Personal Page

Duo Wang (王舵)

Duo Wang (王舵)
Name: Duo Wang (王舵)
Region: China
Competitions: 8
WCA ID: Duo Wang (王舵)2013WANG48
Gender: Male
Career: 2013.08.10 - 2020.01.11
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube3921117293213612.2114.613111311641394554/55
2x2x2 Cube444114362496734.515.713557910683340224/25
4x4x4 Cube182151111451948.3550.92108703856137427/27
5x5x5 Cube15594587146661:54.612:03.7513677430414524/5
6x6x6 Cube860243688524:01.911/1
3x3x3 One-Handed12253449941418.5726.99150135772207625/25

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Ordos Winter 2020Second round18 12.21 14.61
12.21     13.35     16.62     15.03     15.44
First round25 13.66 16.22
20.42     14.03     21.68     14.20     13.66
Inner Mongolia Summer 2017Second round57 16.15 16.63
16.92     16.15     16.36     16.62     18.40
First round54 14.33 15.91
14.74     17.71     14.33     15.54     17.45
China Championship 2017Second round232 14.82 15.37
15.60     15.09     14.82     16.63     15.42
First round264 13.95 15.99
15.56     14.71     17.69     23.58     13.95
Tangshan Open 2017First round33 14.12 16.03
16.94     19.84     15.80     14.12     15.34
Asian Championship 2016Second round294 16.44 16.89
16.44     16.80     DNF       17.25     16.63
First round349 12.50 17.40
18.30     41.03     18.68     12.50     15.21
China Championship 2015First round210 14.58 16.68
17.23     16.31     16.49     14.58     21.99
Beijing Summer 2013First round32 16.75 20.93
18.27     24.15     16.75     24.56     20.38
2x2x2 Cube
Ordos Winter 2020First round32 5.12 6.92
6.48      5.12      9.11      5.16      13.79
China Championship 2017First round158 4.51 5.71
5.15      4.51      DNF       7.08      4.91
Tangshan Open 2017First round22 5.19 5.99
7.38      5.73      5.19      6.17      6.07
Asian Championship 2016First round226 5.46 6.87
6.56      6.76      5.46      7.30      8.75
Beijing Summer 2013First round30 7.65 8.26
8.02      8.69      8.06      7.65      9.36
4x4x4 Cube
Ordos Winter 2020Final11 49.93 52.88
50.86     54.85     49.93     56.08     52.94
First round10 48.35 50.92
48.35     51.49     50.08     55.40     51.20
Inner Mongolia Summer 2017First round36 53.36 58.62
53.52     1:01.97   53.36     1:00.38   1:07.36
China Championship 2017First round113 49.62 55.65
56.08     49.62     55.56     55.32     56.72
Tangshan Open 2017First round15 50.81 53.93
58.58     52.35     55.45     50.81     53.98
Asian Championship 2016First round187 1:07.30
1:07.30   1:12.58
5x5x5 Cube
Inner Mongolia Summer 2017First round30 1:54.61 2:03.75
1:54.61   2:13.32   DNF       1:59.48   1:58.46
6x6x6 Cube
Inner Mongolia Winter 2018Final15 4:01.91
7x7x7 Cube
Inner Mongolia Winter 2018Final13 DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Tangshan Open 2017Final7 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Ordos Winter 2020Final12 18.61 27.75
40.34     24.06     22.55     18.61     36.65
Inner Mongolia Summer 2017First round40 23.30 31.61
40.75     23.30     43.55     27.41     26.67
China Championship 2017First round117 18.57 26.99
33.02     18.57     30.82     24.70     25.45
Tangshan Open 2017Final17 25.60 28.05
26.00     34.61     25.61     32.53     25.60
Asian Championship 2016First round185 25.51 32.99
28.38     38.10     42.44     32.50     25.51
Ordos Winter 2020First round28 6.31 10.00
13.12     8.78      17.32     6.31      8.10
Inner Mongolia Summer 2017First round38 9.29 11.27
17.58     10.89     11.21     9.29      11.70
China Championship 2017First round170 8.68 10.52
12.19     9.58      10.82     11.17     8.68
Tangshan Open 2017First round34 9.21 14.21
9.21      11.15     16.42     15.06     17.48
Ordos Winter 2020Final11 6.79 8.01
8.75      7.51      6.79      7.78      19.63
First round10 6.20 7.07
6.20      7.10      7.26      DNF       6.85
Inner Mongolia Summer 2017First round55 16.88 22.08
16.88     23.48     17.30     25.45     29.45
Inner Mongolia Winter 2018Final7 21.42 28.21
27.48     22.78     34.37     21.42     39.00
Ordos Winter 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 12.21 14.61
12.21     13.35     16.62     15.03     15.44
First round25 13.66 16.22
20.42     14.03     21.68     14.20     13.66
2x2x2 CubeFirst round32 5.12 6.92
6.48      5.12      9.11      5.16      13.79
4x4x4 CubeFinal11 49.93 52.88
50.86     54.85     49.93     56.08     52.94
First round10 48.35 50.92
48.35     51.49     50.08     55.40     51.20
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal12 18.61 27.75
40.34     24.06     22.55     18.61     36.65
PyraminxFirst round28 6.31 10.00
13.12     8.78      17.32     6.31      8.10
SkewbFinal11 6.79 8.01
8.75      7.51      6.79      7.78      19.63
First round10 6.20 7.07
6.20      7.10      7.26      DNF       6.85
Inner Mongolia Winter 2018
6x6x6 CubeFinal15 4:01.91
7x7x7 CubeFinal13 DNF
Square-1Final7 21.42 28.21
27.48     22.78     34.37     21.42     39.00
Inner Mongolia Summer 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round57 16.15 16.63
16.92     16.15     16.36     16.62     18.40
First round54 14.33 15.91
14.74     17.71     14.33     15.54     17.45
4x4x4 CubeFirst round36 53.36 58.62
53.52     1:01.97   53.36     1:00.38   1:07.36
5x5x5 CubeFirst round30 1:54.61 2:03.75
1:54.61   2:13.32   DNF       1:59.48   1:58.46
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round40 23.30 31.61
40.75     23.30     43.55     27.41     26.67
PyraminxFirst round38 9.29 11.27
17.58     10.89     11.21     9.29      11.70
SkewbFirst round55 16.88 22.08
16.88     23.48     17.30     25.45     29.45
China Championship 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round232 14.82 15.37
15.60     15.09     14.82     16.63     15.42
First round264 13.95 15.99
15.56     14.71     17.69     23.58     13.95
2x2x2 CubeFirst round158 4.51 5.71
5.15      4.51      DNF       7.08      4.91
4x4x4 CubeFirst round113 49.62 55.65
56.08     49.62     55.56     55.32     56.72
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round117 18.57 26.99
33.02     18.57     30.82     24.70     25.45
PyraminxFirst round170 8.68 10.52
12.19     9.58      10.82     11.17     8.68
Tangshan Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round33 14.12 16.03
16.94     19.84     15.80     14.12     15.34
2x2x2 CubeFirst round22 5.19 5.99
7.38      5.73      5.19      6.17      6.07
4x4x4 CubeFirst round15 50.81 53.93
58.58     52.35     55.45     50.81     53.98
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal7 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal17 25.60 28.05
26.00     34.61     25.61     32.53     25.60
PyraminxFirst round34 9.21 14.21
9.21      11.15     16.42     15.06     17.48
Asian Championship 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round294 16.44 16.89
16.44     16.80     DNF       17.25     16.63
First round349 12.50 17.40
18.30     41.03     18.68     12.50     15.21
2x2x2 CubeFirst round226 5.46 6.87
6.56      6.76      5.46      7.30      8.75
4x4x4 CubeFirst round187 1:07.30
1:07.30   1:12.58
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round185 25.51 32.99
28.38     38.10     42.44     32.50     25.51
China Championship 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round210 14.58 16.68
17.23     16.31     16.49     14.58     21.99
Beijing Summer 2013
3x3x3 CubeFirst round32 16.75 20.93
18.27     24.15     16.75     24.56     20.38
2x2x2 CubeFirst round30 7.65 8.26
8.02      8.69      8.06      7.65      9.36
82020-01-11Ordos Winter 2020ChinaOrdos, Inner Mongolia
72018-02-03~04Inner Mongolia Winter 2018ChinaHohhot, Inner Mongolia
62017-08-05~06Inner Mongolia Summer 2017ChinaHohhot, Inner Mongolia
52017-07-28~30China Championship 2017ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
42017-05-28Tangshan Open 2017ChinaTangshan, Hebei
32016-10-01~03Asian Championship 2016ChinaBeijing
22015-10-02~04China Championship 2015ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
12013-08-10~11Beijing Summer 2013ChinaBeijing

Organized Competitions

2019-01-26WCA CompetitionInner Mongolia Winter 2019Inner MongoliaHohhotThird floor, Victoria Pleasure Square, Xingan North Road , New City District
2018-02-03~04WCA CompetitionInner Mongolia Winter 2018Inner MongoliaHohhotRed Star Macalline Home Shopping Mall , Dongku East Street , No.84 Xingan North Road , New City District
2017-08-05~06WCA CompetitionInner Mongolia Summer 2017Inner MongoliaHohhot8 Floor, Xingtai Yudu, No.45 Ulanqab West Street , New City District