Personal Page

Jiejie Du (杜杰杰)

Name: Jiejie Du (杜杰杰)
Region: China
Competitions: 45
WCA ID: Jiejie Du (杜杰杰)2010DUJI01
Gender: Male
Career: 2010.12.26 - 2020.01.01
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube496166851447.9110.4173612594846122439/440
2x2x2 Cube11743983154032.704.30140013933120511128/130
4x4x4 Cube12143398972943.0148.87928432971166184/84
5x5x5 Cube22857535277863:17.893:40.1220717611318427/7
3x3x3 Fewest Moves10271492226.33166431522451/56
3x3x3 One-Handed135443138211.8717.6833411199402153192/195

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection


Overall Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Xi'an New Year 2020Second round16 10.54 11.29
11.98     12.28     11.24     10.66     10.54
First round18 9.55 11.21
9.55      11.75     12.70     10.90     10.98
Xi'an 10th Anniversary 2019Final10 9.17 10.89
12.31     9.17      10.06     12.69     10.30
Semi Final11 9.34 10.55
10.68     11.19     9.34      9.84      11.12
Second round13 10.43 11.35
11.64     11.98     10.60     10.43     11.80
First round10 10.50 10.80
11.69     10.78     10.75     10.50     10.88
China Championship 2019Second round104 9.15 11.26
12.21     12.01     12.52     9.15      9.56
First round78 10.16 10.77
10.16     10.34     10.56     11.40     11.44
Xianyang Open 2019Second round14 10.25 11.36
11.27     11.76     10.25     11.04     14.16
First round8 10.23 10.76
10.46     10.71     10.23     11.10     11.16
Xi'an Open 2018Second round28 11.68 12.92
11.87     13.47     13.41     14.48     11.68
First round8 10.13 10.41
10.13     11.67     10.59     10.44     10.21
China Championship 2018Semi Final80 11.82 12.91
13.13     15.22     11.82     12.18     13.41
Second round75 9.64 11.86
12.14     9.64      12.25     13.84     11.20
First round74 10.61 11.65
11.02     11.02     12.92     10.61     14.34
Xi'an New Year 2018Second round12 11.54 12.62
13.19     11.94     11.54     12.73     13.75
First round6 10.68 11.60
15.89     10.68     11.01     11.91     11.87
Nanchang Open 2017Final6 9.32 10.82
10.96     10.97     9.32      12.72     10.52
Second round10 9.59 11.25
11.70     13.55     9.59      10.26     11.80
First round13 11.52 12.76
11.52     13.91     13.97     12.56     11.80
XPU Open 2017Final5 10.25 11.26
10.25     14.54     11.81     11.41     10.56
Second round7 10.75 11.09
10.99     10.89     10.75     13.19     11.40
First round6 9.41 11.18
10.62     9.41      10.58     12.34     18.00
China Championship 2017Semi Final76 10.63 13.49
13.91     13.86     10.63     12.69     14.81
Second round46 10.25 11.03
10.33     12.49     12.22     10.25     10.55
First round93 11.21 12.49
11.99     14.95     11.21     12.83     12.66
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2017Second round27 11.39 12.39
13.15     14.80     11.39     12.61     11.40
First round34 11.21 13.13
14.14     12.74     11.21     12.51     15.69
Xi'an New Year 2017Second round20 10.35 12.85
11.98     14.18     10.35     12.88     13.68
First round24 11.73 13.75
13.88     14.78     12.58     15.05     11.73
Nanchang Winter 2016Final8 11.02 11.11
11.11     11.73     11.10     11.13     11.02
Second round8 8.75 11.43
13.39     11.77     10.85     11.66     8.75
First round9 10.37 11.57
12.67     10.59     15.70     11.46     10.37
XJTU Open 2016Final8 9.78 12.13
13.27     9.78      11.31     11.80     13.47
Second round10 10.36 12.16
12.52     14.41     10.78     10.36     13.17
First round6 9.77 11.45
9.83      11.55     DNF       12.96     9.77
Xi'an Open 2016Second round24 10.96 13.66
10.96     18.31     13.23     12.42     15.33
First round4 10.28 10.95
10.36     10.28     11.55     11.37     11.11
Chongqing Open 2016Second round13 10.89 12.68
15.88     10.89     12.94     11.77     13.32
First round9 10.64 11.66
11.73     13.28     11.89     10.64     11.35
Zhengzhou Cube of Odd Numbers 2016Final7 10.11 12.18
12.03     10.11     13.00     11.50     13.77
Second round9 11.35 12.22
12.92     12.57     11.57     11.35     12.51
First round4 10.71 11.67
11.58     12.22     13.21     10.71     11.20
Xi'an New Year 2016First round11 11.77 13.14
15.54     12.89     13.33     11.77     13.21
Xi'an Open 2015Final9 11.69 13.94
13.26     14.14     14.42     11.69     15.23
Second round3 10.62 12.04
11.40     15.12     12.40     12.33     10.62
First round7 12.24 13.34
13.83     12.24     12.45     14.12     13.73
China Championship 2015Second round69 10.60 12.92
12.17     13.10     13.58     13.49     10.60
First round71 12.06 12.75
12.66     13.49     12.09     12.06     14.09
Xining Summer Open 2015Final2 10.43 10.89
10.49     11.19     12.12     10.43     11.00
First round7 12.80 13.06
13.00     12.80     12.80     13.38     14.02
Hefei Open 2015Final16 11.44 14.07
16.56     17.84     12.66     12.99     11.44
Second round11 11.44 11.91
11.44     13.17     11.50     12.46     11.77
First round16 10.83 12.74
14.18     11.00     10.83     16.54     13.05
Xi'an Summer 2015Final3 11.00 11.44
11.57     11.37     11.39     11.00     12.31
Second round7 10.40 12.76
11.75     12.95     10.40     14.20     13.59
First round10 7.91 13.77
17.91     11.56     13.55     7.91      16.20
Chengdu Open 2015Second round9 12.69 13.37
13.10     13.70     12.69     15.11     13.30
First round3 10.31 12.26
12.18     10.31     12.18     12.41     12.97
Xi'an More Coffee 2014Final8 12.31 13.62
14.32     13.11     16.57     12.31     13.42
Second round7 10.62 14.37
15.81     14.05     10.62     14.04     15.03
First round6 11.44 12.83
15.83     12.51     11.44     12.50     13.49
Xi'an Winter Open 2014Final6 10.34 12.75
11.99     10.34     14.28     18.31     11.99
Second round6 10.69 12.95
12.93     12.73     10.69     13.48     13.18
First round6 12.26 13.21
12.81     14.26     12.56     12.26     15.10
BUAA Open 2014Final1 10.79 11.68
11.21     11.97     10.79     11.86     15.88
Second round3 10.97 12.50
14.33     11.50     13.25     10.97     12.76
First round4 11.07 12.37
12.85     13.16     12.67     11.07     11.58
Yangling Open 2014Final3 9.94 11.88
11.06     14.16     11.68     12.89     9.94
Second round4 11.26 12.28
11.26     12.33     12.42     12.09     12.46
First round3 10.67 12.48
10.67     11.99     12.88     14.72     12.57
Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2014Second round27 10.05 13.87
17.06     13.71     10.05     15.19     12.70
First round17 11.43 12.89
11.96     11.43     13.05     15.92     13.66
Shantou Open 2014Second round17 13.54 14.37
16.38     15.11     13.54     14.16     13.84
First round18 12.19 14.28
12.28     17.15     13.42     18.56     12.19
Chengdu Open 2014Second round10 12.12 15.25
14.16     16.71     15.44     12.12     16.15
First round5 13.16 14.04
14.47     13.16     13.24     14.42     16.16
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2014Second round8 11.80 13.92
15.96     11.80     16.92     13.34     12.46
First round6 13.15 14.66
16.48     13.78     16.27     13.92     13.15
Xi'an Winter 2013Final5 11.09 13.47
12.68     14.77     11.09     14.42     13.32
Second round9 13.52 14.96
16.12     13.58     16.46     15.17     13.52
First round4 11.96 12.62
12.17     12.72     12.96     11.96     15.08
Xi'an Lucky Open 2011Final2 11.00 13.10
11.00     12.46     12.28     15.38     14.55
Second round4 12.94 13.99
14.25     12.94     14.69     17.50     13.03
First round6 12.34 16.23
19.63     12.34     16.41     15.91     16.36
Xi'an Winter Open 2010Final5 12.27 15.61
15.68     15.71     18.06     12.27     15.43
Second round4 11.06 14.82
14.03     11.06     14.71     15.71     19.43
First round4 13.18 14.36
14.93     14.96     13.19     16.50     13.18
2x2x2 Cube
China Championship 2018Semi Final72 4.60 5.85
4.60      6.26      6.14      DNF       5.15
Second round66 2.70 4.30
4.87      3.46      5.88      2.70      4.58
First round155 4.22 5.44
6.92      4.22      6.01      4.76      5.54
Nanchang Open 2017Second round16 4.72 5.16
4.72      4.99      5.68      5.55      4.95
First round11 3.90 4.64
4.21      3.90      5.81      4.99      4.72
XPU Open 2017First round14 4.89 5.51
5.49      5.70      5.34      5.97      4.89
Xining Summer Open 2015First round13 4.20 6.76
10.16     7.43      7.52      5.33      4.20
Hefei Open 2015Second round27 5.26 5.81
5.61      5.26      5.35      7.41      6.48
First round39 4.25 5.59
6.78      5.28      6.14      4.25      5.36
Xi'an Summer 2015Final6 4.51 5.36
5.71      4.51      9.51      4.81      5.55
First round8 3.80 5.72
5.68      3.80      5.65      5.83      5.86
Chengdu Open 2015Second round13 5.13 6.97
6.84      8.31      14.11     5.13      5.77
First round12 4.08 6.19
7.17      5.75      4.08      5.65      14.70
Xi'an More Coffee 2014Final4 4.71 5.33
4.89      4.97      4.71      9.39      6.14
Second round5 4.44 4.93
4.68      4.66      4.44      5.44      8.05
First round10 5.44 5.85
5.47      6.11      5.96      5.44      6.50
Xi'an Winter Open 2014Final7 4.32 6.13
7.04      4.32      5.48      7.27      5.87
First round7 4.44 5.25
5.04      4.57      7.61      4.44      6.13
BUAA Open 2014Final3 2.77 6.10
7.63      5.30      12.12     5.36      2.77
First round7 4.89 5.72
5.58      4.89      6.11      15.19     5.48
Yangling Open 2014First round10 4.16 5.70
6.32      5.18      DNF       5.61      4.16
Chengdu Open 2014Final5 5.15 6.06
6.23      5.62      5.15      9.13      6.32
First round7 5.10 5.94
5.71      6.84      5.28      7.94      5.10
Xi'an Winter Open 2010Final2 4.03 5.51
4.03      6.46      5.36      5.65      5.53
Second round4 4.43 5.01
4.56      5.52      5.55      4.94      4.43
First round5 4.36 5.70
5.52      7.11      4.36      5.88      5.71
4x4x4 Cube
Xi'an Open 2018First round26 50.26 56.06
58.06     1:11.54   55.39     50.26     54.73
China Championship 2018First round140 58.48
59.44     58.48
Xi'an New Year 2018Final21 53.26 58.34
57.80     1:03.25   53.97     53.26     1:04.19
Nanchang Open 2017Final20 50.64 54.76
55.71     53.93     1:00.39   50.64     54.63
XPU Open 2017First round20 48.05 1:03.96
1:03.98   1:04.05   1:03.86   48.05     1:07.65
Xining Summer Open 2015Final10 47.15 1:00.10
1:03.14   1:03.52   1:01.19   47.15     55.96
Hefei Open 2015First round29 54.30 1:03.32
1:00.58   54.30     1:12.73   56.64     1:13.25
Xi'an Summer 2015First round10 55.34 59.17
1:02.75   56.67     55.34     1:10.60   58.10
Chengdu Open 2015Final3 43.01 48.87
53.30     56.90     44.99     43.01     48.33
Second round7 50.19 53.48
50.19     53.68     52.05     54.71     55.47
First round9 48.32 57.67
52.97     48.32     1:03.96   56.07     1:04.41
Xi'an More Coffee 2014First round11 49.38 1:01.58
57.84     1:20.47   49.38     1:08.71   58.18
Xi'an Winter Open 2014First round14 50.32 55.47
58.84     52.42     58.15     50.32     55.84
Yangling Open 2014Final9 49.46 56.45
1:00.34   59.25     57.19     49.46     52.91
Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2014First round48 1:11.23
1:23.15   1:11.23
Shantou Open 2014First round32 59.16 1:06.34
1:03.28   1:11.50   1:29.10   1:04.23   59.16
Chengdu Open 2014First round19 1:14.88 1:33.23
1:38.28   1:36.62   1:50.95   1:14.88   1:24.79
Xi'an Winter 2013First round17 1:17.80 1:43.31
1:45.77   1:41.94   1:44.50   1:17.80   1:43.50
5x5x5 Cube
Xi'an Winter Open 2014Final19 3:17.89 3:40.12
3:52.44   4:48.25   3:17.89   3:21.66   3:46.25
BUAA Open 2014Final23 3:24.97
3:38.10   3:24.97
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2018First round13 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
Chengdu Open 2014Final2 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Xi'an 10th Anniversary 2019Final9 26 DNF
32        DNF       26
China Championship 2019Final7 28 30.67
34        30        28
Xi'an Open 2018Final3 28 30.33
32        31        28
China Championship 2018Final17 30 DNF
34        DNF       30
Cross-strait FMC 2018Final6 26 30.00
30        34        26
Nanchang Open 2017Final11 30 DNF
34        DNF       30
China Championship 2017Final3 26 28.33
29        26        30
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2017Final2 27 27.67
27        29        27
FMC Asia 2016Final77 26 DNF
DNF       26        29
Asian Championship 2016Final29 29 DNF
29        29        DNS
Zhengzhou Cube of Odd Numbers 2016Final1 22AsR 26.33
24        33        22
Cross-strait FMC 2016Final1 25AsR 27.33
27        25        30
First round3 28 32.67
28        38        32
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2016Final2 29 30.33
29        31        31
Xi'an New Year 2016Final3 27 30.00
34        27        29
FMC Asia 2015Final3 29 29.67
29        30        30
China Championship 2015Final7 32 33.00
32        34        33
Hefei Open 2015Final5 36 36.33
36        36        37
Cross-strait FMC 2014Final31 35 DNF
35        41        DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Xi'an New Year 2018Final8 18.28 21.24
19.82     23.62     20.28     18.28     29.60
Nanchang Open 2017Final8 17.86 19.56
17.86     20.16     19.67     18.84     21.43
XPU Open 2017Final12 13.52 22.37
28.83     21.40     13.52     18.96     26.74
Xi'an New Year 2017Final9 16.59 21.35
19.19     22.72     16.59     33.81     22.13
First round8 20.08 21.24
20.08     23.79     20.08     23.02     20.63
Nanchang Winter 2016Final5 15.68 19.49
15.68     18.57     18.61     23.53     21.30
First round10 18.20 21.40
20.98     18.20     19.81     23.42     24.76
Chongqing Open 2016Final7 19.31 19.72
20.29     19.31     19.47     19.40     23.27
First round12 18.80 19.91
18.80     20.68     21.05     19.66     19.39
Zhengzhou Cube of Odd Numbers 2016Second round9 13.80 20.61
17.22     22.37     22.25     13.80     27.18
First round10 16.88 21.30
20.82     21.52     21.57     22.11     16.88
Xi'an Open 2015Final5 18.81 21.07
23.04     20.59     18.81     19.59     29.65
First round4 17.42 20.89
17.42     25.69     19.45     20.74     22.47
China Championship 2015Second round34 15.32 19.11
18.39     18.69     20.25     21.39     15.32
First round19 15.23 17.68
16.53     19.24     15.23     17.27     19.86
Xining Summer Open 2015Final3 11.87 19.82
19.62     20.10     11.87     19.74     21.01
Hefei Open 2015Final9 16.24 19.66
18.42     21.26     16.24     19.31     24.93
First round14 18.96 21.71
22.75     19.61     22.77     18.96     23.08
Xi'an Summer 2015Final2 18.82 20.82
20.53     19.54     26.06     18.82     22.39
First round3 15.08 18.44
17.10     18.56     19.65     25.96     15.08
Chengdu Open 2015Final3 18.34 20.22
20.15     21.96     21.46     19.06     18.34
First round4 15.05 20.73
18.77     27.89     15.05     22.43     20.98
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2015Final4 18.08 22.70
25.37     33.15     22.40     18.08     20.32
First round5 20.11 21.57
21.78     22.15     20.77     24.93     20.11
Xi'an More Coffee 2014Final2 19.59 21.40
21.13     21.49     24.78     19.59     21.58
Second round2 17.41 20.42
20.08     22.35     23.88     17.41     18.82
First round2 16.54 19.75
22.23     19.79     16.54     18.53     20.94
BUAA Open 2014Final2 17.98 19.86
19.86     20.43     20.51     17.98     19.30
First round6 19.90 21.84
21.96     20.70     22.86     23.88     19.90
Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2014Second round27 21.59 24.18
21.59     25.47     25.18     21.90     DNF
First round16 17.21 20.20
17.77     23.05     20.06     17.21     22.78
Shantou Open 2014First round9 17.13 19.84
17.13     18.18     22.45     DNF       18.89
Chengdu Open 2014Final2 17.98 19.98
20.47     19.87     19.71     17.98     20.37
First round2 15.91 20.08
24.40     19.41     15.91     18.03     22.80
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2014Final1 16.21 20.72
18.04     24.09     20.02     16.21     DNF
First round3 16.94 21.10
21.53     22.53     16.94     19.24     22.81
Xi'an Winter 2013Final2 17.78 23.59
24.48     29.31     23.49     22.81     17.78
Xi'an Winter Open 2010Final3 19.40 26.58
31.80     19.40     25.93     30.38     23.43
First round3 24.15 27.20
25.31     24.15     28.69     28.59     27.71
China Championship 2018First round22 9.61 12.29
19.28     12.50     9.61      13.86     10.51
China Championship 2015Final7 9.38 9.84
9.73      10.14     10.65     9.38      9.65
First round6 8.74 9.72
8.93      DNF       8.74      9.82      10.40
Xining Summer Open 2015Final2 8.79 10.24
23.23     10.64     9.70      10.39     8.79
Hefei Open 2015Final5 9.58 10.51
11.01     10.80     9.58      10.73     10.01
First round4 8.89 10.21
11.60     11.17     9.64      9.81      8.89
China Championship 2018First round65 1:37.39 DNF
2:01.92   1:37.39   DNS       DNS       DNS
Nanchang Open 2017Final12 2:01.97
2:42.67   2:01.97
Xi'an New Year 2016Final13 2:00.69 DNF
2:19.84   2:00.69   DNF       DNS       DNS
China Championship 2015First round18 1:27.91 1:29.84
1:29.69   1:30.72   1:46.70   1:29.11   1:27.91
Xining Summer Open 2015Final2 1:15.43 1:27.92
1:15.43   1:26.38   1:27.04   1:36.44   1:30.35
Hefei Open 2015Final9 1:28.99 1:37.71
1:32.55   1:44.42   1:42.85   1:28.99   1:37.72
China Championship 2018Second round110 6.29 8.28
10.65     12.71     6.29      7.41      6.79
First round147 6.40 9.92
8.81      12.38     8.56      15.61     6.40
Nanchang Open 2017First round40 8.57 DNF
DNF       12.78     DNF       8.57      13.56
XPU Open 2017First round20 8.86 10.76
9.17      13.40     9.71      DNF       8.86
Xining Summer Open 2015Final6 3.79 7.60
9.73      3.79      9.12      7.67      6.00
Hefei Open 2015Final11 6.57 7.87
15.30     6.57      6.76      7.45      9.39
Second round14 4.92 7.88
8.42      7.70      7.53      12.09     4.92
First round16 6.45 7.90
8.34      8.35      6.45      9.51      7.00
Xi'an Summer 2015Final3 5.65 6.73
5.65      7.17      7.03      15.44     5.98
First round5 4.90 7.44
6.65      11.03     4.90      9.05      6.61
Chengdu Open 2015Final1 5.41 7.91
8.13      5.41      8.77      6.83      8.88
First round2 4.84 6.37
5.44      6.40      7.27      9.02      4.84
Xi'an More Coffee 2014Final6 4.22 7.62
7.80      10.52     7.97      4.22      7.08
Second round5 5.36 7.26
7.05      5.36      6.28      23.26     8.46
First round6 5.80 7.97
6.66      5.80      7.01      10.23     16.80
Xi'an Winter Open 2014Final1 5.46 6.13
5.46      5.81      6.34      6.25      6.45
First round2 5.78 6.48
6.11      6.51      8.65      6.83      5.78
BUAA Open 2014Final2 5.35 7.05
6.19      7.84      5.35      7.27      7.68
First round1 5.40 6.35
7.77      6.18      6.08      5.40      6.79
Yangling Open 2014Final3 3.26 6.22
5.75      3.26      9.79      5.85      7.05
First round3 5.83 6.85
5.83      6.37      6.94      9.17      7.24
Chengdu Open 2014Final17 14.55 19.25
22.27     18.48     14.55     20.66     18.61
China Championship 2019First round142 5.08 9.85
7.79      12.53     5.08      9.22      13.67
Xi'an Open 2018Final11 4.74 7.65
12.75     6.64      7.89      8.43      4.74
First round6 4.91 6.79
6.61      6.85      4.91      6.90      7.27
China Championship 2018Semi Final20 4.50 5.62
6.91      4.50      4.58      5.37      8.37
Second round30 4.09 5.95
4.09      6.36      4.97      6.53      11.47
First round63 4.08 7.46
14.47     5.02      10.49     4.08      6.88
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2018First round15 5.07 7.13
5.97      7.19      5.07      11.01     8.23
Xi'an New Year 2018Final6 3.25 6.65
5.08      11.90     3.25      4.86      10.00
Nanchang Open 2017Final3 3.96 7.11
13.23     3.96      9.57      6.04      5.71
XPU Open 2017Final2 4.55 5.69
4.55      6.61      4.78      5.68      7.57
First round7 4.16 6.95
4.16      9.49      8.21      5.81      6.83
China Championship 2017Final15 4.78 6.08
DNF       4.78      5.50      7.12      5.61
Second round8 3.77 4.70
DNF       4.57      3.77      4.86      4.66
First round46 5.89 7.28
6.28      9.63      16.52     5.89      5.92
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2017Final9 5.43 7.18
9.65      5.60      5.43      DNF       6.30
First round5 4.46 5.99
4.46      6.10      6.02      5.85      6.86
Xi'an New Year 2017Final5 4.57 6.92
5.91      4.57      7.80      7.04      8.58
First round4 4.36 5.72
6.52      4.53      7.02      6.12      4.36
Nanchang Winter 2016Final1 3.31 4.80
6.91      6.73      3.73      3.93      3.31
XJTU Open 2016Final3 4.46 6.36
7.46      7.88      6.38      5.25      4.46
Xi'an Open 2016Final1 2.39 4.77
2.39      3.77      4.17      6.37      6.75
First round4 5.31 6.22
6.55      9.21      5.32      6.79      5.31
Chongqing Open 2016Final3 4.82 5.74
5.03      5.65      4.82      6.82      6.53
First round1 4.29 5.33
4.29      5.47      4.35      6.16      7.57
Xi'an Summer 2016Final6 4.86 8.52
4.86      6.43      11.29     10.25     8.88
First round1 2.32 5.45
4.89      2.32      16.50     5.54      5.92
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2016Final4 4.04 5.65
5.75      6.84      6.61      4.60      4.04
First round2 4.71 5.30
11.49     4.91      5.92      5.08      4.71
Xi'an Open 2015Final1 4.02 5.29
DNF       6.93      4.02      4.39      4.55
First round1 3.74 4.88
3.74      5.18      5.64      6.02      3.81
China Championship 2015Final10 4.31 5.98
6.26      6.14      12.42     5.55      4.31
Second round2 3.61 4.29
4.16      6.56      3.92      4.79      3.61
First round7 4.72 5.83
6.21      4.72      6.85      5.79      5.48
Xining Summer Open 2015Final1 2.76 5.44
2.76      6.53      5.66      6.06      4.60
Hefei Open 2015Final3 4.54 5.32
4.60      4.54      6.30      5.05      7.82
First round3 5.57 5.65
6.95      5.72      5.57      5.63      5.60
Xi'an Summer 2015Final1 5.16 5.64
5.50      5.16      5.78      7.04      5.63
First round1 3.75 5.70
7.29      5.49      6.57      5.04      3.75
Chengdu Open 2015Final2 4.78 6.84
7.71      4.93      8.90      7.88      4.78
First round1 4.24 5.16
4.24      5.72      4.86      4.91      DNF
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2015Final4 5.19 6.35
6.52      5.19      6.31      6.21      6.93
First round5 4.91 6.31
4.91      6.30      6.94      7.53      5.68
Xi'an More Coffee 2014Final1 4.40 5.26
5.19      5.91      6.28      4.40      4.68
Second round1 3.10 5.56
5.73      3.10      6.19      4.76      6.70
First round5 3.45 7.41
DNF       3.45      10.97     6.13      5.14
Xi'an Winter Open 2014Final3 4.86 5.88
5.79      4.87      4.86      7.09      6.98
First round1 3.35NR 4.70
4.90      4.88      3.35      4.32      6.08
BUAA Open 2014Final1 4.29 5.07
4.95      4.72      4.29      5.60      5.53
First round1 4.37 5.19
4.84      6.08      7.65      4.37      4.65
Yangling Open 2014Final1 4.88 6.21
7.08      6.17      9.52      4.88      5.38
First round2 5.00 5.65
6.19      6.03      5.52      5.00      5.40
Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2014Final1 5.26 6.17
5.95      6.44      6.11      5.26      8.04
Shantou Open 2014Final3 3.18 5.84
5.38      3.18      6.09      6.04      6.49
Chengdu Open 2014Final3 7.43 11.11
12.67     7.43      9.86      10.80     DNF
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2014Final3 10.09 13.27
12.71     13.48     13.62     16.87     10.09
Xi'an Winter Open 2010Final5 48.16 1:52.08
48.16     1:45.00   DNF       1:39.02   2:12.21
Xi'an New Year 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round16 10.54 11.29
11.98     12.28     11.24     10.66     10.54
First round18 9.55 11.21
9.55      11.75     12.70     10.90     10.98
Xi'an 10th Anniversary 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 9.17 10.89
12.31     9.17      10.06     12.69     10.30
Semi Final11 9.34 10.55
10.68     11.19     9.34      9.84      11.12
Second round13 10.43 11.35
11.64     11.98     10.60     10.43     11.80
First round10 10.50 10.80
11.69     10.78     10.75     10.50     10.88
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal9 26 DNF
32        DNF       26
China Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round104 9.15 11.26
12.21     12.01     12.52     9.15      9.56
First round78 10.16 10.77
10.16     10.34     10.56     11.40     11.44
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal7 28 30.67
34        30        28
SkewbFirst round142 5.08 9.85
7.79      12.53     5.08      9.22      13.67
Xianyang Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round14 10.25 11.36
11.27     11.76     10.25     11.04     14.16
First round8 10.23 10.76
10.46     10.71     10.23     11.10     11.16
Xi'an Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 11.68 12.92
11.87     13.47     13.41     14.48     11.68
First round8 10.13 10.41
10.13     11.67     10.59     10.44     10.21
4x4x4 CubeFirst round26 50.26 56.06
58.06     1:11.54   55.39     50.26     54.73
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal3 28 30.33
32        31        28
SkewbFinal11 4.74 7.65
12.75     6.64      7.89      8.43      4.74
First round6 4.91 6.79
6.61      6.85      4.91      6.90      7.27
China Championship 2018
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final80 11.82 12.91
13.13     15.22     11.82     12.18     13.41
Second round75 9.64 11.86
12.14     9.64      12.25     13.84     11.20
First round74 10.61 11.65
11.02     11.02     12.92     10.61     14.34
2x2x2 CubeSemi Final72 4.60 5.85
4.60      6.26      6.14      DNF       5.15
Second round66 2.70 4.30
4.87      3.46      5.88      2.70      4.58
First round155 4.22 5.44
6.92      4.22      6.01      4.76      5.54
4x4x4 CubeFirst round140 58.48
59.44     58.48
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal17 30 DNF
34        DNF       30
ClockFirst round22 9.61 12.29
19.28     12.50     9.61      13.86     10.51
MegaminxFirst round65 1:37.39 DNF
2:01.92   1:37.39   DNS       DNS       DNS
PyraminxSecond round110 6.29 8.28
10.65     12.71     6.29      7.41      6.79
First round147 6.40 9.92
8.81      12.38     8.56      15.61     6.40
SkewbSemi Final20 4.50 5.62
6.91      4.50      4.58      5.37      8.37
Second round30 4.09 5.95
4.09      6.36      4.97      6.53      11.47
First round63 4.08 7.46
14.47     5.02      10.49     4.08      6.88
Cross-strait FMC 2018
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal6 26 30.00
30        34        26
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2018
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round13 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
SkewbFirst round15 5.07 7.13
5.97      7.19      5.07      11.01     8.23
Xi'an New Year 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round12 11.54 12.62
13.19     11.94     11.54     12.73     13.75
First round6 10.68 11.60
15.89     10.68     11.01     11.91     11.87
4x4x4 CubeFinal21 53.26 58.34
57.80     1:03.25   53.97     53.26     1:04.19
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal8 18.28 21.24
19.82     23.62     20.28     18.28     29.60
SkewbFinal6 3.25 6.65
5.08      11.90     3.25      4.86      10.00
Nanchang Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 9.32 10.82
10.96     10.97     9.32      12.72     10.52
Second round10 9.59 11.25
11.70     13.55     9.59      10.26     11.80
First round13 11.52 12.76
11.52     13.91     13.97     12.56     11.80
2x2x2 CubeSecond round16 4.72 5.16
4.72      4.99      5.68      5.55      4.95
First round11 3.90 4.64
4.21      3.90      5.81      4.99      4.72
4x4x4 CubeFinal20 50.64 54.76
55.71     53.93     1:00.39   50.64     54.63
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal11 30 DNF
34        DNF       30
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal8 17.86 19.56
17.86     20.16     19.67     18.84     21.43
MegaminxFinal12 2:01.97
2:42.67   2:01.97
PyraminxFirst round40 8.57 DNF
DNF       12.78     DNF       8.57      13.56
SkewbFinal3 3.96 7.11
13.23     3.96      9.57      6.04      5.71
XPU Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 10.25 11.26
10.25     14.54     11.81     11.41     10.56
Second round7 10.75 11.09
10.99     10.89     10.75     13.19     11.40
First round6 9.41 11.18
10.62     9.41      10.58     12.34     18.00
2x2x2 CubeFirst round14 4.89 5.51
5.49      5.70      5.34      5.97      4.89
4x4x4 CubeFirst round20 48.05 1:03.96
1:03.98   1:04.05   1:03.86   48.05     1:07.65
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal12 13.52 22.37
28.83     21.40     13.52     18.96     26.74
PyraminxFirst round20 8.86 10.76
9.17      13.40     9.71      DNF       8.86
SkewbFinal2 4.55 5.69
4.55      6.61      4.78      5.68      7.57
First round7 4.16 6.95
4.16      9.49      8.21      5.81      6.83
China Championship 2017
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final76 10.63 13.49
13.91     13.86     10.63     12.69     14.81
Second round46 10.25 11.03
10.33     12.49     12.22     10.25     10.55
First round93 11.21 12.49
11.99     14.95     11.21     12.83     12.66
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal3 26 28.33
29        26        30
SkewbFinal15 4.78 6.08
DNF       4.78      5.50      7.12      5.61
Second round8 3.77 4.70
DNF       4.57      3.77      4.86      4.66
First round46 5.89 7.28
6.28      9.63      16.52     5.89      5.92
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round27 11.39 12.39
13.15     14.80     11.39     12.61     11.40
First round34 11.21 13.13
14.14     12.74     11.21     12.51     15.69
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal2 27 27.67
27        29        27
SkewbFinal9 5.43 7.18
9.65      5.60      5.43      DNF       6.30
First round5 4.46 5.99
4.46      6.10      6.02      5.85      6.86
Xi'an New Year 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round20 10.35 12.85
11.98     14.18     10.35     12.88     13.68
First round24 11.73 13.75
13.88     14.78     12.58     15.05     11.73
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal9 16.59 21.35
19.19     22.72     16.59     33.81     22.13
First round8 20.08 21.24
20.08     23.79     20.08     23.02     20.63
SkewbFinal5 4.57 6.92
5.91      4.57      7.80      7.04      8.58
First round4 4.36 5.72
6.52      4.53      7.02      6.12      4.36
Nanchang Winter 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 11.02 11.11
11.11     11.73     11.10     11.13     11.02
Second round8 8.75 11.43
13.39     11.77     10.85     11.66     8.75
First round9 10.37 11.57
12.67     10.59     15.70     11.46     10.37
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal5 15.68 19.49
15.68     18.57     18.61     23.53     21.30
First round10 18.20 21.40
20.98     18.20     19.81     23.42     24.76
SkewbFinal1 3.31 4.80
6.91      6.73      3.73      3.93      3.31
FMC Asia 2016
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal77 26 DNF
DNF       26        29
XJTU Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 9.78 12.13
13.27     9.78      11.31     11.80     13.47
Second round10 10.36 12.16
12.52     14.41     10.78     10.36     13.17
First round6 9.77 11.45
9.83      11.55     DNF       12.96     9.77
SkewbFinal3 4.46 6.36
7.46      7.88      6.38      5.25      4.46
Asian Championship 2016
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal29 29 DNF
29        29        DNS
Xi'an Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 10.96 13.66
10.96     18.31     13.23     12.42     15.33
First round4 10.28 10.95
10.36     10.28     11.55     11.37     11.11
SkewbFinal1 2.39 4.77
2.39      3.77      4.17      6.37      6.75
First round4 5.31 6.22
6.55      9.21      5.32      6.79      5.31
Chongqing Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round13 10.89 12.68
15.88     10.89     12.94     11.77     13.32
First round9 10.64 11.66
11.73     13.28     11.89     10.64     11.35
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal7 19.31 19.72
20.29     19.31     19.47     19.40     23.27
First round12 18.80 19.91
18.80     20.68     21.05     19.66     19.39
SkewbFinal3 4.82 5.74
5.03      5.65      4.82      6.82      6.53
First round1 4.29 5.33
4.29      5.47      4.35      6.16      7.57
Zhengzhou Cube of Odd Numbers 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 10.11 12.18
12.03     10.11     13.00     11.50     13.77
Second round9 11.35 12.22
12.92     12.57     11.57     11.35     12.51
First round4 10.71 11.67
11.58     12.22     13.21     10.71     11.20
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal1 22AsR 26.33
24        33        22
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round9 13.80 20.61
17.22     22.37     22.25     13.80     27.18
First round10 16.88 21.30
20.82     21.52     21.57     22.11     16.88
Xi'an Summer 2016
SkewbFinal6 4.86 8.52
4.86      6.43      11.29     10.25     8.88
First round1 2.32 5.45
4.89      2.32      16.50     5.54      5.92
Cross-strait FMC 2016
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal1 25AsR 27.33
27        25        30
First round3 28 32.67
28        38        32
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2016
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal2 29 30.33
29        31        31
SkewbFinal4 4.04 5.65
5.75      6.84      6.61      4.60      4.04
First round2 4.71 5.30
11.49     4.91      5.92      5.08      4.71
Xi'an New Year 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round11 11.77 13.14
15.54     12.89     13.33     11.77     13.21
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal3 27 30.00
34        27        29
MegaminxFinal13 2:00.69 DNF
2:19.84   2:00.69   DNF       DNS       DNS
Xi'an Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 11.69 13.94
13.26     14.14     14.42     11.69     15.23
Second round3 10.62 12.04
11.40     15.12     12.40     12.33     10.62
First round7 12.24 13.34
13.83     12.24     12.45     14.12     13.73
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal5 18.81 21.07
23.04     20.59     18.81     19.59     29.65
First round4 17.42 20.89
17.42     25.69     19.45     20.74     22.47
SkewbFinal1 4.02 5.29
DNF       6.93      4.02      4.39      4.55
First round1 3.74 4.88
3.74      5.18      5.64      6.02      3.81
FMC Asia 2015
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal3 29 29.67
29        30        30
China Championship 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round69 10.60 12.92
12.17     13.10     13.58     13.49     10.60
First round71 12.06 12.75
12.66     13.49     12.09     12.06     14.09
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal7 32 33.00
32        34        33
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round34 15.32 19.11
18.39     18.69     20.25     21.39     15.32
First round19 15.23 17.68
16.53     19.24     15.23     17.27     19.86
ClockFinal7 9.38 9.84
9.73      10.14     10.65     9.38      9.65
First round6 8.74 9.72
8.93      DNF       8.74      9.82      10.40
MegaminxFirst round18 1:27.91 1:29.84
1:29.69   1:30.72   1:46.70   1:29.11   1:27.91
SkewbFinal10 4.31 5.98
6.26      6.14      12.42     5.55      4.31
Second round2 3.61 4.29
4.16      6.56      3.92      4.79      3.61
First round7 4.72 5.83
6.21      4.72      6.85      5.79      5.48
Xining Summer Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 10.43 10.89
10.49     11.19     12.12     10.43     11.00
First round7 12.80 13.06
13.00     12.80     12.80     13.38     14.02
2x2x2 CubeFirst round13 4.20 6.76
10.16     7.43      7.52      5.33      4.20
4x4x4 CubeFinal10 47.15 1:00.10
1:03.14   1:03.52   1:01.19   47.15     55.96
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 11.87 19.82
19.62     20.10     11.87     19.74     21.01
ClockFinal2 8.79 10.24
23.23     10.64     9.70      10.39     8.79
MegaminxFinal2 1:15.43 1:27.92
1:15.43   1:26.38   1:27.04   1:36.44   1:30.35
PyraminxFinal6 3.79 7.60
9.73      3.79      9.12      7.67      6.00
SkewbFinal1 2.76 5.44
2.76      6.53      5.66      6.06      4.60
Hefei Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal16 11.44 14.07
16.56     17.84     12.66     12.99     11.44
Second round11 11.44 11.91
11.44     13.17     11.50     12.46     11.77
First round16 10.83 12.74
14.18     11.00     10.83     16.54     13.05
2x2x2 CubeSecond round27 5.26 5.81
5.61      5.26      5.35      7.41      6.48
First round39 4.25 5.59
6.78      5.28      6.14      4.25      5.36
4x4x4 CubeFirst round29 54.30 1:03.32
1:00.58   54.30     1:12.73   56.64     1:13.25
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal5 36 36.33
36        36        37
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal9 16.24 19.66
18.42     21.26     16.24     19.31     24.93
First round14 18.96 21.71
22.75     19.61     22.77     18.96     23.08
ClockFinal5 9.58 10.51
11.01     10.80     9.58      10.73     10.01
First round4 8.89 10.21
11.60     11.17     9.64      9.81      8.89
MegaminxFinal9 1:28.99 1:37.71
1:32.55   1:44.42   1:42.85   1:28.99   1:37.72
PyraminxFinal11 6.57 7.87
15.30     6.57      6.76      7.45      9.39
Second round14 4.92 7.88
8.42      7.70      7.53      12.09     4.92
First round16 6.45 7.90
8.34      8.35      6.45      9.51      7.00
SkewbFinal3 4.54 5.32
4.60      4.54      6.30      5.05      7.82
First round3 5.57 5.65
6.95      5.72      5.57      5.63      5.60
Xi'an Summer 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 11.00 11.44
11.57     11.37     11.39     11.00     12.31
Second round7 10.40 12.76
11.75     12.95     10.40     14.20     13.59
First round10 7.91 13.77
17.91     11.56     13.55     7.91      16.20
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 4.51 5.36
5.71      4.51      9.51      4.81      5.55
First round8 3.80 5.72
5.68      3.80      5.65      5.83      5.86
4x4x4 CubeFirst round10 55.34 59.17
1:02.75   56.67     55.34     1:10.60   58.10
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 18.82 20.82
20.53     19.54     26.06     18.82     22.39
First round3 15.08 18.44
17.10     18.56     19.65     25.96     15.08
PyraminxFinal3 5.65 6.73
5.65      7.17      7.03      15.44     5.98
First round5 4.90 7.44
6.65      11.03     4.90      9.05      6.61
SkewbFinal1 5.16 5.64
5.50      5.16      5.78      7.04      5.63
First round1 3.75 5.70
7.29      5.49      6.57      5.04      3.75
Chengdu Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round9 12.69 13.37
13.10     13.70     12.69     15.11     13.30
First round3 10.31 12.26
12.18     10.31     12.18     12.41     12.97
2x2x2 CubeSecond round13 5.13 6.97
6.84      8.31      14.11     5.13      5.77
First round12 4.08 6.19
7.17      5.75      4.08      5.65      14.70
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 43.01 48.87
53.30     56.90     44.99     43.01     48.33
Second round7 50.19 53.48
50.19     53.68     52.05     54.71     55.47
First round9 48.32 57.67
52.97     48.32     1:03.96   56.07     1:04.41
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 18.34 20.22
20.15     21.96     21.46     19.06     18.34
First round4 15.05 20.73
18.77     27.89     15.05     22.43     20.98
PyraminxFinal1 5.41 7.91
8.13      5.41      8.77      6.83      8.88
First round2 4.84 6.37
5.44      6.40      7.27      9.02      4.84
SkewbFinal2 4.78 6.84
7.71      4.93      8.90      7.88      4.78
First round1 4.24 5.16
4.24      5.72      4.86      4.91      DNF
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2015
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 18.08 22.70
25.37     33.15     22.40     18.08     20.32
First round5 20.11 21.57
21.78     22.15     20.77     24.93     20.11
SkewbFinal4 5.19 6.35
6.52      5.19      6.31      6.21      6.93
First round5 4.91 6.31
4.91      6.30      6.94      7.53      5.68
Xi'an More Coffee 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 12.31 13.62
14.32     13.11     16.57     12.31     13.42
Second round7 10.62 14.37
15.81     14.05     10.62     14.04     15.03
First round6 11.44 12.83
15.83     12.51     11.44     12.50     13.49
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 4.71 5.33
4.89      4.97      4.71      9.39      6.14
Second round5 4.44 4.93
4.68      4.66      4.44      5.44      8.05
First round10 5.44 5.85
5.47      6.11      5.96      5.44      6.50
4x4x4 CubeFirst round11 49.38 1:01.58
57.84     1:20.47   49.38     1:08.71   58.18
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 19.59 21.40
21.13     21.49     24.78     19.59     21.58
Second round2 17.41 20.42
20.08     22.35     23.88     17.41     18.82
First round2 16.54 19.75
22.23     19.79     16.54     18.53     20.94
PyraminxFinal6 4.22 7.62
7.80      10.52     7.97      4.22      7.08
Second round5 5.36 7.26
7.05      5.36      6.28      23.26     8.46
First round6 5.80 7.97
6.66      5.80      7.01      10.23     16.80
SkewbFinal1 4.40 5.26
5.19      5.91      6.28      4.40      4.68
Second round1 3.10 5.56
5.73      3.10      6.19      4.76      6.70
First round5 3.45 7.41
DNF       3.45      10.97     6.13      5.14
Xi'an Winter Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 10.34 12.75
11.99     10.34     14.28     18.31     11.99
Second round6 10.69 12.95
12.93     12.73     10.69     13.48     13.18
First round6 12.26 13.21
12.81     14.26     12.56     12.26     15.10
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 4.32 6.13
7.04      4.32      5.48      7.27      5.87
First round7 4.44 5.25
5.04      4.57      7.61      4.44      6.13
4x4x4 CubeFirst round14 50.32 55.47
58.84     52.42     58.15     50.32     55.84
5x5x5 CubeFinal19 3:17.89 3:40.12
3:52.44   4:48.25   3:17.89   3:21.66   3:46.25
PyraminxFinal1 5.46 6.13
5.46      5.81      6.34      6.25      6.45
First round2 5.78 6.48
6.11      6.51      8.65      6.83      5.78
SkewbFinal3 4.86 5.88
5.79      4.87      4.86      7.09      6.98
First round1 3.35NR 4.70
4.90      4.88      3.35      4.32      6.08
Cross-strait FMC 2014
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal31 35 DNF
35        41        DNF
BUAA Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 10.79 11.68
11.21     11.97     10.79     11.86     15.88
Second round3 10.97 12.50
14.33     11.50     13.25     10.97     12.76
First round4 11.07 12.37
12.85     13.16     12.67     11.07     11.58
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 2.77 6.10
7.63      5.30      12.12     5.36      2.77
First round7 4.89 5.72
5.58      4.89      6.11      15.19     5.48
5x5x5 CubeFinal23 3:24.97
3:38.10   3:24.97
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 17.98 19.86
19.86     20.43     20.51     17.98     19.30
First round6 19.90 21.84
21.96     20.70     22.86     23.88     19.90
PyraminxFinal2 5.35 7.05
6.19      7.84      5.35      7.27      7.68
First round1 5.40 6.35
7.77      6.18      6.08      5.40      6.79
SkewbFinal1 4.29 5.07
4.95      4.72      4.29      5.60      5.53
First round1 4.37 5.19
4.84      6.08      7.65      4.37      4.65
Yangling Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 9.94 11.88
11.06     14.16     11.68     12.89     9.94
Second round4 11.26 12.28
11.26     12.33     12.42     12.09     12.46
First round3 10.67 12.48
10.67     11.99     12.88     14.72     12.57
2x2x2 CubeFirst round10 4.16 5.70
6.32      5.18      DNF       5.61      4.16
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 49.46 56.45
1:00.34   59.25     57.19     49.46     52.91
PyraminxFinal3 3.26 6.22
5.75      3.26      9.79      5.85      7.05
First round3 5.83 6.85
5.83      6.37      6.94      9.17      7.24
SkewbFinal1 4.88 6.21
7.08      6.17      9.52      4.88      5.38
First round2 5.00 5.65
6.19      6.03      5.52      5.00      5.40
Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2014
3x3x3 CubeSecond round27 10.05 13.87
17.06     13.71     10.05     15.19     12.70
First round17 11.43 12.89
11.96     11.43     13.05     15.92     13.66
4x4x4 CubeFirst round48 1:11.23
1:23.15   1:11.23
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round27 21.59 24.18
21.59     25.47     25.18     21.90     DNF
First round16 17.21 20.20
17.77     23.05     20.06     17.21     22.78
SkewbFinal1 5.26 6.17
5.95      6.44      6.11      5.26      8.04
Shantou Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 13.54 14.37
16.38     15.11     13.54     14.16     13.84
First round18 12.19 14.28
12.28     17.15     13.42     18.56     12.19
4x4x4 CubeFirst round32 59.16 1:06.34
1:03.28   1:11.50   1:29.10   1:04.23   59.16
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round9 17.13 19.84
17.13     18.18     22.45     DNF       18.89
SkewbFinal3 3.18 5.84
5.38      3.18      6.09      6.04      6.49
Chengdu Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeSecond round10 12.12 15.25
14.16     16.71     15.44     12.12     16.15
First round5 13.16 14.04
14.47     13.16     13.24     14.42     16.16
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 5.15 6.06
6.23      5.62      5.15      9.13      6.32
First round7 5.10 5.94
5.71      6.84      5.28      7.94      5.10
4x4x4 CubeFirst round19 1:14.88 1:33.23
1:38.28   1:36.62   1:50.95   1:14.88   1:24.79
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal2 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 17.98 19.98
20.47     19.87     19.71     17.98     20.37
First round2 15.91 20.08
24.40     19.41     15.91     18.03     22.80
PyraminxFinal17 14.55 19.25
22.27     18.48     14.55     20.66     18.61
SkewbFinal3 7.43 11.11
12.67     7.43      9.86      10.80     DNF
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2014
3x3x3 CubeSecond round8 11.80 13.92
15.96     11.80     16.92     13.34     12.46
First round6 13.15 14.66
16.48     13.78     16.27     13.92     13.15
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 16.21 20.72
18.04     24.09     20.02     16.21     DNF
First round3 16.94 21.10
21.53     22.53     16.94     19.24     22.81
SkewbFinal3 10.09 13.27
12.71     13.48     13.62     16.87     10.09
Xi'an Winter 2013
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 11.09 13.47
12.68     14.77     11.09     14.42     13.32
Second round9 13.52 14.96
16.12     13.58     16.46     15.17     13.52
First round4 11.96 12.62
12.17     12.72     12.96     11.96     15.08
4x4x4 CubeFirst round17 1:17.80 1:43.31
1:45.77   1:41.94   1:44.50   1:17.80   1:43.50
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 17.78 23.59
24.48     29.31     23.49     22.81     17.78
Xi'an Lucky Open 2011
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 11.00 13.10
11.00     12.46     12.28     15.38     14.55
Second round4 12.94 13.99
14.25     12.94     14.69     17.50     13.03
First round6 12.34 16.23
19.63     12.34     16.41     15.91     16.36
Xi'an Winter Open 2010
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 12.27 15.61
15.68     15.71     18.06     12.27     15.43
Second round4 11.06 14.82
14.03     11.06     14.71     15.71     19.43
First round4 13.18 14.36
14.93     14.96     13.19     16.50     13.18
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 4.03 5.51
4.03      6.46      5.36      5.65      5.53
Second round4 4.43 5.01
4.56      5.52      5.55      4.94      4.43
First round5 4.36 5.70
5.52      7.11      4.36      5.88      5.71
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 19.40 26.58
31.80     19.40     25.93     30.38     23.43
First round3 24.15 27.20
25.31     24.15     28.69     28.59     27.71
Square-1Final5 48.16 1:52.08
48.16     1:45.00   DNF       1:39.02   2:12.21

History of Continental Records

3x3x3 Fewest Moves
 AsR 26.33Zhengzhou Cube of Odd Numbers 2016Final
24        33        22     
 AsR 27.33Cross-strait FMC 2016Final
27        25        30

History of National Records

 NR 4.70Xi'an Winter Open 2014First round
4.90      4.88      3.35      4.32      6.08
452020-01-01Xi'an New Year 2020ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
442019-08-24~25Xi'an 10th Anniversary 2019ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
432019-07-26~28China Championship 2019ChinaHefei, Anhui
422019-03-03Xianyang Open 2019ChinaXianyang, Shaanxi
412018-10-27~28Xi'an Open 2018ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
402018-10-02~04China Championship 2018ChinaBeijing
392018-08-04Cross-strait FMC 2018Multiple Countries (Asia)Multiple
382018-04-06~07Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2018ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
372018-01-01Xi'an New Year 2018ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
362017-11-11~12Nanchang Open 2017ChinaNanchang, Jiangxi
352017-10-14XPU Open 2017ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
342017-07-28~30China Championship 2017ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
332017-04-02~03Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2017ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
322017-01-02Xi'an New Year 2017ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
312016-12-11Nanchang Winter 2016ChinaNanchang, Jiangxi
302016-12-10FMC Asia 2016Multiple Countries (Asia)Multiple
292016-11-27XJTU Open 2016ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
282016-10-01~03Asian Championship 2016ChinaBeijing
272016-08-13~14Xi'an Open 2016ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
262016-07-16~17Chongqing Open 2016ChinaChongqing
252016-06-18~19Zhengzhou Cube of Odd Numbers 2016ChinaZhengzhou, Henan
242016-05-08Xi'an Summer 2016ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
232016-04-09Cross-strait FMC 2016Multiple Countries (Asia)Multiple
222016-04-02~03Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2016ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
212016-01-02~03Xi'an New Year 2016ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
202015-11-29Xi'an Open 2015ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
192015-11-28FMC Asia 2015Multiple Countries (Asia)Multiple cities (see website)
182015-10-02~04China Championship 2015ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
172015-08-08Xining Summer Open 2015ChinaXining, Qinghai
162015-07-17~19Hefei Open 2015ChinaHefei, Anhui
152015-05-17Xi'an Summer 2015ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
142015-05-02~03Chengdu Open 2015ChinaChengdu, Sichuan
132015-04-04~05Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2015ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
122014-12-21Xi'an More Coffee 2014ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
112014-12-07Xi'an Winter Open 2014ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
102014-11-22Cross-strait FMC 2014ChinaMultiple
92014-11-16BUAA Open 2014ChinaBeijing
82014-11-08Yangling Open 2014ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
72014-08-09~10Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2014ChinaFuzhou, Fujian
62014-08-03Shantou Open 2014ChinaShantou, Guangdong
52014-05-02Chengdu Open 2014ChinaChengdu, Sichuan
42014-04-13Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2014ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
32013-12-08Xi'an Winter 2013ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
22011-08-14Xi'an Lucky Open 2011ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
12010-12-26Xi'an Winter Open 2010ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi

Seen Cubers


Visited Provinces


Organized Competitions

To be announcedWCA CompetitionXi'an Open 2021To be announcedTo be announcedTo be announced
2015-04-04~05WCA CompetitionXi'an Cherry Blossom 2015ShaanxiXi'anXi'an Jiaotong University, No.28, Xianning West Road, Beilin District
2014-12-21WCA CompetitionXi'an More Coffee 2014ShaanxiXi'anMore Coffee, Lifeng International Shopping Plaza, No. 58 Jinhua Road, Beilin District