Personal Page

Jiachen Xu (徐嘉辰)

Jiachen Xu (徐嘉辰)
Name: Jiachen Xu (徐嘉辰)
Region: China
Competitions: 14
WCA ID: Jiachen Xu (徐嘉辰)2016XUJI02
Gender: Male
Career: 2016.05.28 - 2018.10.04
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1016310689168.7111.83145765356177195/95
2x2x2 Cube12984399169112.753.6072391869547284/85

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection


Overall Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
China Championship 2018Semi Final92 12.07 14.19
16.94     14.77     14.81     12.98     12.07
Second round84 11.29 11.97
13.60     12.02     11.29     11.95     11.95
First round139 12.12 13.36
12.21     14.03     12.12     13.85     15.39
Beijing Summer 2018Final76 11.75 14.26
13.86     11.75     16.97     19.30     11.94
First round98 10.73 15.40
20.51     10.73     12.47     13.23     24.61
Tianjin Summer Open 2018Final13 11.07 11.83
12.85     11.29     11.07     12.48     11.72
First round19 11.48 12.71
13.68     17.19     12.17     12.27     11.48
Shijiazhuang Open 2018Second round19 11.11 13.34
13.18     15.31     18.56     11.54     11.11
First round22 8.71 13.98
13.84     20.85     14.94     13.17     8.71
Beijing Open 2018Second round78 13.27 15.69
16.90     17.04     14.88     13.27     15.28
First round54 12.04 13.90
15.07     14.15     14.50     13.05     12.04
Qingdao Open 2018Second round13 10.56 12.11
10.56     12.87     11.08     18.66     12.39
First round23 11.63 13.96
11.63     13.19     14.35     14.33     16.55
Shijiazhuang Open 2017Second round12 11.93 13.28
11.93     17.98     13.27     12.55     14.03
First round22 12.97 14.69
15.60     15.44     16.18     13.02     12.97
China Championship 2017Second round247 13.57 16.05
13.57     16.34     14.71     17.12     17.11
First round256 14.52 15.86
17.83     16.35     15.72     14.52     15.50
Tangshan Open 2017First round52 15.38 18.39
16.61     19.08     19.47     20.37     15.38
Shanghai Spring 2017First round78 17.02 19.39
17.02     19.43     18.87     20.27     19.86
2x2x2 Cube
China Championship 2018Semi Final53 3.04 4.36
5.29      3.07      5.62      3.04      4.71
Second round74 3.70 4.37
3.70      7.48      4.70      4.45      3.95
First round34 3.01 3.60
3.29      4.72      3.88      3.01      3.63
Shijiazhuang Open 2018Final4 3.13 4.07
3.96      4.59      4.72      3.66      3.13
First round9 3.75 4.42
4.53      3.75      4.48      4.25      4.89
Beijing Open 2018Final19 2.75 5.16
3.44      2.75      DNF       7.65      4.39
Second round7 3.34 3.97
3.58      4.02      5.15      4.30      3.34
First round54 3.37 5.41
3.37      4.87      6.31      5.34      6.03
Qingdao Open 2018Final3 3.34 3.97
3.72      3.34      4.39      4.86      3.81
First round5 3.48 4.50
3.83      6.07      3.48      3.60      6.46
Shijiazhuang Open 2017Final3 3.48 4.07
7.45      3.48      3.91      4.03      4.26
First round4 3.27 4.19
3.27      4.60      4.44      4.28      3.85
China Championship 2017Second round98 3.85 5.23
5.47      3.85      5.02      5.20      6.09
First round57 3.96 4.41
4.06      4.88      9.46      3.96      4.29
Tangshan Open 2017First round12 3.57 5.39
5.15      6.08      4.94      3.57      6.08
Shanghai Spring 2017First round16 4.47 4.98
4.47      4.98      5.34      4.61      6.88
Asian Championship 2016First round203 5.01 6.49
7.00      11.01     5.01      6.68      5.78
Beijing Open 2018Final10 9.72 10.55
9.72      DNF       9.81      9.79      12.05
Shanghai Spring 2017Final4 9.74 10.79
11.08     9.92      12.73     11.37     9.74
First round7 8.40 10.43
10.41     9.89      15.07     11.00     8.40
Anhui University Smart Open 2017First round9 10.26 11.54
12.32     11.02     DNF       11.28     10.26
China Championship 2018Final2 2.40 3.04
3.11      3.16      2.40      2.85      DNF
Semi Final1 2.53 2.89
2.55      3.03      3.16      3.10      2.53
Second round2 2.04 2.84
2.04      2.30      DNF       2.55      3.68
First round4 1.99 3.50
3.07      1.99      3.33      4.09      DNF
Beijing Summer 2018Final1 2.15 2.70
3.19      2.70      3.16      2.15      2.23
First round6 2.54 4.22
4.71      5.40      2.54      5.92      2.56
Tianjin Summer Open 2018Final1 2.01 2.81
2.82      2.76      2.84      4.24      2.01
First round1 2.42 3.24
2.42      5.05      2.99      3.83      2.89
Shijiazhuang Open 2018Final1 2.50 3.04
3.84      3.02      2.61      3.48      2.50
First round1 1.90 2.94
2.51      2.72      3.59      1.90      4.72
Beijing Open 2018Final2 2.67 4.22
2.67      DNF       4.12      5.25      3.28
First round1 1.91AsR 2.32
2.49      2.26      4.01      1.91      2.21
Qingdao Open 2018Final1 2.02 3.65
2.98      5.36      3.02      2.02      4.94
First round2 2.49 3.70
3.06      2.49      DNF       3.79      4.24
Shijiazhuang Open 2017Final1 2.21 4.39
DNF       3.83      6.37      2.21      2.98
First round2 2.56 4.89
3.56      3.99      8.00      7.12      2.56
China Championship 2017Final6 2.89 3.63
3.40      3.28      2.89      4.38      4.20
Semi Final13 2.86 4.57
3.15      2.86      6.50      7.38      4.07
Second round1 2.79 3.25
4.09      3.12      3.49      3.15      2.79
First round3 2.29 3.25
4.00      2.29      3.07      6.08      2.68
Tangshan Open 2017Final1 3.36 3.70
3.59      3.97      3.36      3.53      4.81
First round1 3.02 3.57
3.68      3.72      3.31      3.02      7.60
Shanghai Spring 2017Final8 3.73 5.33
10.07     7.32      4.34      4.33      3.73
First round6 2.62 4.86
5.30      4.71      2.62      5.82      4.58
Anhui University Smart Open 2017Final4 2.89 5.04
4.08      2.89      6.61      6.10      4.94
Second round1 2.71 3.81
4.57      2.71      4.53      3.61      3.30
First round1 2.27 3.83
3.38      2.27      4.06      6.12      4.05
Tianjin Open 2016Final1 2.13 3.64
3.27      8.78      3.61      2.13      4.05
First round1 2.72 4.07
7.50      5.88      3.13      3.19      2.72
Asian Championship 2016Semi Final20 3.91 5.45
5.54      7.41      3.91      4.89      5.92
Second round31 3.62 5.63
7.87      10.18     3.75      3.62      5.28
First round15 3.72 4.72
6.33      8.95      3.87      3.72      3.97
One Night in Beijing 2016First round11 6.36 8.09
13.18     8.19      7.77      8.31      6.36
China Championship 2018Final9 3.01 4.39
3.70      4.85      6.46      4.62      3.01
Semi Final11 3.25 4.61
8.87      6.01      3.82      4.00      3.25
Second round20 4.80 5.12
4.98      5.54      4.80      4.83      5.67
First round7 3.72 4.18
5.14      3.72      4.44      3.81      4.28
Beijing Summer 2018Final8 3.62 4.32
6.01      4.36      4.65      3.62      3.94
First round7 3.76 4.71
3.76      5.29      3.82      5.02      6.56
Tianjin Summer Open 2018Final3 4.06 5.31
5.35      4.06      6.50      6.73      4.09
Shijiazhuang Open 2018Final3 1.88 4.55
5.82      4.89      4.32      1.88      4.44
First round2 2.58 3.59
3.22      2.58      4.22      3.32      5.63
Beijing Open 2018Final6 4.26 5.47
5.10      5.80      5.52      6.01      4.26
First round3 3.96 4.00
7.08      3.96      4.00      4.02      3.97
Qingdao Open 2018Final1 3.54 5.03
4.51      5.12      3.54      5.46      5.74
First round1 2.33 3.73
2.98      2.33      7.59      3.86      4.36
Shijiazhuang Open 2017Final2 2.29 3.23
3.78      3.68      2.29      3.57      2.43
First round3 4.13 4.78
4.75      5.39      7.27      4.13      4.20
China Championship 2017Second round20 4.59 5.56
5.18      6.56      4.95      10.11     4.59
First round11 4.91 5.34
5.10      4.91      6.34      5.45      5.48
Tangshan Open 2017Final5 4.93 6.40
5.39      4.93      7.55      6.25      7.83
First round6 5.36 7.04
5.36      6.02      7.01      DNF       8.10
Shanghai Spring 2017Final9 4.78 5.72
6.36      4.78      6.79      5.75      5.05
First round3 4.23 4.84
5.33      4.23      4.86      5.54      4.33
Anhui University Smart Open 2017Second round9 5.34 6.58
5.34      7.03      6.28      DNF       6.43
First round5 5.50 6.36
8.36      7.18      5.74      5.50      6.16
Asian Championship 2016First round120 12.33 15.91
16.62     DNF       15.57     12.33     15.53
China Championship 2018
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final92 12.07 14.19
16.94     14.77     14.81     12.98     12.07
Second round84 11.29 11.97
13.60     12.02     11.29     11.95     11.95
First round139 12.12 13.36
12.21     14.03     12.12     13.85     15.39
2x2x2 CubeSemi Final53 3.04 4.36
5.29      3.07      5.62      3.04      4.71
Second round74 3.70 4.37
3.70      7.48      4.70      4.45      3.95
First round34 3.01 3.60
3.29      4.72      3.88      3.01      3.63
PyraminxFinal2 2.40 3.04
3.11      3.16      2.40      2.85      DNF
Semi Final1 2.53 2.89
2.55      3.03      3.16      3.10      2.53
Second round2 2.04 2.84
2.04      2.30      DNF       2.55      3.68
First round4 1.99 3.50
3.07      1.99      3.33      4.09      DNF
SkewbFinal9 3.01 4.39
3.70      4.85      6.46      4.62      3.01
Semi Final11 3.25 4.61
8.87      6.01      3.82      4.00      3.25
Second round20 4.80 5.12
4.98      5.54      4.80      4.83      5.67
First round7 3.72 4.18
5.14      3.72      4.44      3.81      4.28
Beijing Summer 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal76 11.75 14.26
13.86     11.75     16.97     19.30     11.94
First round98 10.73 15.40
20.51     10.73     12.47     13.23     24.61
PyraminxFinal1 2.15 2.70
3.19      2.70      3.16      2.15      2.23
First round6 2.54 4.22
4.71      5.40      2.54      5.92      2.56
SkewbFinal8 3.62 4.32
6.01      4.36      4.65      3.62      3.94
First round7 3.76 4.71
3.76      5.29      3.82      5.02      6.56
Tianjin Summer Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal13 11.07 11.83
12.85     11.29     11.07     12.48     11.72
First round19 11.48 12.71
13.68     17.19     12.17     12.27     11.48
PyraminxFinal1 2.01 2.81
2.82      2.76      2.84      4.24      2.01
First round1 2.42 3.24
2.42      5.05      2.99      3.83      2.89
SkewbFinal3 4.06 5.31
5.35      4.06      6.50      6.73      4.09
Shijiazhuang Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 11.11 13.34
13.18     15.31     18.56     11.54     11.11
First round22 8.71 13.98
13.84     20.85     14.94     13.17     8.71
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 3.13 4.07
3.96      4.59      4.72      3.66      3.13
First round9 3.75 4.42
4.53      3.75      4.48      4.25      4.89
PyraminxFinal1 2.50 3.04
3.84      3.02      2.61      3.48      2.50
First round1 1.90 2.94
2.51      2.72      3.59      1.90      4.72
SkewbFinal3 1.88 4.55
5.82      4.89      4.32      1.88      4.44
First round2 2.58 3.59
3.22      2.58      4.22      3.32      5.63
Beijing Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round78 13.27 15.69
16.90     17.04     14.88     13.27     15.28
First round54 12.04 13.90
15.07     14.15     14.50     13.05     12.04
2x2x2 CubeFinal19 2.75 5.16
3.44      2.75      DNF       7.65      4.39
Second round7 3.34 3.97
3.58      4.02      5.15      4.30      3.34
First round54 3.37 5.41
3.37      4.87      6.31      5.34      6.03
ClockFinal10 9.72 10.55
9.72      DNF       9.81      9.79      12.05
PyraminxFinal2 2.67 4.22
2.67      DNF       4.12      5.25      3.28
First round1 1.91AsR 2.32
2.49      2.26      4.01      1.91      2.21
SkewbFinal6 4.26 5.47
5.10      5.80      5.52      6.01      4.26
First round3 3.96 4.00
7.08      3.96      4.00      4.02      3.97
Qingdao Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round13 10.56 12.11
10.56     12.87     11.08     18.66     12.39
First round23 11.63 13.96
11.63     13.19     14.35     14.33     16.55
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 3.34 3.97
3.72      3.34      4.39      4.86      3.81
First round5 3.48 4.50
3.83      6.07      3.48      3.60      6.46
PyraminxFinal1 2.02 3.65
2.98      5.36      3.02      2.02      4.94
First round2 2.49 3.70
3.06      2.49      DNF       3.79      4.24
SkewbFinal1 3.54 5.03
4.51      5.12      3.54      5.46      5.74
First round1 2.33 3.73
2.98      2.33      7.59      3.86      4.36
Shijiazhuang Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round12 11.93 13.28
11.93     17.98     13.27     12.55     14.03
First round22 12.97 14.69
15.60     15.44     16.18     13.02     12.97
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 3.48 4.07
7.45      3.48      3.91      4.03      4.26
First round4 3.27 4.19
3.27      4.60      4.44      4.28      3.85
PyraminxFinal1 2.21 4.39
DNF       3.83      6.37      2.21      2.98
First round2 2.56 4.89
3.56      3.99      8.00      7.12      2.56
SkewbFinal2 2.29 3.23
3.78      3.68      2.29      3.57      2.43
First round3 4.13 4.78
4.75      5.39      7.27      4.13      4.20
China Championship 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round247 13.57 16.05
13.57     16.34     14.71     17.12     17.11
First round256 14.52 15.86
17.83     16.35     15.72     14.52     15.50
2x2x2 CubeSecond round98 3.85 5.23
5.47      3.85      5.02      5.20      6.09
First round57 3.96 4.41
4.06      4.88      9.46      3.96      4.29
PyraminxFinal6 2.89 3.63
3.40      3.28      2.89      4.38      4.20
Semi Final13 2.86 4.57
3.15      2.86      6.50      7.38      4.07
Second round1 2.79 3.25
4.09      3.12      3.49      3.15      2.79
First round3 2.29 3.25
4.00      2.29      3.07      6.08      2.68
SkewbSecond round20 4.59 5.56
5.18      6.56      4.95      10.11     4.59
First round11 4.91 5.34
5.10      4.91      6.34      5.45      5.48
Tangshan Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round52 15.38 18.39
16.61     19.08     19.47     20.37     15.38
2x2x2 CubeFirst round12 3.57 5.39
5.15      6.08      4.94      3.57      6.08
PyraminxFinal1 3.36 3.70
3.59      3.97      3.36      3.53      4.81
First round1 3.02 3.57
3.68      3.72      3.31      3.02      7.60
SkewbFinal5 4.93 6.40
5.39      4.93      7.55      6.25      7.83
First round6 5.36 7.04
5.36      6.02      7.01      DNF       8.10
Shanghai Spring 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round78 17.02 19.39
17.02     19.43     18.87     20.27     19.86
2x2x2 CubeFirst round16 4.47 4.98
4.47      4.98      5.34      4.61      6.88
ClockFinal4 9.74 10.79
11.08     9.92      12.73     11.37     9.74
First round7 8.40 10.43
10.41     9.89      15.07     11.00     8.40
PyraminxFinal8 3.73 5.33
10.07     7.32      4.34      4.33      3.73
First round6 2.62 4.86
5.30      4.71      2.62      5.82      4.58
SkewbFinal9 4.78 5.72
6.36      4.78      6.79      5.75      5.05
First round3 4.23 4.84
5.33      4.23      4.86      5.54      4.33
Anhui University Smart Open 2017
ClockFirst round9 10.26 11.54
12.32     11.02     DNF       11.28     10.26
PyraminxFinal4 2.89 5.04
4.08      2.89      6.61      6.10      4.94
Second round1 2.71 3.81
4.57      2.71      4.53      3.61      3.30
First round1 2.27 3.83
3.38      2.27      4.06      6.12      4.05
SkewbSecond round9 5.34 6.58
5.34      7.03      6.28      DNF       6.43
First round5 5.50 6.36
8.36      7.18      5.74      5.50      6.16
Tianjin Open 2016
PyraminxFinal1 2.13 3.64
3.27      8.78      3.61      2.13      4.05
First round1 2.72 4.07
7.50      5.88      3.13      3.19      2.72
Asian Championship 2016
2x2x2 CubeFirst round203 5.01 6.49
7.00      11.01     5.01      6.68      5.78
PyraminxSemi Final20 3.91 5.45
5.54      7.41      3.91      4.89      5.92
Second round31 3.62 5.63
7.87      10.18     3.75      3.62      5.28
First round15 3.72 4.72
6.33      8.95      3.87      3.72      3.97
SkewbFirst round120 12.33 15.91
16.62     DNF       15.57     12.33     15.53
One Night in Beijing 2016
PyraminxFirst round11 6.36 8.09
13.18     8.19      7.77      8.31      6.36

History of Continental Records

 AsR 2.32Beijing Open 2018First round
2.49      2.26      4.01      1.91      2.21
142018-10-02~04China Championship 2018ChinaBeijing
132018-07-29Beijing Summer 2018ChinaBeijing
122018-06-24Tianjin Summer Open 2018ChinaTianjin
112018-06-10Shijiazhuang Open 2018ChinaShijiazhuang, Hebei
102018-04-30~05-01Beijing Open 2018ChinaBeijing
92018-03-25Qingdao Open 2018ChinaQingdao, Shandong
82017-11-26Shijiazhuang Open 2017ChinaShijiazhuang, Hebei
72017-07-28~30China Championship 2017ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
62017-05-28Tangshan Open 2017ChinaTangshan, Hebei
52017-03-18~19Shanghai Spring 2017ChinaShanghai
42017-03-11Anhui University Smart Open 2017ChinaHefei, Anhui
32016-11-12Tianjin Open 2016ChinaTianjin
22016-10-01~03Asian Championship 2016ChinaBeijing
12016-05-28~29One Night in Beijing 2016ChinaBeijing