Personal Page

Jianjun Li (李建军)

Jianjun Li (李建军)
Name: Jianjun Li (李建军)
Region: China
Competitions: 16
WCA ID: Jianjun Li (李建军)2015LIJI02
Gender: Male
Career: 2015.04.04 - 2019.08.25
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube7641225936188115.6320.267086526013873597/105
2x2x2 Cube459814853512384.516.825579116923538478/80
4x4x4 Cube443413787439881:28.181:36.65378181182335578/13
3x3x3 One-Handed4906163794893951.406/15

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Xi'an 10th Anniversary 2019First round205 24.22 DNF
34.31     DNF       DNF       DNF       24.22
Linfen Open 2019Final70 19.58 22.65
DNF       20.39     19.58     23.75     23.81
First round76 19.28 24.30
DNF       24.55     21.90     26.44     19.28
Taiyuan Winter 2018Second round52 15.63 20.26
21.76     25.62     15.63     17.37     21.64
First round58 18.55 22.84
23.29     25.91     19.33     31.32     18.55
Linfen Open 2018Second round50 21.37 26.09
44.65     29.37     21.37     21.37     27.52
First round56 19.51 29.30
19.51     29.47     38.76     21.71     36.71
Taiyuan Autumn 2017First round53 21.06 24.04
23.06     23.85     DNF       25.21     21.06
Taiyuan Open 2017Second round42 19.22 22.62
20.58     DNF       26.08     19.22     21.20
First round44 18.73 24.68
24.38     22.94     18.73     26.73     26.72
Taiyuan Winter Open 2016First round48 20.04 24.48
20.04     29.19     23.79     27.56     22.09
Asian Championship 2016First round487 17.84 20.86
22.39     23.73     20.34     19.84     17.84
Taiyuan Open 2016First round28 16.87 20.32
16.87     21.74     19.05     27.91     20.16
Xi'an Summer 2016Second round23 18.66 20.30
18.78     21.21     18.66     22.02     20.92
First round26 19.66 21.29
22.12     21.71     20.05     19.66     29.30
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2016First round74 19.89 23.30
19.89     24.10     24.47     21.32     25.41
Xi'an Open 2015First round49 16.27 21.21
36.23     22.33     22.38     16.27     18.93
Beijing Open 2015First round70 18.62 21.10
19.34     27.18     22.71     18.62     21.25
China Championship 2015First round334 17.08 21.46
21.21     17.08     22.44     DNF       20.72
TJU Open 2015First round46 23.09 23.72
23.09     24.10     23.77     23.30     28.29
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2015First round72 18.81 21.02
22.16     18.81     24.05     21.34     19.55
2x2x2 Cube
Linfen Open 2019First round67 6.56 9.19
7.96      DNF       9.58      10.02     6.56
Taiyuan Winter 2018First round37 6.41 7.24
7.36      7.09      7.27      6.41      DNF
Linfen Open 2018First round28 6.54 6.82
6.81      8.01      6.54      6.90      6.76
Taiyuan Autumn 2017First round35 6.93 7.61
8.74      7.65      6.93      7.62      7.55
Taiyuan Open 2017First round30 5.80 8.30
12.02     9.43      8.84      5.80      6.62
Taiyuan Winter Open 2016First round30 7.45 8.12
7.45      8.64      8.12      8.95      7.61
Asian Championship 2016First round238 4.51 7.13
7.66      7.36      4.51      7.52      6.50
Taiyuan Open 2016First round30 6.93 10.03
21.32     8.95      10.43     10.71     6.93
Xi'an Summer 2016Second round17 6.18 7.11
6.18      16.61     8.02      6.60      6.71
First round19 6.34 8.81
16.65     8.06      6.34      9.07      9.30
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2016First round56 6.40 8.12
8.31      7.19      11.40     6.40      8.86
Xi'an Open 2015First round39 7.09 8.82
8.99      9.69      7.09      10.36     7.79
Beijing Open 2015First round58 7.85 9.06
7.85      9.12      10.03     13.04     8.02
China Championship 2015First round220 7.59 9.23
14.13     9.98      9.99      7.71      7.59
TJU Open 2015First round37 8.71 10.62
8.90      10.44     12.53     8.71      16.25
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2015First round55 7.18 8.67
9.72      9.94      8.40      7.18      7.90
4x4x4 Cube
Taiyuan Open 2016Final25 1:28.24 1:36.65
1:32.72   1:30.44   DNF       1:28.24   1:46.79
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2016First round49 1:28.18
DNF       1:28.18
Xi'an Open 2015First round33 1:44.98
1:47.21   1:44.98
China Championship 2015First round172 DNF
DNF       DNF
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2015First round48 1:39.52
DNF       1:39.52
3x3x3 One-Handed
Taiyuan Open 2016Final24 53.12 DNF
1:09.85   DNF       53.12     DNF       54.44
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2016First round47 DNF
DNF       DNF
Beijing Open 2015First round56 55.23
55.23     56.96
China Championship 2015First round210 DNF
DNF       DNF
TJU Open 2015First round31 DNF
DNF       DNF
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2015First round39 51.40
51.40     DNF
Xi'an 10th Anniversary 2019Final4 9.93 11.38
12.44     10.17     9.93      12.40     11.58
First round4 10.42 11.43
10.42     14.26     11.48     11.51     11.31
Linfen Open 2019Final9 10.51 11.58
11.15     10.73     DNF       10.51     12.86
Taiyuan Winter 2018Final11 10.27 12.07
15.03     11.35     13.88     10.98     10.27
Taiyuan Autumn 2017Final5 10.57 12.43
11.49     DNF       10.57     12.95     12.86
Taiyuan Open 2017Final6 12.73 14.49
13.76     13.62     16.08     12.73     16.28
Taiyuan Winter Open 2016Final3 12.41 14.20
12.69     12.41     16.41     13.49     DNF
Asian Championship 2016First round38 12.60 DNF
14.08     DNF       12.60     DNF       12.79
Taiyuan Open 2016Final5 13.63 15.52
19.55     13.63     16.13     15.37     15.07
Xi'an 10th Anniversary 2019Second round29 8.27 9.13
10.83     9.44      9.53      8.27      8.42
First round23 5.93 8.09
11.07     6.80      9.91      7.57      5.93
Linfen Open 2019First round33 9.36 10.72
12.46     10.30     13.69     9.41      9.36
Taiyuan Winter 2018First round28 8.14 9.74
8.14      10.39     10.16     10.07     9.00
Linfen Open 2018First round13 6.40 7.78
7.86      9.60      7.27      6.40      8.21
Taiyuan Autumn 2017Final12 6.67 7.78
6.80      8.79      7.74      6.67      13.43
Taiyuan Open 2017Final10 7.64 9.39
9.86      9.85      7.64      17.35     8.45
Taiyuan Winter Open 2016Final7 8.95 10.29
8.95      10.73     13.57     10.13     10.00
Asian Championship 2016First round169 8.72 11.77
DNF       12.66     8.72      10.92     11.72
Taiyuan Open 2016Final10 8.88 10.16
DNF       8.88      10.83     9.08      10.58
Xi'an Summer 2016Final8 9.81 11.59
9.81      15.57     10.58     11.66     12.52
First round7 8.01 9.67
9.09      13.88     9.39      8.01      10.52
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2016First round33 8.56 12.44
11.36     15.55     14.33     8.56      11.62
Xi'an Open 2015First round14 8.91 10.97
8.91      10.71     10.21     12.00     14.28
Beijing Open 2015Final28 10.16 13.00
21.24     11.86     10.16     14.33     12.82
China Championship 2015First round90 8.33 12.29
11.01     14.98     11.96     8.33      13.89
TJU Open 2015First round14 10.83 13.64
16.16     18.89     10.83     12.42     12.33
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2015First round26 8.03 11.35
12.36     10.59     12.49     11.11     8.03
Xi'an 10th Anniversary 2019First round31 9.63 11.04
10.32     10.95     17.47     11.84     9.63
Linfen Open 2019First round31 7.18 11.60
7.18      8.23      16.83     13.29     13.28
Taiyuan Winter 2018Final15 6.23 8.68
9.83      11.35     8.99      7.21      6.23
First round11 5.72 7.32
6.34      8.02      9.74      7.60      5.72
Linfen Open 2018Final9 6.26 8.80
9.18      17.84     7.41      9.81      6.26
Taiyuan Autumn 2017Final13 6.75 10.05
16.00     10.04     10.26     9.86      6.75
Taiyuan Open 2017Final12 8.01 10.78
16.98     8.05      8.01      9.37      14.91
Taiyuan Winter Open 2016Final9 8.04 9.68
13.47     8.04      9.32      11.49     8.23
Asian Championship 2016First round84 9.71 12.28
9.71      10.63     15.42     10.79     15.43
Taiyuan Open 2016Final8 9.34 14.50
21.21     9.34      12.20     10.09     DNF
Xi'an Summer 2016First round11 9.37 13.16
12.71     9.37      13.94     12.83     15.63
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2016First round31 11.42 14.32
12.89     14.09     11.42     15.97     19.44
Beijing Open 2015Final31 12.76 23.97
27.51     28.39     20.98     23.42     12.76
China Championship 2015First round73 18.11
20.75     18.11
Linfen Open 2019Final21 45.31
46.69     45.31
Xi'an 10th Anniversary 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round205 24.22 DNF
34.31     DNF       DNF       DNF       24.22
ClockFinal4 9.93 11.38
12.44     10.17     9.93      12.40     11.58
First round4 10.42 11.43
10.42     14.26     11.48     11.51     11.31
PyraminxSecond round29 8.27 9.13
10.83     9.44      9.53      8.27      8.42
First round23 5.93 8.09
11.07     6.80      9.91      7.57      5.93
SkewbFirst round31 9.63 11.04
10.32     10.95     17.47     11.84     9.63
Linfen Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal70 19.58 22.65
DNF       20.39     19.58     23.75     23.81
First round76 19.28 24.30
DNF       24.55     21.90     26.44     19.28
2x2x2 CubeFirst round67 6.56 9.19
7.96      DNF       9.58      10.02     6.56
ClockFinal9 10.51 11.58
11.15     10.73     DNF       10.51     12.86
PyraminxFirst round33 9.36 10.72
12.46     10.30     13.69     9.41      9.36
SkewbFirst round31 7.18 11.60
7.18      8.23      16.83     13.29     13.28
Square-1Final21 45.31
46.69     45.31
Taiyuan Winter 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round52 15.63 20.26
21.76     25.62     15.63     17.37     21.64
First round58 18.55 22.84
23.29     25.91     19.33     31.32     18.55
2x2x2 CubeFirst round37 6.41 7.24
7.36      7.09      7.27      6.41      DNF
ClockFinal11 10.27 12.07
15.03     11.35     13.88     10.98     10.27
PyraminxFirst round28 8.14 9.74
8.14      10.39     10.16     10.07     9.00
SkewbFinal15 6.23 8.68
9.83      11.35     8.99      7.21      6.23
First round11 5.72 7.32
6.34      8.02      9.74      7.60      5.72
Linfen Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round50 21.37 26.09
44.65     29.37     21.37     21.37     27.52
First round56 19.51 29.30
19.51     29.47     38.76     21.71     36.71
2x2x2 CubeFirst round28 6.54 6.82
6.81      8.01      6.54      6.90      6.76
PyraminxFirst round13 6.40 7.78
7.86      9.60      7.27      6.40      8.21
SkewbFinal9 6.26 8.80
9.18      17.84     7.41      9.81      6.26
Taiyuan Autumn 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round53 21.06 24.04
23.06     23.85     DNF       25.21     21.06
2x2x2 CubeFirst round35 6.93 7.61
8.74      7.65      6.93      7.62      7.55
ClockFinal5 10.57 12.43
11.49     DNF       10.57     12.95     12.86
PyraminxFinal12 6.67 7.78
6.80      8.79      7.74      6.67      13.43
SkewbFinal13 6.75 10.05
16.00     10.04     10.26     9.86      6.75
Taiyuan Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round42 19.22 22.62
20.58     DNF       26.08     19.22     21.20
First round44 18.73 24.68
24.38     22.94     18.73     26.73     26.72
2x2x2 CubeFirst round30 5.80 8.30
12.02     9.43      8.84      5.80      6.62
ClockFinal6 12.73 14.49
13.76     13.62     16.08     12.73     16.28
PyraminxFinal10 7.64 9.39
9.86      9.85      7.64      17.35     8.45
SkewbFinal12 8.01 10.78
16.98     8.05      8.01      9.37      14.91
Taiyuan Winter Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round48 20.04 24.48
20.04     29.19     23.79     27.56     22.09
2x2x2 CubeFirst round30 7.45 8.12
7.45      8.64      8.12      8.95      7.61
ClockFinal3 12.41 14.20
12.69     12.41     16.41     13.49     DNF
PyraminxFinal7 8.95 10.29
8.95      10.73     13.57     10.13     10.00
SkewbFinal9 8.04 9.68
13.47     8.04      9.32      11.49     8.23
Asian Championship 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round487 17.84 20.86
22.39     23.73     20.34     19.84     17.84
2x2x2 CubeFirst round238 4.51 7.13
7.66      7.36      4.51      7.52      6.50
ClockFirst round38 12.60 DNF
14.08     DNF       12.60     DNF       12.79
PyraminxFirst round169 8.72 11.77
DNF       12.66     8.72      10.92     11.72
SkewbFirst round84 9.71 12.28
9.71      10.63     15.42     10.79     15.43
Taiyuan Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round28 16.87 20.32
16.87     21.74     19.05     27.91     20.16
2x2x2 CubeFirst round30 6.93 10.03
21.32     8.95      10.43     10.71     6.93
4x4x4 CubeFinal25 1:28.24 1:36.65
1:32.72   1:30.44   DNF       1:28.24   1:46.79
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal24 53.12 DNF
1:09.85   DNF       53.12     DNF       54.44
ClockFinal5 13.63 15.52
19.55     13.63     16.13     15.37     15.07
PyraminxFinal10 8.88 10.16
DNF       8.88      10.83     9.08      10.58
SkewbFinal8 9.34 14.50
21.21     9.34      12.20     10.09     DNF
Xi'an Summer 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 18.66 20.30
18.78     21.21     18.66     22.02     20.92
First round26 19.66 21.29
22.12     21.71     20.05     19.66     29.30
2x2x2 CubeSecond round17 6.18 7.11
6.18      16.61     8.02      6.60      6.71
First round19 6.34 8.81
16.65     8.06      6.34      9.07      9.30
PyraminxFinal8 9.81 11.59
9.81      15.57     10.58     11.66     12.52
First round7 8.01 9.67
9.09      13.88     9.39      8.01      10.52
SkewbFirst round11 9.37 13.16
12.71     9.37      13.94     12.83     15.63
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round74 19.89 23.30
19.89     24.10     24.47     21.32     25.41
2x2x2 CubeFirst round56 6.40 8.12
8.31      7.19      11.40     6.40      8.86
4x4x4 CubeFirst round49 1:28.18
DNF       1:28.18
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round47 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round33 8.56 12.44
11.36     15.55     14.33     8.56      11.62
SkewbFirst round31 11.42 14.32
12.89     14.09     11.42     15.97     19.44
Xi'an Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round49 16.27 21.21
36.23     22.33     22.38     16.27     18.93
2x2x2 CubeFirst round39 7.09 8.82
8.99      9.69      7.09      10.36     7.79
4x4x4 CubeFirst round33 1:44.98
1:47.21   1:44.98
PyraminxFirst round14 8.91 10.97
8.91      10.71     10.21     12.00     14.28
Beijing Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round70 18.62 21.10
19.34     27.18     22.71     18.62     21.25
2x2x2 CubeFirst round58 7.85 9.06
7.85      9.12      10.03     13.04     8.02
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round56 55.23
55.23     56.96
PyraminxFinal28 10.16 13.00
21.24     11.86     10.16     14.33     12.82
SkewbFinal31 12.76 23.97
27.51     28.39     20.98     23.42     12.76
China Championship 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round334 17.08 21.46
21.21     17.08     22.44     DNF       20.72
2x2x2 CubeFirst round220 7.59 9.23
14.13     9.98      9.99      7.71      7.59
4x4x4 CubeFirst round172 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round210 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round90 8.33 12.29
11.01     14.98     11.96     8.33      13.89
SkewbFirst round73 18.11
20.75     18.11
TJU Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round46 23.09 23.72
23.09     24.10     23.77     23.30     28.29
2x2x2 CubeFirst round37 8.71 10.62
8.90      10.44     12.53     8.71      16.25
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round31 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round14 10.83 13.64
16.16     18.89     10.83     12.42     12.33
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round72 18.81 21.02
22.16     18.81     24.05     21.34     19.55
2x2x2 CubeFirst round55 7.18 8.67
9.72      9.94      8.40      7.18      7.90
4x4x4 CubeFirst round48 1:39.52
DNF       1:39.52
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round39 51.40
51.40     DNF
PyraminxFirst round26 8.03 11.35
12.36     10.59     12.49     11.11     8.03
162019-08-24~25Xi'an 10th Anniversary 2019ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
152019-07-07Linfen Open 2019ChinaLinfen, Shanxi
142018-12-22~23Taiyuan Winter 2018ChinaTaiyuan, Shanxi
132018-07-08Linfen Open 2018ChinaLinfen, Shanxi
122017-10-15Taiyuan Autumn 2017ChinaTaiyuan, Shanxi
112017-05-07Taiyuan Open 2017ChinaTaiyuan, Shanxi
102016-11-20Taiyuan Winter Open 2016ChinaTaiyuan, Shanxi
92016-10-01~03Asian Championship 2016ChinaBeijing
82016-06-05Taiyuan Open 2016ChinaTaiyuan, Shanxi
72016-05-08Xi'an Summer 2016ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
62016-04-02~03Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2016ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
52015-11-29Xi'an Open 2015ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
42015-10-24~25Beijing Open 2015ChinaBeijing
32015-10-02~04China Championship 2015ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
22015-04-26TJU Open 2015ChinaTianjin
12015-04-04~05Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2015ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi