Personal Page

Alexander Miguel Briones

Name: Alexander Miguel Briones
Region: United States
Competitions: 17
WCA ID: Alexander Miguel Briones2023BRIO01
Gender: Male
Career: 2023.01.07 - 2024.08.25
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1299166560848.069.72526014271104164/170
2x2x2 Cube1409177864301.972.97331594475686/90
4x4x4 Cube16652307949042.1047.6989182166155950/50
5x5x5 Cube20942851107991:37.101:47.48107102851209412/12
6x6x6 Cube1263168858343:05.043:41.287091208915667/7
3x3x3 One-Handed193026461097519.2021.7381731957142649/50

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
New England Championship 2024Semi Final47 8.59 11.10
11.27     8.59      11.19     10.83     11.39
Second round47 10.29 11.18
10.85     13.44     10.42     10.29     12.27
First round59 9.42 11.69
9.42      12.63     12.99     11.37     11.07
NAC 2024First round469 10.79 13.20
10.92     DNF       15.39     10.79     13.30
QuabbiNxN 2024Final10 8.06 10.79
12.11     10.45     9.84      12.08     8.06
Second round7 9.38 10.69
9.38      11.29     14.56     9.59      11.19
First round7 8.87 9.72
13.78     8.87      9.24      10.18     9.75
WPI Winter 2024Second round22 10.05 11.14
11.22     10.05     11.59     10.60     14.15
First round19 10.35 10.86
11.08     10.40     11.39     10.35     11.09
Fall River Cubikon 2024Final10 9.87 11.53
9.87      11.75     11.26     16.02     11.58
Second round7 8.50 9.92
9.94      DNF       11.30     8.50      8.51
First round11 10.15 11.44
10.26     14.13     10.15     11.78     12.27
Rhode Island Winter 2024Second round21 9.13 12.50
13.69     12.57     11.27     9.13      13.66
First round13 10.00 10.80
10.00     11.31     10.51     13.01     10.59
Loon Cubikon 2023Second round27 11.51 12.49
11.73     13.08     DNF       12.65     11.51
First round20 10.17 11.24
12.36     10.17     10.72     10.93     12.07
New England Championship 2023Semi Final70 9.85 12.52
9.85      12.46     13.17     11.94     14.78
Second round52 9.11 11.07
9.11      10.10     13.29     12.25     10.86
First round56 10.39 11.82
13.17     12.17     11.20     10.39     12.08
Brookline Favorites 2023Second round21 10.51 13.13
13.25     10.51     10.81     15.34     DNF
First round22 11.56 12.92
13.77     12.64     13.37     11.56     12.75
CubingUSA Nationals 2023First round497 11.84 13.31
12.70     14.12     11.84     13.10     DNF
Middleboro Cubikon 2023Second round25 12.46 16.25
16.87     12.46     17.91     17.06     14.82
First round16 11.58 13.64
13.57     13.50     14.98     13.85     11.58
Cape Cod 2023Second round29 12.22 14.39
14.88     12.41     12.22     15.88     15.94
First round32 12.78 15.08
14.27     12.78     16.06     14.90     19.32
Northampton Winter B 2023Second round22 14.38 16.47
15.38     14.38     21.09     16.55     17.48
First round23 13.49 17.42
17.75     19.62     13.49     16.76     17.74
Fall River Cubikon 2023First round43 18.03 20.56
20.97     22.12     19.00     21.70     18.03
Pioneer Valley Cubing B 2023Second round68 18.28 24.03
22.52     23.30     DNF       26.26     18.28
First round67 18.55 23.43
30.79     23.24     22.15     24.89     18.55
Mum's the Word 2023First round75 25.26 27.93
30.85     43.91     25.26     25.41     27.53
Puzzling in Providence 2023Second round65 20.72 27.41
23.65     30.53     29.65     28.93     20.72
First round66 20.75 25.15
27.28     24.74     20.75     23.44     28.63
2x2x2 Cube
New England Championship 2024Second round52 3.42 4.60
3.69      5.98      3.42      5.41      4.69
First round22 2.50 2.97
2.50      3.55      2.65      4.52      2.71
NAC 2024Second round212 2.57 3.57
3.31      2.57      DNF       3.54      3.86
First round285 1.97 3.85
4.08      7.83      3.89      1.97      3.57
WPI Winter 2024First round24 2.45 4.06
4.58      4.43      2.45      6.08      3.17
Fall River Cubikon 2024Final12 3.68 4.40
3.97      6.03      3.92      5.31      3.68
First round16 2.33 4.03
3.18      5.03      5.48      3.88      2.33
Loon Cubikon 2023First round42 4.19 5.20
5.42      4.19      6.77      5.84      4.34
New England Championship 2023Second round47 2.84 3.99
5.60      6.00      2.84      3.29      3.08
First round47 2.61 3.95
4.72      6.48      4.38      2.74      2.61
Brookline Favorites 2023First round57 2.99 DNF
DNF       5.63      DNF       4.21      2.99
CubingUSA Nationals 2023Second round254 3.18 4.05
3.79      4.76      3.18      8.95      3.60
First round304 3.18 4.30
5.38      3.18      4.52      5.12      3.26
Middleboro Cubikon 2023First round38 3.64 6.40
7.88      3.64      6.71      7.48      5.00
Cape Cod 2023First round40 4.02 6.15
DNF       5.74      5.24      4.02      7.48
Northampton Winter B 2023First round18 3.98 5.19
6.27      10.58     4.19      5.10      3.98
Fall River Cubikon 2023First round35 4.85 5.96
7.16      5.03      5.68      8.56      4.85
Pioneer Valley Cubing B 2023First round45 4.28 6.74
4.28      8.11      6.56      9.45      5.54
4x4x4 Cube
New England Championship 2024Second round47 43.58 47.69
54.70     49.21     43.58     48.06     45.81
First round47 42.10 47.79
58.79     43.72     42.10     51.69     47.97
NAC 2024First round355 45.08 49.82
1:01.03   47.08     45.08     49.90     52.48
QuabbiNxN 2024Second round14 47.60 50.88
47.60     51.39     58.26     52.61     48.63
First round14 47.18 51.42
50.67     47.90     55.70     56.46     47.18
Rhode Island Winter 2024First round21 49.27 52.14
50.59     55.16     49.27     50.66     57.35
Loon Cubikon 2023Final22 47.85 51.94
48.69     47.85     51.81     55.31     55.34
New England Championship 2023Second round82 44.16 59.21
58.29     1:13.55   57.72     1:01.63   44.16
First round63 46.83 52.85
46.83     56.32     47.26     1:09.90   54.97
Brookline Favorites 2023Final10 58.60 59.27
1:10.52   58.62     58.60     59.79     59.41
5x5x5 Cube
New England Championship 2024First round66 1:43.88 1:52.03
1:51.03   1:43.88   1:58.34   1:54.45   1:50.61
QuabbiNxN 2024First round16 1:37.10 1:47.48
1:53.49   1:45.75   1:43.20   1:37.10   2:10.36
New England Championship 2023First round78 2:00.32
2:00.32   2:04.21
6x6x6 Cube
New England Championship 2024First round51 3:30.29
QuabbiNxN 2024First round15 3:32.57 3:59.18
4:20.24   4:04.74   3:32.57
WPI Winter 2024Final24 3:05.04 3:41.28
3:34.28   3:05.04   4:24.52
3x3x3 One-Handed
New England Championship 2024First round57 21.72 24.77
23.58     27.90     21.72     22.84     31.24
Fall River Cubikon 2024Final13 24.40 27.43
27.00     33.93     28.40     26.89     24.40
First round10 19.20 21.73
19.20     24.98     21.63     23.12     20.45
Rhode Island Winter 2024First round24 20.93 27.48
27.20     20.93     26.27     47.02     28.97
Loon Cubikon 2023First round19 20.93 23.26
23.22     26.41     20.93     25.07     21.48
New England Championship 2023Second round59 21.24 25.15
33.65     27.84     21.24     24.09     23.53
First round61 19.53 25.63
19.53     32.56     23.76     25.94     27.20
Brookline Favorites 2023Final9 21.47 26.06
27.81     29.58     21.47     25.55     24.82
Middleboro Cubikon 2023First round19 29.76 31.96
30.67     31.98     DNF       33.22     29.76
Cape Cod 2023Final32 27.28 33.48
31.70     33.06     27.28     43.85     35.68
New England Championship 2024First round143 9.73 13.07
14.52     11.74     14.01     9.73      13.46
WPI Winter 2024First round42 8.48 14.48
11.64     18.90     21.31     8.48      12.91
Fall River Cubikon 2024Final43 5.32 14.33
11.48     15.45     16.19     16.07     5.32
Rhode Island Winter 2024First round36 11.22 12.92
11.42     14.46     12.88     11.22     14.92
New England Championship 2023First round198 11.42 18.73
24.43     11.42     DNF       15.84     15.92
NAC 2024First round570 9.74 14.18
26.76     11.18     9.74      15.01     16.35
New England Championship 2023Second round84 9.35 13.39
10.15     18.69     17.16     9.35      12.85
First round86 5.52 11.30
10.00     5.52      12.62     11.29     17.19
New England Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final47 8.59 11.10
11.27     8.59      11.19     10.83     11.39
Second round47 10.29 11.18
10.85     13.44     10.42     10.29     12.27
First round59 9.42 11.69
9.42      12.63     12.99     11.37     11.07
2x2x2 CubeSecond round52 3.42 4.60
3.69      5.98      3.42      5.41      4.69
First round22 2.50 2.97
2.50      3.55      2.65      4.52      2.71
4x4x4 CubeSecond round47 43.58 47.69
54.70     49.21     43.58     48.06     45.81
First round47 42.10 47.79
58.79     43.72     42.10     51.69     47.97
5x5x5 CubeFirst round66 1:43.88 1:52.03
1:51.03   1:43.88   1:58.34   1:54.45   1:50.61
6x6x6 CubeFirst round51 3:30.29
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round57 21.72 24.77
23.58     27.90     21.72     22.84     31.24
PyraminxFirst round143 9.73 13.07
14.52     11.74     14.01     9.73      13.46
NAC 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round469 10.79 13.20
10.92     DNF       15.39     10.79     13.30
2x2x2 CubeSecond round212 2.57 3.57
3.31      2.57      DNF       3.54      3.86
First round285 1.97 3.85
4.08      7.83      3.89      1.97      3.57
4x4x4 CubeFirst round355 45.08 49.82
1:01.03   47.08     45.08     49.90     52.48
SkewbFirst round570 9.74 14.18
26.76     11.18     9.74      15.01     16.35
QuabbiNxN 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 8.06 10.79
12.11     10.45     9.84      12.08     8.06
Second round7 9.38 10.69
9.38      11.29     14.56     9.59      11.19
First round7 8.87 9.72
13.78     8.87      9.24      10.18     9.75
4x4x4 CubeSecond round14 47.60 50.88
47.60     51.39     58.26     52.61     48.63
First round14 47.18 51.42
50.67     47.90     55.70     56.46     47.18
5x5x5 CubeFirst round16 1:37.10 1:47.48
1:53.49   1:45.75   1:43.20   1:37.10   2:10.36
6x6x6 CubeFirst round15 3:32.57 3:59.18
4:20.24   4:04.74   3:32.57
WPI Winter 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 10.05 11.14
11.22     10.05     11.59     10.60     14.15
First round19 10.35 10.86
11.08     10.40     11.39     10.35     11.09
2x2x2 CubeFirst round24 2.45 4.06
4.58      4.43      2.45      6.08      3.17
6x6x6 CubeFinal24 3:05.04 3:41.28
3:34.28   3:05.04   4:24.52
PyraminxFirst round42 8.48 14.48
11.64     18.90     21.31     8.48      12.91
Fall River Cubikon 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 9.87 11.53
9.87      11.75     11.26     16.02     11.58
Second round7 8.50 9.92
9.94      DNF       11.30     8.50      8.51
First round11 10.15 11.44
10.26     14.13     10.15     11.78     12.27
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 3.68 4.40
3.97      6.03      3.92      5.31      3.68
First round16 2.33 4.03
3.18      5.03      5.48      3.88      2.33
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal13 24.40 27.43
27.00     33.93     28.40     26.89     24.40
First round10 19.20 21.73
19.20     24.98     21.63     23.12     20.45
PyraminxFinal43 5.32 14.33
11.48     15.45     16.19     16.07     5.32
Rhode Island Winter 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 9.13 12.50
13.69     12.57     11.27     9.13      13.66
First round13 10.00 10.80
10.00     11.31     10.51     13.01     10.59
4x4x4 CubeFirst round21 49.27 52.14
50.59     55.16     49.27     50.66     57.35
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round24 20.93 27.48
27.20     20.93     26.27     47.02     28.97
PyraminxFirst round36 11.22 12.92
11.42     14.46     12.88     11.22     14.92
Loon Cubikon 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round27 11.51 12.49
11.73     13.08     DNF       12.65     11.51
First round20 10.17 11.24
12.36     10.17     10.72     10.93     12.07
2x2x2 CubeFirst round42 4.19 5.20
5.42      4.19      6.77      5.84      4.34
4x4x4 CubeFinal22 47.85 51.94
48.69     47.85     51.81     55.31     55.34
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round19 20.93 23.26
23.22     26.41     20.93     25.07     21.48
New England Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final70 9.85 12.52
9.85      12.46     13.17     11.94     14.78
Second round52 9.11 11.07
9.11      10.10     13.29     12.25     10.86
First round56 10.39 11.82
13.17     12.17     11.20     10.39     12.08
2x2x2 CubeSecond round47 2.84 3.99
5.60      6.00      2.84      3.29      3.08
First round47 2.61 3.95
4.72      6.48      4.38      2.74      2.61
4x4x4 CubeSecond round82 44.16 59.21
58.29     1:13.55   57.72     1:01.63   44.16
First round63 46.83 52.85
46.83     56.32     47.26     1:09.90   54.97
5x5x5 CubeFirst round78 2:00.32
2:00.32   2:04.21
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round59 21.24 25.15
33.65     27.84     21.24     24.09     23.53
First round61 19.53 25.63
19.53     32.56     23.76     25.94     27.20
PyraminxFirst round198 11.42 18.73
24.43     11.42     DNF       15.84     15.92
SkewbSecond round84 9.35 13.39
10.15     18.69     17.16     9.35      12.85
First round86 5.52 11.30
10.00     5.52      12.62     11.29     17.19
Brookline Favorites 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 10.51 13.13
13.25     10.51     10.81     15.34     DNF
First round22 11.56 12.92
13.77     12.64     13.37     11.56     12.75
2x2x2 CubeFirst round57 2.99 DNF
DNF       5.63      DNF       4.21      2.99
4x4x4 CubeFinal10 58.60 59.27
1:10.52   58.62     58.60     59.79     59.41
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal9 21.47 26.06
27.81     29.58     21.47     25.55     24.82
CubingUSA Nationals 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round497 11.84 13.31
12.70     14.12     11.84     13.10     DNF
2x2x2 CubeSecond round254 3.18 4.05
3.79      4.76      3.18      8.95      3.60
First round304 3.18 4.30
5.38      3.18      4.52      5.12      3.26
Middleboro Cubikon 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 12.46 16.25
16.87     12.46     17.91     17.06     14.82
First round16 11.58 13.64
13.57     13.50     14.98     13.85     11.58
2x2x2 CubeFirst round38 3.64 6.40
7.88      3.64      6.71      7.48      5.00
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round19 29.76 31.96
30.67     31.98     DNF       33.22     29.76
Cape Cod 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 12.22 14.39
14.88     12.41     12.22     15.88     15.94
First round32 12.78 15.08
14.27     12.78     16.06     14.90     19.32
2x2x2 CubeFirst round40 4.02 6.15
DNF       5.74      5.24      4.02      7.48
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal32 27.28 33.48
31.70     33.06     27.28     43.85     35.68
Northampton Winter B 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 14.38 16.47
15.38     14.38     21.09     16.55     17.48
First round23 13.49 17.42
17.75     19.62     13.49     16.76     17.74
2x2x2 CubeFirst round18 3.98 5.19
6.27      10.58     4.19      5.10      3.98
Fall River Cubikon 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round43 18.03 20.56
20.97     22.12     19.00     21.70     18.03
2x2x2 CubeFirst round35 4.85 5.96
7.16      5.03      5.68      8.56      4.85
Pioneer Valley Cubing B 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round68 18.28 24.03
22.52     23.30     DNF       26.26     18.28
First round67 18.55 23.43
30.79     23.24     22.15     24.89     18.55
2x2x2 CubeFirst round45 4.28 6.74
4.28      8.11      6.56      9.45      5.54
Mum's the Word 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round75 25.26 27.93
30.85     43.91     25.26     25.41     27.53
Puzzling in Providence 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round65 20.72 27.41
23.65     30.53     29.65     28.93     20.72
First round66 20.75 25.15
27.28     24.74     20.75     23.44     28.63
172024-08-23~25New England Championship 2024United StatesProvidence, Rhode Island
162024-07-18~21NAC 2024United StatesMinneapolis, Minnesota
152024-05-18QuabbiNxN 2024United StatesBarre, Massachusetts
142024-02-10WPI Winter 2024United StatesWorcester, Massachusetts
132024-02-04Fall River Cubikon 2024United StatesFall River, Massachusetts
122024-01-21Rhode Island Winter 2024United StatesWakefield, Rhode Island
112023-11-19Loon Cubikon 2023United StatesManchester, New Hampshire
102023-10-07~09New England Championship 2023United StatesSpringfield, Massachusetts
92023-09-03Brookline Favorites 2023United StatesBrookline, New Hampshire
82023-07-27~30CubingUSA Nationals 2023United StatesPittsburgh, Pennsylvania
72023-05-06Middleboro Cubikon 2023United StatesMiddleboro, Massachusetts
62023-04-22Cape Cod 2023United StatesHyannis, Massachusetts
52023-02-26Northampton Winter B 2023United StatesNorthampton, Massachusetts
42023-02-05Fall River Cubikon 2023United StatesFall River, Massachusetts
32023-01-22Pioneer Valley Cubing B 2023United StatesAmherst, Massachusetts
22023-01-08Mum's the Word 2023United StatesBristol, Connecticut
12023-01-07Puzzling in Providence 2023United StatesProvidence, Rhode Island

Seen Cubers
