 2.79
4.05      2.22      1.85      3.35      2.79
First round7 2.54 3.91
3.77      2.54      3.57      4.39      6.40
SacCubing XV 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round59 11.69 13.99
11.69     13.57     13.08     17.08     15.32
PyraminxFirst round106 3.08 DNF
3.08      DNF       DNF       7.35      DNF
BASC 50 - Berkeley 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round74 10.49 14.29
14.04     14.99     13.85     16.95     10.49
First round56 10.75 12.94
13.04     14.33     11.44     10.75     15.33
2x2x2 CubeFirst round59 3.89 4.88
4.53      6.46      3.89      5.63      4.48
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round33 17.31 22.23
DNF       18.61     17.70     17.31     30.37
Western Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round112 10.80 13.12
13.11     14.38     11.86     10.80     14.42
First round92 9.69 11.88
DNF       10.95     9.69      11.52     13.16
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round78 18.81 23.53
18.81     22.72     22.28     DNF       25.60
PyraminxSecond round19 2.67 4.75
6.92      6.16      3.79      4.29      2.67
First round17 2.66 4.28
6.37      4.32      5.19      2.66      3.34
Bay Area Speedcubin' 48 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round49 9.16 12.65
15.47     12.53     DNF       9.16      9.95
First round36 10.27 11.95
16.22     11.18     13.43     11.23     10.27
Claws Up Summer 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round14 11.65 12.82
11.65     13.71     DNF       12.21     12.55
First round16 13.11 13.76
13.15     13.21     14.91     DNF       13.11
PyraminxFinal3 2.91 4.93
5.00      2.91      6.54      4.16      5.63
Second round3 2.79 5.06
2.79      6.93      3.32      9.04      4.94
First round4 4.04 4.73
5.21      6.43      4.16      4.04      4.82
BASC 47 - Berkeley Pride 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round38 9.41 13.73
13.29     15.17     12.72     DNF       9.41
First round31 10.87 12.57
14.72     11.46     13.41     12.83     10.87
PyraminxFinal6 2.76 4.72
6.96      DNF       2.88      2.76      4.31
First round4 2.79 4.58
5.41      2.79      4.76      8.38      3.56
Bay Area Speedcubin' 44 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round57 12.39 13.58
14.65     14.32     13.07     12.39     13.34
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round32 22.22 24.34
25.65     24.50     24.34     22.22     24.18
Berkeley Spring 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round72 9.56 14.19
15.75     16.30     9.56      16.41     10.53
First round69 11.55 13.73
12.54     11.55     14.50     16.51     14.16
PyraminxFinal8 3.88 5.33
5.67      10.11     3.88      4.67      5.66
First round2 3.03 4.03
5.94      4.25      3.03      3.86      3.98
SacCubing XIII 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round48 10.65 13.71
16.24     DNF       12.36     10.65     12.53
First round46 12.76 13.90
13.09     14.96     17.71     12.76     13.66
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round31 22.76 25.38
22.76     29.83     25.12     25.85     25.17
PyraminxFirst round14 4.85 6.17
4.85      5.03      12.56     7.23      6.24
Reno Fall 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round26 16.40 19.19
16.40     22.45     18.91     19.77     18.89
First round23 14.47 17.79
15.89     22.64     17.49     14.47     19.99
PyraminxFinal4 4.22 6.17
7.46      4.22      6.80      7.58      4.24
First round6 6.25 6.81
6.42      6.25      7.36      6.64      7.41
Bay Area Speedcubin' 37 2022
PyraminxFinal8 3.15 5.71
5.85      5.65      5.62      6.30      3.15
First round12 4.02 6.71
7.19      4.02      4.95      11.15     8.00
SacCubing XII 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round72 17.81 20.82
19.38     21.16     22.60     17.81     21.92
First round92 16.12 24.95
18.89     27.81     28.14     DNF       16.12
PyraminxFirst round15 5.69 6.76
6.85      6.34      5.69      9.41      7.09
A Bruin Cube Day 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round74 28.38 32.40
43.89     31.42     28.38     33.71     32.06
First round68 21.31 26.99
37.50     21.31     24.35     23.28     33.33
BASC 31A - Mill Valley 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round99 33.88 48.57
49.53     43.18     1:01.25   33.88     52.99
PyraminxFirst round45 11.28 15.37
16.45     16.92     18.57     12.74     11.28
192024-11-23~24DNFeandon't Guadalajara 2024MexicoGuadalajara
182024-09-28~29Niños Héroes Jalisco 2024MexicoTonalá, Jalisco
172024-06-08CUCEI Open 2024MexicoGuadalajara, Jalisco.
162023-12-15~17Indian Nationals 2023IndiaShillong, Meghalaya
152023-10-01BASC 52 - Belmont 2023United StatesBelmont, California
142023-09-17SacCubing XV 2023United StatesCarmichael, California
132023-08-06BASC 50 - Berkeley 2023United StatesBerkeley, California
122023-06-30~07-02Western Championship 2023United StatesBerkeley, California
112023-06-25Bay Area Speedcubin' 48 2023United StatesBerkeley, California
102023-06-17Claws Up Summer 2023United StatesRocklin, California
92023-06-04BASC 47 - Berkeley Pride 2023United StatesBerkeley, California
82023-04-22Bay Area Speedcubin' 44 2023United StatesSanta Clara, California
72023-03-12Berkeley Spring 2023United StatesBerkeley, California
62023-01-14~15SacCubing XIII 2023United StatesCarmichael, California
52022-10-22Reno Fall 2022United StatesReno, Nevada
42022-09-17Bay Area Speedcubin' 37 2022United StatesBerkeley, California
32022-08-20SacCubing XII 2022United StatesCarmichael, California
22022-05-08A Bruin Cube Day 2022United StatesLos Angeles, California
12022-04-23BASC 31A - Mill Valley 2022United StatesMill Valley, California