Personal Page

Hansen Yu (余翰森)

Hansen Yu (余翰森)
Name: Hansen Yu (余翰森)
Region: China
Competitions: 9
WCA ID: Hansen Yu (余翰森)2023YUHA01
Gender: Male
Career: 2023.03.10 - 2024.11.04
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube811314.155.552097138/140
2x2x2 Cube12454070.881.4390171113103/105

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Asia Championship Podiums

WCA Asian Championship 2024
2x2x2 Cube2 1.28 1.43
1.42      1.48      1.28      1.60      1.40

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
WCA Asian Championship 2024Final5 4.67 5.55
6.43      5.05      5.56      6.03      4.67
Semi Final13 6.02 6.37
6.56      6.02      6.45      6.11      6.89
Second round6 4.15 5.78
5.92      6.68      5.35      4.15      6.08
First round22 5.45 6.68
7.07      8.36      5.60      7.38      5.45
Huizhou 10th Anniversary 2024Final4 5.44 6.37
5.44      8.06      6.34      7.07      5.71
Semi Final4 5.38 6.67
7.52      5.38      5.99      6.86      7.16
Second round4 5.39 6.27
5.61      7.06      8.08      6.15      5.39
First round6 6.35 6.90
7.87      6.35      6.40      9.13      6.42
Chengdu Summer 2024Final6 6.07 6.25
6.31      6.29      6.07      6.62      6.15
Second round7 5.74 6.04
6.23      6.08      5.81      7.26      5.74
First round10 5.90 6.88
7.35      6.80      9.29      6.48      5.90
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2024Final8 6.48 7.26
7.71      8.06      7.00      7.08      6.48
Second round7 5.66 7.00
7.73      5.66      6.76      7.46      6.78
First round6 5.87 6.39
6.20      6.30      5.87      8.51      6.68
Hangzhou Spring 2024Final8 5.76 6.71
5.76      6.65      5.96      7.52      DNF
Second round9 5.56 6.94
5.56      6.05      7.66      7.11      8.77
First round11 6.64 7.33
7.22      10.14     6.64      7.64      7.13
Chongqing Open 2023Final5 5.80 6.60
6.89      6.38      8.62      5.80      6.52
Second round8 6.65 7.01
7.38      6.98      6.65      6.68      8.63
First round4 5.53 6.32
6.52      5.58      5.53      6.87      8.36
Chengdu Flash Cube Open 2023Second round15 6.79 7.61
7.09      7.45      6.79      8.28      9.19
First round12 6.57 7.50
7.32      10.34     8.56      6.57      6.61
WCA World Championship 2023Second round107 6.40 8.09
6.40      8.57      7.11      10.01     8.60
First round86 6.96 7.79
8.09      7.24      13.25     8.04      6.96
YJ KL 2023Final9 7.73 8.70
9.12      7.73      9.10      7.89      DNF
Semi Final8 6.84 7.42
7.15      7.22      6.84      8.95      7.89
Second round15 7.33 8.47
8.61      9.03      8.73      7.33      8.07
First round14 7.25 8.29
7.25      8.25      10.70     8.96      7.67
2x2x2 Cube
WCA Asian Championship 2024Final3 1.28 1.43
1.42      1.48      1.28      1.60      1.40
Second round3 1.44 1.55
1.59      1.56      1.44      1.54      1.55
First round8 1.34 1.58
2.28      1.79      1.58      1.34      1.37
Huizhou 10th Anniversary 2024Final1 1.21 1.51
1.69      1.57      1.21      1.35      1.60
First round1 1.01 1.59
1.73      1.01      1.27      1.78      3.58
Chengdu Summer 2024Final3 1.48 1.59
1.61      1.48      3.65      1.54      1.61
Second round6 1.50 1.94
2.72      1.56      1.50      3.22      1.53
First round8 1.45 2.10
1.45      3.60      1.46      3.38      1.45
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2024First round17 1.29 2.71
1.90      3.59      1.29      3.41      2.83
Hangzhou Spring 2024Final6 1.57 2.34
1.61      3.85      1.57      DNF       1.57
First round4 0.88 1.62
1.84      1.19      0.88      1.84      1.96
Chongqing Open 2023Final5 1.43 2.03
2.43      1.43      2.20      1.58      2.32
First round4 1.51 1.61
1.52      1.67      1.65      1.51      2.47
Chengdu Flash Cube Open 2023Final3 1.68 1.83
1.83      1.87      1.68      1.80      1.91
Second round6 1.65 1.80
1.70      1.68      2.27      1.65      2.03
First round6 1.48 1.78
1.48      2.22      1.79      1.53      2.01
WCA World Championship 2023Final13 1.53 1.74
1.53      DNF       1.86      1.66      1.70
Second round3 1.32 1.46
1.55      1.72      1.34      1.32      1.48
First round40 1.21 2.10
4.04      1.21      2.40      1.65      2.26
YJ KL 2023Second round14 2.80 2.99
2.80      3.44      3.12      2.98      2.88
First round13 1.39 2.83
1.39      3.43      2.48      4.63      2.58
Chengdu Summer 2024Second round46 2.95 6.06
10.68     6.41      2.95      7.96      3.81
First round44 4.61 5.62
5.39      9.58      5.74      4.61      5.72
WCA World Championship 2023First round239 6.05 6.63
7.70      6.46      7.24      6.20      6.05
YJ KL 2023First round49 5.96 8.37
11.19     9.27      9.03      6.82      5.96
WCA Asian Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 4.67 5.55
6.43      5.05      5.56      6.03      4.67
Semi Final13 6.02 6.37
6.56      6.02      6.45      6.11      6.89
Second round6 4.15 5.78
5.92      6.68      5.35      4.15      6.08
First round22 5.45 6.68
7.07      8.36      5.60      7.38      5.45
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 1.28 1.43
1.42      1.48      1.28      1.60      1.40
Second round3 1.44 1.55
1.59      1.56      1.44      1.54      1.55
First round8 1.34 1.58
2.28      1.79      1.58      1.34      1.37
Huizhou 10th Anniversary 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 5.44 6.37
5.44      8.06      6.34      7.07      5.71
Semi Final4 5.38 6.67
7.52      5.38      5.99      6.86      7.16
Second round4 5.39 6.27
5.61      7.06      8.08      6.15      5.39
First round6 6.35 6.90
7.87      6.35      6.40      9.13      6.42
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.21 1.51
1.69      1.57      1.21      1.35      1.60
First round1 1.01 1.59
1.73      1.01      1.27      1.78      3.58
Chengdu Summer 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 6.07 6.25
6.31      6.29      6.07      6.62      6.15
Second round7 5.74 6.04
6.23      6.08      5.81      7.26      5.74
First round10 5.90 6.88
7.35      6.80      9.29      6.48      5.90
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 1.48 1.59
1.61      1.48      3.65      1.54      1.61
Second round6 1.50 1.94
2.72      1.56      1.50      3.22      1.53
First round8 1.45 2.10
1.45      3.60      1.46      3.38      1.45
PyraminxSecond round46 2.95 6.06
10.68     6.41      2.95      7.96      3.81
First round44 4.61 5.62
5.39      9.58      5.74      4.61      5.72
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 6.48 7.26
7.71      8.06      7.00      7.08      6.48
Second round7 5.66 7.00
7.73      5.66      6.76      7.46      6.78
First round6 5.87 6.39
6.20      6.30      5.87      8.51      6.68
2x2x2 CubeFirst round17 1.29 2.71
1.90      3.59      1.29      3.41      2.83
Hangzhou Spring 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 5.76 6.71
5.76      6.65      5.96      7.52      DNF
Second round9 5.56 6.94
5.56      6.05      7.66      7.11      8.77
First round11 6.64 7.33
7.22      10.14     6.64      7.64      7.13
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 1.57 2.34
1.61      3.85      1.57      DNF       1.57
First round4 0.88 1.62
1.84      1.19      0.88      1.84      1.96
Chongqing Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 5.80 6.60
6.89      6.38      8.62      5.80      6.52
Second round8 6.65 7.01
7.38      6.98      6.65      6.68      8.63
First round4 5.53 6.32
6.52      5.58      5.53      6.87      8.36
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 1.43 2.03
2.43      1.43      2.20      1.58      2.32
First round4 1.51 1.61
1.52      1.67      1.65      1.51      2.47
Chengdu Flash Cube Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round15 6.79 7.61
7.09      7.45      6.79      8.28      9.19
First round12 6.57 7.50
7.32      10.34     8.56      6.57      6.61
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 1.68 1.83
1.83      1.87      1.68      1.80      1.91
Second round6 1.65 1.80
1.70      1.68      2.27      1.65      2.03
First round6 1.48 1.78
1.48      2.22      1.79      1.53      2.01
WCA World Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round107 6.40 8.09
6.40      8.57      7.11      10.01     8.60
First round86 6.96 7.79
8.09      7.24      13.25     8.04      6.96
2x2x2 CubeFinal13 1.53 1.74
1.53      DNF       1.86      1.66      1.70
Second round3 1.32 1.46
1.55      1.72      1.34      1.32      1.48
First round40 1.21 2.10
4.04      1.21      2.40      1.65      2.26
PyraminxFirst round239 6.05 6.63
7.70      6.46      7.24      6.20      6.05
YJ KL 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 7.73 8.70
9.12      7.73      9.10      7.89      DNF
Semi Final8 6.84 7.42
7.15      7.22      6.84      8.95      7.89
Second round15 7.33 8.47
8.61      9.03      8.73      7.33      8.07
First round14 7.25 8.29
7.25      8.25      10.70     8.96      7.67
2x2x2 CubeSecond round14 2.80 2.99
2.80      3.44      3.12      2.98      2.88
First round13 1.39 2.83
1.39      3.43      2.48      4.63      2.58
PyraminxFirst round49 5.96 8.37
11.19     9.27      9.03      6.82      5.96
92024-11-01~04WCA Asian Championship 2024MalaysiaPutrajaya
82024-07-28Huizhou 10th Anniversary 2024ChinaHuizhou, Guangdong
72024-07-20~21Chengdu Summer 2024ChinaChengdu, Sichuan
62024-04-05Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2024ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
52024-03-02Hangzhou Spring 2024ChinaHangzhou, Zhejiang
42023-11-18Chongqing Open 2023ChinaChongqing
32023-10-15Chengdu Flash Cube Open 2023ChinaChengdu, Sichuan
22023-08-12~15WCA World Championship 2023Republic of Korea인천광역시 (Incheon)
12023-03-10~12YJ KL 2023MalaysiaKuala Lumpur