Personal Page

Guangmei Chen (陈光美)

Name: Guangmei Chen (陈光美)
Region: China
Competitions: 23
WCA ID: Guangmei Chen (陈光美)2019CHEG04
Gender: Female
Career: 2019.05.26 - 2024.08.04
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube39893245.296.04793021113345/350
2x2x2 Cube482167771632.053.254789122235030/30

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Xi'an Open 2024Final7 6.06 6.41
6.29      6.06      6.70      7.72      6.25
Semi Final7 6.10 6.27
6.10      6.12      6.45      8.12      6.25
Second round15 6.68 7.16
7.13      7.05      6.68      7.31      7.88
First round12 6.64 7.19
6.64      7.52      9.73      7.21      6.84
Chongqing Open 2023Second round14 6.38 7.30
6.38      7.51      8.84      7.70      6.69
First round6 5.75 6.67
5.75      6.58      6.53      8.66      6.89
Hong Kong Championship 2023Final3 5.42 6.63
7.48      6.87      5.42      6.12      6.91
Semi Final3 6.08 6.81
6.48      7.23      6.73      6.08      9.58
Second round1 5.29 6.04
5.90      5.29      6.94      7.46      5.29
First round3 6.18 6.60
6.38      6.72      6.69      6.18      7.38
Chengdu Flash Cube Open 2023Final6 6.14 6.69
6.92      6.30      6.86      6.14      7.28
Second round8 6.15 6.62
7.52      6.56      6.15      6.26      7.03
First round9 5.92 7.37
7.07      7.37      7.66      5.92      8.95
WCA World Championship 2023Semi Final40 6.54 7.33
8.25      6.54      6.76      6.97      8.71
Second round33 6.21 7.02
7.10      8.31      6.21      6.70      7.27
First round41 6.34 7.05
7.48      6.34      6.87      7.56      6.80
Hanoi Summer 2023Final4 6.61 7.76
7.68      6.61      8.36      7.97      7.63
Second round2 5.81 6.85
7.38      5.81      6.27      7.70      6.89
First round5 6.01 7.63
7.48      9.04      6.01      8.68      6.72
Vietnam Championship 2023Final4 6.55 7.57
6.56      6.55      9.04      7.52      8.63
Second round3 6.39 6.99
7.43      8.43      6.75      6.39      6.80
First round3 6.89 7.24
8.41      7.76      6.89      7.02      6.95
Selangor Ace Cube 2023Final3 5.97 6.42
6.90      6.52      6.13      5.97      6.62
Second round3 5.99 7.04
8.43      7.12      6.73      5.99      7.27
First round3 6.65 7.27
7.66      7.73      7.33      6.65      6.83
STEM Cube Open Penang 2023Final2 5.44 6.57
5.44      7.15      6.67      5.89      7.51
Second round3 5.97 7.05
5.97      7.04      6.86      7.25      9.14
First round3 6.84 6.87
6.85      6.91      6.85      6.84      6.96
Hong Kong Small Cube Day 2023Final7 6.15 6.94
6.76      7.78      6.45      6.15      7.60
Semi Final6 6.28 7.04
6.91      7.79      7.71      6.50      6.28
Second round6 6.15 7.12
6.80      6.47      8.09      6.15      8.27
First round4 6.03 6.67
7.68      7.18      6.29      6.55      6.03
YJ KL 2023Final6 7.40 8.24
8.81      7.40      7.94      9.36      7.98
Semi Final6 5.54 7.07
7.11      6.65      5.54      7.44      DNF
Second round10 6.34 7.80
7.73      9.29      6.34      7.05      8.61
First round6 6.35 7.49
7.65      6.35      6.95      7.99      7.88
Singapore Championship 2023Final9 6.49 7.32
7.45      7.53      7.21      6.49      7.31
Semi Final9 6.39 7.07
6.39      7.93      6.95      7.34      6.91
Second round8 5.88 7.32
7.35      7.81      5.88      6.80      9.71
First round8 6.37 7.48
6.83      7.60      8.75      6.37      8.02
Wuhan Open 2021Final7 6.66 8.72
8.61      10.32     10.20     7.36      6.66
Second round10 6.49 8.90
7.86      9.76      9.98      6.49      9.09
First round6 7.39 8.73
7.80      12.90     9.52      8.88      7.39
Zhengzhou Summer 2021Final8 7.72 9.52
DNF       9.64      7.72      10.12     8.81
Second round3 6.58 8.13
8.45      7.28      8.67      8.73      6.58
First round6 8.23 9.25
8.23      8.84      9.10      9.82      11.19
Guangdong Open 2021Final13 7.70 9.49
9.89      8.25      10.49     7.70      10.33
Semi Final8 7.77 8.43
7.77      8.83      7.91      11.64     8.55
Second round14 8.24 9.27
9.45      9.07      9.30      9.66      8.24
First round4 6.64 8.08
8.23      8.87      8.21      6.64      7.80
Xi'an Cherry Blossom AM 2021Final3 7.21 8.45
7.21      8.94      7.53      11.42     8.87
First round2 7.68 8.27
8.42      7.97      7.68      8.43      9.43
Guangzhou Panyu Afternoon 2021Final5 8.18 8.94
8.78      8.18      8.61      DNF       9.44
Second round7 8.31 9.37
8.31      9.48      9.32      9.32      10.52
First round6 8.38 9.48
9.96      11.78     8.38      9.27      9.22
Nanchang Good Morning 2021Final1 7.46 7.97
8.21      7.46      7.70      9.65      7.99
Second round4 7.49 8.80
9.44      8.71      8.84      8.85      7.49
First round2 7.51 8.41
8.29      9.09      11.64     7.84      7.51
Jieyang Winter 2020Second round25 7.96 11.51
12.83     11.96     11.75     7.96      10.82
First round22 9.89 11.52
11.46     12.96     11.51     9.89      11.59
Wuhan Autumn 2019Final6 9.72 11.63
10.04     13.22     9.72      11.63     13.34
Second round9 10.13 11.72
DNF       10.13     14.38     10.19     10.60
First round16 11.50 12.97
11.50     13.03     12.40     13.86     13.47
Xi'an 10th Anniversary 2019Semi Final29 10.79 12.42
13.20     10.79     14.20     13.07     11.00
Second round25 10.85 12.77
13.26     12.00     10.85     13.04     15.15
First round46 12.27 13.94
13.22     15.47     DNF       13.13     12.27
China Championship 2019Second round240 12.70 12.99
12.96     13.08     12.70     14.32     12.94
First round315 13.23 14.18
17.46     13.36     13.70     15.47     13.23
Zhengzhou Open 2019Second round37 15.50 17.00
16.08     18.23     19.82     15.50     16.68
First round47 17.27 18.21
18.52     17.97     18.13     22.35     17.27
2x2x2 Cube
Chongqing Open 2023First round46 3.68 4.51
3.76      6.05      4.65      3.68      5.11
Hong Kong Championship 2023First round62 3.28 5.32
4.07      7.40      10.32     3.28      4.50
Chengdu Flash Cube Open 2023Second round31 3.72 4.17
4.35      4.40      4.01      4.15      3.72
First round18 2.52 3.25
3.70      2.68      2.52      4.37      3.36
Hanoi Summer 2023Final19 3.12 4.35
3.86      4.65      4.55      3.12      5.94
First round17 2.05 3.71
6.44      2.05      4.30      2.88      3.96
Xi'an Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 6.06 6.41
6.29      6.06      6.70      7.72      6.25
Semi Final7 6.10 6.27
6.10      6.12      6.45      8.12      6.25
Second round15 6.68 7.16
7.13      7.05      6.68      7.31      7.88
First round12 6.64 7.19
6.64      7.52      9.73      7.21      6.84
Chongqing Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round14 6.38 7.30
6.38      7.51      8.84      7.70      6.69
First round6 5.75 6.67
5.75      6.58      6.53      8.66      6.89
2x2x2 CubeFirst round46 3.68 4.51
3.76      6.05      4.65      3.68      5.11
Hong Kong Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 5.42 6.63
7.48      6.87      5.42      6.12      6.91
Semi Final3 6.08 6.81
6.48      7.23      6.73      6.08      9.58
Second round1 5.29 6.04
5.90      5.29      6.94      7.46      5.29
First round3 6.18 6.60
6.38      6.72      6.69      6.18      7.38
2x2x2 CubeFirst round62 3.28 5.32
4.07      7.40      10.32     3.28      4.50
Chengdu Flash Cube Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 6.14 6.69
6.92      6.30      6.86      6.14      7.28
Second round8 6.15 6.62
7.52      6.56      6.15      6.26      7.03
First round9 5.92 7.37
7.07      7.37      7.66      5.92      8.95
2x2x2 CubeSecond round31 3.72 4.17
4.35      4.40      4.01      4.15      3.72
First round18 2.52 3.25
3.70      2.68      2.52      4.37      3.36
WCA World Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final40 6.54 7.33
8.25      6.54      6.76      6.97      8.71
Second round33 6.21 7.02
7.10      8.31      6.21      6.70      7.27
First round41 6.34 7.05
7.48      6.34      6.87      7.56      6.80
Hanoi Summer 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 6.61 7.76
7.68      6.61      8.36      7.97      7.63
Second round2 5.81 6.85
7.38      5.81      6.27      7.70      6.89
First round5 6.01 7.63
7.48      9.04      6.01      8.68      6.72
2x2x2 CubeFinal19 3.12 4.35
3.86      4.65      4.55      3.12      5.94
First round17 2.05 3.71
6.44      2.05      4.30      2.88      3.96
Vietnam Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 6.55 7.57
6.56      6.55      9.04      7.52      8.63
Second round3 6.39 6.99
7.43      8.43      6.75      6.39      6.80
First round3 6.89 7.24
8.41      7.76      6.89      7.02      6.95
Selangor Ace Cube 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 5.97 6.42
6.90      6.52      6.13      5.97      6.62
Second round3 5.99 7.04
8.43      7.12      6.73      5.99      7.27
First round3 6.65 7.27
7.66      7.73      7.33      6.65      6.83
STEM Cube Open Penang 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 5.44 6.57
5.44      7.15      6.67      5.89      7.51
Second round3 5.97 7.05
5.97      7.04      6.86      7.25      9.14
First round3 6.84 6.87
6.85      6.91      6.85      6.84      6.96
Hong Kong Small Cube Day 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 6.15 6.94
6.76      7.78      6.45      6.15      7.60
Semi Final6 6.28 7.04
6.91      7.79      7.71      6.50      6.28
Second round6 6.15 7.12
6.80      6.47      8.09      6.15      8.27
First round4 6.03 6.67
7.68      7.18      6.29      6.55      6.03
YJ KL 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 7.40 8.24
8.81      7.40      7.94      9.36      7.98
Semi Final6 5.54 7.07
7.11      6.65      5.54      7.44      DNF
Second round10 6.34 7.80
7.73      9.29      6.34      7.05      8.61
First round6 6.35 7.49
7.65      6.35      6.95      7.99      7.88
Singapore Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 6.49 7.32
7.45      7.53      7.21      6.49      7.31
Semi Final9 6.39 7.07
6.39      7.93      6.95      7.34      6.91
Second round8 5.88 7.32
7.35      7.81      5.88      6.80      9.71
First round8 6.37 7.48
6.83      7.60      8.75      6.37      8.02
Wuhan Open 2021
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 6.66 8.72
8.61      10.32     10.20     7.36      6.66
Second round10 6.49 8.90
7.86      9.76      9.98      6.49      9.09
First round6 7.39 8.73
7.80      12.90     9.52      8.88      7.39
Zhengzhou Summer 2021
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 7.72 9.52
DNF       9.64      7.72      10.12     8.81
Second round3 6.58 8.13
8.45      7.28      8.67      8.73      6.58
First round6 8.23 9.25
8.23      8.84      9.10      9.82      11.19
Guangdong Open 2021
3x3x3 CubeFinal13 7.70 9.49
9.89      8.25      10.49     7.70      10.33
Semi Final8 7.77 8.43
7.77      8.83      7.91      11.64     8.55
Second round14 8.24 9.27
9.45      9.07      9.30      9.66      8.24
First round4 6.64 8.08
8.23      8.87      8.21      6.64      7.80
Xi'an Cherry Blossom AM 2021
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 7.21 8.45
7.21      8.94      7.53      11.42     8.87
First round2 7.68 8.27
8.42      7.97      7.68      8.43      9.43
Guangzhou Panyu Afternoon 2021
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 8.18 8.94
8.78      8.18      8.61      DNF       9.44
Second round7 8.31 9.37
8.31      9.48      9.32      9.32      10.52
First round6 8.38 9.48
9.96      11.78     8.38      9.27      9.22
Nanchang Good Morning 2021
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.46 7.97
8.21      7.46      7.70      9.65      7.99
Second round4 7.49 8.80
9.44      8.71      8.84      8.85      7.49
First round2 7.51 8.41
8.29      9.09      11.64     7.84      7.51
Jieyang Winter 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 7.96 11.51
12.83     11.96     11.75     7.96      10.82
First round22 9.89 11.52
11.46     12.96     11.51     9.89      11.59
Wuhan Autumn 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 9.72 11.63
10.04     13.22     9.72      11.63     13.34
Second round9 10.13 11.72
DNF       10.13     14.38     10.19     10.60
First round16 11.50 12.97
11.50     13.03     12.40     13.86     13.47
Xi'an 10th Anniversary 2019
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final29 10.79 12.42
13.20     10.79     14.20     13.07     11.00
Second round25 10.85 12.77
13.26     12.00     10.85     13.04     15.15
First round46 12.27 13.94
13.22     15.47     DNF       13.13     12.27
China Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round240 12.70 12.99
12.96     13.08     12.70     14.32     12.94
First round315 13.23 14.18
17.46     13.36     13.70     15.47     13.23
Zhengzhou Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round37 15.50 17.00
16.08     18.23     19.82     15.50     16.68
First round47 17.27 18.21
18.52     17.97     18.13     22.35     17.27
232024-08-03~04Xi'an Open 2024ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
222023-11-18Chongqing Open 2023ChinaChongqing
212023-10-21~22Hong Kong Championship 2023Hong Kong, ChinaHong Kong
202023-10-15Chengdu Flash Cube Open 2023ChinaChengdu, Sichuan
192023-08-12~15WCA World Championship 2023Republic of Korea인천광역시 (Incheon)
182023-07-22~23Hanoi Summer 2023VietnamHanoi
172023-07-14~16Vietnam Championship 2023VietnamHo Chi Minh City
162023-06-03~04Selangor Ace Cube 2023MalaysiaPetaling Jaya
152023-05-28STEM Cube Open Penang 2023MalaysiaBukit Mertajam, Penang
142023-05-26Hong Kong Small Cube Day 2023Hong Kong, ChinaHong Kong
132023-03-10~12YJ KL 2023MalaysiaKuala Lumpur
122023-02-17~19Singapore Championship 2023SingaporeSingapore
112021-06-05Wuhan Open 2021ChinaWuhan, Hubei
102021-05-23Zhengzhou Summer 2021ChinaZhengzhou, Henan
92021-05-01~03Guangdong Open 2021ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
82021-04-11Xi'an Cherry Blossom AM 2021ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
72021-02-28Guangzhou Panyu Afternoon 2021ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
62021-01-02Nanchang Good Morning 2021ChinaNanchang, Jiangxi
52020-01-19Jieyang Winter 2020ChinaJieyang, Guangdong
42019-10-13Wuhan Autumn 2019ChinaWuhan, Hubei
32019-08-24~25Xi'an 10th Anniversary 2019ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
22019-07-26~28China Championship 2019ChinaHefei, Anhui
12019-05-26Zhengzhou Open 2019ChinaZhengzhou, Henan