Personal Page

Shuo Tian (田朔)

Shuo Tian (田朔)
Name: Shuo Tian (田朔)
Region: China
Competitions: 8
WCA ID: Shuo Tian (田朔)2012TIAN04
Gender: Male
Career: 2012.08.19 - 2019.07.21
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube260478782181410.7413.69261999794334579/80
2x2x2 Cube17605827219303.025.433216996073058149/50
4x4x4 Cube158944281258045.5050.54111973988141925/25
5x5x5 Cube16424894157591:56.092:07.2714962464315249/10
3x3x3 One-Handed12023409931218.2222.16872733231201144/45

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Heze Open 2019Second round43 13.23 14.09
13.23     19.10     14.05     13.99     14.22
First round36 10.74 13.94
10.74     17.04     12.12     16.85     12.84
Jinan Open 2017Second round53 15.05 17.92
16.50     17.71     19.54     23.04     15.05
First round32 12.97 15.32
15.97     14.59     12.97     15.39     18.68
Tianjin Winter Open 2015Final27 12.20 15.97
15.91     14.85     17.14     12.20     17.35
First round23 13.50 15.32
14.76     13.50     15.03     16.18     17.78
Zibo Open 2015Final8 11.51 14.73
14.80     11.51     15.52     13.87     15.84
Second round5 10.96 13.69
10.96     13.59     15.73     13.72     13.76
First round22 12.53 18.17
12.53     16.22     22.56     21.79     16.49
Xining Summer Open 2015Final13 13.71 16.12
20.71     13.71     16.28     14.59     17.50
First round14 14.31 15.67
15.66     14.52     18.38     16.84     14.31
TJU Open 2015First round18 13.80 15.31
15.48     14.82     21.68     15.64     13.80
Shandong Spring Open 2014Final6 14.11 14.86
14.15     15.96     14.47     DNF       14.11
First round11 12.19 15.47
17.03     14.61     16.26     12.19     15.55
Qinghai Open 2012Final4 13.91 16.53
16.23     16.83     13.91     17.71     16.54
First round3 12.06 14.97
12.06     14.37     18.02     17.95     12.59
2x2x2 Cube
Jinan Open 2017Second round21 4.61 5.99
10.12     6.20      4.61      5.29      6.49
First round24 3.02 5.73
6.85      3.02      5.39      6.13      5.68
Tianjin Winter Open 2015First round29 6.09 7.87
6.09      8.08      12.83     8.37      7.16
Zibo Open 2015Second round25 4.74 8.78
4.74      9.96      9.07      7.32      12.95
First round19 3.36 7.00
7.08      13.08     5.88      8.05      3.36
Xining Summer Open 2015Final8 4.63 6.44
7.54      9.10      6.06      5.73      4.63
First round7 4.90 5.74
5.69      5.06      9.61      6.47      4.90
TJU Open 2015First round18 5.12 6.72
5.12      DNF       6.44      5.74      7.97
Shandong Spring Open 2014First round10 5.54 6.16
7.57      5.81      5.57      5.54      7.10
Qinghai Open 2012Final3 4.44 5.43
5.02      4.49      6.79      7.93      4.44
4x4x4 Cube
Heze Open 2019Final24 45.50 51.40
1:08.36   54.45     45.50     48.57     51.18
Jinan Open 2017Final15 48.40 50.54
59.73     49.72     50.42     51.48     48.40
Xining Summer Open 2015Final8 48.80 56.79
48.80     58.14     1:04.29   58.41     53.81
Shandong Spring Open 2014Final9 52.14 58.33
52.14     58.95     53.54     1:08.73   1:02.51
Qinghai Open 2012Final4 1:04.41 1:11.67
1:20.51   1:18.43   1:04.41   1:09.43   1:07.16
5x5x5 Cube
Xining Summer Open 2015Final9 2:02.78 2:16.03
2:20.03   2:14.16   2:02.78   2:13.90   DNF
Shandong Spring Open 2014Final9 1:56.09 2:07.27
2:38.59   2:01.90   1:56.09   2:15.58   2:04.33
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Zibo Open 2015Final8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Jinan Open 2017First round24 20.66 23.62
28.77     22.22     20.66     23.46     25.18
Tianjin Winter Open 2015Final12 18.56 24.26
23.91     31.72     24.44     18.56     24.42
First round13 18.22 24.99
27.08     24.80     18.22     23.08     38.95
Zibo Open 2015Final7 19.85 23.56
25.51     20.95     19.85     35.30     24.22
First round5 18.27 22.16
18.27     26.58     22.97     23.65     19.87
Xining Summer Open 2015Final11 22.59 26.45
26.76     29.23     22.59     34.78     23.36
TJU Open 2015First round8 19.83 22.70
23.77     21.09     19.83     23.24     25.27
Shandong Spring Open 2014Final5 20.49 23.68
21.70     25.61     DNF       20.49     23.73
Qinghai Open 2012Final3 21.19 30.39
39.75     33.52     24.86     32.78     21.19
TJU Open 2015First round29 12.42 19.18
21.15     19.57     16.82     12.42     23.18
Jinan Open 2017Final8 7.30 8.18
8.52      11.36     7.90      8.12      7.30
First round12 6.30 8.21
6.30      7.38      9.19      9.35      8.07
Tianjin Winter Open 2015Final5 5.05 8.94
10.00     9.44      14.40     7.39      5.05
Xining Summer Open 2015Final7 7.13 8.99
11.43     9.43      9.08      8.47      7.13
Heze Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round43 13.23 14.09
13.23     19.10     14.05     13.99     14.22
First round36 10.74 13.94
10.74     17.04     12.12     16.85     12.84
4x4x4 CubeFinal24 45.50 51.40
1:08.36   54.45     45.50     48.57     51.18
Jinan Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round53 15.05 17.92
16.50     17.71     19.54     23.04     15.05
First round32 12.97 15.32
15.97     14.59     12.97     15.39     18.68
2x2x2 CubeSecond round21 4.61 5.99
10.12     6.20      4.61      5.29      6.49
First round24 3.02 5.73
6.85      3.02      5.39      6.13      5.68
4x4x4 CubeFinal15 48.40 50.54
59.73     49.72     50.42     51.48     48.40
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round24 20.66 23.62
28.77     22.22     20.66     23.46     25.18
SkewbFinal8 7.30 8.18
8.52      11.36     7.90      8.12      7.30
First round12 6.30 8.21
6.30      7.38      9.19      9.35      8.07
Tianjin Winter Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal27 12.20 15.97
15.91     14.85     17.14     12.20     17.35
First round23 13.50 15.32
14.76     13.50     15.03     16.18     17.78
2x2x2 CubeFirst round29 6.09 7.87
6.09      8.08      12.83     8.37      7.16
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal12 18.56 24.26
23.91     31.72     24.44     18.56     24.42
First round13 18.22 24.99
27.08     24.80     18.22     23.08     38.95
SkewbFinal5 5.05 8.94
10.00     9.44      14.40     7.39      5.05
Zibo Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 11.51 14.73
14.80     11.51     15.52     13.87     15.84
Second round5 10.96 13.69
10.96     13.59     15.73     13.72     13.76
First round22 12.53 18.17
12.53     16.22     22.56     21.79     16.49
2x2x2 CubeSecond round25 4.74 8.78
4.74      9.96      9.07      7.32      12.95
First round19 3.36 7.00
7.08      13.08     5.88      8.05      3.36
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal7 19.85 23.56
25.51     20.95     19.85     35.30     24.22
First round5 18.27 22.16
18.27     26.58     22.97     23.65     19.87
Xining Summer Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal13 13.71 16.12
20.71     13.71     16.28     14.59     17.50
First round14 14.31 15.67
15.66     14.52     18.38     16.84     14.31
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 4.63 6.44
7.54      9.10      6.06      5.73      4.63
First round7 4.90 5.74
5.69      5.06      9.61      6.47      4.90
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 48.80 56.79
48.80     58.14     1:04.29   58.41     53.81
5x5x5 CubeFinal9 2:02.78 2:16.03
2:20.03   2:14.16   2:02.78   2:13.90   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal11 22.59 26.45
26.76     29.23     22.59     34.78     23.36
SkewbFinal7 7.13 8.99
11.43     9.43      9.08      8.47      7.13
TJU Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round18 13.80 15.31
15.48     14.82     21.68     15.64     13.80
2x2x2 CubeFirst round18 5.12 6.72
5.12      DNF       6.44      5.74      7.97
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round8 19.83 22.70
23.77     21.09     19.83     23.24     25.27
PyraminxFirst round29 12.42 19.18
21.15     19.57     16.82     12.42     23.18
Shandong Spring Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 14.11 14.86
14.15     15.96     14.47     DNF       14.11
First round11 12.19 15.47
17.03     14.61     16.26     12.19     15.55
2x2x2 CubeFirst round10 5.54 6.16
7.57      5.81      5.57      5.54      7.10
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 52.14 58.33
52.14     58.95     53.54     1:08.73   1:02.51
5x5x5 CubeFinal9 1:56.09 2:07.27
2:38.59   2:01.90   1:56.09   2:15.58   2:04.33
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal5 20.49 23.68
21.70     25.61     DNF       20.49     23.73
Qinghai Open 2012
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 13.91 16.53
16.23     16.83     13.91     17.71     16.54
First round3 12.06 14.97
12.06     14.37     18.02     17.95     12.59
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 4.44 5.43
5.02      4.49      6.79      7.93      4.44
4x4x4 CubeFinal4 1:04.41 1:11.67
1:20.51   1:18.43   1:04.41   1:09.43   1:07.16
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 21.19 30.39
39.75     33.52     24.86     32.78     21.19
82019-07-21Heze Open 2019ChinaHeze, Shandong
72017-11-18Jinan Open 2017ChinaJinan, Shandong
62015-12-05Tianjin Winter Open 2015ChinaTianjin
52015-11-15Zibo Open 2015ChinaZibo, Shandong
42015-08-08Xining Summer Open 2015ChinaXining, Qinghai
32015-04-26TJU Open 2015ChinaTianjin
22014-04-13Shandong Spring Open 2014ChinaWeifang, Shandong
12012-08-19Qinghai Open 2012ChinaXining, Qinghai