Personal Page

Jingyuan Chen (陈静远)

Jingyuan Chen (陈静远)
Name: Jingyuan Chen (陈静远)
Region: China
Competitions: 25
WCA ID: Jingyuan Chen (陈静远)2012CHEN25
Gender: Male
Career: 2012.08.05 - 2018.04.22
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube271881922258910.8812.731974073422463198/200
2x2x2 Cube26697044481.733.51653316864841216/225
4x4x4 Cube126735471010642.9751.02114134071145680/84
5x5x5 Cube747227868791:23.931:43.8096143106101749/50
6x6x6 Cube703202970583:24.163:36.666728193167711/13
7x7x7 Cube719184362375:19.785:30.71559516606627/7
3x3x3 Blindfolded479136039952:20.7110/54
3x3x3 Fewest Moves12540516833138.0018444571609/11
3x3x3 One-Handed183651791390420.9523.90110334241154898/100
3x3x3 Multi-Blind16567325942/2 18:221/1
3x3x3 With Feet11944311621:34.112:03.13121745512714/14

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
German Open 2018First round23 13.40 14.04
14.30     13.40     14.31     17.18     13.50
Beijing Ten Years Open 2017Second round47 12.49 14.73
15.57     15.79     13.15     15.46     12.49
First round36 13.64 13.85
13.67     14.07     15.26     13.81     13.64
Yangzhou Open 2017Semi Final37 12.56 14.42
14.85     16.05     12.56     13.48     14.94
Second round38 11.62 12.77
13.21     14.41     13.30     11.62     11.80
First round77 13.96 14.74
14.56     14.95     16.76     13.96     14.70
World Championship 2017Second round299 11.96 12.73
12.72     13.14     14.27     11.96     12.33
First round364 10.88 13.21
DNF       10.88     13.07     12.79     13.76
Cubelonia 2017Second round25 11.75 14.11
11.75     15.78     13.28     13.28     17.04
First round19 11.52 13.27
11.91     16.33     15.95     11.52     11.94
Yangzhou Open 2016Second round27 12.42 12.88
12.42     12.50     13.34     12.81     26.46
First round33 12.19 13.18
13.72     12.63     13.20     15.01     12.19
Nanjing Spring 2016First round61 12.14 15.46
16.33     12.14     14.00     16.05     33.02
Shanghai Spring 2016Second round46 15.21 16.76
20.21     15.21     17.55     15.59     17.13
First round50 14.41 16.09
17.49     15.92     15.21     14.41     17.14
Wuhan University Open 2015Second round18 12.57 14.74
15.93     15.58     12.57     12.71     16.46
First round23 13.83 16.51
18.18     14.10     17.55     17.89     13.83
Nanjing Autumn 2015Second round13 12.75 13.23
12.75     12.99     13.00     13.71     16.06
First round28 12.33 15.18
15.41     14.04     16.10     12.33     16.10
China Championship 2015Second round73 12.24 13.13
15.27     12.24     13.36     12.93     13.09
First round110 12.04 13.65
14.57     12.04     13.85     14.47     12.63
Wuxi Open 2015Second round25 12.29 14.20
12.29     13.49     17.00     15.50     13.61
First round43 12.98 15.24
13.58     14.34     17.81     12.98     22.23
AnHui University Open 2015Second round15 12.61 15.34
15.27     15.95     14.80     12.61     18.65
First round12 13.17 15.46
17.57     13.17     14.00     14.80     18.09
Nanjing Autumn 2014Second round19 14.60 15.22
14.60     15.35     15.40     20.10     14.90
First round12 12.47 14.70
15.30     12.47     14.61     17.08     14.18
Hefei Summer Open 2014Second round35 16.01 17.80
16.45     21.05     19.89     16.01     17.07
First round27 13.88 15.97
17.26     16.03     13.88     15.50     16.39
Hefei Spring 2014Second round31 13.98 15.34
17.28     13.98     14.05     17.58     14.68
First round34 14.30 16.00
15.09     16.50     16.77     16.41     14.30
Nanchang Open 2013Second round17 15.33 16.61
17.31     16.17     16.74     16.93     15.33
First round20 15.33 17.33
34.07     17.44     17.40     17.15     15.33
Hefei Open 2013First round46 16.71 18.38
19.82     17.50     17.83     21.60     16.71
Shantou Open 2013Second round23 12.60 21.39
DNF       23.39     22.34     12.60     18.44
First round20 15.72 17.26
16.84     16.71     18.22     15.72     20.55
Nanjing Normal University 2013Second round18 13.43 15.13
13.43     18.35     14.74     14.64     16.00
First round29 16.01 17.50
17.37     16.01     18.48     16.66     19.75
Zhejiang University 2013First round36 15.63 17.85
17.84     15.63     20.18     16.90     18.80
Hefei Summer 2012First round23 18.38 20.80
18.38     24.43     20.78     19.40     22.21
2x2x2 Cube
German Open 2018First round16 3.55 4.54
5.23      3.55      4.55      3.84      9.66
Yangzhou Open 2017Second round21 3.56 4.34
3.64      4.63      6.26      4.75      3.56
First round17 3.15 3.99
5.99      3.89      4.21      3.15      3.86
World Championship 2017Second round100 3.25 3.74
3.39      3.97      5.47      3.25      3.87
First round87 2.85 3.51
3.84      4.08      3.39      3.29      2.85
Cubelonia 2017Second round18 3.58 4.56
5.13      3.58      4.38      4.81      4.49
First round12 3.94 4.35
3.94      4.47      4.40      4.18      4.67
Yangzhou Open 2016Final16 3.77 5.68
5.10      6.52      6.65      5.42      3.77
First round13 3.12 4.34
4.82      3.49      4.91      3.12      4.70
Nanjing Spring 2016Final10 3.88 4.93
5.40      5.72      4.60      4.80      3.88
Second round6 3.75 4.30
8.24      4.13      4.41      4.37      3.75
First round10 3.40 3.90
4.08      4.64      3.40      3.90      3.71
Shanghai Spring 2016Final4 2.94 3.65
3.15      2.94      5.46      3.97      3.83
Second round8 3.61 4.39
4.75      3.61      4.40      4.02      DNF
First round8 3.51 4.12
3.75      4.95      3.51      4.51      4.10
Nanjing Autumn 2015Final4 3.97 4.15
4.33      3.97      4.07      4.06      5.41
Second round3 2.31 4.02
4.22      3.70      2.31      4.91      4.13
First round7 3.58 4.26
4.75      4.47      4.14      4.18      3.58
China Championship 2015Semi Final31 2.49 5.02
3.49      2.49      7.39      DNF       4.19
Second round30 3.65 4.50
7.13      4.45      3.65      4.95      4.10
First round35 2.80 4.03
5.52      2.80      3.78      4.72      3.58
Wuxi Open 2015Final12 3.79 4.80
DNF       4.42      4.71      5.27      3.79
Second round8 3.65 4.33
3.65      4.38      5.01      3.76      4.85
First round21 3.54 5.54
4.16      3.54      DNF       8.31      4.14
AnHui University Open 2015Final7 3.07 4.32
DNF       3.90      4.63      4.43      3.07
Second round8 3.50 4.71
3.87      DNF       3.50      5.80      4.47
First round5 2.91 3.93
5.99      2.91      3.60      4.70      3.50
Nanjing Autumn 2014Final4 3.04 3.97
5.16      4.17      4.03      3.70      3.04
Second round10 3.61 4.43
4.66      4.55      3.61      4.08      5.85
First round9 1.96 4.29
DNF       1.96      4.15      4.86      3.86
Hefei Summer Open 2014Final3 3.82 4.58
4.01      4.56      3.82      5.16      8.03
Second round6 3.54 4.92
4.71      DNF       3.98      6.06      3.54
First round13 3.45 5.77
5.29      5.08      3.45      6.93      7.21
Hefei Spring 2014Second round9 3.75 4.30
4.74      7.16      3.96      3.75      4.19
First round9 3.96 4.71
5.47      4.65      5.87      4.02      3.96
Nanchang Open 2013Final6 5.09 5.59
5.09      5.79      5.66      5.31      8.60
Second round4 3.76 4.56
4.34      6.82      3.76      5.30      4.03
First round2 1.73 4.28
2.88      1.73      4.88      5.09      6.26
Hefei Open 2013First round38 4.81 6.68
7.31      6.28      8.41      6.44      4.81
Shantou Open 2013Final5 3.43 4.73
6.08      3.43      DNF       4.47      3.65
First round5 2.88 4.85
5.11      5.30      6.27      4.13      2.88
Nanjing Normal University 2013Final9 4.65 5.11
5.02      5.46      4.65      4.96      5.34
First round8 3.25 4.72
5.08      3.25      5.52      5.11      3.96
Zhejiang University 2013Final7 4.46 5.68
5.14      6.07      4.46      7.75      5.84
First round12 3.72 5.41
9.90      5.96      3.72      5.25      5.03
4x4x4 Cube
German Open 2018First round21 42.97 51.02
56.17     46.86     42.97     54.67     51.52
Beijing Ten Years Open 2017First round26 50.90 52.27
52.66     1:10.16   53.05     51.09     50.90
World Championship 2017First round371 51.90 59.77
59.51     1:08.87   1:01.46   51.90     58.35
Cubelonia 2017Second round29 49.93 1:00.77
1:04.55   1:03.39   54.93     49.93     1:03.99
First round25 50.97 56.24
1:15.40   54.35     50.97     58.81     55.57
Nanjing Spring 2016First round31 56.94
1:08.58   56.94
Nanjing Autumn 2015First round13 50.69 52.57
53.00     51.53     58.06     53.19     50.69
China Championship 2015First round75 51.32 55.55
53.10     51.32     DNF       59.47     54.09
Wuxi Open 2015First round39 1:01.13
1:02.25   1:01.13
Nanjing Autumn 2014Second round15 51.78 57.00
59.61     52.20     51.78     1:05.20   59.18
First round10 49.51 52.76
1:04.65   49.51     50.90     53.95     53.42
Hefei Summer Open 2014First round18 48.96 57.87
52.62     1:01.22   1:01.11   48.96     59.89
Hefei Spring 2014First round23 50.81 1:01.61
1:00.49   DNF       50.81     1:06.06   58.27
Nanchang Open 2013First round18 57.44 1:32.59
2:15.47   1:13.47   1:08.82   57.44     DNF
Hefei Open 2013First round34 1:00.47 1:05.31
1:18.45   1:04.68   1:00.47   1:01.83   1:09.42
Shantou Open 2013Final22 1:04.67 1:14.51
1:19.84   1:08.78   1:14.90   1:04.67   DNF
Nanjing Normal University 2013Final32 1:04.62 1:13.93
1:21.08   1:20.47   1:04.62   1:14.45   1:06.88
Zhejiang University 2013First round26 1:12.38 1:19.02
1:26.34   1:14.43   1:16.28   1:35.00   1:12.38
5x5x5 Cube
Beijing Ten Years Open 2017First round22 1:37.61 1:43.80
1:42.38   1:42.85   1:49.32   1:46.17   1:37.61
World Championship 2017First round274 1:23.93 1:50.70
1:54.09   1:44.69   2:09.33   1:53.31   1:23.93
Cubelonia 2017Second round22 1:46.72 1:52.47
1:56.94   1:49.36   1:53.15   1:46.72   1:54.90
First round24 1:42.36 1:49.67
1:42.36   1:53.91   1:48.43   1:49.90   1:50.69
Nanjing Spring 2016First round31 1:50.55
1:50.55   1:57.13
China Championship 2015First round70 1:41.35 1:48.29
1:59.45   1:41.62   1:48.49   1:54.76   1:41.35
Wuxi Open 2015Final20 1:43.61 1:50.31
1:46.61   1:49.73   2:05.90   1:54.58   1:43.61
Hefei Summer Open 2014Final16 2:10.65
2:10.65   2:14.42
Hefei Spring 2014First round19 1:53.26 2:10.96
2:17.83   1:53.26   2:14.97   2:13.57   2:04.34
Nanchang Open 2013Final10 1:59.46 2:35.86
1:59.46   DNF       2:35.14   2:23.10   2:49.33
Shantou Open 2013Final15 2:54.22
2:54.22   2:59.46
Nanjing Normal University 2013Final29 3:09.18
3:09.18   3:39.08
Zhejiang University 2013Final22 2:37.00
2:37.00   3:39.50
6x6x6 Cube
German Open 2018Final22 3:37.43 3:47.10
3:37.43   4:01.43   3:42.44
Cubelonia 2017Final16 3:24.16 3:36.66
3:24.16   3:34.45   3:51.37
Shanghai Spring 2016First round14 3:37.06 3:50.44
3:37.06   3:42.85   4:11.42
Wuhan University Open 2015Final13 3:47.25 DNF
3:47.25   DNF       DNF
China Championship 2015First round53 4:01.01
7x7x7 Cube
German Open 2018Final27 6:02.70
Cubelonia 2017Final17 5:27.75 5:54.12
6:31.85   5:42.75   5:27.75
Wuhan University Open 2015Final9 5:19.78 5:30.71
5:19.78   5:28.09   5:44.25
3x3x3 Blindfolded
World Championship 2017First round161 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Cubelonia 2017First round24 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Nanjing Spring 2016Final7 2:20.71 DNF
3:59.26   2:20.71   DNF
First round9 2:55.40 DNF
3:08.75   DNF       2:55.40
Shanghai Spring 2016First round13 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Wuhan University Open 2015First round8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
China Championship 2015First round30 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Wuxi Open 2015Final7 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round8 2:45.96 DNF
DNF       2:45.96   DNF
AnHui University Open 2015Final5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round6 3:38.53 DNF
DNF       3:38.53   DNF
Nanjing Autumn 2014First round9 3:48.86 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:48.86
Hefei Summer Open 2014Final9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Hefei Spring 2014Final10 2:58.40 DNF
2:58.40   DNF       DNF
Nanchang Open 2013Final4 3:21.36 DNF
3:21.36   DNF       DNF
Hefei Open 2013First round18 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Nanjing Normal University 2013Final7 5:00.55 DNF
5:00.55   DNF       DNF
Zhejiang University 2013First round15 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Cubelonia 2017Final14 36 41.00
36        43        44
China Championship 2015Final16 31 38.00
31        44        39
Hefei Open 2015Final12 41 45.33
41        42        53
Hefei Spring 2014Final10 DNF
Zhejiang University 2013Final8 DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
World Championship 2017First round258 20.95 23.90
30.07     22.74     25.06     23.90     20.95
Cubelonia 2017Second round23 21.65 27.27
26.12     28.66     27.03     21.65     29.93
First round19 21.86 25.71
26.61     27.11     29.18     23.41     21.86
Nanjing Autumn 2015First round22 24.29 27.79
30.87     44.48     26.90     24.29     25.59
China Championship 2015First round121 24.97 27.52
26.65     24.97     28.82     31.05     27.08
Wuxi Open 2015Second round31 21.38 25.42
26.06     21.51     21.38     DNF       28.69
First round27 22.01 24.71
22.01     23.79     25.15     25.80     25.18
AnHui University Open 2015Final8 21.99 26.76
DNF       26.97     21.99     30.15     23.15
Second round7 23.77 25.80
23.77     31.45     28.01     24.53     24.87
First round7 23.35 26.39
33.87     28.73     24.11     26.33     23.35
Nanjing Autumn 2014Second round12 23.24 24.52
25.70     24.70     24.76     23.24     24.09
First round15 28.23 29.50
30.19     30.25     29.18     28.23     29.13
Hefei Summer Open 2014First round18 27.13 29.82
27.13     30.70     31.23     27.52     40.62
Hefei Spring 2014First round16 23.50 27.06
23.50     27.63     30.92     24.29     29.26
Nanchang Open 2013Final8 24.11 31.36
51.14     32.65     33.30     24.11     28.14
First round8 27.46 28.76
27.46     27.65     27.94     30.68     33.70
Hefei Open 2013First round32 28.34 33.98
31.77     28.34     33.47     41.45     36.69
Shantou Open 2013First round22 23.80 32.43
29.34     41.14     26.80     48.34     23.80
Nanjing Normal University 2013First round22 25.65 35.64
40.28     30.72     25.65     35.91     46.70
Zhejiang University 2013First round26 25.97 31.74
35.68     34.08     32.84     28.31     25.97
German Open 2018Final9 10.08 11.40
11.45     10.08     11.80     10.96     12.22
Beijing Ten Years Open 2017Final7 9.36 10.68
9.36      11.26     11.31     10.82     9.97
World Championship 2017First round36 9.32 10.64
10.59     9.42      9.32      11.90     13.41
Cubelonia 2017First round7 11.01 12.61
14.44     11.75     11.01     DNF       11.65
Hefei Open 2016First round10 9.12 10.03
11.92     9.64      11.00     9.12      9.46
Nanjing Spring 2016Final6 8.72 9.49
9.62      8.72      9.76      10.08     9.08
First round6 9.42 10.22
10.66     9.42      10.09     9.92      13.67
Shanghai Spring 2016Final8 9.63 12.84
9.90      9.63      10.75     20.62     17.86
First round6 9.54 10.30
10.68     9.79      9.54      12.01     10.42
Nanjing Autumn 2015First round19 DNF
DNF       DNF
China Championship 2015First round34 9.62 DNF
11.60     9.62      DNF       17.17     DNF
Wuxi Open 2015Final20 10.37 DNF
DNF       10.43     10.37     12.73     DNF
Hefei Open 2015Final4 9.20 10.51
10.18     16.34     10.67     10.68     9.20
First round7 9.69 11.44
9.83      9.69      10.19     14.31     DNF
Nanjing Autumn 2014Final4 9.47 11.92
9.47      9.65      12.16     DNF       13.96
First round5 11.05 11.72
11.05     12.52     11.47     11.17     12.90
Hefei Spring 2014Final13 DNF
DNF       DNF
Hefei Open 2013Final2 11.74 12.79
13.08     12.66     DNF       12.64     11.74
First round4 12.94 14.34
DNF       14.48     13.14     15.39     12.94
Zhejiang University 2013Final3 13.50 16.03
14.02     13.50     16.71     17.36     34.15
German Open 2018Final17 1:25.18 1:45.60
1:41.29   1:44.41   1:56.36   1:51.11   1:25.18
World Championship 2017First round163 1:30.29 1:40.83
1:39.04   1:45.66   1:30.29   2:21.37   1:37.80
Cubelonia 2017First round21 1:39.40 1:51.71
1:45.29   1:53.69   2:14.31   1:39.40   1:56.15
Nanjing Spring 2016First round11 1:30.69 1:45.50
1:49.14   1:46.25   1:41.10   1:30.69   1:56.84
Nanjing Autumn 2015First round14 1:39.98 1:51.44
2:40.97   1:41.00   1:39.98   2:04.82   1:48.49
China Championship 2015First round37 1:41.11 DNF
DNF       1:57.88   1:41.11   2:02.94   DNF
Hefei Spring 2014Final4 1:34.48 1:39.89
1:34.48   1:42.43   1:41.37   1:35.86   1:58.00
Hefei Open 2013Final13 2:11.68
DNF       2:11.68
Zhejiang University 2013Final8 3:30.90
4:26.06   3:30.90
German Open 2018Final4 4.36 5.20
6.16      4.36      5.72      4.65      5.22
First round3 4.65 5.05
4.65      4.94      5.90      4.83      5.38
World Championship 2017Second round56 3.43 4.72
12.41     4.25      3.43      4.30      5.61
First round59 3.49 4.76
4.62      11.72     4.33      3.49      5.33
Cubelonia 2017Final11 4.22 5.68
4.26      4.22      6.19      9.94      6.60
First round4 3.77 4.86
3.77      5.27      5.41      7.25      3.90
Asian Championship 2016Semi Final37 4.79 6.83
6.57      6.86      4.79      7.06      8.54
Second round18 3.54 4.81
4.37      3.54      3.98      8.12      6.07
First round33 4.51 6.15
7.42      6.04      5.00      4.51      7.53
Hefei Open 2016Final8 4.06 5.30
DNF       5.66      4.06      5.06      5.19
Second round5 4.33 5.32
4.33      5.69      5.91      5.36      4.91
First round11 5.26 6.17
7.52      6.13      6.02      6.35      5.26
Nanjing Spring 2016Final4 4.52 5.76
6.06      4.52      7.44      5.18      6.05
Second round5 3.34 5.07
6.80      3.79      3.34      9.56      4.62
First round6 3.49 6.22
6.36      6.76      6.16      6.15      3.49
Shanghai Spring 2016Final8 4.28 6.07
5.47      4.71      DNF       4.28      8.02
Second round7 5.10 6.47
11.28     5.43      7.36      5.10      6.62
First round9 5.30 6.66
5.30      6.94      5.58      10.19     7.46
Wuhan University Open 2015Final1 3.46 5.61
3.46      5.27      6.96      10.13     4.59
First round4 4.43 6.32
11.88     6.24      6.07      4.43      6.65
Nanjing Autumn 2015Final3 4.13 5.15
4.13      5.13      5.72      4.61      7.29
Second round4 4.14 5.42
7.79      6.02      5.88      4.14      4.37
First round7 3.91 7.09
3.91      6.24      8.52      7.09      7.95
China Championship 2015Semi Final19 4.63 6.75
6.86      8.39      4.63      5.72      7.66
Second round16 4.21 6.48
4.21      8.67      5.57      8.95      5.21
First round12 3.76 5.27
5.94      4.60      3.76      5.68      5.52
Wuxi Open 2015Final2 4.44 4.79
5.07      5.54      4.44      4.72      4.59
First round5 3.09 5.37
5.73      3.09      4.26      6.12      7.77
Hefei Open 2015Final8 4.41 6.90
7.45      4.41      4.75      DNF       8.51
Second round10 5.19 7.16
5.19      9.41      9.44      6.28      5.78
First round10 5.20 7.26
6.45      6.62      8.71      5.20      DNF
AnHui University Open 2015Final5 4.75 6.28
5.61      7.25      7.01      4.75      6.21
Second round6 4.04 6.75
4.47      6.99      4.04      8.80      8.85
First round7 5.14 6.22
6.32      6.73      5.61      11.18     5.14
Nanjing Autumn 2014Final7 4.30 6.49
6.99      4.30      8.14      5.40      7.09
Second round3 4.10 4.69
5.06      4.10      4.63      10.91     4.38
First round11 5.21 7.59
5.46      11.31     6.00      DNF       5.21
Hefei Summer Open 2014Final2 5.10 5.35
5.49      5.21      5.36      10.34     5.10
First round7 5.00 7.63
6.47      6.60      DNF       5.00      9.83
Hefei Spring 2014Final3 4.12 4.93
5.50      4.12      4.90      4.39      6.13
First round10 4.11 7.49
5.61      4.11      9.22      13.15     7.63
Nanchang Open 2013Final2 4.81 5.90
10.46     5.46      6.19      4.81      6.06
First round4 5.71 7.76
10.69     DNF       6.45      6.15      5.71
Hefei Open 2013Final3 4.25 6.33
4.84      6.97      11.91     7.19      4.25
First round2 5.43 5.89
6.50      5.43      5.71      5.45      7.63
Shantou Open 2013Final4 4.83 7.38
7.83      8.03      6.27      8.47      4.83
Nanjing Normal University 2013Final4 6.25 6.85
6.55      7.46      7.26      6.75      6.25
First round6 6.51 8.06
7.62      DNF       6.51      8.57      7.99
Zhejiang University 2013Final2 5.15 6.89
7.77      7.80      5.99      6.91      5.15
German Open 2018Final19 5.50 7.77
8.78      7.65      6.88      11.23     5.50
First round17 7.45 8.28
7.45      8.49      9.62      8.06      8.29
Yangzhou Open 2017First round55 6.55 9.95
8.31      10.53     DNF       11.01     6.55
World Championship 2017First round180 7.34 8.36
7.48      9.36      14.61     8.24      7.34
Cubelonia 2017Final19 6.84 8.90
9.42      8.52      8.87      6.84      9.30
First round18 6.96 8.90
6.96      7.97      9.16      10.73     9.58
Nanjing Spring 2016Final9 7.61 8.77
8.36      7.61      9.41      9.08      8.86
First round9 5.45 7.90
9.70      10.87     7.43      5.45      6.57
Shanghai Spring 2016First round16 7.35 8.56
9.53      7.74      8.68      7.35      9.25
Wuhan University Open 2015Final4 5.93 8.16
8.33      10.94     9.46      6.69      5.93
First round9 5.53 9.03
8.85      9.49      10.11     8.74      5.53
Nanjing Autumn 2015Final7 4.08 8.72
7.72      13.78     9.14      4.08      9.29
First round6 6.19 8.46
8.13      6.19      11.28     8.06      9.19
China Championship 2015Second round27 7.32 9.01
7.32      11.53     11.66     8.17      7.32
First round22 5.36 8.54
10.28     7.66      5.36      7.69      11.30
Wuxi Open 2015Final6 6.59 8.12
7.91      8.84      6.59      7.60      9.16
First round8 5.87 7.63
8.22      8.23      5.87      7.09      7.57
AnHui University Open 2015Second round8 6.74 9.22
11.74     7.35      12.30     8.58      6.74
First round7 5.73 8.13
5.73      8.49      8.82      11.19     7.07
Nanjing Autumn 2014Final8 6.64 9.25
6.64      8.65      11.66     7.71      11.38
First round8 8.25 9.69
9.76      11.18     8.99      10.32     8.25
Hefei Summer Open 2014Final3 7.16 9.78
9.65      7.16      13.34     11.17     8.52
First round7 8.11 11.83
11.12     13.71     8.11      10.67     16.14
Hefei Spring 2014Final10 7.06 13.07
12.64     12.82     7.06      15.10     13.74
First round11 8.85 13.63
16.21     16.06     8.85      9.31      15.51
Beijing Ten Years Open 2017Final14 31.51
39.44     31.51
Yangzhou Open 2017First round25 30.50 35.57
37.55     32.16     37.44     37.12     30.50
Cubelonia 2017First round15 25.83 34.06
25.83     31.70     34.33     36.16     39.08
Hefei Open 2016First round11 25.87 31.62
50.22     25.87     27.34     31.89     35.62
China Championship 2015First round25 38.52 50.38
38.52     46.80     1:00.25   44.10     1:09.48
Wuxi Open 2015Final9 34.05 40.52
34.05     44.33     50.66     36.36     40.86
3x3x3 Multi-Blind
China Championship 2015Final14 2/2 18:22
2/2 18:22      DNS
3x3x3 With Feet
German Open 2018Final10 1:34.11 2:25.41
2:53.84   1:49.97   3:31.43   1:34.11   2:32.43
China Championship 2015First round17 1:51.50 2:03.13
1:51.50   2:05.27   2:12.62
Hefei Open 2015Final4 2:22.52 2:42.74
2:57.21   2:48.49   2:22.52
Hefei Spring 2014Final5 1:44.06 2:59.72
3:11.02   1:44.06   4:04.07
German Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round23 13.40 14.04
14.30     13.40     14.31     17.18     13.50
2x2x2 CubeFirst round16 3.55 4.54
5.23      3.55      4.55      3.84      9.66
4x4x4 CubeFirst round21 42.97 51.02
56.17     46.86     42.97     54.67     51.52
6x6x6 CubeFinal22 3:37.43 3:47.10
3:37.43   4:01.43   3:42.44
7x7x7 CubeFinal27 6:02.70
ClockFinal9 10.08 11.40
11.45     10.08     11.80     10.96     12.22
MegaminxFinal17 1:25.18 1:45.60
1:41.29   1:44.41   1:56.36   1:51.11   1:25.18
PyraminxFinal4 4.36 5.20
6.16      4.36      5.72      4.65      5.22
First round3 4.65 5.05
4.65      4.94      5.90      4.83      5.38
SkewbFinal19 5.50 7.77
8.78      7.65      6.88      11.23     5.50
First round17 7.45 8.28
7.45      8.49      9.62      8.06      8.29
3x3x3 With FeetFinal10 1:34.11 2:25.41
2:53.84   1:49.97   3:31.43   1:34.11   2:32.43
Beijing Ten Years Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round47 12.49 14.73
15.57     15.79     13.15     15.46     12.49
First round36 13.64 13.85
13.67     14.07     15.26     13.81     13.64
4x4x4 CubeFirst round26 50.90 52.27
52.66     1:10.16   53.05     51.09     50.90
5x5x5 CubeFirst round22 1:37.61 1:43.80
1:42.38   1:42.85   1:49.32   1:46.17   1:37.61
ClockFinal7 9.36 10.68
9.36      11.26     11.31     10.82     9.97
Square-1Final14 31.51
39.44     31.51
Yangzhou Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final37 12.56 14.42
14.85     16.05     12.56     13.48     14.94
Second round38 11.62 12.77
13.21     14.41     13.30     11.62     11.80
First round77 13.96 14.74
14.56     14.95     16.76     13.96     14.70
2x2x2 CubeSecond round21 3.56 4.34
3.64      4.63      6.26      4.75      3.56
First round17 3.15 3.99
5.99      3.89      4.21      3.15      3.86
SkewbFirst round55 6.55 9.95
8.31      10.53     DNF       11.01     6.55
Square-1First round25 30.50 35.57
37.55     32.16     37.44     37.12     30.50
World Championship 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round299 11.96 12.73
12.72     13.14     14.27     11.96     12.33
First round364 10.88 13.21
DNF       10.88     13.07     12.79     13.76
2x2x2 CubeSecond round100 3.25 3.74
3.39      3.97      5.47      3.25      3.87
First round87 2.85 3.51
3.84      4.08      3.39      3.29      2.85
4x4x4 CubeFirst round371 51.90 59.77
59.51     1:08.87   1:01.46   51.90     58.35
5x5x5 CubeFirst round274 1:23.93 1:50.70
1:54.09   1:44.69   2:09.33   1:53.31   1:23.93
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round161 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round258 20.95 23.90
30.07     22.74     25.06     23.90     20.95
ClockFirst round36 9.32 10.64
10.59     9.42      9.32      11.90     13.41
MegaminxFirst round163 1:30.29 1:40.83
1:39.04   1:45.66   1:30.29   2:21.37   1:37.80
PyraminxSecond round56 3.43 4.72
12.41     4.25      3.43      4.30      5.61
First round59 3.49 4.76
4.62      11.72     4.33      3.49      5.33
SkewbFirst round180 7.34 8.36
7.48      9.36      14.61     8.24      7.34
Cubelonia 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 11.75 14.11
11.75     15.78     13.28     13.28     17.04
First round19 11.52 13.27
11.91     16.33     15.95     11.52     11.94
2x2x2 CubeSecond round18 3.58 4.56
5.13      3.58      4.38      4.81      4.49
First round12 3.94 4.35
3.94      4.47      4.40      4.18      4.67
4x4x4 CubeSecond round29 49.93 1:00.77
1:04.55   1:03.39   54.93     49.93     1:03.99
First round25 50.97 56.24
1:15.40   54.35     50.97     58.81     55.57
5x5x5 CubeSecond round22 1:46.72 1:52.47
1:56.94   1:49.36   1:53.15   1:46.72   1:54.90
First round24 1:42.36 1:49.67
1:42.36   1:53.91   1:48.43   1:49.90   1:50.69
6x6x6 CubeFinal16 3:24.16 3:36.66
3:24.16   3:34.45   3:51.37
7x7x7 CubeFinal17 5:27.75 5:54.12
6:31.85   5:42.75   5:27.75
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round24 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal14 36 41.00
36        43        44
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round23 21.65 27.27
26.12     28.66     27.03     21.65     29.93
First round19 21.86 25.71
26.61     27.11     29.18     23.41     21.86
ClockFirst round7 11.01 12.61
14.44     11.75     11.01     DNF       11.65
MegaminxFirst round21 1:39.40 1:51.71
1:45.29   1:53.69   2:14.31   1:39.40   1:56.15
PyraminxFinal11 4.22 5.68
4.26      4.22      6.19      9.94      6.60
First round4 3.77 4.86
3.77      5.27      5.41      7.25      3.90
SkewbFinal19 6.84 8.90
9.42      8.52      8.87      6.84      9.30
First round18 6.96 8.90
6.96      7.97      9.16      10.73     9.58
Square-1First round15 25.83 34.06
25.83     31.70     34.33     36.16     39.08
Asian Championship 2016
PyraminxSemi Final37 4.79 6.83
6.57      6.86      4.79      7.06      8.54
Second round18 3.54 4.81
4.37      3.54      3.98      8.12      6.07
First round33 4.51 6.15
7.42      6.04      5.00      4.51      7.53
Yangzhou Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round27 12.42 12.88
12.42     12.50     13.34     12.81     26.46
First round33 12.19 13.18
13.72     12.63     13.20     15.01     12.19
2x2x2 CubeFinal16 3.77 5.68
5.10      6.52      6.65      5.42      3.77
First round13 3.12 4.34
4.82      3.49      4.91      3.12      4.70
Hefei Open 2016
ClockFirst round10 9.12 10.03
11.92     9.64      11.00     9.12      9.46
PyraminxFinal8 4.06 5.30
DNF       5.66      4.06      5.06      5.19
Second round5 4.33 5.32
4.33      5.69      5.91      5.36      4.91
First round11 5.26 6.17
7.52      6.13      6.02      6.35      5.26
Square-1First round11 25.87 31.62
50.22     25.87     27.34     31.89     35.62
Nanjing Spring 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round61 12.14 15.46
16.33     12.14     14.00     16.05     33.02
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 3.88 4.93
5.40      5.72      4.60      4.80      3.88
Second round6 3.75 4.30
8.24      4.13      4.41      4.37      3.75
First round10 3.40 3.90
4.08      4.64      3.40      3.90      3.71
4x4x4 CubeFirst round31 56.94
1:08.58   56.94
5x5x5 CubeFirst round31 1:50.55
1:50.55   1:57.13
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal7 2:20.71 DNF
3:59.26   2:20.71   DNF
First round9 2:55.40 DNF
3:08.75   DNF       2:55.40
ClockFinal6 8.72 9.49
9.62      8.72      9.76      10.08     9.08
First round6 9.42 10.22
10.66     9.42      10.09     9.92      13.67
MegaminxFirst round11 1:30.69 1:45.50
1:49.14   1:46.25   1:41.10   1:30.69   1:56.84
PyraminxFinal4 4.52 5.76
6.06      4.52      7.44      5.18      6.05
Second round5 3.34 5.07
6.80      3.79      3.34      9.56      4.62
First round6 3.49 6.22
6.36      6.76      6.16      6.15      3.49
SkewbFinal9 7.61 8.77
8.36      7.61      9.41      9.08      8.86
First round9 5.45 7.90
9.70      10.87     7.43      5.45      6.57
Shanghai Spring 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round46 15.21 16.76
20.21     15.21     17.55     15.59     17.13
First round50 14.41 16.09
17.49     15.92     15.21     14.41     17.14
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 2.94 3.65
3.15      2.94      5.46      3.97      3.83
Second round8 3.61 4.39
4.75      3.61      4.40      4.02      DNF
First round8 3.51 4.12
3.75      4.95      3.51      4.51      4.10
6x6x6 CubeFirst round14 3:37.06 3:50.44
3:37.06   3:42.85   4:11.42
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round13 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
ClockFinal8 9.63 12.84
9.90      9.63      10.75     20.62     17.86
First round6 9.54 10.30
10.68     9.79      9.54      12.01     10.42
PyraminxFinal8 4.28 6.07
5.47      4.71      DNF       4.28      8.02
Second round7 5.10 6.47
11.28     5.43      7.36      5.10      6.62
First round9 5.30 6.66
5.30      6.94      5.58      10.19     7.46
SkewbFirst round16 7.35 8.56
9.53      7.74      8.68      7.35      9.25
Wuhan University Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 12.57 14.74
15.93     15.58     12.57     12.71     16.46
First round23 13.83 16.51
18.18     14.10     17.55     17.89     13.83
6x6x6 CubeFinal13 3:47.25 DNF
3:47.25   DNF       DNF
7x7x7 CubeFinal9 5:19.78 5:30.71
5:19.78   5:28.09   5:44.25
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
PyraminxFinal1 3.46 5.61
3.46      5.27      6.96      10.13     4.59
First round4 4.43 6.32
11.88     6.24      6.07      4.43      6.65
SkewbFinal4 5.93 8.16
8.33      10.94     9.46      6.69      5.93
First round9 5.53 9.03
8.85      9.49      10.11     8.74      5.53
Nanjing Autumn 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round13 12.75 13.23
12.75     12.99     13.00     13.71     16.06
First round28 12.33 15.18
15.41     14.04     16.10     12.33     16.10
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 3.97 4.15
4.33      3.97      4.07      4.06      5.41
Second round3 2.31 4.02
4.22      3.70      2.31      4.91      4.13
First round7 3.58 4.26
4.75      4.47      4.14      4.18      3.58
4x4x4 CubeFirst round13 50.69 52.57
53.00     51.53     58.06     53.19     50.69
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round22 24.29 27.79
30.87     44.48     26.90     24.29     25.59
ClockFirst round19 DNF
DNF       DNF
MegaminxFirst round14 1:39.98 1:51.44
2:40.97   1:41.00   1:39.98   2:04.82   1:48.49
PyraminxFinal3 4.13 5.15
4.13      5.13      5.72      4.61      7.29
Second round4 4.14 5.42
7.79      6.02      5.88      4.14      4.37
First round7 3.91 7.09
3.91      6.24      8.52      7.09      7.95
SkewbFinal7 4.08 8.72
7.72      13.78     9.14      4.08      9.29
First round6 6.19 8.46
8.13      6.19      11.28     8.06      9.19
China Championship 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round73 12.24 13.13
15.27     12.24     13.36     12.93     13.09
First round110 12.04 13.65
14.57     12.04     13.85     14.47     12.63
2x2x2 CubeSemi Final31 2.49 5.02
3.49      2.49      7.39      DNF       4.19
Second round30 3.65 4.50
7.13      4.45      3.65      4.95      4.10
First round35 2.80 4.03
5.52      2.80      3.78      4.72      3.58
4x4x4 CubeFirst round75 51.32 55.55
53.10     51.32     DNF       59.47     54.09
5x5x5 CubeFirst round70 1:41.35 1:48.29
1:59.45   1:41.62   1:48.49   1:54.76   1:41.35
6x6x6 CubeFirst round53 4:01.01
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round30 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal16 31 38.00
31        44        39
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round121 24.97 27.52
26.65     24.97     28.82     31.05     27.08
ClockFirst round34 9.62 DNF
11.60     9.62      DNF       17.17     DNF
MegaminxFirst round37 1:41.11 DNF
DNF       1:57.88   1:41.11   2:02.94   DNF
PyraminxSemi Final19 4.63 6.75
6.86      8.39      4.63      5.72      7.66
Second round16 4.21 6.48
4.21      8.67      5.57      8.95      5.21
First round12 3.76 5.27
5.94      4.60      3.76      5.68      5.52
SkewbSecond round27 7.32 9.01
7.32      11.53     11.66     8.17      7.32
First round22 5.36 8.54
10.28     7.66      5.36      7.69      11.30
Square-1First round25 38.52 50.38
38.52     46.80     1:00.25   44.10     1:09.48
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal14 2/2 18:22
2/2 18:22      DNS
3x3x3 With FeetFirst round17 1:51.50 2:03.13
1:51.50   2:05.27   2:12.62
Wuxi Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 12.29 14.20
12.29     13.49     17.00     15.50     13.61
First round43 12.98 15.24
13.58     14.34     17.81     12.98     22.23
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 3.79 4.80
DNF       4.42      4.71      5.27      3.79
Second round8 3.65 4.33
3.65      4.38      5.01      3.76      4.85
First round21 3.54 5.54
4.16      3.54      DNF       8.31      4.14
4x4x4 CubeFirst round39 1:01.13
1:02.25   1:01.13
5x5x5 CubeFinal20 1:43.61 1:50.31
1:46.61   1:49.73   2:05.90   1:54.58   1:43.61
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal7 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round8 2:45.96 DNF
DNF       2:45.96   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round31 21.38 25.42
26.06     21.51     21.38     DNF       28.69
First round27 22.01 24.71
22.01     23.79     25.15     25.80     25.18
ClockFinal20 10.37 DNF
DNF       10.43     10.37     12.73     DNF
PyraminxFinal2 4.44 4.79
5.07      5.54      4.44      4.72      4.59
First round5 3.09 5.37
5.73      3.09      4.26      6.12      7.77
SkewbFinal6 6.59 8.12
7.91      8.84      6.59      7.60      9.16
First round8 5.87 7.63
8.22      8.23      5.87      7.09      7.57
Square-1Final9 34.05 40.52
34.05     44.33     50.66     36.36     40.86
Hefei Open 2015
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal12 41 45.33
41        42        53
ClockFinal4 9.20 10.51
10.18     16.34     10.67     10.68     9.20
First round7 9.69 11.44
9.83      9.69      10.19     14.31     DNF
PyraminxFinal8 4.41 6.90
7.45      4.41      4.75      DNF       8.51
Second round10 5.19 7.16
5.19      9.41      9.44      6.28      5.78
First round10 5.20 7.26
6.45      6.62      8.71      5.20      DNF
3x3x3 With FeetFinal4 2:22.52 2:42.74
2:57.21   2:48.49   2:22.52
AnHui University Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round15 12.61 15.34
15.27     15.95     14.80     12.61     18.65
First round12 13.17 15.46
17.57     13.17     14.00     14.80     18.09
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 3.07 4.32
DNF       3.90      4.63      4.43      3.07
Second round8 3.50 4.71
3.87      DNF       3.50      5.80      4.47
First round5 2.91 3.93
5.99      2.91      3.60      4.70      3.50
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round6 3:38.53 DNF
DNF       3:38.53   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal8 21.99 26.76
DNF       26.97     21.99     30.15     23.15
Second round7 23.77 25.80
23.77     31.45     28.01     24.53     24.87
First round7 23.35 26.39
33.87     28.73     24.11     26.33     23.35
PyraminxFinal5 4.75 6.28
5.61      7.25      7.01      4.75      6.21
Second round6 4.04 6.75
4.47      6.99      4.04      8.80      8.85
First round7 5.14 6.22
6.32      6.73      5.61      11.18     5.14
SkewbSecond round8 6.74 9.22
11.74     7.35      12.30     8.58      6.74
First round7 5.73 8.13
5.73      8.49      8.82      11.19     7.07
Nanjing Autumn 2014
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 14.60 15.22
14.60     15.35     15.40     20.10     14.90
First round12 12.47 14.70
15.30     12.47     14.61     17.08     14.18
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 3.04 3.97
5.16      4.17      4.03      3.70      3.04
Second round10 3.61 4.43
4.66      4.55      3.61      4.08      5.85
First round9 1.96 4.29
DNF       1.96      4.15      4.86      3.86
4x4x4 CubeSecond round15 51.78 57.00
59.61     52.20     51.78     1:05.20   59.18
First round10 49.51 52.76
1:04.65   49.51     50.90     53.95     53.42
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round9 3:48.86 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:48.86
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round12 23.24 24.52
25.70     24.70     24.76     23.24     24.09
First round15 28.23 29.50
30.19     30.25     29.18     28.23     29.13
ClockFinal4 9.47 11.92
9.47      9.65      12.16     DNF       13.96
First round5 11.05 11.72
11.05     12.52     11.47     11.17     12.90
PyraminxFinal7 4.30 6.49
6.99      4.30      8.14      5.40      7.09
Second round3 4.10 4.69
5.06      4.10      4.63      10.91     4.38
First round11 5.21 7.59
5.46      11.31     6.00      DNF       5.21
SkewbFinal8 6.64 9.25
6.64      8.65      11.66     7.71      11.38
First round8 8.25 9.69
9.76      11.18     8.99      10.32     8.25
Hefei Summer Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeSecond round35 16.01 17.80
16.45     21.05     19.89     16.01     17.07
First round27 13.88 15.97
17.26     16.03     13.88     15.50     16.39
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 3.82 4.58
4.01      4.56      3.82      5.16      8.03
Second round6 3.54 4.92
4.71      DNF       3.98      6.06      3.54
First round13 3.45 5.77
5.29      5.08      3.45      6.93      7.21
4x4x4 CubeFirst round18 48.96 57.87
52.62     1:01.22   1:01.11   48.96     59.89
5x5x5 CubeFinal16 2:10.65
2:10.65   2:14.42
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round18 27.13 29.82
27.13     30.70     31.23     27.52     40.62
PyraminxFinal2 5.10 5.35
5.49      5.21      5.36      10.34     5.10
First round7 5.00 7.63
6.47      6.60      DNF       5.00      9.83
SkewbFinal3 7.16 9.78
9.65      7.16      13.34     11.17     8.52
First round7 8.11 11.83
11.12     13.71     8.11      10.67     16.14
Hefei Spring 2014
3x3x3 CubeSecond round31 13.98 15.34
17.28     13.98     14.05     17.58     14.68
First round34 14.30 16.00
15.09     16.50     16.77     16.41     14.30
2x2x2 CubeSecond round9 3.75 4.30
4.74      7.16      3.96      3.75      4.19
First round9 3.96 4.71
5.47      4.65      5.87      4.02      3.96
4x4x4 CubeFirst round23 50.81 1:01.61
1:00.49   DNF       50.81     1:06.06   58.27
5x5x5 CubeFirst round19 1:53.26 2:10.96
2:17.83   1:53.26   2:14.97   2:13.57   2:04.34
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal10 2:58.40 DNF
2:58.40   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal10 DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round16 23.50 27.06
23.50     27.63     30.92     24.29     29.26
ClockFinal13 DNF
DNF       DNF
MegaminxFinal4 1:34.48 1:39.89
1:34.48   1:42.43   1:41.37   1:35.86   1:58.00
PyraminxFinal3 4.12 4.93
5.50      4.12      4.90      4.39      6.13
First round10 4.11 7.49
5.61      4.11      9.22      13.15     7.63
SkewbFinal10 7.06 13.07
12.64     12.82     7.06      15.10     13.74
First round11 8.85 13.63
16.21     16.06     8.85      9.31      15.51
3x3x3 With FeetFinal5 1:44.06 2:59.72
3:11.02   1:44.06   4:04.07
Nanchang Open 2013
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 15.33 16.61
17.31     16.17     16.74     16.93     15.33
First round20 15.33 17.33
34.07     17.44     17.40     17.15     15.33
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 5.09 5.59
5.09      5.79      5.66      5.31      8.60
Second round4 3.76 4.56
4.34      6.82      3.76      5.30      4.03
First round2 1.73 4.28
2.88      1.73      4.88      5.09      6.26
4x4x4 CubeFirst round18 57.44 1:32.59
2:15.47   1:13.47   1:08.82   57.44     DNF
5x5x5 CubeFinal10 1:59.46 2:35.86
1:59.46   DNF       2:35.14   2:23.10   2:49.33
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 3:21.36 DNF
3:21.36   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal8 24.11 31.36
51.14     32.65     33.30     24.11     28.14
First round8 27.46 28.76
27.46     27.65     27.94     30.68     33.70
PyraminxFinal2 4.81 5.90
10.46     5.46      6.19      4.81      6.06
First round4 5.71 7.76
10.69     DNF       6.45      6.15      5.71
Hefei Open 2013
3x3x3 CubeFirst round46 16.71 18.38
19.82     17.50     17.83     21.60     16.71
2x2x2 CubeFirst round38 4.81 6.68
7.31      6.28      8.41      6.44      4.81
4x4x4 CubeFirst round34 1:00.47 1:05.31
1:18.45   1:04.68   1:00.47   1:01.83   1:09.42
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round18 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round32 28.34 33.98
31.77     28.34     33.47     41.45     36.69
ClockFinal2 11.74 12.79
13.08     12.66     DNF       12.64     11.74
First round4 12.94 14.34
DNF       14.48     13.14     15.39     12.94
MegaminxFinal13 2:11.68
DNF       2:11.68
PyraminxFinal3 4.25 6.33
4.84      6.97      11.91     7.19      4.25
First round2 5.43 5.89
6.50      5.43      5.71      5.45      7.63
Shantou Open 2013
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 12.60 21.39
DNF       23.39     22.34     12.60     18.44
First round20 15.72 17.26
16.84     16.71     18.22     15.72     20.55
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 3.43 4.73
6.08      3.43      DNF       4.47      3.65
First round5 2.88 4.85
5.11      5.30      6.27      4.13      2.88
4x4x4 CubeFinal22 1:04.67 1:14.51
1:19.84   1:08.78   1:14.90   1:04.67   DNF
5x5x5 CubeFinal15 2:54.22
2:54.22   2:59.46
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round22 23.80 32.43
29.34     41.14     26.80     48.34     23.80
PyraminxFinal4 4.83 7.38
7.83      8.03      6.27      8.47      4.83
Nanjing Normal University 2013
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 13.43 15.13
13.43     18.35     14.74     14.64     16.00
First round29 16.01 17.50
17.37     16.01     18.48     16.66     19.75
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 4.65 5.11
5.02      5.46      4.65      4.96      5.34
First round8 3.25 4.72
5.08      3.25      5.52      5.11      3.96
4x4x4 CubeFinal32 1:04.62 1:13.93
1:21.08   1:20.47   1:04.62   1:14.45   1:06.88
5x5x5 CubeFinal29 3:09.18
3:09.18   3:39.08
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal7 5:00.55 DNF
5:00.55   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round22 25.65 35.64
40.28     30.72     25.65     35.91     46.70
PyraminxFinal4 6.25 6.85
6.55      7.46      7.26      6.75      6.25
First round6 6.51 8.06
7.62      DNF       6.51      8.57      7.99
Zhejiang University 2013
3x3x3 CubeFirst round36 15.63 17.85
17.84     15.63     20.18     16.90     18.80
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 4.46 5.68
5.14      6.07      4.46      7.75      5.84
First round12 3.72 5.41
9.90      5.96      3.72      5.25      5.03
4x4x4 CubeFirst round26 1:12.38 1:19.02
1:26.34   1:14.43   1:16.28   1:35.00   1:12.38
5x5x5 CubeFinal22 2:37.00
2:37.00   3:39.50
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round15 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal8 DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round26 25.97 31.74
35.68     34.08     32.84     28.31     25.97
ClockFinal3 13.50 16.03
14.02     13.50     16.71     17.36     34.15
MegaminxFinal8 3:30.90
4:26.06   3:30.90
PyraminxFinal2 5.15 6.89
7.77      7.80      5.99      6.91      5.15
Hefei Summer 2012
3x3x3 CubeFirst round23 18.38 20.80
18.38     24.43     20.78     19.40     22.21
252018-04-21~22German Open 2018GermanyGütersloh
242017-09-17Beijing Ten Years Open 2017ChinaBeijing
232017-08-20Yangzhou Open 2017ChinaYangzhou, Jiangsu
222017-07-13~16World Championship 2017FranceParis
212017-01-06~08Cubelonia 2017GermanyCologne
202016-10-01~03Asian Championship 2016ChinaBeijing
192016-08-17Yangzhou Open 2016ChinaYangzhou, Jiangsu
182016-07-15~17Hefei Open 2016ChinaHefei, Anhui
172016-04-30~05-01Nanjing Spring 2016ChinaNanjing, Jiangsu
162016-03-19~20Shanghai Spring 2016ChinaShanghai
152015-11-01Wuhan University Open 2015ChinaWuhan, Hubei
142015-10-24Nanjing Autumn 2015ChinaNanjing, Jiangsu
132015-10-02~04China Championship 2015ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
122015-08-08~09Wuxi Open 2015ChinaWuxi, Jiangsu
112015-07-17~19Hefei Open 2015ChinaHefei, Anhui
102015-03-29AnHui University Open 2015ChinaHefei, Anhui
92014-10-18Nanjing Autumn 2014ChinaNanjing, Jiangsu
82014-07-13Hefei Summer Open 2014ChinaHefei, Anhui
72014-05-01~02Hefei Spring 2014ChinaHefei, Anhui
62013-10-27Nanchang Open 2013ChinaNanchang, Jiangxi
52013-07-27~28Hefei Open 2013ChinaHefei, Anhui
42013-07-19Shantou Open 2013ChinaShantou, Guangdong
32013-04-06Nanjing Normal University 2013ChinaNanjing
22013-03-23~24Zhejiang University 2013ChinaHangzhou, Zhejiang
12012-08-05Hefei Summer 2012ChinaHefei, Anhui

Seen Cubers


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