Personal Page

Ben Lee

Name: Ben Lee
Region: United States
Competitions: 11
WCA ID: Ben Lee2023LEEB03
Gender: Male
Career: 2023.05.27 - 2024.12.01
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube419254982122010.6613.232318158604468113/115
2x2x2 Cube65448599307763.484.84224856308484488/90
4x4x4 Cube363549992000553.551:00.02190204750345743/46
5x5x5 Cube46946271222812:28.643/4

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Minnesota Championship 2024Semi Final44 10.66 16.19
13.10     DNF       10.66     13.07     22.41
Second round27 12.30 13.28
13.31     12.36     14.17     12.30     15.28
First round39 13.53 15.59
16.24     14.54     13.53     16.82     15.99
Cubetcha MN 2024Second round27 11.16 14.47
17.92     17.95     14.20     11.16     11.28
First round27 14.15 14.61
14.15     14.22     15.46     14.16     23.51
NAC 2024First round473 11.95 13.23
12.58     13.38     13.74     15.96     11.95
Heartland Championship 2024Second round50 13.78 15.91
16.31     16.30     17.45     15.12     13.78
First round59 14.62 18.25
18.91     18.53     14.62     19.22     17.31
Minnesota Cube Melt 2024Second round27 16.40 17.35
17.29     18.04     16.40     DNF       16.72
First round31 15.06 17.65
15.67     18.72     21.16     18.56     15.06
Minnesota Newcomer Sunday 2024Final18 14.55 17.10
18.54     14.55     17.96     16.58     16.77
Second round14 14.38 16.05
16.42     17.17     18.44     14.55     14.38
First round21 16.54 17.81
16.54     18.42     18.07     22.39     16.93
MN Meetup III Tuesday 2024Final10 14.30 17.02
18.56     15.66     14.30     17.68     17.71
Second round8 16.23 17.53
17.78     17.80     24.00     16.23     17.02
First round6 13.07 16.40
17.33     19.64     14.83     13.07     17.03
Race the Clock Minnesota 2023Second round45 15.62 18.30
19.69     16.41     18.79     35.57     15.62
First round43 15.38 17.11
19.02     16.77     15.63     15.38     18.92
NxN Minnesota 2023Second round28 12.76 19.61
18.16     15.63     25.04     25.76     12.76
First round24 15.74 17.46
16.77     19.31     15.74     16.31     20.06
Cubetcha 2023Second round49 14.95 19.09
19.08     18.88     19.31     25.73     14.95
First round51 14.50 19.04
21.58     19.28     14.50     19.03     18.80
Minnesota Cube Melt 2023First round95 22.28 26.35
25.19     22.28     25.88     27.98     37.66
2x2x2 Cube
Minnesota Championship 2024First round53 3.67 6.03
3.67      8.16      4.79      5.13      DNF
Cubetcha MN 2024Second round34 4.76 5.67
5.79      5.68      5.55      11.76     4.76
First round33 3.78 5.54
3.78      5.52      7.46      6.74      4.37
NAC 2024First round686 5.49 8.30
5.64      5.49      DNF       12.26     7.00
Heartland Championship 2024Second round60 4.79 6.73
7.98      4.79      8.76      6.41      5.79
First round62 3.66 6.31
6.03      6.54      6.35      3.66      6.58
Minnesota Cube Melt 2024Final42 4.54 7.61
10.55     4.54      5.48      15.12     6.81
Second round22 4.08 5.38
4.08      10.56     5.04      5.43      5.68
First round38 4.08 6.51
6.00      13.28     5.73      4.08      7.81
Minnesota Newcomer Sunday 2024Final15 4.01 4.84
4.01      4.94      8.99      4.78      4.79
Second round20 3.48 5.64
7.35      3.48      5.83      4.93      6.17
First round22 5.29 5.99
5.72      6.33      7.54      5.91      5.29
MN Meetup III Tuesday 2024Final13 5.58 6.56
6.63      6.79      6.39      6.65      5.58
Second round12 5.98 6.83
6.57      7.26      5.98      7.31      6.67
First round15 5.25 7.76
7.22      11.99     10.04     6.03      5.25
NxN Minnesota 2023Second round23 4.22 6.26
5.91      4.22      5.37      7.51      9.38
First round23 5.19 6.24
6.57      5.37      11.92     5.19      6.79
Cubetcha 2023First round81 5.02 8.76
8.26      9.45      9.96      5.02      8.57
4x4x4 Cube
Minnesota Championship 2024First round35 53.55 1:00.02
1:03.53   1:12.09   1:00.96   53.55     55.57
Cubetcha MN 2024First round30 1:02.12 1:04.42
1:02.12   1:04.81   1:06.10   1:07.28   1:02.35
Heartland Championship 2024Second round50 1:07.05 1:11.08
1:26.41   1:11.39   1:13.40   1:07.05   1:08.44
First round48 1:07.05 1:12.40
1:07.05   1:22.28   1:18.07   1:11.42   1:07.70
Minnesota Newcomer Sunday 2024Final22 1:25.59 1:40.05
1:25.59   1:32.89   1:40.73   DNF       1:46.53
MN Meetup III Tuesday 2024Final9 1:26.50 1:32.64
1:30.08   1:26.50   1:57.50   1:27.69   1:40.15
Race the Clock Minnesota 2023First round44 1:19.08 DNF
2:44.38   1:19.08   1:29.78   DNF       DNS
NxN Minnesota 2023First round28 1:32.27
DNF       1:32.27
Cubetcha 2023First round59 1:23.24 1:47.31
1:23.24   1:57.11   1:50.12   1:39.91   1:51.90
Minnesota Cube Melt 2023Final64 1:47.20 1:54.38
1:47.20   1:53.29   2:08.48   1:55.87   1:53.97
5x5x5 Cube
Minnesota Championship 2024First round40 2:28.64
2:28.64   2:49.90
Heartland Championship 2024First round61 3:51.61
DNF       3:51.61
Minnesota Cube Melt 2024Final37 3:42.36
3:47.74   3:42.36
Race the Clock Minnesota 2023First round47 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS       DNS       DNS
Minnesota Championship 2024First round49 5.66 11.54
12.71     16.21     5.66      10.96     10.95
NAC 2024First round619 9.09 14.03
11.25     9.09      16.95     13.88     17.12
Heartland Championship 2024Second round54 11.54 13.00
DNF       13.17     12.83     13.01     11.54
First round61 12.65 13.81
15.85     12.65     12.81     12.76     15.95
Minnesota Newcomer Sunday 2024Final21 12.09 12.65
13.48     13.92     12.16     12.09     12.32
First round24 8.10 13.81
13.47     22.22     8.10      15.40     12.56
Minnesota Cube Melt 2023First round101 15.04 16.17
16.55     16.18     21.82     15.04     15.79
Minnesota Championship 2024First round71 10.82 16.30
16.27     20.20     23.90     10.82     12.43
Cubetcha MN 2024First round61 16.79 20.21
19.65     23.34     20.92     16.79     20.05
Heartland Championship 2024First round73 18.35 24.28
18.35     32.16     21.63     19.04     39.88
Minnesota Newcomer Sunday 2024First round36 21.14 31.10
31.85     21.14     36.04     32.27     29.17
Minnesota Championship 2024First round41 39.64 1:15.85
48.79     DNF       1:39.23   1:19.52   39.64
Minnesota Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final44 10.66 16.19
13.10     DNF       10.66     13.07     22.41
Second round27 12.30 13.28
13.31     12.36     14.17     12.30     15.28
First round39 13.53 15.59
16.24     14.54     13.53     16.82     15.99
2x2x2 CubeFirst round53 3.67 6.03
3.67      8.16      4.79      5.13      DNF
4x4x4 CubeFirst round35 53.55 1:00.02
1:03.53   1:12.09   1:00.96   53.55     55.57
5x5x5 CubeFirst round40 2:28.64
2:28.64   2:49.90
PyraminxFirst round49 5.66 11.54
12.71     16.21     5.66      10.96     10.95
SkewbFirst round71 10.82 16.30
16.27     20.20     23.90     10.82     12.43
Square-1First round41 39.64 1:15.85
48.79     DNF       1:39.23   1:19.52   39.64
Cubetcha MN 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round27 11.16 14.47
17.92     17.95     14.20     11.16     11.28
First round27 14.15 14.61
14.15     14.22     15.46     14.16     23.51
2x2x2 CubeSecond round34 4.76 5.67
5.79      5.68      5.55      11.76     4.76
First round33 3.78 5.54
3.78      5.52      7.46      6.74      4.37
4x4x4 CubeFirst round30 1:02.12 1:04.42
1:02.12   1:04.81   1:06.10   1:07.28   1:02.35
SkewbFirst round61 16.79 20.21
19.65     23.34     20.92     16.79     20.05
NAC 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round473 11.95 13.23
12.58     13.38     13.74     15.96     11.95
2x2x2 CubeFirst round686 5.49 8.30
5.64      5.49      DNF       12.26     7.00
PyraminxFirst round619 9.09 14.03
11.25     9.09      16.95     13.88     17.12
Heartland Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round50 13.78 15.91
16.31     16.30     17.45     15.12     13.78
First round59 14.62 18.25
18.91     18.53     14.62     19.22     17.31
2x2x2 CubeSecond round60 4.79 6.73
7.98      4.79      8.76      6.41      5.79
First round62 3.66 6.31
6.03      6.54      6.35      3.66      6.58
4x4x4 CubeSecond round50 1:07.05 1:11.08
1:26.41   1:11.39   1:13.40   1:07.05   1:08.44
First round48 1:07.05 1:12.40
1:07.05   1:22.28   1:18.07   1:11.42   1:07.70
5x5x5 CubeFirst round61 3:51.61
DNF       3:51.61
PyraminxSecond round54 11.54 13.00
DNF       13.17     12.83     13.01     11.54
First round61 12.65 13.81
15.85     12.65     12.81     12.76     15.95
SkewbFirst round73 18.35 24.28
18.35     32.16     21.63     19.04     39.88
Minnesota Cube Melt 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round27 16.40 17.35
17.29     18.04     16.40     DNF       16.72
First round31 15.06 17.65
15.67     18.72     21.16     18.56     15.06
2x2x2 CubeFinal42 4.54 7.61
10.55     4.54      5.48      15.12     6.81
Second round22 4.08 5.38
4.08      10.56     5.04      5.43      5.68
First round38 4.08 6.51
6.00      13.28     5.73      4.08      7.81
MegaminxFinal37 3:42.36
3:47.74   3:42.36
Minnesota Newcomer Sunday 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal18 14.55 17.10
18.54     14.55     17.96     16.58     16.77
Second round14 14.38 16.05
16.42     17.17     18.44     14.55     14.38
First round21 16.54 17.81
16.54     18.42     18.07     22.39     16.93
2x2x2 CubeFinal15 4.01 4.84
4.01      4.94      8.99      4.78      4.79
Second round20 3.48 5.64
7.35      3.48      5.83      4.93      6.17
First round22 5.29 5.99
5.72      6.33      7.54      5.91      5.29
4x4x4 CubeFinal22 1:25.59 1:40.05
1:25.59   1:32.89   1:40.73   DNF       1:46.53
PyraminxFinal21 12.09 12.65
13.48     13.92     12.16     12.09     12.32
First round24 8.10 13.81
13.47     22.22     8.10      15.40     12.56
SkewbFirst round36 21.14 31.10
31.85     21.14     36.04     32.27     29.17
MN Meetup III Tuesday 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 14.30 17.02
18.56     15.66     14.30     17.68     17.71
Second round8 16.23 17.53
17.78     17.80     24.00     16.23     17.02
First round6 13.07 16.40
17.33     19.64     14.83     13.07     17.03
2x2x2 CubeFinal13 5.58 6.56
6.63      6.79      6.39      6.65      5.58
Second round12 5.98 6.83
6.57      7.26      5.98      7.31      6.67
First round15 5.25 7.76
7.22      11.99     10.04     6.03      5.25
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 1:26.50 1:32.64
1:30.08   1:26.50   1:57.50   1:27.69   1:40.15
Race the Clock Minnesota 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round45 15.62 18.30
19.69     16.41     18.79     35.57     15.62
First round43 15.38 17.11
19.02     16.77     15.63     15.38     18.92
4x4x4 CubeFirst round44 1:19.08 DNF
2:44.38   1:19.08   1:29.78   DNF       DNS
MegaminxFirst round47 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS       DNS       DNS
NxN Minnesota 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 12.76 19.61
18.16     15.63     25.04     25.76     12.76
First round24 15.74 17.46
16.77     19.31     15.74     16.31     20.06
2x2x2 CubeSecond round23 4.22 6.26
5.91      4.22      5.37      7.51      9.38
First round23 5.19 6.24
6.57      5.37      11.92     5.19      6.79
4x4x4 CubeFirst round28 1:32.27
DNF       1:32.27
Cubetcha 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round49 14.95 19.09
19.08     18.88     19.31     25.73     14.95
First round51 14.50 19.04
21.58     19.28     14.50     19.03     18.80
2x2x2 CubeFirst round81 5.02 8.76
8.26      9.45      9.96      5.02      8.57
4x4x4 CubeFirst round59 1:23.24 1:47.31
1:23.24   1:57.11   1:50.12   1:39.91   1:51.90
Minnesota Cube Melt 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round95 22.28 26.35
25.19     22.28     25.88     27.98     37.66
4x4x4 CubeFinal64 1:47.20 1:54.38
1:47.20   1:53.29   2:08.48   1:55.87   1:53.97
PyraminxFirst round101 15.04 16.17
16.55     16.18     21.82     15.04     15.79
112024-11-30~12-01Minnesota Championship 2024United StatesBrooklyn Park, Minnesota
102024-10-19Cubetcha MN 2024United StatesLakeville, Minnesota
92024-07-18~21NAC 2024United StatesMinneapolis, Minnesota
82024-06-07~09Heartland Championship 2024United StatesSioux Falls, South Dakota
72024-05-11Minnesota Cube Melt 2024United StatesEden Prairie, Minnesota
62024-03-03Minnesota Newcomer Sunday 2024United StatesEagan, Minnesota
52024-01-02MN Meetup III Tuesday 2024United StatesMinnetonka, Minnesota
42023-12-30Race the Clock Minnesota 2023United StatesBrooklyn Park, Minnesota
32023-12-09NxN Minnesota 2023United StatesNew Brighton, Minnesota
22023-10-28Cubetcha 2023United StatesSt. Paul, Minnesota
12023-05-27~28Minnesota Cube Melt 2023United StatesInver Grove Heights, Minnesota