2019-11-01 00:42 Chenxi Shan

The application period for China Championship 2020 has ended. Here are the list of the cities that applied:

1. Shijiazhuang, Hebei
2. Jinan, Shandong

The selection team leader will be Baiqiang Dong. The selection process will consist of individual evaluations of the applications, interviews with the applicants, and finally a vote by the selection team. The goal is to come to an agreement about the winning applicant, so that we can proceed with confidence that the competition will be successful and a positive experience for all who attend.

2019-10-31 23:31 Tianyu Zhao

Dear Community,

The WCA has recently partnered with Guinness World Records (GWR) in order to acknowledge WCA World Records as Guinness World Records! You can see the page for cubing records on the GWR website here and the page of the partnership with the WCA here.

When a new WR happens, the WCA Communication Team will contact the record breaker for them to obtain an official certificate and the GWR website will be updated.

We are really happy about this collaboration and look forward to the many records that will be broken in the future!

2019-10-31 22:52 Tianyu Zhao

The WCT is seeking new members to help with graphics design for social media posts and other projects!

The application is open to all WCA members. You do not have to hold a current position to be considered. This position is directed to those with graphic design experience and duties once on the team will mainly focus on that type of work.

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