Personal Page

Minh-Ky Kawamura

Name: Minh-Ky Kawamura
Region: United States
Competitions: 11
WCA ID: Minh-Ky Kawamura2019KAWA03
Gender: Male
Career: 2019.04.21 - 2023.07.02
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube8242109734316913.3316.694749112021900559/60
2x2x2 Cube852211198401253.954.76212565954457115/15
4x4x4 Cube756710175380941:17.251:29.5535986979773849/9
5x5x5 Cube39355282191422:11.662/2
6x6x6 Cube27833688120575:16.811/1
3x3x3 Blindfolded1118147465393:42.404:08.4327496234757/15
3x3x3 One-Handed513870212825729.3737.21290277267531013/14
4x4x4 Blindfolded346424171225:32.001/6

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Western Championship 2023First round189 16.16 18.25
17.12     16.16     19.01     22.25     18.62
Bay Area Speedcubin' 41 2023Second round80 13.33 18.17
13.33     19.41     21.60     17.63     17.47
First round71 16.24 16.69
17.05     16.32     16.24     17.50     16.71
San Diego's Final Cube-Down 2022First round68 17.36 19.38
21.63     27.11     18.78     17.72     17.36
Bay Area Speedcubin' 39 2022First round119 20.51 23.24
28.08     20.70     20.51     20.95     30.94
BASC 35 - Pacifica 2022Second round68 19.39 24.32
19.39     22.24     24.69     28.51     26.03
First round66 19.58 22.59
19.86     19.58     25.63     22.28     26.93
Berkeley Summer 2022First round107 17.56 21.78
23.65     32.58     17.56     23.36     18.32
BASC 31A - Mill Valley 2022Second round65 19.45 23.07
25.46     19.45     19.64     31.03     24.12
First round69 22.21 24.79
23.88     25.95     24.54     22.21     27.23
Bay Area Speedcubin' 21 2019First round155 37.49 41.18
48.80     47.76     37.49     37.63     38.16
Berkeley Spring 2019First round129 53.10 57.93
1:01.57   57.14     53.10     55.09     DNF
2x2x2 Cube
San Diego's Final Cube-Down 2022First round30 3.95 4.76
5.65      4.86      3.95      4.51      4.91
Bay Area Speedcubin' 39 2022First round48 4.88 5.36
5.52      6.97      5.00      4.88      5.55
Berkeley Spring 2019First round95 18.38 24.63
30.43     21.78     21.67     18.38     31.80
4x4x4 Cube
Western Championship 2023First round150 1:17.25
1:17.25   1:20.89
Bay Area Speedcubin' 37 2022First round46 1:21.59 1:29.55
1:31.71   1:42.37   1:34.96   1:21.97   1:21.59
BASC 31A - Mill Valley 2022First round49 1:37.68
1:37.68   1:39.42
5x5x5 Cube
Western Championship 2023First round110 2:11.66
2:11.66   2:59.05
6x6x6 Cube
Western Championship 2023First round80 5:16.81
7x7x7 Cube
Western Championship 2023First round62 DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Western Championship 2023Second round27 4:00.11 DNF
DNF       DNF       4:00.11
First round36 4:34.11 DNF
DNF       4:34.11   DNF
Bay Area Speedcubin' 42 2023Second round16 3:42.40 4:08.43
4:10.96   3:42.40   4:31.93
First round20 6:38.97 DNF
DNF       DNF       6:38.97
San Diego's Final Cube-Down 2022Final14 4:44.09 DNF
DNF       DNF       4:44.09
3x3x3 One-Handed
Western Championship 2023First round146 29.37 37.21
36.98     29.37     46.18     36.81     37.83
Bay Area Speedcubin' 42 2023First round51 1:10.64
1:10.64   DNF
Bay Area Speedcubin' 41 2023First round52 35.18 37.51
35.18     40.91     38.81     38.46     35.25
BASC 31A - Mill Valley 2022First round43 46.82
46.82     50.04
Western Championship 2023First round72 10.23 DNF
DNF       10.23     DNF       DNF       11.13
Bay Area Speedcubin' 42 2023Final7 8.80 9.59
9.82      9.66      8.80      9.28      10.51
San Diego's Final Cube-Down 2022Final12 10.18 DNF
DNF       12.23     11.15     10.18     DNF
First round8 8.81 9.65
9.91      9.96      9.08      10.66     8.81
Bay Area Speedcubin' 39 2022First round9 9.64 11.00
11.12     11.48     9.64      11.69     10.41
Bay Area Speedcubin' 37 2022First round11 11.08 13.72
11.08     15.12     12.97     DNF       13.07
Berkeley Summer 2022First round30 18.74 24.61
18.74     DNF       24.86     28.31     20.67
BASC 31A - Mill Valley 2022First round17 26.27
26.27     31.15
Bay Area Speedcubin' 42 2023Final22 1:56.25 2:05.94
2:06.76   2:00.55   1:56.25   2:10.50   2:12.42
Bay Area Speedcubin' 41 2023First round24 1:54.76 1:59.79
1:55.29   2:06.21   DNF       1:54.76   1:57.88
Western Championship 2023First round53 5.10 7.23
7.76      5.10      5.84      8.10      18.29
Bay Area Speedcubin' 41 2023First round14 5.15 6.51
8.27      5.24      5.15      DNF       6.03
Bay Area Speedcubin' 37 2022First round23 5.17 10.03
11.19     5.17      14.62     8.30      10.59
BASC 35 - Pacifica 2022First round22 6.36 9.18
8.80      10.10     6.36      8.65      10.53
Berkeley Summer 2022First round48 8.72 11.66
14.01     13.70     8.72      11.60     9.67
BASC 31A - Mill Valley 2022First round29 9.07 11.30
9.07      10.90     14.96     10.23     12.77
Bay Area Speedcubin' 21 2019First round71 13.12 17.10
19.76     16.18     13.12     19.78     15.37
Western Championship 2023First round150 15.29 19.32
31.05     15.29     18.93     16.81     22.22
Berkeley Summer 2022First round86 19.31 41.51
DNF       19.31     50.08     41.20     33.24
Bay Area Speedcubin' 21 2019First round68 16.68 22.97
DNF       20.84     25.10     22.98     16.68
Berkeley Spring 2019First round58 24.96 36.61
31.14     24.96     DNF       26.31     52.39
Western Championship 2023First round54 20.58 27.41
31.75     34.94     24.17     26.32     20.58
San Diego's Final Cube-Down 2022First round13 17.96 27.40
30.07     31.20     17.96     26.59     25.54
Bay Area Speedcubin' 39 2022First round35 45.87
51.97     45.87
BASC 35 - Pacifica 2022Final15 28.96 33.42
46.72     33.07     31.70     28.96     35.48
4x4x4 Blindfolded
Western Championship 2023First round14 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Bay Area Speedcubin' 42 2023Final7 25:32.00 DNF
25:32.00   DNF       DNF
Western Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round189 16.16 18.25
17.12     16.16     19.01     22.25     18.62
4x4x4 CubeFirst round150 1:17.25
1:17.25   1:20.89
5x5x5 CubeFirst round110 2:11.66
2:11.66   2:59.05
6x6x6 CubeFirst round80 5:16.81
7x7x7 CubeFirst round62 DNF
3x3x3 BlindfoldedSecond round27 4:00.11 DNF
DNF       DNF       4:00.11
First round36 4:34.11 DNF
DNF       4:34.11   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round146 29.37 37.21
36.98     29.37     46.18     36.81     37.83
ClockFirst round72 10.23 DNF
DNF       10.23     DNF       DNF       11.13
PyraminxFirst round53 5.10 7.23
7.76      5.10      5.84      8.10      18.29
SkewbFirst round150 15.29 19.32
31.05     15.29     18.93     16.81     22.22
Square-1First round54 20.58 27.41
31.75     34.94     24.17     26.32     20.58
4x4x4 BlindfoldedFirst round14 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Bay Area Speedcubin' 42 2023
3x3x3 BlindfoldedSecond round16 3:42.40 4:08.43
4:10.96   3:42.40   4:31.93
First round20 6:38.97 DNF
DNF       DNF       6:38.97
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round51 1:10.64
1:10.64   DNF
ClockFinal7 8.80 9.59
9.82      9.66      8.80      9.28      10.51
MegaminxFinal22 1:56.25 2:05.94
2:06.76   2:00.55   1:56.25   2:10.50   2:12.42
4x4x4 BlindfoldedFinal7 25:32.00 DNF
25:32.00   DNF       DNF
Bay Area Speedcubin' 41 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round80 13.33 18.17
13.33     19.41     21.60     17.63     17.47
First round71 16.24 16.69
17.05     16.32     16.24     17.50     16.71
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round52 35.18 37.51
35.18     40.91     38.81     38.46     35.25
MegaminxFirst round24 1:54.76 1:59.79
1:55.29   2:06.21   DNF       1:54.76   1:57.88
PyraminxFirst round14 5.15 6.51
8.27      5.24      5.15      DNF       6.03
San Diego's Final Cube-Down 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round68 17.36 19.38
21.63     27.11     18.78     17.72     17.36
2x2x2 CubeFirst round30 3.95 4.76
5.65      4.86      3.95      4.51      4.91
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal14 4:44.09 DNF
DNF       DNF       4:44.09
ClockFinal12 10.18 DNF
DNF       12.23     11.15     10.18     DNF
First round8 8.81 9.65
9.91      9.96      9.08      10.66     8.81
Square-1First round13 17.96 27.40
30.07     31.20     17.96     26.59     25.54
Bay Area Speedcubin' 39 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round119 20.51 23.24
28.08     20.70     20.51     20.95     30.94
2x2x2 CubeFirst round48 4.88 5.36
5.52      6.97      5.00      4.88      5.55
ClockFirst round9 9.64 11.00
11.12     11.48     9.64      11.69     10.41
Square-1First round35 45.87
51.97     45.87
Bay Area Speedcubin' 37 2022
4x4x4 CubeFirst round46 1:21.59 1:29.55
1:31.71   1:42.37   1:34.96   1:21.97   1:21.59
ClockFirst round11 11.08 13.72
11.08     15.12     12.97     DNF       13.07
PyraminxFirst round23 5.17 10.03
11.19     5.17      14.62     8.30      10.59
BASC 35 - Pacifica 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round68 19.39 24.32
19.39     22.24     24.69     28.51     26.03
First round66 19.58 22.59
19.86     19.58     25.63     22.28     26.93
PyraminxFirst round22 6.36 9.18
8.80      10.10     6.36      8.65      10.53
Square-1Final15 28.96 33.42
46.72     33.07     31.70     28.96     35.48
Berkeley Summer 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round107 17.56 21.78
23.65     32.58     17.56     23.36     18.32
ClockFirst round30 18.74 24.61
18.74     DNF       24.86     28.31     20.67
PyraminxFirst round48 8.72 11.66
14.01     13.70     8.72      11.60     9.67
SkewbFirst round86 19.31 41.51
DNF       19.31     50.08     41.20     33.24
BASC 31A - Mill Valley 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round65 19.45 23.07
25.46     19.45     19.64     31.03     24.12
First round69 22.21 24.79
23.88     25.95     24.54     22.21     27.23
4x4x4 CubeFirst round49 1:37.68
1:37.68   1:39.42
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round43 46.82
46.82     50.04
ClockFirst round17 26.27
26.27     31.15
PyraminxFirst round29 9.07 11.30
9.07      10.90     14.96     10.23     12.77
Bay Area Speedcubin' 21 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round155 37.49 41.18
48.80     47.76     37.49     37.63     38.16
PyraminxFirst round71 13.12 17.10
19.76     16.18     13.12     19.78     15.37
SkewbFirst round68 16.68 22.97
DNF       20.84     25.10     22.98     16.68
Berkeley Spring 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round129 53.10 57.93
1:01.57   57.14     53.10     55.09     DNF
2x2x2 CubeFirst round95 18.38 24.63
30.43     21.78     21.67     18.38     31.80
SkewbFirst round58 24.96 36.61
31.14     24.96     DNF       26.31     52.39
112023-06-30~07-02Western Championship 2023United StatesBerkeley, California
102023-03-18Bay Area Speedcubin' 42 2023United StatesBerkeley, California
92023-02-12Bay Area Speedcubin' 41 2023United StatesBerkeley, California
82022-12-31San Diego's Final Cube-Down 2022United StatesSan Diego, California
72022-11-05Bay Area Speedcubin' 39 2022United StatesSan Jose, California
62022-09-17Bay Area Speedcubin' 37 2022United StatesBerkeley, California
52022-07-30BASC 35 - Pacifica 2022United StatesPacifica, California
42022-06-11Berkeley Summer 2022United StatesBerkeley, California
32022-04-23BASC 31A - Mill Valley 2022United StatesMill Valley, California
22019-12-01Bay Area Speedcubin' 21 2019United StatesSan Jose, California
12019-04-21Berkeley Spring 2019United StatesBerkeley, California