Personal Page

Tian Ying Xi (田盈汐)

Name: Tian Ying Xi (田盈汐)
Region: Hong Kong, China
Competitions: 15
WCA ID: Tian Ying Xi (田盈汐)2023XITI01
Gender: Female
Career: 2023.03.04 - 2024.11.17
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube939412836.327.20463153421180/185

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Hong Kong, China Championship Podiums

Hong Kong Championship 2024
3x3x3 Cube3 7.28 8.66
8.40      8.97      8.83      7.28      8.76
Megaminx2 40.68 43.63
43.71     43.36     43.83     DNF       40.68
Hong Kong Championship 2023
3x3x3 Cube3 7.30 8.02
7.55      8.55      9.04      7.30      7.97
Megaminx3 40.42 48.75
47.30     41.84     40.42     57.11     DNF

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Hong Kong Championship 2024Final10 7.28 8.66
8.40      8.97      8.83      7.28      8.76
Semi Final8 6.92 7.77
6.92      8.61      10.09     7.08      7.62
Second round9 7.59 8.23
8.03      7.59      8.29      9.57      8.36
First round27 7.33 10.28
7.33      11.72     10.82     12.84     8.30
Hong Kong Cube Day 2024First round13 7.17 9.82
12.46     DNF       7.39      9.60      7.17
Shenzhen Nanshan Open 2024Final11 6.90 8.48
9.39      6.90      9.26      7.85      8.34
Second round14 7.65 8.19
7.65      7.70      9.99      8.25      8.61
First round25 7.77 9.08
8.75      8.95      7.77      10.04     9.55
Nanchang Spring 2024Second round17 7.73 8.33
8.10      7.73      9.17      7.73      9.38
First round24 8.14 8.91
8.14      9.84      DNF       8.39      8.49
Busan Spring 2024Final9 6.32 8.57
10.32     10.10     6.32      6.71      8.89
Second round12 7.09 9.02
11.45     7.09      7.66      11.22     8.19
First round9 6.92 8.66
6.92      12.40     7.78      8.48      9.72
Welcome Back Hong Kong 2024Final3 6.92 7.82
8.80      6.92      7.43      10.38     7.23
First round7 7.51 8.83
8.38      21.90     9.21      8.91      7.51
Shenzhen Youth Open 2023Final9 6.76 7.93
7.64      8.02      6.76      8.12      8.89
Second round16 7.35 8.62
8.63      7.35      8.77      8.47      12.37
First round9 7.07 8.12
9.75      8.88      8.21      7.26      7.07
Hong Kong Championship 2023Final6 7.30 8.02
7.55      8.55      9.04      7.30      7.97
Semi Final4 6.56 7.20
8.03      6.84      8.10      6.72      6.56
Second round7 6.93 7.95
9.26      6.93      8.03      8.20      7.63
First round19 8.93 9.54
11.87     8.93      9.31      9.22      10.10
Bergen Open 2023Final2 7.68 8.90
7.68      16.57     8.40      9.40      8.89
Second round1 8.24 8.88
9.49      DNF       8.24      8.49      8.65
First round2 7.96 9.37
9.54      8.24      10.79     7.96      10.32
Blandede Bolsjer i Lejre 2023Final6 7.74 8.09
8.07      7.78      8.42      11.71     7.74
Edinburgh Summer 2023Final2 7.75 8.46
8.54      7.78      10.28     7.75      9.07
Semi Final13 7.79 11.17
10.91     13.57     7.79      9.03      DNF
Second round5 8.90 9.62
9.34      8.90      9.60      11.96     9.91
First round5 7.51 9.65
12.19     11.17     8.63      9.14      7.51
Taiwan Cubing Challenge 2023Final10 7.38 9.21
10.11     8.74      9.43      7.38      9.46
Semi Final8 7.05 8.38
10.70     8.86      7.69      8.58      7.05
Second round3 7.56 8.24
7.82      7.56      9.33      7.73      9.18
First round14 8.03 8.87
9.25      9.06      8.03      8.30      9.33
Hong Kong Small Cube Day 2023Second round30 7.08 9.91
9.64      11.32     7.08      10.12     9.96
First round16 8.29 8.77
8.95      8.60      8.77      15.48     8.29
Hong Kong Cube Day 2023First round37 7.77 10.56
10.24     11.96     DNF       7.77      9.48
Guangzhou Special 2024First round30 9.41 11.34
10.32     11.79     13.54     9.41      11.90
Welcome Back Hong Kong 2024First round45 13.20 DNF
DNF       DNF       17.80     14.37     13.20
Hong Kong Championship 2024Final4 40.68 43.63
43.71     43.36     43.83     DNF       40.68
First round1 41.75 42.10
42.01     41.75     56.84     42.44     41.85
Guangzhou Special 2024Final1 35.72 39.02
37.59     40.15     35.72     39.33     40.45
First round2 41.44 42.65
43.66     47.40     42.76     41.44     41.52
Nanchang Spring 2024Final4 37.29 45.58
37.29     45.58     47.42     50.29     43.75
First round2 42.08 42.93
42.80     42.08     DNF       43.74     42.24
Busan Spring 2024Final4 40.95 45.30
41.94     47.20     40.95     46.77     51.21
First round4 42.00 46.13
50.59     1:01.57   42.00     44.08     43.73
Hong Kong Championship 2023Final3 40.42 48.75
47.30     41.84     40.42     57.11     DNF
First round3 41.27 44.32
41.27     46.35     43.19     45.69     44.09
Bergen Open 2023Final1 47.91 50.13
47.91     48.06     53.84     48.49     56.05
Blandede Bolsjer i Lejre 2023Final4 50.79 53.06
1:00.70   51.12     53.07     54.99     50.79
Edinburgh Summer 2023Final4 45.46 56.12
55.13     45.46     57.84     57.74     55.49
First round3 47.14 54.79
55.90     53.37     1:09.91   47.14     55.09
Hong Kong Cube Day 2023Final10 59.66 1:02.09
1:02.44   1:01.65   1:02.19   1:06.10   59.66
Hong Kong Championship 2024Final7 2.88 3.98
4.31      2.88      4.05      4.14      3.75
First round11 3.38 5.15
4.52      5.72      8.72      3.38      5.20
Guangzhou Special 2024Second round14 3.74 4.51
4.64      3.91      DNF       3.74      4.98
First round11 3.20 4.29
7.42      4.11      3.85      3.20      4.90
Nanchang Spring 2024First round20 3.75 5.14
5.26      5.24      4.91      6.19      3.75
Busan Spring 2024First round13 4.23 5.62
5.79      7.28      6.63      4.45      4.23
Shenzhen Youth Open 2023First round67 4.86 DNF
DNF       6.14      DNF       4.86      6.54
Hong Kong Championship 2023Final7 3.18 4.59
3.69      6.12      8.13      3.95      3.18
First round9 3.20 4.61
3.20      7.11      3.66      5.84      4.32
Bergen Open 2023Final1 4.32 4.97
4.62      5.67      6.29      4.32      4.62
Second round1 4.55 5.57
6.45      4.55      5.28      6.33      5.09
First round2 3.90 5.67
4.70      6.21      6.16      3.90      6.16
Edinburgh Summer 2023Final9 2.68 5.73
5.88      4.37      6.94      2.68      8.20
Second round4 2.78 5.26
5.40      DNF       2.78      4.86      5.51
First round7 2.70 4.22
4.21      4.18      4.26      2.70      4.44
Hong Kong Cube Day 2023Final17 4.63 6.24
8.15      4.63      5.64      6.79      6.29
Hong Kong Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 7.28 8.66
8.40      8.97      8.83      7.28      8.76
Semi Final8 6.92 7.77
6.92      8.61      10.09     7.08      7.62
Second round9 7.59 8.23
8.03      7.59      8.29      9.57      8.36
First round27 7.33 10.28
7.33      11.72     10.82     12.84     8.30
MegaminxFinal4 40.68 43.63
43.71     43.36     43.83     DNF       40.68
First round1 41.75 42.10
42.01     41.75     56.84     42.44     41.85
PyraminxFinal7 2.88 3.98
4.31      2.88      4.05      4.14      3.75
First round11 3.38 5.15
4.52      5.72      8.72      3.38      5.20
Hong Kong Cube Day 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round13 7.17 9.82
12.46     DNF       7.39      9.60      7.17
Shenzhen Nanshan Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 6.90 8.48
9.39      6.90      9.26      7.85      8.34
Second round14 7.65 8.19
7.65      7.70      9.99      8.25      8.61
First round25 7.77 9.08
8.75      8.95      7.77      10.04     9.55
Guangzhou Special 2024
ClockFirst round30 9.41 11.34
10.32     11.79     13.54     9.41      11.90
MegaminxFinal1 35.72 39.02
37.59     40.15     35.72     39.33     40.45
First round2 41.44 42.65
43.66     47.40     42.76     41.44     41.52
PyraminxSecond round14 3.74 4.51
4.64      3.91      DNF       3.74      4.98
First round11 3.20 4.29
7.42      4.11      3.85      3.20      4.90
Nanchang Spring 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 7.73 8.33
8.10      7.73      9.17      7.73      9.38
First round24 8.14 8.91
8.14      9.84      DNF       8.39      8.49
MegaminxFinal4 37.29 45.58
37.29     45.58     47.42     50.29     43.75
First round2 42.08 42.93
42.80     42.08     DNF       43.74     42.24
PyraminxFirst round20 3.75 5.14
5.26      5.24      4.91      6.19      3.75
Busan Spring 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 6.32 8.57
10.32     10.10     6.32      6.71      8.89
Second round12 7.09 9.02
11.45     7.09      7.66      11.22     8.19
First round9 6.92 8.66
6.92      12.40     7.78      8.48      9.72
MegaminxFinal4 40.95 45.30
41.94     47.20     40.95     46.77     51.21
First round4 42.00 46.13
50.59     1:01.57   42.00     44.08     43.73
PyraminxFirst round13 4.23 5.62
5.79      7.28      6.63      4.45      4.23
Welcome Back Hong Kong 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 6.92 7.82
8.80      6.92      7.43      10.38     7.23
First round7 7.51 8.83
8.38      21.90     9.21      8.91      7.51
ClockFirst round45 13.20 DNF
DNF       DNF       17.80     14.37     13.20
Shenzhen Youth Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 6.76 7.93
7.64      8.02      6.76      8.12      8.89
Second round16 7.35 8.62
8.63      7.35      8.77      8.47      12.37
First round9 7.07 8.12
9.75      8.88      8.21      7.26      7.07
PyraminxFirst round67 4.86 DNF
DNF       6.14      DNF       4.86      6.54
Hong Kong Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 7.30 8.02
7.55      8.55      9.04      7.30      7.97
Semi Final4 6.56 7.20
8.03      6.84      8.10      6.72      6.56
Second round7 6.93 7.95
9.26      6.93      8.03      8.20      7.63
First round19 8.93 9.54
11.87     8.93      9.31      9.22      10.10
MegaminxFinal3 40.42 48.75
47.30     41.84     40.42     57.11     DNF
First round3 41.27 44.32
41.27     46.35     43.19     45.69     44.09
PyraminxFinal7 3.18 4.59
3.69      6.12      8.13      3.95      3.18
First round9 3.20 4.61
3.20      7.11      3.66      5.84      4.32
Bergen Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 7.68 8.90
7.68      16.57     8.40      9.40      8.89
Second round1 8.24 8.88
9.49      DNF       8.24      8.49      8.65
First round2 7.96 9.37
9.54      8.24      10.79     7.96      10.32
MegaminxFinal1 47.91 50.13
47.91     48.06     53.84     48.49     56.05
PyraminxFinal1 4.32 4.97
4.62      5.67      6.29      4.32      4.62
Second round1 4.55 5.57
6.45      4.55      5.28      6.33      5.09
First round2 3.90 5.67
4.70      6.21      6.16      3.90      6.16
Blandede Bolsjer i Lejre 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 7.74 8.09
8.07      7.78      8.42      11.71     7.74
MegaminxFinal4 50.79 53.06
1:00.70   51.12     53.07     54.99     50.79
Edinburgh Summer 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 7.75 8.46
8.54      7.78      10.28     7.75      9.07
Semi Final13 7.79 11.17
10.91     13.57     7.79      9.03      DNF
Second round5 8.90 9.62
9.34      8.90      9.60      11.96     9.91
First round5 7.51 9.65
12.19     11.17     8.63      9.14      7.51
MegaminxFinal4 45.46 56.12
55.13     45.46     57.84     57.74     55.49
First round3 47.14 54.79
55.90     53.37     1:09.91   47.14     55.09
PyraminxFinal9 2.68 5.73
5.88      4.37      6.94      2.68      8.20
Second round4 2.78 5.26
5.40      DNF       2.78      4.86      5.51
First round7 2.70 4.22
4.21      4.18      4.26      2.70      4.44
Taiwan Cubing Challenge 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 7.38 9.21
10.11     8.74      9.43      7.38      9.46
Semi Final8 7.05 8.38
10.70     8.86      7.69      8.58      7.05
Second round3 7.56 8.24
7.82      7.56      9.33      7.73      9.18
First round14 8.03 8.87
9.25      9.06      8.03      8.30      9.33
Hong Kong Small Cube Day 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round30 7.08 9.91
9.64      11.32     7.08      10.12     9.96
First round16 8.29 8.77
8.95      8.60      8.77      15.48     8.29
Hong Kong Cube Day 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round37 7.77 10.56
10.24     11.96     DNF       7.77      9.48
MegaminxFinal10 59.66 1:02.09
1:02.44   1:01.65   1:02.19   1:06.10   59.66
PyraminxFinal17 4.63 6.24
8.15      4.63      5.64      6.79      6.29
152024-11-16~17Hong Kong Championship 2024Hong Kong, ChinaHong Kong
142024-08-31Hong Kong Cube Day 2024Hong Kong, ChinaHong Kong
132024-06-22Shenzhen Nanshan Open 2024ChinaShenzhen, Guangdong
122024-06-02Guangzhou Special 2024ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
112024-04-21Nanchang Spring 2024ChinaNanchang, Jiangxi
102024-04-06~07Busan Spring 2024Republic of Korea부산광역시 (Busan)
92024-03-31Welcome Back Hong Kong 2024Hong Kong, ChinaHong Kong
82023-11-26Shenzhen Youth Open 2023ChinaShenzhen, Guangdong
72023-10-21~22Hong Kong Championship 2023Hong Kong, ChinaHong Kong
62023-07-29~30Bergen Open 2023NorwayBergen
52023-07-22Blandede Bolsjer i Lejre 2023DenmarkLejre
42023-07-15~16Edinburgh Summer 2023United KingdomEdinburgh, City of Edinburgh
32023-06-18Taiwan Cubing Challenge 2023Chinese TaipeiKaohsiung
22023-05-26Hong Kong Small Cube Day 2023Hong Kong, ChinaHong Kong
12023-03-04Hong Kong Cube Day 2023Hong Kong, ChinaHong Kong